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* File: math_parser.C
* Purpose: Parser for mathed
* Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra <>
* Created: January 1996
* Description: Parse LaTeX2e math mode code.
* Dependencies: Xlib, XForms
* Copyright: 1996, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra
* Version: 0.8beta.
* You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of
* the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later.
If someone desperately needs partial "structures" (such as a few cells of
an array inset or similar) (s)he could uses the following hack as starting
point to write some macros:
1 & 2\b & 3^2\\
4 & 5\e & 6\\
7 & 8 & 9
#include <config.h>
#include <cctype>
#include <stack>
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include "math_parser.h"
#include "math_inset.h"
#include "math_arrayinset.h"
#include "math_braceinset.h"
#include "math_casesinset.h"
#include "math_charinset.h"
#include "math_deliminset.h"
#include "math_factory.h"
#include "math_funcinset.h"
#include "math_kerninset.h"
#include "math_macro.h"
#include "math_macrotable.h"
#include "math_macrotemplate.h"
#include "math_hullinset.h"
#include "math_rootinset.h"
#include "math_sqrtinset.h"
#include "math_scriptinset.h"
#include "math_specialcharinset.h"
#include "math_splitinset.h"
#include "math_sqrtinset.h"
#include "math_support.h"
#include "lyxlex.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
using std::istream;
using std::ostream;
using std::ios;
using std::endl;
using std::stack;
namespace {
bool stared(string const & s)
unsigned n = s.size();
return n && s[n - 1] == '*';
void add(MathArray & ar, char c, MathTextCodes code)
ar.push_back(MathAtom(new MathCharInset(c, code)));
// These are TeX's catcodes
enum CatCode {
catEscape, // 0 backslash
catBegin, // 1 {
catEnd, // 2 }
catMath, // 3 $
catAlign, // 4 &
catNewline, // 5 ^^M
catParameter, // 6 #
catSuper, // 7 ^
catSub, // 8 _
catIgnore, // 9
catSpace, // 10 space
catLetter, // 11 a-zA-Z
catOther, // 12 none of the above
catActive, // 13 ~
catComment, // 14 %
catInvalid // 15 <delete>
CatCode theCatcode[256];
inline CatCode catcode(unsigned char c)
return theCatcode[c];
enum {
FLAG_BRACE_LAST = 1 << 1, // last closing brace ends the parsing process
FLAG_RIGHT = 1 << 2, // next \\right ends the parsing process
FLAG_END = 1 << 3, // next \\end ends the parsing process
FLAG_BRACK_END = 1 << 4, // next closing bracket ends the parsing process
FLAG_ITEM = 1 << 7, // read a (possibly braced token)
FLAG_BLOCK = 1 << 8, // next block ends the parsing process
FLAG_LEAVE = 1 << 9 // leave the loop at the end
void catInit()
for (int i = 0; i <= 255; ++i)
theCatcode[i] = catOther;
for (int i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; ++i)
theCatcode[i] = catLetter;
for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; ++i)
theCatcode[i] = catLetter;
theCatcode['\\'] = catEscape;
theCatcode['{'] = catBegin;
theCatcode['}'] = catEnd;
theCatcode['$'] = catMath;
theCatcode['&'] = catAlign;
theCatcode['\n'] = catNewline;
theCatcode['#'] = catParameter;
theCatcode['^'] = catSuper;
theCatcode['_'] = catSub;
theCatcode[''] = catIgnore;
theCatcode[' '] = catSpace;
theCatcode['\t'] = catSpace;
theCatcode['\r'] = catSpace;
theCatcode['~'] = catActive;
theCatcode['%'] = catComment;
// Helper class for parsing
class Token {
Token() : cs_(), char_(0), cat_(catIgnore) {}
Token(char c, CatCode cat) : cs_(), char_(c), cat_(cat) {}
Token(const string & cs) : cs_(cs), char_(0), cat_(catIgnore) {}
string const & cs() const { return cs_; }
CatCode cat() const { return cat_; }
char character() const { return char_; }
string asString() const;
string cs_;
char char_;
CatCode cat_;
string Token::asString() const
