
956 lines
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* \file qt4/GuiToolbar.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Lars Gullik Bj<EFBFBD>nnes
* \author John Levon
* \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
* \author Angus Leeming
* \author Stefan Schimanski
* \author Abdelrazak Younes
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "GuiToolbar.h"
#include "Action.h"
#include "GuiApplication.h"
#include "GuiCommandBuffer.h"
#include "GuiView.h"
#include "IconPalette.h"
#include "InsertTableWidget.h"
#include "qt_helpers.h"
#include "Toolbars.h"
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "BufferParams.h"
#include "BufferView.h"
#include "Cursor.h"
#include "FuncRequest.h"
#include "FuncStatus.h"
#include "Layout.h"
#include "LyXFunc.h"
#include "LyXRC.h"
#include "Paragraph.h"
#include "TextClass.h"
#include "support/debug.h"
#include "support/filetools.h"
#include "support/gettext.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include <QAbstractItemDelegate>
#include <QAbstractTextDocumentLayout>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QItemDelegate>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QList>
#include <QListView>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
#include <QStandardItem>
#include <QStandardItemModel>
#include <QString>
#include <QTextDocument>
#include <QTextFrame>
#include <QToolBar>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QVariant>
#include "support/lassert.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace lyx::support;
namespace lyx {
namespace frontend {
// GuiLayoutBox
class LayoutItemDelegate : public QItemDelegate {
explicit LayoutItemDelegate(QObject * parent = 0)
: QItemDelegate(parent)
void paint(QPainter * painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const & option,
QModelIndex const & index) const
QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option;
// default background
painter->fillRect(opt.rect, opt.palette.color(QPalette::Base));
// category header?
if (lyxrc.group_layouts) {
QSortFilterProxyModel const * model
= static_cast<QSortFilterProxyModel const *>(index.model());
QString stdCat = category(*model->sourceModel(), 0);
QString cat = category(*index.model(), index.row());
// not the standard layout and not the same as in the previous line?
if (stdCat != cat
&& (index.row() == 0 || cat != category(*index.model(), index.row() - 1))) {
// draw unselected background
QStyle::State state = opt.state;
opt.state = opt.state & ~QStyle::State_Selected;
drawBackground(painter, opt, index);
opt.state = state;
// draw category header
drawCategoryHeader(painter, opt,
category(*index.model(), index.row()));
// move rect down below header
opt.rect.setTop( + headerHeight(opt));
QItemDelegate::paint(painter, opt, index);
void drawDisplay(QPainter * painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const & opt,
const QRect & /*rect*/, const QString & text ) const
QString utext = underlineFilter(text);
// Draw the rich text.
QColor col = opt.palette.text().color();
if (opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected)
col = opt.palette.highlightedText().color();
QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext context;
context.palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, col);
QTextDocument doc;
QTextFrameFormat fmt = doc.rootFrame()->frameFormat();
painter->translate(opt.rect.x() + 5,
opt.rect.y() + (opt.rect.height() - opt.fontMetrics.height()) / 2);
doc.documentLayout()->draw(painter, context);
QSize sizeHint(QStyleOptionViewItem const & opt,
QModelIndex const & index) const
GuiLayoutBox * combo = static_cast<GuiLayoutBox *>(parent());
QSortFilterProxyModel const * model
= static_cast<QSortFilterProxyModel const *>(index.model());
QSize size = QItemDelegate::sizeHint(opt, index);
/// QComboBox uses the first row height to estimate the
/// complete popup height during QComboBox::showPopup().
/// To avoid scrolling we have to sneak in space for the headers.
/// So we tweak this value accordingly. It's not nice, but the
/// only possible way it seems.
if (lyxrc.group_layouts && index.row() == 0 && combo->inShowPopup_) {
int itemHeight = size.height();
// we have to show \c cats many headers:
unsigned cats = combo->visibleCategories_;
// and we have \c n items to distribute the needed space over
unsigned n = combo->model()->rowCount();
// so the needed average height (rounded upwards) is:
size.setHeight((headerHeight(opt) * cats + itemHeight * n + n - 1) / n);
return size;
// Add space for the category headers here?
