import keyword import os import re import sys import subprocess from argparse import Namespace import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore, QT_LIB from collections import OrderedDict from .utils import examples_ from functools import lru_cache path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, path) app = pg.mkQApp() import importlib ui_template = importlib.import_module( f'exampleLoaderTemplate_{QT_LIB.lower()}') # based on QRegularExpression = QtCore.QRegularExpression QFont = QtGui.QFont QColor = QtGui.QColor QTextCharFormat = QtGui.QTextCharFormat QSyntaxHighlighter = QtGui.QSyntaxHighlighter def charFormat(color, style='', background=None): """ Return a QTextCharFormat with the given attributes. """ _color = QColor() if type(color) is not str: _color.setRgb(color[0], color[1], color[2]) else: _color.setNamedColor(color) _format = QTextCharFormat() _format.setForeground(_color) if 'bold' in style: _format.setFontWeight(QFont.Weight.Bold) if 'italic' in style: _format.setFontItalic(True) if background is not None: _format.setBackground(pg.mkColor(background)) return _format class LightThemeColors: Red = "#B71C1C" Pink = "#FCE4EC" Purple = "#4A148C" DeepPurple = "#311B92" Indigo = "#1A237E" Blue = "#0D47A1" LightBlue = "#01579B" Cyan = "#006064" Teal = "#004D40" Green = "#1B5E20" LightGreen = "#33691E" Lime = "#827717" Yellow = "#F57F17" Amber = "#FF6F00" Orange = "#E65100" DeepOrange = "#BF360C" Brown = "#3E2723" Grey = "#212121" BlueGrey = "#263238" class DarkThemeColors: Red = "#F44336" Pink = "#F48FB1" Purple = "#CE93D8" DeepPurple = "#B39DDB" Indigo = "#9FA8DA" Blue = "#90CAF9" LightBlue = "#81D4FA" Cyan = "#80DEEA" Teal = "#80CBC4" Green = "#A5D6A7" LightGreen = "#C5E1A5" Lime = "#E6EE9C" Yellow = "#FFF59D" Amber = "#FFE082" Orange = "#FFCC80" DeepOrange = "#FFAB91" Brown = "#BCAAA4" Grey = "#EEEEEE" BlueGrey = "#B0BEC5" LIGHT_STYLES = { 'keyword': charFormat(LightThemeColors.Blue, 'bold'), 'operator': charFormat(LightThemeColors.Red, 'bold'), 'brace': charFormat(LightThemeColors.Purple), 'defclass': charFormat(LightThemeColors.Indigo, 'bold'), 'string': charFormat(LightThemeColors.Amber), 'string2': charFormat(LightThemeColors.DeepPurple), 'comment': charFormat(LightThemeColors.Green, 'italic'), 'self': charFormat(LightThemeColors.Blue, 'bold'), 'numbers': charFormat(LightThemeColors.Teal), } DARK_STYLES = { 'keyword': charFormat(DarkThemeColors.Blue, 'bold'), 'operator': charFormat(DarkThemeColors.Red, 'bold'), 'brace': charFormat(DarkThemeColors.Purple), 'defclass': charFormat(DarkThemeColors.Indigo, 'bold'), 'string': charFormat(DarkThemeColors.Amber), 'string2': charFormat(DarkThemeColors.DeepPurple), 'comment': charFormat(DarkThemeColors.Green, 'italic'), 'self': charFormat(DarkThemeColors.Blue, 'bold'), 'numbers': charFormat(DarkThemeColors.Teal), } class PythonHighlighter(QSyntaxHighlighter): """Syntax highlighter for the Python language. """ # Python keywords keywords = keyword.kwlist # Python operators operators = [ r'=', # Comparison r'==', r'!=', r'<', r'<=', r'>', r'>=', # Arithmetic r'\+', r"-", r'\*', r'/', r'//', r'%', r'\*\*', # In-place r'\+=', r'-=', r'\*=', r'/=', r'\%=', # Bitwise r'\^', r'\|', r'&', r'~', r'>>', r'<<', ] # Python braces braces = [ r'\{', r'\}', r'\(', r'\)', r'\[', r'\]', ] def __init__(self, document): super().__init__(document) # Multi-line strings (expression, flag, style) self.tri_single = (QRegularExpression("'''"), 1, 'string2') self.tri_double = (QRegularExpression('"""'), 2, 'string2') rules = [] # Keyword, operator, and brace rules rules += [(r'\b%s\b' % w, 0, 'keyword') for w in PythonHighlighter.keywords] rules += [(o, 0, 'operator') for o in PythonHighlighter.operators] rules += [(b, 0, 'brace') for b in PythonHighlighter.braces] # All other rules rules += [ # 'self' (r'\bself\b', 0, 'self'), # 'def' followed by an identifier (r'\bdef\b\s*(\w+)', 1, 'defclass'), # 'class' followed by an identifier (r'\bclass\b\s*(\w+)', 1, 'defclass'), # Numeric literals (r'\b[+-]?[0-9]+[lL]?\b', 0, 'numbers'), (r'\b[+-]?0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+[lL]?\b', 0, 'numbers'), (r'\b[+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\b', 0, 'numbers'), # Double-quoted string, possibly containing escape sequences (r'"[^"\\]*(\\.[^"\\]*)*"', 0, 'string'), # Single-quoted string, possibly containing escape sequences (r"'[^'\\]*(\\.