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* \file ExternalSupport.C
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Asger Alstrup Nielsen
* \author Angus Leeming
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "ExternalSupport.h"
#include "ExternalTemplate.h"
#include "ExternalTransforms.h"
#include "insetexternal.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "converter.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "exporter.h"
#include "format.h"
#include "mover.h"
#include "support/filetools.h"
#include "support/forkedcall.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/lyxalgo.h"
#include "support/lyxlib.h"
#include "support/os.h"
#include "support/package.h"
#include "support/path.h"
#include "support/std_ostream.h"
namespace support = lyx::support;
using std::endl;
using std::ostream;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace lyx {
namespace external {
Template const * getTemplatePtr(InsetExternalParams const & params)
TemplateManager const & etm = TemplateManager::get();
return etm.getTemplateByName(params.templatename());
void editExternal(InsetExternalParams const & params, Buffer const & buffer)
string const file_with_path = params.filename.absFilename();
formats.edit(buffer, file_with_path,
namespace {
string const subst_path(string const & input,
string const & placeholder,
string const & path,
bool use_latex_path,
bool exclude_extension = false)
if (input.find(placeholder) == string::npos)
return input;
string const path2 = use_latex_path ?
support::latex_path(path, exclude_extension) :
return support::subst(input, placeholder, path2);
} // namespace anon
string const doSubstitution(InsetExternalParams const & params,
Buffer const & buffer, string const & s,
bool use_latex_path,
bool external_in_tmpdir,
Substitute what)
Buffer const * m_buffer = buffer.getMasterBuffer();
string const parentpath = external_in_tmpdir ?
m_buffer->temppath() :
string const filename = external_in_tmpdir ?
params.filename.mangledFilename() :
string const basename = support::ChangeExtension(
support::OnlyFilename(filename), string());
string const absname = support::MakeAbsPath(filename, parentpath);
string result = s;
if (what != ALL_BUT_PATHS) {
string const filepath = support::OnlyPath(filename);
string const abspath = support::OnlyPath(absname);
string const masterpath = external_in_tmpdir ?
m_buffer->temppath() :
string relToMasterPath = support::OnlyPath(
support::MakeRelPath(absname, masterpath));
if (relToMasterPath == "./")
string relToParentPath = support::OnlyPath(
support::MakeRelPath(absname, parentpath));
if (relToParentPath == "./")
result = subst_path(result, "$$FPath", filepath, use_latex_path);
result = subst_path(result, "$$AbsPath", abspath, use_latex_path);
result = subst_path(result, "$$RelPathMaster",
relToMasterPath, use_latex_path);
result = subst_path(result, "$$RelPathParent",
relToParentPath, use_latex_path);
if (support::AbsolutePath(filename)) {
result = subst_path(result, "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster",
abspath, use_latex_path);
result = subst_path(result, "$$AbsOrRelPathParent",
abspath, use_latex_path);
} else {
result = subst_path(result, "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster",
relToMasterPath, use_latex_path);
result = subst_path(result, "$$AbsOrRelPathParent",
relToParentPath, use_latex_path);
if (what == PATHS)
return result;
result = subst_path(result, "$$FName", filename, use_latex_path, true);
result = subst_path(result, "$$Basename", basename, use_latex_path);
result = subst_path(result, "$$Extension",
'.' + support::GetExtension(filename), use_latex_path);
result = subst_path(result, "$$Tempname", params.tempname(), use_latex_path);
result = subst_path(result, "$$Sysdir",
support::package().system_support(), use_latex_path);
// Handle the $$Contents(filename) syntax
if (support::contains(result, "$$Contents(\"")) {
string::size_type const pos = result.find("$$Contents(\"");
string::size_type const end = result.find("\")", pos);
string const file = result.substr(pos + 12, end - (pos + 12));
string contents;
string const filepath = support::IsFileReadable(file) ?
buffer.filePath() : m_buffer->temppath();
support::Path p(filepath);
if (support::IsFileReadable(file))
contents = support::GetFileContents(file);
result = support::subst(result,
("$$Contents(\"" + file + "\")").c_str(),
return result;
namespace {
/** update the file represented by the template.