// Not for the standard layout though.
QString stdCat = category(*model->sourceModel(), 0);
QString cat = category(*index.model(), index.row());
if (lyxrc.group_layouts && stdCat != cat
&& (index.row() == 0 || cat != category(*index.model(), index.row() - 1))) {
size.setHeight(size.height() + headerHeight(opt));
return size;
QString category(QAbstractItemModel const & model, int row) const
return, 2), Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
int headerHeight(QStyleOptionViewItem const & opt) const
return opt.fontMetrics.height() * 8 / 10;
void drawCategoryHeader(QPainter * painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const & opt,
QString const & category) const
// slightly blended color
QColor lcol = opt.palette.text().color();
// set 80% scaled, bold font
QFont font = opt.font;
font.setPointSize(opt.font.pointSize() * 8 / 10);
// draw the centered text
QFontMetrics fm(font);
int w = fm.width(category);
int x = opt.rect.x() + (opt.rect.width() - w) / 2;
int y = opt.rect.y() + fm.ascent();
int left = x;
int right = x + w;
painter->drawText(x, y, category);
// the vertical position of the line: middle of lower case chars
int ymid = y - 1 - fm.xHeight() / 2; // -1 for the baseline
// draw the horizontal line
if (!category.isEmpty()) {
painter->drawLine(opt.rect.x(), ymid, left - 1, ymid);
painter->drawLine(right + 1, ymid, opt.rect.right(), ymid);
} else
painter->drawLine(opt.rect.x(), ymid, opt.rect.right(), ymid);
QString underlineFilter(QString const & s) const
// get filter
GuiLayoutBox * p = static_cast<GuiLayoutBox *>(parent());
QString const & f = p->filter();
if (f.isEmpty())
return s;
// step through data item and put "(x)" for every matching character
QString r;
int lastp = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < f.length(); ++i) {
int p = s.indexOf(f[i], lastp + 1, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
LASSERT(p != -1, /**/);
if (lastp == p - 1 && lastp != -1) {
// remove ")" and append "x)"
r = r.left(r.length() - 4) + s[p] + "</u>";
} else {
// append "(x)"
r += s.mid(lastp + 1, p - lastp - 1);
r += QString("<u>") + s[p] + "</u>";
lastp = p;
r += s.mid(lastp + 1);
return r;
class GuiLayoutFilterModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel {
GuiLayoutFilterModel(QObject * parent = 0)
: QSortFilterProxyModel(parent)
void triggerLayoutChange()
GuiLayoutBox::GuiLayoutBox(GuiToolbar * bar, GuiView & owner)
: owner_(owner), bar_(bar), lastSel_(-1),
layoutItemDelegate_(new LayoutItemDelegate(this)),
visibleCategories_(0), inShowPopup_(false)
// set the layout model with two columns
// 1st: translated layout names
// 2nd: raw layout names
model_ = new QStandardItemModel(0, 2, this);
filterModel_ = new GuiLayoutFilterModel(this);
// for the filtering we have to intercept characters
view()->setItemDelegateForColumn(0, layoutItemDelegate_);
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
this, SLOT(selected(int)));
QObject::connect(bar_, SIGNAL(iconSizeChanged(QSize)),
this, SLOT(setIconSize(QSize)));
void GuiLayoutBox::setFilter(QString const & s)
bool enabled = view()->updatesEnabled();
// remember old selection
int sel = currentIndex();
if (sel != -1)
lastSel_ = filterModel_->mapToSource(filterModel_->index(sel, 0)).row();
filter_ = s;
// restore old selection
if (lastSel_ != -1) {
QModelIndex i = filterModel_->mapFromSource(model_->index(lastSel_, 0));
if (i.isValid())
// Workaround to resize to content size
// FIXME: There must be a better way. The QComboBox::AdjustToContents)
// does not help.
if (view()->isVisible()) {
// call QComboBox::showPopup. But set the inShowPopup_ flag to switch on
// the hack in the item delegate to make space for the headers.
