
272 lines
8.8 KiB
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* \file LaTeXHighlighter.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Bo Peng
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "LaTeXHighlighter.h"
#include "qt_helpers.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QTextDocument>
namespace lyx {
namespace frontend {
LaTeXHighlighter::LaTeXHighlighter(QTextDocument * parent, bool at_letter, bool keyval)
: QSyntaxHighlighter(parent), at_letter_(at_letter), keyval_(keyval)
auto blend = [](QColor color1, QColor color2) {
int r = 0.5 * ( +;
int g = 0.5 * ( +;
int b = 0.5 * ( +;
return QColor(r, g, b);
QPalette palette = QPalette();
QColor text_color = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text);
keywordFormat.setForeground(blend(Qt::blue, text_color));
mathFormat.setForeground(blend(Qt::red, text_color));
keyFormat.setForeground(blend(Qt::darkRed, text_color));
valFormat.setForeground(blend(Qt::darkGreen, text_color));
void LaTeXHighlighter::highlightBlock(QString const & text)
#if QT_VERSION < 0x060000
// keyval
if (keyval_) {
// Highlight key-val options. Used in some option widgets.
static const QRegExp exprKeyvalkey("[^=,]+");
static const QRegExp exprKeyvalval("[^,]+");
int kvindex = exprKeyvalkey.indexIn(text);
while (kvindex >= 0) {
int length = exprKeyvalkey.matchedLength();
setFormat(kvindex, length, keyFormat);
int kvvindex = exprKeyvalval.indexIn(text, kvindex + length);
if (kvvindex > 0) {
length += exprKeyvalval.matchedLength();
setFormat(kvvindex, length, valFormat);
kvindex = exprKeyvalkey.indexIn(text, kvindex + length);
// $ $
static const QRegExp exprMath("\\$[^\\$]*\\$");
int index = exprMath.indexIn(text);
while (index >= 0) {
int length = exprMath.matchedLength();
setFormat(index, length, mathFormat);
index = exprMath.indexIn(text, index + length);
// [ ]
static const QRegExp exprStartDispMath("(\\\\\\[|"
static const QRegExp exprEndDispMath("(\\\\\\]|"
int startIndex = 0;
// if previous block was in 'disp math'
// start search from 0 (for end disp math)
// otherwise, start search from 'begin disp math'
if (previousBlockState() != 1)
startIndex = exprStartDispMath.indexIn(text);
while (startIndex >= 0) {
int endIndex = exprEndDispMath.indexIn(text, startIndex);
int length;
if (endIndex == -1) {
length = text.length() - startIndex;
} else {
length = endIndex - startIndex + exprEndDispMath.matchedLength();
setFormat(startIndex, length, mathFormat);
startIndex = exprStartDispMath.indexIn(text, startIndex + length);
// \whatever
static const QRegExp exprKeywordAtOther("\\\\[A-Za-z]+");
// \wh@tever
static const QRegExp exprKeywordAtLetter("\\\\[A-Za-z@]+");
QRegExp const & exprKeyword = at_letter_ ? exprKeywordAtLetter
: exprKeywordAtOther;
index = exprKeyword.indexIn(text);
while (index >= 0) {
int length = exprKeyword.matchedLength();
setFormat(index, length, keywordFormat);
index = exprKeyword.indexIn(text, index + length);
// %comment
// Treat a line as a comment starting at a percent sign
// * that is the first character in a line
2017-07-03 13:53:14 -04:00
// * that is preceded by
// ** an even number of backslashes
// ** any character other than a backslash
2017-07-03 13:53:14 -04:00
QRegExp exprComment("(?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\\\\\)*(%).*$");
index = exprComment.pos(1);
while (index >= 0) {
2017-07-03 13:53:14 -04:00
int const length = exprComment.matchedLength()
- (index - exprComment.pos(0));
setFormat(index, length, commentFormat);
exprComment.indexIn(text, index + length);
index = exprComment.pos(1);
// <LyX Warning: ...>
QString lyxwarn = qt_("LyX Warning: ");
QRegExp exprWarning("<" + lyxwarn + "[^<]*>");
index = exprWarning.indexIn(text);
while (index >= 0) {
int length = exprWarning.matchedLength();
setFormat(index, length, warningFormat);
index = exprWarning.indexIn(text, index + length);
// keyval
if (keyval_) {
// Highlight key-val options. Used in some option widgets.
