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* \file AspellChecker.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Kevin Atkinson
* \author John Levon
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "AspellChecker.h"
#include "LyXRC.h"
#include "WordLangTuple.h"
#include "support/lassert.h"
#include "support/debug.h"
#include "support/docstring_list.h"
#include "support/Package.h"
#include "support/FileName.h"
#include "support/Path.h"
#include <aspell.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#ifdef __APPLE__
# define ASPELL_FRAMEWORK "Aspell.framework"
# endif
# define ASPELL_FRAMEWORK_DATA "/Resources/data"
# endif
# define ASPELL_FRAMEWORK_DICT "/Resources/dict"
# endif
# define ASPELL_MACPORTS "/opt/local"
# endif
# define ASPELL_MACPORTS_DATA "/lib/aspell-0.60"
# endif
# define ASPELL_MACPORTS_DICT "/share/aspell"
# endif
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
using namespace std;
using namespace lyx::support;
namespace lyx {
namespace {
struct Speller {
///AspellSpeller * speller;
AspellConfig * config;
AspellCanHaveError * e_speller;
typedef std::map<std::string, Speller> Spellers;
} // anon namespace
struct AspellChecker::Private
Private() {}
/// add a speller of the given language and variety
AspellSpeller * addSpeller(string const & lang,
string const & variety = string());
AspellSpeller * speller(string const & lang,
string const & variety);
/// create a unique ID from lang code and variety
string const spellerID(string const & lang,
string const & variety);
/// the spellers
Spellers spellers_;
Spellers::iterator it = spellers_.begin();
Spellers::iterator end = spellers_.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (it->second.e_speller) {
AspellSpeller * speller = to_aspell_speller(it->second.e_speller);
bool isValidDictionary(AspellConfig * config,
string const & lang, string const & variety)
bool have = false;
// code taken from aspell's list-dicts example
// the returned pointer should _not_ need to be deleted
AspellDictInfoList * dlist = get_aspell_dict_info_list(config);
AspellDictInfoEnumeration * dels = aspell_dict_info_list_elements(dlist);
const AspellDictInfo * entry;
while (0 != (entry = aspell_dict_info_enumeration_next(dels))) {
LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG, "aspell dict:"
<< " name=" << entry->name
<< ",code=" << entry->code
<< ",variety=" << entry->jargon);
if (entry->code == lang && (variety.empty() || entry->jargon == variety)) {
have = true;
LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "aspell dictionary: " << lang << (have ? " yes" : " no"));
return have;
bool checkAspellData(AspellConfig * config,
char const * basepath, char const * datapath, char const * dictpath,
string const & lang, string const & variety)
bool have_dict = false;
FileName base(basepath);
FileName data(base.absFileName() + datapath);
FileName dict(base.absFileName() + dictpath);
have_dict = dict.isDirectory() && data.isDirectory();
if (have_dict) {
aspell_config_replace(config, "dict-dir", dict.absFileName().c_str());
aspell_config_replace(config, "data-dir", data.absFileName().c_str());
LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "aspell dict: " << dict);
have_dict = isValidDictionary(config, lang, variety);
return have_dict ;
AspellConfig * getConfig(string const & lang,
string const & variety)
AspellConfig * config = new_aspell_config();
#ifdef __APPLE__
char buf[2048] ;
bool have_dict = false;
char const * sysdir = lyx::support::package().system_support().absFileName().c_str() ;
char const * userdir = lyx::support::package().user_support().absFileName().c_str() ;
char const * framework = ASPELL_FRAMEWORK ;
LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "aspell sysdir dir: " << sysdir);
LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "aspell user dir: " << userdir);
have_dict = checkAspellData(config, userdir, ASPELL_FRAMEWORK_DATA, ASPELL_FRAMEWORK_DICT, lang, variety);
if (!have_dict && strlen(framework) && getPrivateFrameworkPathName(buf, sizeof(buf), framework)) {
LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "aspell bundle path: " << buf);
have_dict = checkAspellData(config, buf, ASPELL_FRAMEWORK_DATA, ASPELL_FRAMEWORK_DICT, lang, variety);
if (!have_dict) {
// check for macports data
have_dict = checkAspellData(config, ASPELL_MACPORTS, ASPELL_MACPORTS_DATA, ASPELL_MACPORTS_DICT, lang, variety);
return config ;
AspellSpeller * AspellChecker::Private::addSpeller(string const & lang,
string const & variety)
Speller m;
m.config = getConfig(lang, variety);
// Aspell supports both languages and varieties (such as German
// old vs. new spelling). The respective naming convention is
// lang_REGION-variety (e.g. de_DE-alt).
aspell_config_replace(m.config, "lang", lang.c_str());
if (!variety.empty())
aspell_config_replace(m.config, "variety", variety.c_str());
// Set the encoding to utf-8.
