
190 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// -*- C++ -*-
figinset.h - Figure inset header - part of LyX project
(C)1996 by Ivan Schreter
#ifndef FIGINSET_H
#define FIGINSET_H
#include "form1.h"
#include "LString.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "LaTeXFeatures.h"
#include "insets/lyxinset.h"
/* the rest is figure stuff */
struct Figref;
class InsetFig: public Inset {
InsetFig(int tmpx, int tmpy, Buffer *);
int ascent(Painter &, LyXFont const & font) const;
int descent(Painter &, LyXFont const & font) const;
int width(Painter &, LyXFont const & font) const;
void draw(Painter &, LyXFont const & font,
int baseline, float & x) const;
void Write(ostream &) const;
void Read(LyXLex & lex);
int Latex(ostream &, signed char fragile) const;
int Latex(string & file, signed char fragile) const;
int Linuxdoc(string & file) const;
int DocBook(string & file) const;
/// Updates needed features for this inset.
void Validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const;
/// what appears in the minibuffer when opening
const char * EditMessage() const { return _("Opened figure"); }
void Edit(BufferView *, int, int, unsigned int);
unsigned char Editable() const;
bool Deletable() const;
Inset::Code LyxCode() const;
Inset * Clone() const;
void CallbackFig(long arg);
void Preview(char const * p);
/// browse for file
void BrowseFile();
/// form for user input
FD_Figure * form;
/// width and height in pixels on screen
int wid, hgh;
/// width and height in postscript units (1/72 inch)
int pswid, pshgh;
/// width of raw figure w/o rotation
int raw_wid;
/// heigt of raw figure w/o rotation
int raw_hgh;
/// x and y coordinate in ps units
int psx, psy;
/// .eps file name
string fname;
/// changed filename -> for recompute
bool changedfname;
enum HWTYPE {
/// width and height types: 0-default, 1-cm, 2-in, 3-%of page
/// For width, there is also: 4-% of col
HWTYPE wtype;
HWTYPE htype;
/// temporary w and h type
HWTYPE twtype;
HWTYPE thtype;
/// width and height
float xwid, xhgh;
/// rotation angle
float angle;
/// graphics command, latex version
mutable string cmd;
/// Caption for subfigure package
string subcaption;
/// various flags
int flags;
bool subfigure : 1;
/// figure reference
Figref * figure;
/// temporary flags
int pflags;
bool psubfigure : 1;
Buffer * owner;
/// restore values on the form
void RestoreForm();
/// recompute screen params
void Recompute();
/// regenerate \includegraphics{} command
void Regenerate() const;
/// regenerate \inlcudegraphics{} command in temporary buffer
void TempRegenerate();
/// get sizes from .eps file
void GetPSSizes();
struct figdata {
/// bitmap data
Pixmap bitmap;
/// reference count for this bitmap
int ref;
/// rotation angle
float angle;
/// width of raw figure w/o rotation
int raw_wid;
/// heigt of raw figure w/o rotation
int raw_hgh;
/// width and height on screen
int wid, hgh;
/// pointer to file name
string fname;
/// type; 0-none, 1-B/W, 2-Grayscale, 3-Color
char flags;
/// reading request is pending on this figure
bool reading;
/// could not read it, because it's broken
bool broken;
/// when gs was killed, this says that image is ok
bool gsdone;
/// gs pid for reading
int gspid;
struct Figref {
/// figure data (image)
figdata * data;
/// inset of this figure
InsetFig * inset;