static const QRegularExpression exprKeyvalkey("[^=,]+");
static const QRegularExpression exprKeyvalval("[^,]+");
QRegularExpressionMatch matchkey = exprKeyvalkey.match(text);
int kvindex = matchkey.capturedStart(0);
while (kvindex >= 0) {
int length = matchkey.capturedLength(0);
setFormat(kvindex, length, keyFormat);
QRegularExpressionMatch matchval =
exprKeyvalval.match(text, kvindex + length);
int kvvindex = matchval.capturedStart(0);
if (kvvindex > 0) {
length += matchval.capturedLength(0);
setFormat(kvvindex, length, valFormat);
matchkey = exprKeyvalkey.match(text, kvindex + length);
kvindex = matchkey.capturedStart(0);
// $ $
static const QRegularExpression exprMath("\\$[^\\$]*\\$");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = exprMath.match(text);
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
int index = match.capturedStart(0);
while (index >= 0) {
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
int length = match.capturedLength(0);
setFormat(index, length, mathFormat);
match = exprMath.match(text, index + length);
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
index = match.capturedStart(0);
// [ ]
static const QRegularExpression exprStartDispMath("(\\\\\\[|"
static const QRegularExpression exprEndDispMath("(\\\\\\]|"
int startIndex = 0;
// if previous block was in 'disp math'
// start search from 0 (for end disp math)
// otherwise, start search from 'begin disp math'
if (previousBlockState() != 1) {
match = exprStartDispMath.match(text);
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
startIndex = match.capturedStart(0);
while (startIndex >= 0) {
match = exprEndDispMath.match(text, startIndex);
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
int endIndex = match.capturedStart(0);
int length;
if (endIndex == -1) {
length = text.length() - startIndex;
} else {
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
length = endIndex - startIndex + match.capturedLength(0);
setFormat(startIndex, length, mathFormat);
match = exprStartDispMath.match(text, startIndex + length);
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
startIndex = match.capturedStart(0);
// \whatever
static const QRegularExpression exprKeywordAtOther("\\\\[A-Za-z]+");
// \wh@tever
static const QRegularExpression exprKeywordAtLetter("\\\\[A-Za-z@]+");
QRegularExpression const & exprKeyword = at_letter_
? exprKeywordAtLetter : exprKeywordAtOther;
match = exprKeyword.match(text);
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
index = match.capturedStart(0);
while (index >= 0) {
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
int length = match.capturedLength(0);
setFormat(index, length, keywordFormat);
match = exprKeyword.match(text, index + length);
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
index = match.capturedStart(0);
// %comment
// Treat a line as a comment starting at a percent sign
// * that is the first character in a line
// * that is preceded by
// ** an even number of backslashes
// ** any character other than a backslash
QRegularExpression exprComment("(?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\\\\\)*(%).*$");
match = exprComment.match(text);
index = match.capturedStart(1);
while (index >= 0) {
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
int const length = match.capturedLength(0)
- (index - match.capturedStart(0));
setFormat(index, length, commentFormat);
match = exprComment.match(text, index + length);
index = match.capturedStart(1);
// <LyX Warning: ...>
QString lyxwarn = qt_("LyX Warning: ");
QRegularExpression exprWarning("<" + lyxwarn + "[^<]*>");
match = exprWarning.match(text);
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
index = match.capturedStart(0);
while (index >= 0) {
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
int length = match.capturedLength(0);
setFormat(index, length, warningFormat);
match = exprWarning.match(text, index + length);
2021-03-17 10:17:10 +01:00
index = match.capturedStart(0);
} // namespace frontend
} // namespace lyx