49 lines
1.2 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
49 lines
1.2 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
%module gc
#include "globalconf.h"
namespace tasystem{
class Globalconf{
d T0,p0; /* Reference temperature and pressure (used to initialize a lot of variables. */
// finite volume size, speed of sound,
// deltax of volume
d kappa; // Artificial viscosity tuning factor,
// typically between 0.25 and 0.75
gases::Gas gas;
Globalconf(us Nf=0,d freq=100,const string& gasstring="air",d T0=293.15,d p0=101325.0,d kappa=1.0,bool driven=true);
const us& Nf() const;
const us& Ns() const;
static Globalconf airSTP(us Nf,d freq,d kappa=1.0);
bool isDriven() const;
void setDriven(bool d);
d getomg() const;
d getfreq() const;
d c0() const;
d rho0() const;
d deltanu0() const;
vd omgvec;
void setNf(us);
/* %rename set setNffreq */
/* void set(us Nf,d freq); // Set data for new frequency and */
// number of samples
void setomg(d omg);
void setfreq(d freq);
void setGas(const string& mat);
const string& getGas() const;
void setMass(d mass);
d getMass() const;
void show() const;
// void setgas(string g){ gas(g);}
}; /* Class Globalconf */
} /* namespace tasystem */