
553 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* This file is part of
* ======================================================
* LyX, The Document Processor
* Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich
* Copyright 1995-2000 The LyX Team.
* ====================================================== */
#include <config.h>
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include <queue>
#include <algorithm> // sort()
#include "converter.h"
#include "lyxrc.h"
#include "support/syscall.h"
#include "support/path.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "bufferview_funcs.h"
#include "LaTeX.h"
#include "LyXView.h"
#include "minibuffer.h"
#include "lyx_gui_misc.h"
#include "lyx_cb.h" // ShowMessage()
using std::map;
using std::vector;
using std::queue;
using std::pair;
using std::sort;
using std::endl;
map<string, Format> Formats::formats;
vector<Command> Converter::commands;
string Converter::latex_command;
string const add_options(string const & command, string const & options)
string head;
string tail = split(command, head, ' ');
return head + ' ' + options + ' ' + tail;
Format::Format(string const & n)
: name(n), in_degree(0)
struct Item {
char const * name;
char const * prettyname;
Item items[] = {
{ "tex", "LaTeX" },
{ "dvi", "DVI" },
{ "ps", "PostScript" },
{ "txt", "Ascii" },
{ "html", "HTML" },
{ "pdf", "PDF" },
{ 0, 0}
prettyname = n;
for (int i = 0; items[i].name != 0; ++i)
if (items[i].name == n) {
prettyname = items[i].prettyname;
void Formats::Add(string const & name)
if (formats.find(name) == formats.end())
formats[name] = Format(name);
void Formats::SetViewer(string const & name, string const & command)
string command2 = subst(command, "$$FName", "'$$FName'");
if (!contains(command,"$$FName"))
command2 += " '$$FName'";
GetFormat(name)->viewer = command2;
bool Formats::View(Buffer * buffer, string const & filename)
if (filename.empty())
return false;
string extension = GetExtension(filename);
Format * format = GetFormat(extension);
if (!format || format->viewer.empty()) {
WriteAlert(_("Can not view file"),
_("No information for viewing ")
+ Formats::PrettyName(extension));
return false;
string command = format->viewer;
if (extension == "dvi" &&
!lyxrc.view_dvi_paper_option.empty()) {
string options = lyxrc.view_dvi_paper_option;
options += " " + Converter::dvi_papersize(buffer);
if (buffer->params.orientation
options += 'r';
command = add_options(command, options);
string command2 = subst(command, "$$FName", OnlyFilename(filename));
lyxerr << "Executing command: " << command2 << endl;
ShowMessage(buffer, _("Executing command:"), command2);
command = subst(command, "$$FName", filename);
Systemcalls one;
int res = one.startscript(Systemcalls::SystemDontWait, command);
if (res) {
WriteAlert(_("Can not view file"),
_("Error while executing"),
command.substr(0, 50));
return false;
return true;
Format * Formats::GetFormat(string const & name)
map<string, Format>::iterator it = formats.find(name);
if (it != formats.end())
return &(*it).second;
return 0;
string const Formats::PrettyName(string const & name)
string format;
Converter::SplitFormat(name, format);
Format * f = GetFormat(format);
if (f)
return f->prettyname;
return format;
void Converter::Add(string const & from, string const & to,
string const & command, string const & flags)
if (command == "none")
string command2 =
subst(command, "$$FName", "'$$FName'");
command2 = subst(command2, "$$BaseName", "'$$BaseName'");
command2 = subst(command2, "$$OutName", "'$$OutName'");
Command Com(from, to, command2);
if (from == "tex" &&
(to == "dvi" ||
(to == "pdf" && latex_command.empty())))
latex_command = command2;
// Read the flags
string flag_name,flag_value;
string flag_list(flags);
while (!flag_list.empty()) {
flag_list = split(flag_list, flag_value,',');
flag_value = split(flag_value, flag_name, '=');
if (flag_name == "originaldir")
Com.original_dir = true;
else if (flag_name == "needaux")
Com.need_aux = true;
else if (flag_name == "resultdir")
Com.result_dir = (flag_value.empty())
? "$$BaseName" : flag_value;
else if (flag_name == "resultfile")
