from collections import namedtuple from pyqtgraph import Qt import errno import time import importlib import itertools import pytest import os, sys import platform import subprocess from argparse import Namespace if __name__ == "__main__" and (__package__ is None or __package__==''): parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir) import examples __package__ = "examples" from . import utils def buildFileList(examples, files=None): if files is None: files = [] for key, val in examples.items(): if isinstance(val, dict): buildFileList(val, files) elif isinstance(val, Namespace): files.append((key, val.filename)) else: files.append((key, val)) return files path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) files = [("Example App", "")] for ex in [utils.examples, utils.others]: files = buildFileList(ex, files) files = sorted(set(files)) frontends = { Qt.PYQT5: False, Qt.PYQT6: False, Qt.PYSIDE2: False, Qt.PYSIDE6: False, } # sort out which of the front ends are available for frontend in frontends.keys(): try: importlib.import_module(frontend) frontends[frontend] = True except ImportError: pass installedFrontends = sorted([ frontend for frontend, isPresent in frontends.items() if isPresent ]) darwin_opengl_broken = (platform.system() == "Darwin" and tuple(map(int, platform.mac_ver()[0].split("."))) >= (10, 16) and sys.version_info < (3, 9, 1)) darwin_opengl_reason = ("pyopenGL cannot find openGL library on big sur: " "") exceptionCondition = namedtuple("exceptionCondition", ["condition", "reason"]) conditionalExamples = { "": exceptionCondition( False, reason="Example requires user interaction" ), "": exceptionCondition( False, reason="Test is being problematic on CI machines" ), '': exceptionCondition( not darwin_opengl_broken, reason=darwin_opengl_reason ), '': exceptionCondition( not darwin_opengl_broken, reason=darwin_opengl_reason ), '': exceptionCondition( not darwin_opengl_broken, reason=darwin_opengl_reason ), '': exceptionCondition( not darwin_opengl_broken, reason=darwin_opengl_reason ), '': exceptionCondition( not darwin_opengl_broken, reason=darwin_opengl_reason ), '': exceptionCondition( not darwin_opengl_broken, reason=darwin_opengl_reason ), '': exceptionCondition( not darwin_opengl_broken, reason=darwin_opengl_reason ), '': exceptionCondition( not darwin_opengl_broken, reason=darwin_opengl_reason ), '': exceptionCondition( not darwin_opengl_broken, reason=darwin_opengl_reason ), '': exceptionCondition( not darwin_opengl_broken, reason=darwin_opengl_reason ) } @pytest.mark.skipif( Qt.QT_LIB == "PySide2" and tuple(map(int, Qt.PySide2.__version__.split("."))) >= (5, 14) and tuple(map(int, Qt.PySide2.__version__.split("."))) < (5, 14, 2, 2), reason="new PySide2 doesn't have loadUi functionality" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "frontend, f", [ pytest.param( frontend, f, marks=pytest.mark.skipif( conditionalExamples[f[1]].condition is False, reason=conditionalExamples[f[1]].reason ) if f[1] in conditionalExamples.keys() else (), ) for frontend, f, in itertools.product(installedFrontends, files) ], ids = [ " {} - {} ".format(f[1], frontend) for frontend, f in itertools.product( installedFrontends, files ) ] ) def testExamples(frontend, f): name, file = f global path fn = os.path.join(path, file) os.chdir(path) sys.stdout.write(f"{name}") sys.stdout.flush() import1 = "import %s" % frontend if frontend != '' else '' import2 = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fn)[1])[0] code = """ try: {0} import initExample import pyqtgraph as pg import {1} import sys print("test complete") sys.stdout.flush() pg.Qt.QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1000, pg.Qt.QtWidgets.QApplication.quit) pg.exec() names = [x for x in dir({1}) if not x.startswith('_')] for name in names: delattr({1}, name) except: print("test failed") raise """.format(import1, import2) process = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) process.stdin.write(code) process.stdin.close() output = '' fail = False while True: try: c = except IOError as err: if err.errno == errno.EINTR: # Interrupted system call; just try again. c = '' else: raise output += c if output.endswith('test complete'): break if output.endswith('test failed'): fail = True break start = time.time() killed = False while process.poll() is None: time.sleep(0.1) if time.time() - start > 2.0 and not killed: process.kill() killed = True stdout, stderr = (, process.stdout.close() process.stderr.close() if (fail or 'Exception:' in stderr or 'Error:' in stderr): if (not fail and name == "RemoteGraphicsView" and "pyqtgraph.multiprocess.remoteproxy.ClosedError" in stderr): # This test can intermittently fail when the subprocess is killed return None print(stdout) print(stderr) f"{stdout}\n{stderr}\nFailed {name} Example Test Located in {file}", pytrace=False ) if __name__ == "__main__": pytest.cmdline.main()