from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from pyqtgraph import Qt from . import utils import itertools import pytest # apparently importlib does not exist in python 2.6... try: import importlib except ImportError: # we are on python 2.6 print("If you want to test the examples, please install importlib from " "pypi\n\npip install importlib\n\n") pass files = utils.buildFileList(utils.examples) frontends = {Qt.PYQT4: False, Qt.PYSIDE: False} # sort out which of the front ends are available for frontend in frontends.keys(): try: importlib.import_module(frontend) frontends[frontend] = True except ImportError: pass @pytest.mark.parametrize( "frontend, f", itertools.product(sorted(list(frontends.keys())), files)) def test_examples(frontend, f): # Test the examples with all available front-ends print('frontend = %s. f = %s' % (frontend, f)) if not frontends[frontend]: pytest.skip('%s is not installed. Skipping tests' % frontend) utils.testFile(f[0], f[1], utils.sys.executable, frontend) if __name__ == "__main__": pytest.cmdline.main()