Com.result_file = flag_value;
if (!Com.result_dir.empty() && Com.result_file.empty())
Com.result_file = "index." + to;
for (vector<Command>::iterator it = commands.begin();
it != commands.end(); ++it)
if ((*it).from == from && (*it).to == to) {
*it = Com;
vector< pair<string,string> > const
Converter::GetReachable(string const & from, bool only_viewable)
vector< pair<string,string> > result;
Format * format = Formats::GetFormat(from);
if (!format)
return result;
int sort_start = 0;
if (!only_viewable || !format->viewer.empty()) {
result.push_back(pair<string,string>(from, format->prettyname));
sort_start = 1;
queue< vector<Command>::iterator > Q;
for (vector<Command>::iterator it = commands.begin();
it != commands.end(); ++it)
if ((*it).from == from) {
(*it).visited = true;
} else
(*it).visited = false;
while (!Q.empty()) {
vector<Command>::iterator it = Q.front();
format = Formats::GetFormat((*it).to);
string name = format->name;
string prettyname = format->prettyname;
if (format->in_degree > 1) {
name += ":" + (*it).from;
string tmp;
split((*it).command, tmp, ' ');
prettyname += _(" (using ") + tmp + ")";
if (!only_viewable || !format->viewer.empty())
result.push_back(pair<string,string>(name, prettyname));
for (vector<Command>::iterator it2 = commands.begin();
it2 != commands.end(); ++it2)
if (!(*it2).visited && (*it).to == (*it2).from) {
(*it2).visited = true;
sort(result.begin() + sort_start, result.end());
return result;
bool Converter::Convert(Buffer * buffer, string const & from_file,
string const & to_file, string const & using_format,
string * view_file)
if (view_file)
*view_file = to_file;
string from_format = GetExtension(from_file);
string to_format = GetExtension(to_file);
if (from_format == to_format)
if (from_file != to_file)
return lyx::rename(from_file, to_file);
return true;
queue< vector<Command>::iterator > Q;
for (vector<Command>::iterator it = commands.begin();
it != commands.end(); ++it)
if ((*it).from == from_format) {
(*it).visited = true;
(*it).previous = commands.end();
} else
(*it).visited = false;
if (Q.empty()) {
WriteAlert(_("Can not convert file"),
("Unknown format ") + from_format);
return false;
bool found = false;
vector<Command>::iterator it;
while (!Q.empty()) {
it = Q.front();
if ((*it).to == to_format &&
(using_format.empty() || using_format == (*it).from)) {
found = true;
for (vector<Command>::iterator it2 = commands.begin();
it2 != commands.end(); ++it2)
if (!(*it2).visited && (*it).to == (*it2).from) {
(*it2).visited = true;
(*it2).previous = it;
if (!found) {
WriteAlert(_("Can not convert file"),
_("No information for converting from ")
+ Formats::PrettyName(from_format) + _(" to ")
+ Formats::PrettyName(to_format));
return false;
vector< vector<Command>::iterator > S;
while (it != commands.end()) {
it = (*it).previous;
string path = OnlyPath(from_file);
Path p(path);
bool run_latex = false;
string from_base = ChangeExtension(from_file, "");
string to_base = ChangeExtension(to_file, "");
string infile;
string outfile = from_file;
for (vector< vector<Command>::iterator >::reverse_iterator rit =
S.rbegin(); rit != S.rend(); ++rit) {
it = *rit;
lyxerr << "Converting from "
<< (*it).from << " to " << (*it).to << endl;
infile = outfile;
outfile = (*it).result_dir.empty()
? ChangeExtension(from_file, (*it).to)
: AddName(subst((*it).result_dir,
"$$BaseName", from_base),
"$$BaseName", OnlyFilename(from_base)));
if ((*it).from == "tex" &&
( (*it).to == "dvi" || (*it).to == "pdf") ) {
lyxrc.pdf_mode = (*it).to == "pdf";
lyxerr << "Running " << (*it).command << endl;
run_latex = true;
if (!runLaTeX(buffer, (*it).command))
return false;
} else {
if ((*it).need_aux && !run_latex
&& !latex_command.empty()) {
lyxerr << "Running " << latex_command
<< " to update aux file"<< endl;
runLaTeX(buffer, latex_command);
string infile2 = ((*it).original_dir)
? infile : MakeRelPath(infile, path);
string outfile2 = ((*it).original_dir)
? outfile : MakeRelPath(outfile, path);
string command = (*it).command;
command = subst(command, "$$FName", infile2);
command = subst(command, "$$BaseName", from_base);
