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2018-08-24 13:23:16 +02:00
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Copernicus Publications Manuscript Preparation Template for LaTeX Submissions
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This template should be used for copernicus.cls
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The class file and some style files are bundled in the Copernicus Latex
Package, which can be downloaded from the different journal webpages.
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For further assistance please contact Copernicus Publications at: production@cop
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Please use the following documentclass and journal abbreviations for discussion
papers and final revised papers.
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The following commands are for the statements about the availability of
data sets and/or software code corresponding to the manuscript.
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It is strongly recommended to make use of these sections in case data sets
and/or software code have been part of your research the article is based
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Regarding figures and tables in appendices, the following two options are
possible depending on your general handling of figures and tables in the
manuscript environment:
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Option 1: If you sorted all figures and tables into the sections of the
text, please also sort the appendix figures and appendix tables into the
respective appendix sections.
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They will be correctly named automatically.
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Option 2: If you put all figures after the reference list, please insert
appendix tables and figures after the normal tables and figures.
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To rename them correctly to A1, A2, etc., please add the following commands
in front of them:
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it is strongly recommended to make use of this section
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authors experienced with BibTeX only have to include the following two lines:
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URLs and DOIs can be entered in your BibTeX file as:
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citet{jones90}| & Jones et al.
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citep{jones90}| & (Jones et al., 1990)
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citep[e.g.,][p.~32]{jones90}| & (e.g., Jones et al., 1990, p.~32)
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citeyear{jones90}| & 1990