// aspell does also understand "ucs-4", so we would not need a
// conversion in theory, but if this is used it expects all
// char const * arguments to be a cast from uint const *, and it
// seems that this uint is not compatible with our char_type on some
// platforms (cygwin, OS X). Therefore we use utf-8, that does
// always work.
aspell_config_replace(m.config, "encoding", "utf-8");
if (lyxrc.spellchecker_accept_compound)
// Consider run-together words as legal compounds
aspell_config_replace(m.config, "run-together", "true");
// Report run-together words as errors
aspell_config_replace(m.config, "run-together", "false");
m.e_speller = new_aspell_speller(m.config);
if (aspell_error_number(m.e_speller) != 0) {
// FIXME: We should indicate somehow that this language is not supported.
LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "aspell error: " << aspell_error_message(m.e_speller));
spellers_[spellerID(lang, variety)] = m;
return to_aspell_speller(m.e_speller);
AspellSpeller * AspellChecker::Private::speller(string const & lang,
string const & variety)
Spellers::iterator it = spellers_.find(spellerID(lang, variety));
if (it != spellers_.end())
return to_aspell_speller(it->second.e_speller);
return addSpeller(lang, variety);
string const AspellChecker::Private::spellerID(string const & lang,
string const & variety)
if (variety.empty())
return lang;
return lang + "-" + variety;
AspellChecker::AspellChecker(): d(new Private)
delete d;
SpellChecker::Result AspellChecker::check(WordLangTuple const & word)
AspellSpeller * m =
d->speller(word.lang()->code(), word.lang()->variety());
if (!m)
return OK;
if (word.word().empty())
// MSVC compiled Aspell doesn't like it.
return OK;
int const word_ok = aspell_speller_check(m, to_utf8(word.word()).c_str(), -1);
LASSERT(word_ok != -1, /**/);
return (word_ok) ? OK : UNKNOWN_WORD;
void AspellChecker::insert(WordLangTuple const & word)
Spellers::iterator it = d->spellers_.find(
d->spellerID(word.lang()->code(), word.lang()->variety()));
if (it != d->spellers_.end()) {
AspellSpeller * speller = to_aspell_speller(it->second.e_speller);
aspell_speller_add_to_personal(speller, to_utf8(word.word()).c_str(), -1);
void AspellChecker::accept(WordLangTuple const & word)
Spellers::iterator it = d->spellers_.find(
d->spellerID(word.lang()->code(), word.lang()->variety()));
if (it != d->spellers_.end()) {
AspellSpeller * speller = to_aspell_speller(it->second.e_speller);
aspell_speller_add_to_session(speller, to_utf8(word.word()).c_str(), -1);
void AspellChecker::suggest(WordLangTuple const & wl,
docstring_list & suggestions)
AspellSpeller * m =
d->speller(wl.lang()->code(), wl.lang()->variety());
if (!m)
AspellWordList const * sugs =
aspell_speller_suggest(m, to_utf8(wl.word()).c_str(), -1);
LASSERT(sugs != 0, /**/);
AspellStringEnumeration * els = aspell_word_list_elements(sugs);
if (!els || aspell_word_list_empty(sugs))
for (;;) {
char const * str = aspell_string_enumeration_next(els);
if (!str)
bool AspellChecker::hasDictionary(Language const * lang) const
bool have = false;
Spellers::iterator it = d->spellers_.begin();
Spellers::iterator end = d->spellers_.end();
if (lang) {
for (; it != end && !have; ++it) {
have = isValidDictionary(it->second.config, lang->code(), lang->variety());
if (!have) {
AspellConfig * config = getConfig(lang->code(), lang->variety());
have = isValidDictionary(config, lang->code(), lang->variety());
return have;
docstring const AspellChecker::error()
Spellers::iterator it = d->spellers_.begin();
Spellers::iterator end = d->spellers_.end();
char const * err = 0;
for (; it != end && 0 == err; ++it) {
if (it->second.e_speller && aspell_error_number(it->second.e_speller) != 0)
err = aspell_error_message(it->second.e_speller);
// FIXME UNICODE: err is not in UTF8, but probably the locale encoding
return (err ? from_utf8(err) : docstring());
} // namespace lyx