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// -*- C++ -*-
* \file lyxtext.h
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author unknown
* \author Lars Gullik Bj<EFBFBD>nnes
* \author John Levon
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#ifndef LYXTEXT_H
#define LYXTEXT_H
#include "bufferview_funcs.h"
#include "Bidi.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "lyxfont.h"
#include "lyxtextclass.h"
#include "ParagraphList_fwd.h"
#include "RowList_fwd.h"
#include "textcursor.h"
#include "insets/inset.h"
class Buffer;
class BufferParams;
class BufferView;
class Dimension;
class LColor_color;
class LyXCursor;
class MetricsInfo;
class Paragraph;
class Row;
class Spacing;
class UpdatableInset;
class VSpace;
This class used to hold the mapping between buffer paragraphs and
screen rows. Nowadays, the Paragraphs take care of their rows
themselves and this contains just most of the code for manipulating
them and interaction with the Cursor.
// The inheritance from TextCursor should go. It's just there to ease
// transition...
class LyXText : public TextCursor {
// Public Functions
/// Constructor
LyXText(BufferView *, bool ininset);
void init(BufferView *);
/// update y coordinate cache of all paragraphs
void updateParPositions();
LyXFont getFont(ParagraphList::iterator pit, lyx::pos_type pos) const;
LyXFont getLayoutFont(ParagraphList::iterator pit) const;
LyXFont getLabelFont(ParagraphList::iterator pit) const;
void setCharFont(ParagraphList::iterator pit,
lyx::pos_type pos, LyXFont const & font);
void setCharFont(ParagraphList::iterator pit,
lyx::pos_type pos,
LyXFont const & font, bool toggleall);
/// what you expect when pressing <enter> at cursor position
void breakParagraph(ParagraphList & paragraphs, char keep_layout = 0);
/** set layout over selection and make a total rebreak of
those paragraphs
setLayout(LyXCursor & actual_cursor,
LyXCursor & selection_start,
LyXCursor & selection_end,
std::string const & layout);
void setLayout(std::string const & layout);
/// Increase or decrease the nesting depth of the selected paragraph(s)
void changeDepth(bv_funcs::DEPTH_CHANGE type);
/// Returns whether something would be changed by changeDepth
bool changeDepthAllowed(bv_funcs::DEPTH_CHANGE type);
/// get the depth at current cursor position
int getDepth() const;
/** set font over selection and make a total rebreak of those
toggleall defaults to false.
void setFont(LyXFont const &, bool toggleall = false);
/// rebreaks all paragaphs between the given pars.
void redoParagraphs(ParagraphList::iterator begin,
ParagraphList::iterator end);
/// rebreaks the given par
void redoParagraph(ParagraphList::iterator pit);
/// rebreaks the cursor par
void redoParagraph();
void toggleFree(LyXFont const &, bool toggleall = false);
std::string getStringToIndex();
/** insert a character, moves all the following breaks in the
same Paragraph one to the right and make a little rebreak
void insertChar(char c);
void insertInset(InsetOld * inset);
/// a full rebreak of the whole text
void fullRebreak();
/// compute text metrics
void metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim);
/// draw text (only used for insets)
void draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const;
/// try to handle that request
DispatchResult dispatch(FuncRequest const & cmd);
BufferView * bv();
BufferView * bv() const;
friend class LyXScreen;
/// returns an iterator pointing to a cursor paragraph
ParagraphList::iterator getPar(LyXCursor const & cursor) const;
ParagraphList::iterator getPar(lyx::paroffset_type par) const;
int parOffset(ParagraphList::iterator pit) const;
/// convenience
ParagraphList::iterator cursorPar() const;
RowList::iterator cursorRow() const;
/** returns an iterator pointing to the row near the specified
* y-coordinate (relative to the whole text). y is set to the
* real beginning of this row
RowList::iterator getRowNearY(int y,