[^'\\]*)*'", 0, 'string'), # From '#' until a newline (r'#[^\n]*', 0, 'comment'), ] self.rules = rules self.searchText = None @property def styles(self): app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() return DARK_STYLES if'darkMode') else LIGHT_STYLES def highlightBlock(self, text): """Apply syntax highlighting to the given block of text. """ # Do other syntax formatting rules = self.rules.copy() for expression, nth, format in rules: format = self.styles[format] for n, match in enumerate(re.finditer(expression, text)): if n < nth: continue start = match.start() length = match.end() - start self.setFormat(start, length, format) self.applySearchHighlight(text) self.setCurrentBlockState(0) # Do multi-line strings in_multiline = self.match_multiline(text, *self.tri_single) if not in_multiline: in_multiline = self.match_multiline(text, *self.tri_double) def match_multiline(self, text, delimiter, in_state, style): """Do highlighting of multi-line strings. =========== ========================================================== delimiter (QRegularExpression) for triple-single-quotes or triple-double-quotes in_state (int) to represent the corresponding state changes when inside those strings. Returns True if we're still inside a multi-line string when this function is finished. style (str) representation of the kind of style to use =========== ========================================================== """ # If inside triple-single quotes, start at 0 if self.previousBlockState() == in_state: start = 0 add = 0 # Otherwise, look for the delimiter on this line else: match = delimiter.match(text) start = match.capturedStart() # Move past this match add = match.capturedLength() # As long as there's a delimiter match on this line... while start >= 0: # Look for the ending delimiter match = delimiter.match(text, start + add) end = match.capturedEnd() # Ending delimiter on this line? if end >= add: length = end - start + add + match.capturedLength() self.setCurrentBlockState(0) # No; multi-line string else: self.setCurrentBlockState(in_state) length = len(text) - start + add # Apply formatting self.setFormat(start, length, self.styles[style]) # Highlighting sits on top of this formatting # Look for the next match match = delimiter.match(text, start + length) start = match.capturedStart() self.applySearchHighlight(text) # Return True if still inside a multi-line string, False otherwise if self.currentBlockState() == in_state: return True else: return False def applySearchHighlight(self, text): if not self.searchText: return expr = f'(?i){self.searchText}' palette: QtGui.QPalette = app.palette() color = palette.highlight().color() fgndColor = palette.color(palette.ColorGroup.Current, palette.ColorRole.Text).name() style = charFormat(fgndColor, for match in re.finditer(expr, text): start = match.start() length = match.end() - start self.setFormat(start, length, style) def unnestedDict(exDict): """Converts a dict-of-dicts to a singly nested dict for non-recursive parsing""" out = {} for kk, vv in exDict.items(): if isinstance(vv, dict): out.update(unnestedDict(vv)) else: out[kk] = vv return out class ExampleLoader(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.ui = ui_template.Ui_Form() = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.setCentralWidget( self.ui.setupUi( self.setWindowTitle("PyQtGraph Examples") self.codeBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Run Edited Code') self.codeLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.ui.codeView.setLayout(self.codeLayout) self.hl = PythonHighlighter(self.ui.codeView.document()) app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() app.paletteChanged.connect(self.updateTheme) policy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding self.codeLayout.addItem(QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(100,100, policy, policy), 0, 0) self.codeLayout.addWidget(self.codeBtn, 1, 1) self.codeBtn.hide() textFil = self.ui.exampleFilter self.curListener = None def onComboChanged(searchType): if self.curListener is not None: self.curListener.disconnect() self.curListener = textFil.textChanged if searchType == 'Content Search': self.curListener.connect(self.filterByContent) else: self.hl.searchText = None self.curListener.connect(self.filterByTitle) # Fire on current text, too self.curListener.emit(textFil.text()) self.ui.searchFiles.currentTextChanged.connect(onComboChanged) onComboChanged(self.ui.searchFiles.currentText()) self.itemCache = [] self.populateTree(self.ui.exampleTree.invisibleRootItem(), examples_) self.ui.exampleTree.expandAll() self.resize(1000,500) self.ui.splitter.setSizes([250,750]) self.ui.loadBtn.clicked.connect(self.loadFile) self.ui.exampleTree.currentItemChanged.connect(self.showFile) self.ui.exampleTree.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.loadFile) # textChanged fires when the highlighter is reassigned the same document. Prevent this # from showing "run edited code" by checking for actual content change oldText = self.ui.codeView.toPlainText() def onTextChange(): nonlocal oldText newText = self.ui.codeView.toPlainText() if newText != oldText: oldText = newText self.codeEdited() self.ui.codeView.textChanged.connect(onTextChange) self.codeBtn.clicked.connect(self.runEditedCode) def filterByTitle(self, text): self.showExamplesByTitle(self.getMatchingTitles(text)) self.hl.setDocument(self.ui.codeView.document()) def filterByContent(self, text=None): # Don't filter very short strings checkDict = unnestedDict(examples_) self.hl.searchText = text # Need to reapply to current document self.hl.setDocument(self.ui.codeView.document()) titles = [] text = text.lower() for kk, vv in checkDict.items(): if isinstance(vv, Namespace): vv = vv.filename filename = os.path.join(path, vv) contents = self.getExampleContent(filename).lower() if text in contents: titles.append(kk) self.showExamplesByTitle(titles) def getMatchingTitles(self, text, exDict=None, acceptAll=False): if exDict is None: exDict = examples_ text = text.lower() titles = [] for kk, vv in exDict.items(): matched = acceptAll or text in kk.lower() if isinstance(vv, dict): titles.extend(self.getMatchingTitles(text, vv, acceptAll=matched)) elif matched: titles.append(kk) return titles def showExamplesByTitle(self, titles): QTWI = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItemIterator flag = QTWI.IteratorFlag.NoChildren treeIter = QTWI(self.ui.exampleTree, flag) item = treeIter.value() while item is not None: parent = item.parent() show = (item.childCount() or item.text(0) in titles) item.setHidden(not show) # If all children of a parent are gone, hide it if parent: hideParent = True for ii in range(parent.childCount()): if not parent.child(ii).isHidden(): hideParent = False break parent.setHidden(hideParent) treeIter += 1 item = treeIter.value() def simulate_black_mode(self): """ used to simulate MacOS "black mode" on other platforms intended for debug only, as it manage only the QPlainTextEdit """ # first, a dark background c = QtGui.QColor('#171717') p = self.ui.codeView.palette() p.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ColorGroup.Active, QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Base, c) p.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ColorGroup.Inactive, QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Base, c) self.ui.codeView.setPalette(p) # then, a light font f = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() f.setForeground(QtGui.QColor('white')) self.ui.codeView.setCurrentCharFormat(f) # finally, override application automatic detection app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() app.setProperty('darkMode', True) def updateTheme(self): self.hl = PythonHighlighter(self.ui.codeView.document()) def populateTree(self, root, examples): bold_font = None for key, val in examples.items(): item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem([key]) self.itemCache.append(item) # PyQt 4.9.6 no longer keeps references to these wrappers, # so we need to make an explicit reference or else the .file # attribute will disappear. if isinstance(val, OrderedDict): self.populateTree(item, val) elif isinstance(val, Namespace): item.file = val.filename if 'recommended' in val: if bold_font is None: bold_font = item.font(0) bold_font.setBold(True) item.setFont(0, bold_font) else: item.file = val root.addChild(item) def currentFile(self): item = self.ui.exampleTree.currentItem() if hasattr(item, 'file'): return os.path.join(path, item.file) return None def loadFile(self, edited=False): qtLib = str(self.ui.qtLibCombo.currentText()) env = None if qtLib != 'default': env = dict(os.environ, PYQTGRAPH_QT_LIB=qtLib) if edited: path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) proc = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '-'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=path, env=env) code = str(self.ui.codeView.toPlainText()).encode('UTF-8') proc.stdin.write(code) proc.stdin.close() else: fn = self.currentFile() if fn is None: return subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, fn], env=env) def showFile(self): fn = self.currentFile() text = self.getExampleContent(fn) self.ui.codeView.setPlainText(text) self.ui.loadedFileLabel.setText(fn) self.codeBtn.hide() @lru_cache(100) def getExampleContent(self, filename): if filename is None: self.ui.codeView.clear() return if os.path.isdir(filename): filename = os.path.join(filename, '') with open(filename, "r") as currentFile: text = return text def codeEdited(self): def runEditedCode(self): self.loadFile(edited=True) def keyPressEvent(self, event): ret = super().keyPressEvent(event) if not QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifier.ControlModifier & event.modifiers(): return ret key = event.key() Key = QtCore.Qt.Key if key not in [Key.Key_Plus, Key.Key_Minus, Key.Key_Underscore, Key.Key_Equal, Key.Key_0]: return ret font = self.ui.codeView.font() oldSize = font.pointSize() if key == Key.Key_Plus or key == Key.Key_Equal: font.setPointSize(oldSize + max(oldSize*.15, 1)) elif key == Key.Key_Minus or key == Key.Key_Underscore: newSize = oldSize - max(oldSize*.15, 1) font.setPointSize(max(newSize, 1)) elif key == Key.Key_0: # Reset to original size font.setPointSize(10) self.ui.codeView.setFont(font) return event.accept() def main(): app = pg.mkQApp() loader = ExampleLoader() loader.ui.exampleTree.setCurrentIndex( loader.ui.exampleTree.model().index(0,0) ) pg.exec() if __name__ == '__main__': main()