# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ..Qt import QtCore, QtGui import weakref class Container(object): #sigStretchChanged = QtCore.Signal() ## can't do this here; not a QObject. def __init__(self, area): object.__init__(self) self.area = area self._container = None self._stretch = (10, 10) self.stretches = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() def container(self): return self._container def containerChanged(self, c): self._container = c def type(self): return None def insert(self, new, pos=None, neighbor=None): if not isinstance(new, list): new = [new] if neighbor is None: if pos == 'before': index = 0 else: index = self.count() else: index = self.indexOf(neighbor) if index == -1: index = 0 if pos == 'after': index += 1 for n in new: #print "change container", n, " -> ", self n.containerChanged(self) #print "insert", n, " -> ", self, index self._insertItem(n, index) index += 1 n.sigStretchChanged.connect(self.childStretchChanged) #print "child added", self self.updateStretch() def apoptose(self, propagate=True): ##if there is only one (or zero) item in this container, disappear. cont = self._container c = self.count() if c > 1: return if self.count() == 1: ## if there is one item, give it to the parent container (unless this is the top) if self is self.area.topContainer: return self.container().insert(self.widget(0), 'before', self) #print "apoptose:", self self.close() if propagate and cont is not None: cont.apoptose() def close(self): self.area = None self._container = None self.setParent(None) def childEvent(self, ev): ch = ev.child() if ev.removed() and hasattr(ch, 'sigStretchChanged'): #print "Child", ev.child(), "removed, updating", self try: ch.sigStretchChanged.disconnect(self.childStretchChanged) except: pass self.updateStretch() def childStretchChanged(self): #print "child", QtCore.QObject.sender(self), "changed shape, updating", self self.updateStretch() def setStretch(self, x=None, y=None): #print "setStretch", self, x, y self._stretch = (x, y) self.sigStretchChanged.emit() def updateStretch(self): ###Set the stretch values for this container to reflect its contents pass def stretch(self): """Return the stretch factors for this container""" return self._stretch class SplitContainer(Container, QtGui.QSplitter): """Horizontal or vertical splitter with some changes: - save/restore works correctly """ sigStretchChanged = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, area, orientation): QtGui.QSplitter.__init__(self) self.setOrientation(orientation) Container.__init__(self, area) #self.splitterMoved.connect(self.restretchChildren) def _insertItem(self, item, index): self.insertWidget(index, item) item.show() ## need to show since it may have been previously hidden by tab def saveState(self): sizes = self.sizes() if all([x == 0 for x in sizes]): sizes = [10] * len(sizes) return {'sizes': sizes} def restoreState(self, state): sizes = state['sizes'] self.setSizes(sizes) for i in range(len(sizes)): self.setStretchFactor(i, sizes[i]) def childEvent(self, ev): QtGui.QSplitter.childEvent(self, ev) Container.childEvent(self, ev) #def restretchChildren(self): #sizes = self.sizes() #tot = sum(sizes) class HContainer(SplitContainer): def __init__(self, area): SplitContainer.__init__(self, area, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) def type(self): return 'horizontal' def updateStretch(self): ##Set the stretch values for this container to reflect its contents #print "updateStretch", self x = 0 y = 0 sizes = [] for i in range(self.count()): wx, wy = self.widget(i).stretch() x += wx y = max(y, wy) sizes.append(wx) #print " child", self.widget(i), wx, wy self.setStretch(x, y) #print sizes tot = float(sum(sizes)) if tot == 0: scale = 1.0 else: scale = self.width() / tot self.setSizes([int(s*scale) for s in sizes]) class VContainer(SplitContainer): def __init__(self, area): SplitContainer.__init__(self, area, QtCore.Qt.Vertical) def type(self): return 'vertical' def updateStretch(self): ##Set the stretch values for this container to reflect its contents #print "updateStretch", self x = 0 y = 0 sizes = [] for i in range(self.count()): wx, wy = self.widget(i).stretch() y += wy x = max(x, wx) sizes.append(wy) #print " child", self.widget(i), wx, wy self.setStretch(x, y) #print sizes tot = float(sum(sizes)) if tot == 0: scale = 1.0 else: scale = self.height() / tot self.setSizes([int(s*scale) for s in sizes]) class TContainer(Container, QtGui.QWidget): sigStretchChanged = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, area): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self) Container.__init__(self, area) self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.layout.setSpacing(0) self.layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.setLayout(self.layout) self.hTabLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.hTabBox = QtGui.QWidget() self.hTabBox.setLayout(self.hTabLayout) self.hTabLayout.setSpacing(2) self.hTabLayout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.layout.addWidget(self.hTabBox, 0, 1) self.stack = QtGui.QStackedWidget() self.layout.addWidget(self.stack, 1, 1) self.stack.childEvent = self.stackChildEvent self.setLayout(self.layout) for n in ['count', 'widget', 'indexOf']: setattr(self, n, getattr(self.stack, n)) def _insertItem(self, item, index): if not isinstance(item, Dock.Dock): raise Exception("Tab containers may hold only docks, not other containers.") self.stack.insertWidget(index, item) self.hTabLayout.insertWidget(index, item.label) #QtCore.QObject.connect(item.label, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked'), self.tabClicked) item.label.sigClicked.connect(self.tabClicked) self.tabClicked(item.label) def tabClicked(self, tab, ev=None): if ev is None or ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: for i in range(self.count()): w = self.widget(i) if w is tab.dock: w.label.setDim(False) self.stack.setCurrentIndex(i) else: w.label.setDim(True) def raiseDock(self, dock): """Move *dock* to the top of the stack""" self.stack.currentWidget().label.setDim(True) self.stack.setCurrentWidget(dock) dock.label.setDim(False) def type(self): return 'tab' def saveState(self): return {'index': self.stack.currentIndex()} def restoreState(self, state): self.stack.setCurrentIndex(state['index']) def updateStretch(self): ##Set the stretch values for this container to reflect its contents x = 0 y = 0 for i in range(self.count()): wx, wy = self.widget(i).stretch() x = max(x, wx) y = max(y, wy) self.setStretch(x, y) def stackChildEvent(self, ev): QtGui.QStackedWidget.childEvent(self.stack, ev) Container.childEvent(self, ev) from . import Dock