If \p external_in_tmpdir == true, then the generated file is
placed in the buffer's temporary directory.
void updateExternal(InsetExternalParams const & params,
string const & format,
Buffer const & buffer,
ExportData & exportdata,
bool external_in_tmpdir)
Template const * const et_ptr = getTemplatePtr(params);
if (!et_ptr)
return; // FAILURE
Template const & et = *et_ptr;
if (!et.automaticProduction)
return; // NOT_NEEDED
Template::Formats::const_iterator cit = et.formats.find(format);
if (cit == et.formats.end())
return; // FAILURE
Template::Format const & outputFormat = cit->second;
if (outputFormat.updateResult.empty())
return; // NOT_NEEDED
string from_format = et.inputFormat;
if (from_format.empty())
return; // NOT_NEEDED
string abs_from_file = params.filename.absFilename();
if (from_format == "*") {
if (abs_from_file.empty())
return; // NOT_NEEDED
// Try and ascertain the file format from its contents.
from_format = formats.getFormatFromFile(abs_from_file);
if (from_format.empty())
return; // FAILURE
string const to_format = outputFormat.updateFormat;
if (to_format.empty())
return; // NOT_NEEDED
if (!converters.isReachable(from_format, to_format)) {
<< "external::updateExternal. "
<< "Unable to convert from "
<< from_format << " to " << to_format << endl;
return; // FAILURE
// The master buffer. This is useful when there are multiple levels
// of include files
Buffer const * m_buffer = buffer.getMasterBuffer();
// We copy the source file to the temp dir and do the conversion
// there if necessary
string const temp_file =
if (!abs_from_file.empty()) {
unsigned long const from_checksum = support::sum(abs_from_file);
unsigned long const temp_checksum = support::sum(temp_file);
if (from_checksum != temp_checksum) {
Mover const & mover = movers(from_format);
if (!mover.copy(abs_from_file, temp_file)) {
<< "external::updateExternal. "
<< "Unable to copy "
<< abs_from_file << " to " << temp_file << endl;
return; // FAILURE
// the generated file (always in the temp dir)
string const to_file = doSubstitution(params, buffer,
false, true);
string const abs_to_file =
support::MakeAbsPath(to_file, m_buffer->temppath());
// Record the referenced files for the exporter.
// The exporter will copy them to the export dir.
typedef Template::Format::FileMap FileMap;
FileMap::const_iterator rit = outputFormat.referencedFiles.begin();
FileMap::const_iterator rend = outputFormat.referencedFiles.end();
for (; rit != rend; ++rit) {
vector<string>::const_iterator fit = rit->second.begin();
vector<string>::const_iterator fend = rit->second.end();
for (; fit != fend; ++fit) {
string const source = support::MakeAbsPath(
doSubstitution(params, buffer, *fit,
false, true),
// The path of the referenced file is never the
// temp path, but the filename may be the mangled
// or the real name. Therefore we substitute the
// paths and names separately.
string file = support::subst(*fit, "$$FName",
file = doSubstitution(params, buffer, file, false, false,
file = doSubstitution(params, buffer, file,
false, external_in_tmpdir,
// if file is a relative name, it is interpreted
// relative to the master document.
exportdata.addExternalFile(rit->first, source, file);
// Do we need to perform the conversion?
// Yes if to_file does not exist or if from_file is newer than to_file
if (support::compare_timestamps(temp_file, abs_to_file) < 0)
return; // SUCCESS
string const to_file_base =
support::ChangeExtension(to_file, string());
/* bool const success = */
converters.convert(&buffer, temp_file, to_file_base,
from_format, to_format, true);
// return success
string const substituteCommands(InsetExternalParams const & params,
string const & input, string const & format);
string const substituteOptions(InsetExternalParams const & params,
string const & input, string const & format);
} // namespace anon
int writeExternal(InsetExternalParams const & params,
string const & format,
Buffer const & buffer, ostream & os,
ExportData & exportdata,
bool external_in_tmpdir)
Template const * const et_ptr = getTemplatePtr(params);
if (!et_ptr)
return 0;
Template const & et = *et_ptr;
Template::Formats::const_iterator cit = et.formats.find(format);
if (cit == et.formats.end()) {
<< "External template format '" << format
<< "' not specified in template "
<< params.templatename() << endl;
return 0;
updateExternal(params, format, buffer, exportdata, external_in_tmpdir);
bool const use_latex_path = format == "LaTeX";
string str = doSubstitution(params, buffer, cit->second.product,
use_latex_path, external_in_tmpdir);
str = substituteCommands(params, str, format);
str = substituteOptions(params, str, format);
os << str;
return int(lyx::count(str.begin(), str.end(),'\n'));
namespace {
// Empty template, specialised below.
