import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore from .GraphicsObject import GraphicsObject __all__ = ['ErrorBarItem'] class ErrorBarItem(GraphicsObject): def __init__(self, **opts): """ Valid keyword options are: x, y, height, width, top, bottom, left, right, beam, pen x and y must be numpy arrays specifying the coordinates of data points. height, width, top, bottom, left, right, and beam may be numpy arrays, single values, or None to disable. All values should be positive. If height is specified, it overrides top and bottom. If width is specified, it overrides left and right. """ GraphicsObject.__init__(self) self.opts = dict( x=None, y=None, height=None, width=None, top=None, bottom=None, left=None, right=None, beam=None, pen=None ) self.setOpts(**opts) def setOpts(self, **opts): self.opts.update(opts) self.path = None self.update() self.informViewBoundsChanged() def drawPath(self): p = QtGui.QPainterPath() x, y = self.opts['x'], self.opts['y'] if x is None or y is None: return beam = self.opts['beam'] height, top, bottom = self.opts['height'], self.opts['top'], self.opts['bottom'] if height is not None or top is not None or bottom is not None: ## draw vertical error bars if height is not None: y1 = y - height/2. y2 = y + height/2. else: if bottom is None: y1 = y else: y1 = y - bottom if top is None: y2 = y else: y2 = y + top for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x[i], y1[i]) p.lineTo(x[i], y2[i]) if beam is not None and beam > 0: x1 = x - beam/2. x2 = x + beam/2. if height is not None or top is not None: for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x1[i], y2[i]) p.lineTo(x2[i], y2[i]) if height is not None or bottom is not None: for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x1[i], y1[i]) p.lineTo(x2[i], y1[i]) width, right, left = self.opts['width'], self.opts['right'], self.opts['left'] if width is not None or right is not None or left is not None: ## draw vertical error bars if width is not None: x1 = x - width/2. x2 = x + width/2. else: if left is None: x1 = x else: x1 = x - left if right is None: x2 = x else: x2 = x + right for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x1[i], y[i]) p.lineTo(x2[i], y[i]) if beam is not None and beam > 0: y1 = y - beam/2. y2 = y + beam/2. if width is not None or right is not None: for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x2[i], y1[i]) p.lineTo(x2[i], y2[i]) if width is not None or left is not None: for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x1[i], y1[i]) p.lineTo(x1[i], y2[i]) self.path = p self.prepareGeometryChange() def paint(self, p, *args): if self.path is None: self.drawPath() pen = self.opts['pen'] if pen is None: pen = pg.getConfigOption('foreground') p.setPen(pg.mkPen(pen)) p.drawPath(self.path) def boundingRect(self): if self.path is None: return QtCore.QRectF() return self.path.boundingRect()