
class pyqtgraph.SpinBox(parent=None, value=0.0, **kwargs)

QSpinBox widget on steroids. Allows selection of numerical value, with extra features: - SI prefix notation - Float values with linear and decimal stepping (1-9, 10-90, 100-900, etc.) - Option for unbounded values - Delayed signals (allows multiple rapid changes with only one change signal)

__init__(parent=None, value=0.0, **kwargs)

Edit has finished; set value.


Return value of text. Return False if text is invalid, raise exception if text is intermediate

setProperty(prop, val)

setProperty is just for compatibility with QSpinBox

setValue(value=None, update=True, delaySignal=False)

Set the value of this spin. If the value is out of bounds, it will be moved to the nearest boundary If the spin is integer type, the value will be coerced to int Returns the actual value set.

If value is None, then the current value is used (this is for resetting the value after bounds, etc. have changed)

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