// We do not call our implementation of showPopup because that
// would reset the filter again. This is only needed if the user clicks
// on the QComboBox.
LASSERT(!inShowPopup_, /**/);
inShowPopup_ = true;
inShowPopup_ = false;
// The item delegate hack is off again. So trigger a relayout of the popup.
if (!s.isEmpty())
owner_.message(_("Filtering layouts with \"" + fromqstr(s) + "\". "
"Press ESC to remove filter."));
owner_.message(_("Enter characters to filter the layout list."));
void GuiLayoutBox::countCategories()
int n = filterModel_->rowCount();
visibleCategories_ = 0;
if (n == 0 || !lyxrc.group_layouts)
// skip the "Standard" category
QString prevCat = model_->index(0, 2).data().toString();
// count categories
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
QString cat = filterModel_->index(i, 2).data().toString();
if (cat != prevCat)
prevCat = cat;
QString GuiLayoutBox::charFilterRegExp(QString const & filter)
QString re;
for (int i = 0; i < filter.length(); ++i) {
QChar c = filter[i];
if (c.isLower())
re += ".*[" + QRegExp::escape(c) + QRegExp::escape(c.toUpper()) + "]";
re += ".*" + QRegExp::escape(c);
return re;
void GuiLayoutBox::resetFilter()
void GuiLayoutBox::showPopup()
owner_.message(_("Enter characters to filter the layout list."));
bool enabled = view()->updatesEnabled();
// call QComboBox::showPopup. But set the inShowPopup_ flag to switch on
// the hack in the item delegate to make space for the headers.
LASSERT(!inShowPopup_, /**/);
inShowPopup_ = true;
inShowPopup_ = false;
// The item delegate hack is off again. So trigger a relayout of the popup.
bool GuiLayoutBox::eventFilter(QObject * o, QEvent * e)
if (e->type() != QEvent::KeyPress)
return QComboBox::eventFilter(o, e);
QKeyEvent * ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e);
bool modified = (ke->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier)
|| (ke->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier)
|| (ke->modifiers() == Qt::MetaModifier);
switch (ke->key()) {
case Qt::Key_Escape:
if (!modified && !filter_.isEmpty()) {
return true;
case Qt::Key_Backspace:
if (!modified) {
// cut off one character
setFilter(filter_.left(filter_.length() - 1));
if (modified || ke->text().isEmpty())
// find chars for the filter string
QString s;
for (int i = 0; i < ke->text().length(); ++i) {
QChar c = ke->text()[i];
if (c.isLetterOrNumber()
|| c.isSymbol()
|| c.isPunct()
|| c.category() == QChar::Separator_Space) {
s += c;
if (!s.isEmpty()) {
// append new chars to the filter string
setFilter(filter_ + s);
return true;
return QComboBox::eventFilter(o, e);
void GuiLayoutBox::setIconSize(QSize size)
#ifdef Q_WS_MACX
bool small = size.height() < 20;
setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, small);
setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacNormalSize, !small);
void GuiLayoutBox::set(docstring const & layout)
if (!text_class_)
QString const & name = toqstr((*text_class_)[layout].name());
if (name == currentText())
QList<QStandardItem *> r = model_->findItems(name, Qt::MatchExactly, 1);
if (r.empty()) {
LYXERR0("Trying to select non existent layout type " << name);
void GuiLayoutBox::addItemSort(docstring const & item, docstring const & category,
bool sorted, bool sortedByCat)
QString qitem = toqstr(item);
QString titem = toqstr(translateIfPossible(item));
QString qcat = toqstr(translateIfPossible(category));
QList<QStandardItem *> row;
row.append(new QStandardItem(titem));
row.append(new QStandardItem(qitem));
row.append(new QStandardItem(qcat));
// the first entry is easy
int const end = model_->rowCount();
if (end == 0) {
// find category
int i = 0;
if (sortedByCat) {
while (i < end && model_->item(i, 2)->text() != qcat)
// skip the Standard layout
if (i == 0)
// the simple unsorted case
if (!sorted) {
if (sortedByCat) {
// jump to the end of the category group
while (i < end && model_->item(i, 2)->text() == qcat)
model_->insertRow(i, row);
} else
// find row to insert the item, after the separator if it exists
if (i < end) {
// find alphabetic position
while (i != end
&& model_->item(i, 0)->text().localeAwareCompare(titem) < 0
&& (!sortedByCat || model_->item(i, 2)->text() == qcat))
model_->insertRow(i, row);
