2006-07-12 11:03:00 +00:00
LyX 1.4 can be build with MinGW/MSYS. To compile LyX, follow these steps:
1 Install a MSYS/MinGW environment
Download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/
* MSYS 1.0.10 or later
* MinGW Installer 5.0.3 or later
Install MSYS in c:\msys and MinGW in c:\msys\mingw. When installing MinGW,
select the Candidate package and a Full installation.
2 Install the dependencies
Download ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/contrib/lyx-windows-deps-mingw.zip
and extract in c:\msys
3 Compile
First, copy the LyX source code to c:\msys\home\lyx-14
Then, start MSYS and enter:
cd /home/lyx-14/development/Win32/packaging
Compilation will start and take quite some time.
If you are compiling a development (SVN) version, you will be asked to run
autogen.sh in a Cygwin environment. Download and install Cygwin
(www.cygwin.com) with automake/autoconf, start the Cygwin console and
cd /cygdrive/c/msys/home/lyx-14
Then follow step 3 again.
4 Create the installer
To create an installer with LyX and all related components, download
and install the latest NSIS.
Also download the latest Python from www.python.org and install in
Finally, go to C:\msys\home\lyx-14\development\Win32\packaging\installer
(in a normal Windows Explorer), right-click on lyx.nsi and click
"Compile NSIS Script".