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Raw Normal View History

// -*- C++ -*-
* \file GuiView.h
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Lars Gullik Bjornes
* \author John Levon
* \author Abdelrazak Younes
* \author Peter K<EFBFBD>mmel
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#ifndef GUI_VIEW_H
#define GUI_VIEW_H
#include "frontends/Delegates.h"
#include "frontends/LyXView.h"
#include "support/strfwd.h"
#include <QMainWindow>
class QCloseEvent;
class QDragEnterEvent;
class QDropEvent;
class QMenu;
class QShowEvent;
namespace lyx {
class ToolbarInfo;
namespace frontend {
class Dialog;
class GuiLayoutBox;
class GuiToolbar;
class GuiWorkArea;
* GuiView - Qt4 implementation of LyXView
* qt4-private implementation of the main LyX window.
* Note: a QObject emits a destroyed(QObject *) Qt signal when it
* is deleted. This might be useful for closing other dialogs
* depending on a given GuiView.
class GuiView : public QMainWindow, public LyXView, public GuiBufferViewDelegate,
public GuiBufferDelegate
/// create a main window of the given dimensions
GuiView(int id);
int id() const { return id_; }
void close();
void setFocus();
void setBusy(bool);
/// returns true if this view has the focus.
bool hasFocus() const;
/// add toolbar, if newline==true, add a toolbar break before the toolbar
GuiToolbar * makeToolbar(ToolbarInfo const & tbinfo, bool newline);
virtual void updateStatusBar();
virtual void message(docstring const & str);
/// updates the possible layouts selectable
void updateLayoutList();
void updateToolbars();
QMenu * createPopupMenu();
FuncStatus getStatus(FuncRequest const & cmd);
bool dispatch(FuncRequest const & cmd);
void setLayoutDialog(GuiLayoutBox *);
/// \return the buffer currently shown in this window
Buffer * buffer();
Buffer const * buffer() const;
/// set a buffer to the current workarea.
void setBuffer(Buffer * b); ///< \c Buffer to set.
/// GuiBufferDelegate.
void resetAutosaveTimers();
void errors(std::string const &);
void structureChanged() { updateToc(); }
/// called on timeout
void autoSave();
void updateEmbeddedFiles();
/// \return the current buffer view.
BufferView * view();
/** redraw \c inset in all the BufferViews in which it is currently
* visible. If successful return a pointer to the owning Buffer.
Buffer const * updateInset(Inset const *);
void restartCursor();
/// \return the \c Workarea associated to \p Buffer
/// \retval 0 if no \c WorkArea is found.
GuiWorkArea * workArea(Buffer & buffer);
/// Add a \c WorkArea
/// \return the \c Workarea associated to \p Buffer
/// \retval 0 if no \c WorkArea is found.
GuiWorkArea * addWorkArea(Buffer & buffer);
void setCurrentWorkArea(GuiWorkArea * work_area);
void removeWorkArea(GuiWorkArea * work_area);
/// return the current WorkArea (the one that has the focus).
GuiWorkArea const * currentWorkArea() const;
void closing(int);
public Q_SLOTS:
/// idle timeout.
/// clear any temporary message and replace with current status.
void clearMessage();
private Q_SLOTS:
void updateWindowTitle(GuiWorkArea * wa);
void on_currentWorkAreaChanged(GuiWorkArea *);
/// slots to change the icon size
void smallSizedIcons();
void normalSizedIcons();
void bigSizedIcons();
void addTabWorkArea();
/// connect to signals in the given BufferView
void connectBufferView(BufferView & bv);
/// disconnect from signals in the given BufferView
void disconnectBufferView();
/// connect to signals in the given buffer
void connectBuffer(Buffer & buf);
/// disconnect from signals in the given buffer
void disconnectBuffer();
void updateToc();
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent * ev);
void dropEvent(QDropEvent * ev);
/// make sure we quit cleanly
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e);
void showEvent(QShowEvent *);
/// in order to catch Tab key press.
bool event(QEvent * e);
bool focusNextPrevChild(bool);
struct GuiViewPrivate;
GuiViewPrivate & d;
/// dialogs for this view
void resetDialogs();
/** Check the status of all visible dialogs and disable or reenable
* them as appropriate.
* Disabling is needed for example when a dialog is open and the
* cursor moves to a position where the corresponding inset is not
* allowed.
void checkStatus();
/// Hide all visible dialogs
void hideAll() const;
/// Hide any dialogs that require a buffer for them to operate
void hideBufferDependent() const;
/** Update visible, buffer-dependent dialogs
If the bool is true then a buffer change has occurred
else it is still the same buffer.
void updateBufferDependent(bool) const;
/** \param name == "bibtex", "citation" etc; an identifier used to
launch a particular dialog.
\param data is a string representation of the Inset contents.
It is often little more than the output from Inset::write.
It is passed to, and parsed by, the frontend dialog.
Several of these dialogs do not need any data,
so it defaults to string().
\param inset ownership is _not_ passed to the frontend dialog.
It is stored internally and used by the kernel to ascertain
what to do with the FuncRequest dispatched from the frontend
dialog on 'Apply'; should it be used to create a new inset at
the current cursor position or modify an existing, 'open' inset?
void showDialog(std::string const & name,
std::string const & data, Inset * inset = 0);
/** \param name == "citation", "bibtex" etc; an identifier used
to update the contents of a particular dialog with \param data.
See the comments to 'show', above.
void updateDialog(std::string const & name, std::string const & data);
/** All Dialogs of the given \param name will be closed if they are
connected to the given \param inset.
void hideDialog(std::string const & name, Inset * inset);
void disconnectDialog(std::string const & name);
void insertLyXFile(docstring const & fname);
void insertPlaintextFile(docstring const & fname,
bool asParagraph);
Inset * getOpenInset(std::string const & name) const;
/// Is the dialog currently visible?
bool isDialogVisible(std::string const & name) const;
Dialog * find_or_build(std::string const & name);
Dialog * build(std::string const & name);
/// This view ID.
int id_;
} // namespace frontend
} // namespace lyx
#endif // GUIVIEW_H