void GuiLayoutBox::updateContents(bool reset)
Buffer const * buffer = owner_.buffer();
if (!buffer) {
text_class_ = 0;
Fix bug 4037 and related problems. The patch has been cleaned up a bit from the one posted to the list. The basic idea has two parts. First, we hard code an "empty layout" (called PlainLayout, for want of a better name) in TextClass and read it before doing anything else. It can therefore be customized by classes, if they want---say, to make it left-aligned. Second, InsetText's are divided into three types: (i) normal ones, that use the "default" layout defined by the text class; (ii) highly restrictive ones, such as ERT and (not quite an inset) table cells, which demand the empty layout; (iii) middling ones, which default to an empty layout and use the empty layout in place of the default. (This is so we don't get the same problem we had with ERT in e.g. footnotes.) The type of inset is signaled by new methods InsetText::forceEmptyLayout() and InsetText::useEmptyLayout(). (The latter might better be called: useEmptyLayoutInsteadOfDefault(), but that's silly.) The old InsetText::forceDefaultParagraphs() has been split into these, plus a new method InsetText::allowParagraphCustomization(). A lot of the changes just adapt to this change. The other big change is in GuiToolbar: We want to show LyXDefault and the "default" layout only when they're active. There are a handful of places where I'm not entirely sure whether we should be using forceEmptyLayout or !allowParagraphCustomization() or both. The InsetCaption is one of these. These places, and some others, are marked with FIXMEs, so I'd appreciate it if people would search through the patch and let me know whether these need changing. If they don't, the FIXMEs can be deleted. git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2008-02-12 17:31:07 +00:00
inset_ = 0;
Fix bug 4037 and related problems. The patch has been cleaned up a bit from the one posted to the list. The basic idea has two parts. First, we hard code an "empty layout" (called PlainLayout, for want of a better name) in TextClass and read it before doing anything else. It can therefore be customized by classes, if they want---say, to make it left-aligned. Second, InsetText's are divided into three types: (i) normal ones, that use the "default" layout defined by the text class; (ii) highly restrictive ones, such as ERT and (not quite an inset) table cells, which demand the empty layout; (iii) middling ones, which default to an empty layout and use the empty layout in place of the default. (This is so we don't get the same problem we had with ERT in e.g. footnotes.) The type of inset is signaled by new methods InsetText::forceEmptyLayout() and InsetText::useEmptyLayout(). (The latter might better be called: useEmptyLayoutInsteadOfDefault(), but that's silly.) The old InsetText::forceDefaultParagraphs() has been split into these, plus a new method InsetText::allowParagraphCustomization(). A lot of the changes just adapt to this change. The other big change is in GuiToolbar: We want to show LyXDefault and the "default" layout only when they're active. There are a handful of places where I'm not entirely sure whether we should be using forceEmptyLayout or !allowParagraphCustomization() or both. The InsetCaption is one of these. These places, and some others, are marked with FIXMEs, so I'd appreciate it if people would search through the patch and let me know whether these need changing. If they don't, the FIXMEs can be deleted. git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2008-02-12 17:31:07 +00:00
// we'll only update the layout list if the text class has changed
// or we've moved from one inset to another
DocumentClass const * text_class = &buffer->params().documentClass();
Inset const * inset =