command = subst(command, "$$OutName", outfile2);
if ((*it).from == "dvi" && (*it).to == "ps")
command = add_options(command,
lyxerr << "Calling " << command << endl;
ShowMessage(buffer, _("Executing command:"), command);
Systemcalls one;
int res;
if ((*it).original_dir) {
Path p(buffer->filepath);
res = one.startscript(Systemcalls::System, command);
} else
res = one.startscript(Systemcalls::System, command);
if (res) {
WriteAlert(_("Can not convert file"),
"Error while executing",
command.substr(0, 50));
return false;
if (!(*it).result_dir.empty()) {
if (view_file)
*view_file = AddName(subst((*it).result_dir,
"$$BaseName", to_base),
"$$BaseName", OnlyFilename(to_base)));
if (from_base != to_base) {
string from = subst((*it).result_dir,
"$$BaseName", from_base);
string to = subst((*it).result_dir,
"$$BaseName", to_base);
return lyx::rename(from, to);
} else if (outfile != to_file)
if ((*it).from == "tex" &&
( (*it).to == "dvi" || (*it).to == "pdf") )
return lyx::copy(outfile, to_file);
return lyx::rename(outfile, to_file);
return true;
string const Converter::SplitFormat(string const & str, string & format)
string using_format = split(str, format, ':');
if (format.empty())
format = "dvi";
return using_format;
bool Converter::runLaTeX(Buffer * buffer, string const & command)
BufferView * bv = buffer->getUser();
string name = buffer->getLatexName();
bool need_redraw = false;
if (bv) {
bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Running LaTeX..."));
// Remove all error insets
need_redraw = bv->removeAutoInsets();
// do the LaTex run(s)
TeXErrors terr;
LaTeX latex(command, name, buffer->filepath);
int result =,
bv ? bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer() : 0);
if (bv) {
if ((result & LaTeX::ERRORS)) {
// Insert all errors as errors boxes
need_redraw = true;
// if we removed error insets before we ran LaTeX or if we inserted
// error insets after we ran LaTeX this must be run:
if (need_redraw) {
// check return value from
if ((result & LaTeX::NO_LOGFILE)) {
WriteAlert(_("LaTeX did not work!"),
_("Missing log file:"), name);
} else if ((result & LaTeX::ERRORS)) {
int num_errors = latex.getNumErrors();
string s;
string t;
if (num_errors == 1) {
s = _("One error detected");
t = _("You should try to fix it.");
} else {
s = tostr(num_errors);
s += _(" errors detected.");
t = _("You should try to fix them.");
WriteAlert(_("There were errors during the LaTeX run."),
s, t);
if (bv)
return (result & (LaTeX::NO_LOGFILE | LaTeX::ERRORS)) == 0;
string const Converter::dvi_papersize(Buffer const * buffer)
char real_papersize = buffer->params.papersize;
if (real_papersize == BufferParams::PAPER_DEFAULT)
real_papersize = lyxrc.default_papersize;
switch (real_papersize) {
case BufferParams::PAPER_A3PAPER:
return "a3";
case BufferParams::PAPER_A4PAPER:
return "a4";
case BufferParams::PAPER_A5PAPER:
return "a5";
case BufferParams::PAPER_B5PAPER:
return "b5";
return "foolscap";
case BufferParams::PAPER_LEGALPAPER:
return "legal";
case BufferParams::PAPER_USLETTER:
return "us";
string const Converter::dvips_options(Buffer const * buffer)
string result;
if (buffer->params.use_geometry
&& buffer->params.papersize2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_CUSTOM
&& !lyxrc.print_paper_dimension_flag.empty()
&& !buffer->params.paperwidth.empty()
&& !buffer->params.paperheight.empty()) {
// using a custom papersize
result = lyxrc.print_paper_dimension_flag;
result += ' ' + buffer->params.paperwidth;
result += ',' + buffer->params.paperheight;
} else {
string paper_option = dvi_papersize(buffer);
if (paper_option == "us")
paper_option = "letter";
if (paper_option != "letter" ||
buffer->params.orientation != BufferParams::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
// dvips won't accept -t letter -t landscape. In all other
// cases, include the paper size explicitly.
result = lyxrc.print_paper_flag;
result += ' ' + paper_option;
if (buffer->params.orientation == BufferParams::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE)
result += ' ' + lyxrc.print_landscape_flag;
return result;