ParagraphList::iterator & pit) const;
/** returns the column near the specified x-coordinate of the row
x is set to the real beginning of this column
lyx::pos_type getColumnNearX(ParagraphList::iterator pit,
Row const & row, int & x, bool & boundary) const;
/// need the selection cursor:
void setSelection();
void clearSelection();
/// select the word we need depending on word_location
void getWord(LyXCursor & from, LyXCursor & to, lyx::word_location const);
/// just selects the word the cursor is in
void selectWord(lyx::word_location loc);
/// returns the inset at cursor (if it exists), 0 otherwise
InsetOld * getInset() const;
/// accept selected change
void acceptChange();
/// reject selected change
void rejectChange();
/// re-computes the cached coordinates in the cursor
void redoCursor();
void setCursor(ParagraphList::iterator pit, lyx::pos_type pos);
/// returns true if par was empty and was removed
bool setCursor(lyx::paroffset_type par, lyx::pos_type pos,
bool setfont = true, bool boundary = false);
void setCursor(LyXCursor &, lyx::paroffset_type par,
lyx::pos_type pos, bool boundary = false);
void setCursorIntern(lyx::paroffset_type par, lyx::pos_type pos,
bool setfont = true, bool boundary = false);
void setCurrentFont();
void recUndo(lyx::paroffset_type first, lyx::paroffset_type last) const;
void recUndo(lyx::paroffset_type first) const;
void setCursorFromCoordinates(int x, int y);
void setCursorFromCoordinates(LyXCursor &, int x, int y);
void cursorUp(bool selecting = false);
void cursorDown(bool selecting = false);
bool cursorLeft(bool internal = true);
bool cursorRight(bool internal = true);
void cursorLeftOneWord();
void cursorRightOneWord();
void cursorUpParagraph();
void cursorDownParagraph();
void cursorHome();
void cursorEnd();
void cursorPrevious();
void cursorNext();
void cursorTop();
void cursorBottom();
void Delete();
void backspace();
bool selectWordWhenUnderCursor(lyx::word_location);
enum TextCase {
text_lowercase = 0,
text_capitalization = 1,
text_uppercase = 2
/// Change the case of the word at cursor position.
void changeCase(TextCase action);
/// returns success
bool toggleInset();
void cutSelection(bool doclear = true, bool realcut = true);
void copySelection();
void pasteSelection(size_t sel_index = 0);
/** the DTP switches for paragraphs. LyX will store the top settings
always in the first physical paragraph, the bottom settings in the
last. When a paragraph is broken, the top settings rest, the bottom
settings are given to the new one.
void setParagraph(
Spacing const & spacing,
LyXAlignment align,
std::string const & labelwidthstring,
bool noindent);
/* these things are for search and replace */
* Sets the selection from the current cursor position to length
* characters to the right. No safety checks.
void setSelectionRange(lyx::pos_type length);
/** simple replacing. The font of the first selected character
is used
void replaceSelectionWithString(std::string const & str);
/// needed to insert the selection
void insertStringAsLines(std::string const & str);
/// needed to insert the selection
void insertStringAsParagraphs(std::string const & str);
/// Find next inset of some specified type.
bool gotoNextInset(std::vector<InsetOld::Code> const & codes,
std::string const & contents = std::string());
void gotoInset(std::vector<InsetOld::Code> const & codes,
bool same_content);
void gotoInset(InsetOld::Code code, bool same_content);
/// current max text width
int textWidth() const;
/// updates all counters
void updateCounters();
/// Returns an inset if inset was hit, or 0 if not.
InsetOld * checkInsetHit(int x, int y);
int singleWidth(ParagraphList::iterator pit, lyx::pos_type pos) const;
int singleWidth(ParagraphList::iterator pit,
lyx::pos_type pos, char c, LyXFont const & Font) const;
/// return the color of the canvas
LColor_color backgroundColor() const;
* Returns the left beginning of the text.