Fix bug 4037 and related problems. The patch has been cleaned up a bit from the one posted to the list. The basic idea has two parts. First, we hard code an "empty layout" (called PlainLayout, for want of a better name) in TextClass and read it before doing anything else. It can therefore be customized by classes, if they want---say, to make it left-aligned. Second, InsetText's are divided into three types: (i) normal ones, that use the "default" layout defined by the text class; (ii) highly restrictive ones, such as ERT and (not quite an inset) table cells, which demand the empty layout; (iii) middling ones, which default to an empty layout and use the empty layout in place of the default. (This is so we don't get the same problem we had with ERT in e.g. footnotes.) The type of inset is signaled by new methods InsetText::forceEmptyLayout() and InsetText::useEmptyLayout(). (The latter might better be called: useEmptyLayoutInsteadOfDefault(), but that's silly.) The old InsetText::forceDefaultParagraphs() has been split into these, plus a new method InsetText::allowParagraphCustomization(). A lot of the changes just adapt to this change. The other big change is in GuiToolbar: We want to show LyXDefault and the "default" layout only when they're active. There are a handful of places where I'm not entirely sure whether we should be using forceEmptyLayout or !allowParagraphCustomization() or both. The InsetCaption is one of these. These places, and some others, are marked with FIXMEs, so I'd appreciate it if people would search through the patch and let me know whether these need changing. If they don't, the FIXMEs can be deleted. git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2008-02-12 17:31:07 +00:00
if (!reset && text_class_ == text_class && inset_ == inset) {
Fix bug 4037 and related problems. The patch has been cleaned up a bit from the one posted to the list. The basic idea has two parts. First, we hard code an "empty layout" (called PlainLayout, for want of a better name) in TextClass and read it before doing anything else. It can therefore be customized by classes, if they want---say, to make it left-aligned. Second, InsetText's are divided into three types: (i) normal ones, that use the "default" layout defined by the text class; (ii) highly restrictive ones, such as ERT and (not quite an inset) table cells, which demand the empty layout; (iii) middling ones, which default to an empty layout and use the empty layout in place of the default. (This is so we don't get the same problem we had with ERT in e.g. footnotes.) The type of inset is signaled by new methods InsetText::forceEmptyLayout() and InsetText::useEmptyLayout(). (The latter might better be called: useEmptyLayoutInsteadOfDefault(), but that's silly.) The old InsetText::forceDefaultParagraphs() has been split into these, plus a new method InsetText::allowParagraphCustomization(). A lot of the changes just adapt to this change. The other big change is in GuiToolbar: We want to show LyXDefault and the "default" layout only when they're active. There are a handful of places where I'm not entirely sure whether we should be using forceEmptyLayout or !allowParagraphCustomization() or both. The InsetCaption is one of these. These places, and some others, are marked with FIXMEs, so I'd appreciate it if people would search through the patch and let me know whether these need changing. If they don't, the FIXMEs can be deleted. git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2008-02-12 17:31:07 +00:00
inset_ = inset;
text_class_ = text_class;
DocumentClass::const_iterator lit = text_class_->begin();
DocumentClass::const_iterator len = text_class_->end();
for (; lit != len; ++lit) {
docstring const & name = lit->name();
bool const useEmpty = inset_->forceEmptyLayout() || inset_->useEmptyLayout();
Fix bug 4037 and related problems. The patch has been cleaned up a bit from the one posted to the list. The basic idea has two parts. First, we hard code an "empty layout" (called PlainLayout, for want of a better name) in TextClass and read it before doing anything else. It can therefore be customized by classes, if they want---say, to make it left-aligned. Second, InsetText's are divided into three types: (i) normal ones, that use the "default" layout defined by the text class; (ii) highly restrictive ones, such as ERT and (not quite an inset) table cells, which demand the empty layout; (iii) middling ones, which default to an empty layout and use the empty layout in place of the default. (This is so we don't get the same problem we had with ERT in