template <typename TransformType>
string const substituteIt(string const &,
string const &,
Template::Format const &,
InsetExternalParams const &);
template <>
string const substituteIt<TransformCommand>(string const & input,
TransformID id,
string const & /* formatname */,
Template::Format const & format,
InsetExternalParams const & params)
typedef std::map<TransformID, TransformStore> Transformers;
Transformers::const_iterator it = format.command_transformers.find(id);
if (it == format.command_transformers.end())
return input;
TransformStore const & store = it->second;
TransformCommand::ptr_type ptr;
if (id == Rotate)
ptr = store.getCommandTransformer(params.rotationdata);
else if (id == Resize)
ptr = store.getCommandTransformer(params.resizedata);
if (!ptr.get())
return input;
string result =
support::subst(input, ptr->front_placeholder(), ptr->front());
return support::subst(result, ptr->back_placeholder(), ptr->back());
template <>
string const substituteIt<TransformOption>(string const & input,
TransformID id,
string const & fname,
Template::Format const & format,
InsetExternalParams const & params)
typedef std::map<TransformID, TransformStore> Transformers;
Transformers::const_iterator it = format.option_transformers.find(id);
if (it == format.option_transformers.end())
return input;
TransformStore const & store = it->second;
TransformOption::ptr_type ptr;
switch (id) {
case Clip:
ptr = store.getOptionTransformer(params.clipdata);
case Extra:
ptr = store.getOptionTransformer(params.extradata.get(fname));
case Rotate:
ptr = store.getOptionTransformer(params.rotationdata);
case Resize:
ptr = store.getOptionTransformer(params.resizedata);
if (!ptr.get())
return input;
return support::subst(input, ptr->placeholder(), ptr->option());
template <typename TransformerType>
string const transformIt(InsetExternalParams const & params,
string const & s, string const & formatname)
Template const * const et = getTemplatePtr(params);
if (!et || et->transformIds.empty())
return s;
Template::Formats::const_iterator fit = et->formats.find(formatname);
if (fit == et->formats.end())
return s;
string result = s;
Template::Format const & format = fit->second;
typedef vector<TransformID> TransformsIDs;
TransformsIDs::const_iterator it = et->transformIds.begin();
TransformsIDs::const_iterator end = et->transformIds.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
result = substituteIt<TransformerType>(result, *it, formatname,
format, params);
return result;
string const substituteCommands(InsetExternalParams const & params,
string const & input, string const & format)
return transformIt<TransformCommand>(params, input, format);
string const substituteOption(InsetExternalParams const & params,
string const & input, string const & format)
string opt = transformIt<TransformOption>(params, input, format);
if (format == "LaTeX" || format == "PDFLaTeX")
return sanitizeLatexOption(opt);
if (format == "DocBook")
return sanitizeDocBookOption(opt);
if (format == "LinuxDoc")
return sanitizeLinuxDocOption(opt);
return opt;
string const substituteOptions(InsetExternalParams const & params,
string const & input, string const & format)
string output = input;
Template const * const et = getTemplatePtr(params);
if (!et || et->transformIds.empty())
return output;
Template::Formats::const_iterator fit = et->formats.find(format);
if (fit == et->formats.end() || fit->second.options.empty())
return output;
typedef vector<Template::Option> Options;
Options const & options = fit->second.options;
Options::const_iterator it = options.begin();
Options::const_iterator end = options.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
string const opt = substituteOption(params, it->option, format);
string const placeholder = "$$" + it->name;
output = support::subst(output, placeholder, opt);
return output;
} // namespace anon
} // namespace external
} // namespace lyx