* This information cannot be taken from the layout object, because
* in LaTeX the beginning of the text fits in some cases
* (for example sections) exactly the label-width.
int leftMargin(ParagraphList::iterator pit, lyx::pos_type pos) const;
int leftMargin(ParagraphList::iterator pit) const;
int rightMargin(Paragraph const & par) const;
/** this calculates the specified parameters. needed when setting
* the cursor and when creating a visible row */
void prepareToPrint(ParagraphList::iterator pit, Row & row) const;
// special owner functions
ParagraphList & paragraphs() const;
/// return true if this is owned by an inset.
bool isInInset() const;
ParagraphList::iterator firstPar() const;
ParagraphList::iterator lastPar() const;
ParagraphList::iterator endPar() const;
/// return first row of text
RowList::iterator firstRow() const;
/// return last row of text
RowList::iterator lastRow() const;
/// return row "behind" last row of text
RowList::iterator endRow() const;
/// return next row crossing paragraph boundaries
void nextRow(ParagraphList::iterator & pit,
RowList::iterator & rit) const;
/// return previous row crossing paragraph boundaries
void previousRow(ParagraphList::iterator & pit,
RowList::iterator & rit) const;
/// is this row the last in the text?
bool isLastRow(ParagraphList::iterator pit, Row const & row) const;
/// is this row the first in the text?
bool isFirstRow(ParagraphList::iterator pit, Row const & row) const;
std::string selectionAsString(Buffer const & buffer, bool label) const;
double spacing(Paragraph const &) const;
void cursorLeftOneWord(LyXCursor &);
void cursorRightOneWord(LyXCursor &);
DispatchResult moveRight();
DispatchResult moveLeft();
DispatchResult moveRightIntern(bool front,
bool activate_inset, bool selecting);
DispatchResult moveLeftIntern(bool front,
bool activate_inset, bool selecting);
DispatchResult moveUp();
DispatchResult moveDown();
bool checkAndActivateInset(bool front);
int height;
unsigned int width;
int textwidth_;
/// the current font settings
LyXFont current_font;
/// the current font
LyXFont real_current_font;
/// our buffer's default layout font
LyXFont defaultfont_;
int background_color_;
/// only the top-level LyXText has this non-zero
BufferView * bv_owner;
mutable Bidi bidi;
bool in_inset_;
ParagraphList paragraphs_;
/// absolute document pixel coordinates of this LyXText
mutable int xo_;
mutable int yo_;
/// rebreaks the given par
void redoParagraphInternal(ParagraphList::iterator pit);
float getCursorX(ParagraphList::iterator pit,
Row const & row, lyx::pos_type pos, bool boundary) const;
/// used in setlayout
void makeFontEntriesLayoutSpecific(BufferParams const &, Paragraph & par);
/// Calculate and set the height of the row
void setHeightOfRow(ParagraphList::iterator, Row & row);
// fix the cursor `cur' after a characters has been deleted at `where'
// position. Called by deleteEmptyParagraphMechanism
void fixCursorAfterDelete(LyXCursor & cur, LyXCursor const & where);
/// delete double space (false) or empty paragraphs (true) around old_cursor
bool deleteEmptyParagraphMechanism(LyXCursor const & old_cursor);
void setCounter(Buffer const &, ParagraphList::iterator pit);
void deleteWordForward();
void deleteWordBackward();
void deleteLineForward();
/// sets row.end to the pos value *after* which a row should break.
/// for example, the pos after which isNewLine(pos) == true
void rowBreakPoint(ParagraphList::iterator pit, Row & row) const;
/// sets row.witdh to the minimum space a row needs on the screen in pixel
void fill(ParagraphList::iterator pit, Row & row, int workwidth) const;
* returns the minimum space a manual label needs on the
* screen in pixels
int labelFill(ParagraphList::iterator pit, Row const & row) const;
int labelEnd(ParagraphList::iterator pit) const;
void charInserted();
/// set 'number' font property
void number();
/// is the cursor paragraph right-to-left?
bool rtl() const;
/// return the default height of a row in pixels, considering font zoom
extern int defaultRowHeight();
std::string expandLabel(LyXTextClass const & textclass,
LyXLayout_ptr const & layout, bool appendix);
#endif // LYXTEXT_H