e.g. footnotes.) The type of inset is signaled by new methods InsetText::forceEmptyLayout() and InsetText::useEmptyLayout(). (The latter might better be called: useEmptyLayoutInsteadOfDefault(), but that's silly.) The old InsetText::forceDefaultParagraphs() has been split into these, plus a new method InsetText::allowParagraphCustomization(). A lot of the changes just adapt to this change. The other big change is in GuiToolbar: We want to show LyXDefault and the "default" layout only when they're active. There are a handful of places where I'm not entirely sure whether we should be using forceEmptyLayout or !allowParagraphCustomization() or both. The InsetCaption is one of these. These places, and some others, are marked with FIXMEs, so I'd appreciate it if people would search through the patch and let me know whether these need changing. If they don't, the FIXMEs can be deleted. git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2008-02-12 17:31:07 +00:00
// if this inset requires the empty layout, we skip the default
// layout
if (name == text_class_->defaultLayoutName() && inset_ && useEmpty)
Fix bug 4037 and related problems. The patch has been cleaned up a bit from the one posted to the list. The basic idea has two parts. First, we hard code an "empty layout" (called PlainLayout, for want of a better name) in TextClass and read it before doing anything else. It can therefore be customized by classes, if they want---say, to make it left-aligned. Second, InsetText's are divided into three types: (i) normal ones, that use the "default" layout defined by the text class; (ii) highly restrictive ones, such as ERT and (not quite an inset) table cells, which demand the empty layout; (iii) middling ones, which default to an empty layout and use the empty layout in place of the default. (This is so we don't get the same problem we had with ERT in e.g. footnotes.) The type of inset is signaled by new methods InsetText::forceEmptyLayout() and InsetText::useEmptyLayout(). (The latter might better be called: useEmptyLayoutInsteadOfDefault(), but that's silly.) The old InsetText::forceDefaultParagraphs() has been split into these, plus a new method InsetText::allowParagraphCustomization(). A lot of the changes just adapt to this change. The other big change is in GuiToolbar: We want to show LyXDefault and the "default" layout only when they're active. There are a handful of places where I'm not entirely sure whether we should be using forceEmptyLayout or !allowParagraphCustomization() or both. The InsetCaption is one of these. These places, and some others, are marked with FIXMEs, so I'd appreciate it if people would search through the patch and let me know whether these need changing. If they don't, the FIXMEs can be deleted. git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2008-02-12 17:31:07 +00:00
// if it doesn't require the empty layout, we skip it
if (name == text_class_->emptyLayoutName() && inset_ && !useEmpty)
Fix bug 4037 and related problems. The patch has been cleaned up a bit from the one posted to the list. The basic idea has two parts. First, we hard code an "empty layout" (called PlainLayout, for want of a better name) in TextClass and read it before doing anything else. It can therefore be customized by classes, if they want---say, to make it left-aligned. Second, InsetText's are divided into three types: (i) normal ones, that use the "default" layout defined by the text class; (ii) highly restrictive ones, such as ERT and (not quite an inset) table cells, which demand the empty layout; (iii) middling ones, which default to an empty layout and use the empty layout in place of the default. (This is so we don't get the same problem we had with ERT in e.g. footnotes.) The type of inset is signaled by new methods InsetText::forceEmptyLayout() and InsetText::useEmptyLayout(). (The latter might better be called: useEmptyLayoutInsteadOfDefault(), but that's silly.) The old InsetText::forceDefaultParagraphs() has been split into these, plus a new method InsetText::allowParagraphCustomization(). A lot of the changes just adapt to this change. The other big change is in GuiToolbar: We want to show LyXDefault and the "default" layout only when they're active. There are a handful of places where I'm not entirely sure whether we should be using forceEmptyLayout or !allowParagraphCustomization() or both. The InsetCaption is one of these. These places, and some others, are marked with FIXMEs, so I'd appreciate it if people would search through the patch and let me know whether these need changing. If they don't, the FIXMEs can be deleted. git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2008-02-12 17:31:07 +00:00
addItemSort(name, lit->category(), lyxrc.sort_layouts, lyxrc.group_layouts);
Fix bug 4037 and related problems. The patch has been cleaned up a bit from the one posted to the list. The basic idea has two parts. First, we hard code an "empty layout" (called PlainLayout, for want of a better name) in TextClass and read it before doing anything else. It can therefore be customized by classes, if they want---say, to make it left-aligned. Second, InsetText's are divided into three types: (i) normal ones, that use the "default" layout defined by the text class; (ii) highly restrictive ones, such as ERT and (not quite an inset) table cells, which demand the empty layout; (iii) middling ones, which default to an empty layout and use the empty layout in place of the default. (This is so we don't get the same problem we had with ERT in e.g. footnotes.) The type of inset is signaled by new methods InsetText::forceEmptyLayout() and InsetText::useEmptyLayout(). (The latter might better be called: useEmptyLayoutInsteadOfDefault(), but that's silly.) The old InsetText::forceDefaultParagraphs() has been split into these, plus a new method InsetText::allowParagraphCustomization(). A lot of the changes just adapt to this change. The other big change is in GuiToolbar: We want to show LyXDefault and the "default" layout only when they're active. There are a handful of places where I'm not entirely sure whether we should be using forceEmptyLayout or !allowParagraphCustomization() or both. The InsetCaption is one of these. These places, and some others, are marked with FIXMEs, so I'd appreciate it if people would search through the patch and let me know whether these need changing. If they don't, the FIXMEs can be deleted. git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2008-02-12 17:31:07 +00:00
// needed to recalculate size hint
void GuiLayoutBox::selected(int index)
// get selection
QModelIndex mindex = filterModel_->mapToSource(filterModel_->index(index, 1));
docstring const layoutName =
if (!text_class_) {
// find corresponding text class
if (text_class_->hasLayout(layoutName)) {
FuncRequest const func(LFUN_LAYOUT, layoutName, FuncRequest::TOOLBAR);
LYXERR0("ERROR (layoutSelected): layout not found!");
// GuiToolbar
GuiToolbar::GuiToolbar(ToolbarInfo const & tbinfo, GuiView & owner)
: QToolBar(qt_(tbinfo.gui_name), &owner), visibility_(0),
allowauto_(false), owner_(owner), layout_(0), command_buffer_(0),
tbinfo_(tbinfo), filled_(false)
// Toolbar dragging is allowed.
// This is used by QMainWindow::restoreState for proper main window state
// restauration.
void GuiToolbar::fill()
if (filled_)
ToolbarInfo::item_iterator it = tbinfo_.items.begin();
ToolbarInfo::item_iterator end = tbinfo_.items.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
filled_ = true;
void GuiToolbar::showEvent(QShowEvent * ev)
void GuiToolbar::setVisibility(int visibility)
visibility_ = visibility;
allowauto_ = visibility_ >= Toolbars::MATH;
Action * GuiToolbar::addItem(ToolbarItem const & item)
Action * act = new Action(&owner_, getIcon(item.func_, false),
toqstr(item.label_), item.func_, toqstr(item.label_), this);
return act;
namespace {
class PaletteButton : public QToolButton
GuiToolbar * bar_;
ToolbarItem const & tbitem_;
bool initialized_;
PaletteButton(GuiToolbar * bar, ToolbarItem const & item)
: QToolButton(bar), bar_(bar), tbitem_(item), initialized_(false)
QString const label = qt_(to_ascii(tbitem_.label_));
connect(bar_, SIGNAL(iconSizeChanged(QSize)),
this, SLOT(setIconSize(QSize)));
ToolbarInfo const * tbinfo = guiApp->toolbars().info(tbitem_.name_);
if (tbinfo)
// use the icon of first action for the toolbar button
setIcon(getIcon(tbinfo->items.begin()->func_, true));
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e)
if (initialized_) {
initialized_ = true;
ToolbarInfo const * tbinfo = guiApp->toolbars().info(tbitem_.name_);
if (!tbinfo) {
LYXERR0("Unknown toolbar " << tbitem_.name_);
IconPalette * panel = new IconPalette(this);
QString const label = qt_(to_ascii(tbitem_.label_));
connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), panel, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
connect(panel, SIGNAL(visible(bool)), this, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
ToolbarInfo::item_iterator it = tbinfo->items.begin();
ToolbarInfo::item_iterator const end = tbinfo->items.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
if (!getStatus(it->func_).unknown())
class MenuButton : public QToolButton
GuiToolbar * bar_;
ToolbarItem const & tbitem_;
bool initialized_;
MenuButton(GuiToolbar * bar, ToolbarItem const & item)
: QToolButton(bar), bar_(bar), tbitem_(item), initialized_(false)
QString const label = qt_(to_ascii(tbitem_.label_));
setIcon(QPixmap(":images/math/" + toqstr(tbitem_.name_) + ".png"));
connect(bar, SIGNAL(iconSizeChanged(QSize)),
this, SLOT(setIconSize(QSize)));
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e)
if (initialized_) {
initialized_ = true;
QString const label = qt_(to_ascii(tbitem_.label_));
ButtonMenu * m = new ButtonMenu(label, this);
connect(bar_, SIGNAL(updated()), m, SLOT(updateParent()));
ToolbarInfo const * tbinfo = guiApp->toolbars().info(tbitem_.name_);
if (!tbinfo) {
LYXERR0("Unknown toolbar " << tbitem_.name_);
ToolbarInfo::item_iterator it = tbinfo->items.begin();
ToolbarInfo::item_iterator const end = tbinfo->items.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
if (!getStatus(it->func_).unknown())
void GuiToolbar::add(ToolbarItem const & item)
switch (item.type_) {
case ToolbarItem::SEPARATOR:
case ToolbarItem::LAYOUTS:
layout_ = new GuiLayoutBox(this, owner_);
case ToolbarItem::MINIBUFFER:
command_buffer_ = new GuiCommandBuffer(&owner_);
/// \todo find a Qt4 equivalent to setHorizontalStretchable(true);
case ToolbarItem::TABLEINSERT: {
QToolButton * tb = new QToolButton;
tb->setIcon(getIcon(FuncRequest(LFUN_TABULAR_INSERT), true));
QString const label = qt_(to_ascii(item.label_));
InsertTableWidget * iv = new InsertTableWidget(owner_, tb);
connect(tb, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), iv, SLOT(show(bool)));
connect(iv, SIGNAL(visible(bool)), tb, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(updated()), iv, SLOT(updateParent()));
case ToolbarItem::ICONPALETTE:
addWidget(new PaletteButton(this, item));
case ToolbarItem::POPUPMENU: {
addWidget(new MenuButton(this, item));
case ToolbarItem::COMMAND: {
if (!getStatus(item.func_).unknown())
void GuiToolbar::update(bool in_math, bool in_table, bool in_review,
bool in_mathmacrotemplate)
if (visibility_ & Toolbars::AUTO) {
bool show_it = in_math && (visibility_ & Toolbars::MATH)
|| in_table && (visibility_ & Toolbars::TABLE)
|| in_review && (visibility_ & Toolbars::REVIEW)
|| in_mathmacrotemplate && (visibility_ & Toolbars::MATHMACROTEMPLATE);
// update visible toolbars only
if (!isVisible())
// This is a speed bottleneck because this is called on every keypress
// and update calls getStatus, which copies the cursor at least two times
for (int i = 0; i < actions_.size(); ++i)
if (layout_)
// emit signal
QString GuiToolbar::sessionKey() const
return "view-" + QString::number( + "/" + objectName();
void GuiToolbar::saveSession() const
QSettings settings;
settings.setValue(sessionKey() + "/visibility", visibility_);
void GuiToolbar::restoreSession()
QSettings settings;
setVisibility(settings.value(sessionKey() + "/visibility").toInt());
void GuiToolbar::toggle()
docstring state;
if (allowauto_) {
if (!(visibility_ & Toolbars::AUTO)) {
visibility_ |= Toolbars::AUTO;
state = _("auto");
} else {
visibility_ &= ~Toolbars::AUTO;
if (isVisible()) {
state = _("off");
} else {
state = _("on");
} else {
if (isVisible()) {
state = _("off");
} else {
state = _("on");
owner_.message(bformat(_("Toolbar \"%1$s\" state set to %2$s"),
qstring_to_ucs4(windowTitle()), state));
} // namespace frontend
} // namespace lyx
#include "GuiToolbar_moc.cpp"