return cs_.size() ? cs_ : string(1, char_);
bool operator==(Token const & s, Token const & t)
return s.character() == t.character()
&& == && s.cs() == t.cs();
bool operator!=(Token const & s, Token const & t)
return !(s == t);
ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, Token const & t)
if (t.cs().size())
os << "\\" << t.cs();
os << "[" << t.character() << "," << << "]";
return os;
class Parser {
Parser(LyXLex & lex);
Parser(istream & is);
string parse_macro();
bool parse_normal(MathAtom &);
void parse_into(MathArray & array, unsigned flags, MathTextCodes = LM_TC_MIN);
int lineno() const { return lineno_; }
void putback();
string getArg(char lf, char rf);
char getChar();
void error(string const & msg);
bool parse_lines(MathAtom & t, bool numbered, bool outmost);
void tokenize(istream & is);
void tokenize(string const & s);
void push_back(Token const & t);
void pop_back();
Token const & prevToken() const;
Token const & nextToken() const;
Token const & getToken();
void lex(string const & s);
bool good() const;
int lineno_;
std::vector<Token> tokens_;
unsigned pos_;
bool curr_num_;
string curr_label_;
string curr_skip_;
Parser::Parser(LyXLex & lexer)
: lineno_(lexer.getLineNo()), pos_(0), curr_num_(false)
Parser::Parser(istream & is)
: lineno_(0), pos_(0), curr_num_(false)
void Parser::push_back(Token const & t)
void Parser::pop_back()
Token const & Parser::prevToken() const
static const Token dummy;
return pos_ > 0 ? tokens_[pos_ - 1] : dummy;
Token const & Parser::nextToken() const
static const Token dummy;
return good() ? tokens_[pos_] : dummy;
Token const & Parser::getToken()
static const Token dummy;
return good() ? tokens_[pos_++] : dummy;
void Parser::putback()
bool Parser::good() const
return pos_ < tokens_.size();
char Parser::getChar()
if (!good())
lyxerr << "The input stream is not well..." << endl;
return tokens_[pos_++].character();
string Parser::getArg(char lf, char rg)
string result;
char c = getChar();
if (c != lf)
while ((c = getChar()) != rg && good())
result += c;
return result;
void Parser::tokenize(istream & is)
// eat everything up to the next \end_inset or end of stream
// and store it in s for further tokenization
string s;
char c;
while (is.get(c)) {
s += c;
if (s.size() >= 10 && s.substr(s.size() - 10) == "\\end_inset") {
s = s.substr(0, s.size() - 10);
// tokenize buffer
void Parser::tokenize(string const & buffer)
static bool init_done = false;
if (!init_done) {
init_done = true;
istringstream is(buffer.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary);
char c;
while (is.get(c)) {
switch (catcode(c)) {
case catNewline: {
if (catcode(c) == catNewline)
; //push_back(Token("par"));
else {
push_back(Token(' ', catSpace));
case catComment: {
while (is.get(c) && catcode(c) != catNewline)
case catEscape: {
string s(1, c);
if (catcode(c) == catLetter) {
while (is.get(c) && catcode(c) == catLetter)
s += c;
if (catcode(c) == catSpace)
while (is.get(c) && catcode(c) == catSpace)
push_back(Token(c, catcode(c)));
#if 0
lyxerr << "\nTokens: ";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < tokens_.size(); ++i)
lyxerr << tokens_[i];
lyxerr << "\n";
void Parser::error(string const & msg)
lyxerr << "Line ~" << lineno_ << ": Math parse error: " << msg << endl;
bool Parser::parse_lines(MathAtom & t, bool numbered, bool outmost)
MathGridInset * p = t->asGridInset();
if (!p) {
lyxerr << "error in Parser::parse_lines() 1\n";
return false;
const int cols = p->ncols();
// save global variables
bool const saved_num = curr_num_;
string const saved_label = curr_label_;
for (int row = 0; true; ++row) {
// reset global variables
curr_num_ = numbered;
// reading a row
for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
//lyxerr << "reading cell " << row << " " << col << "\n";
parse_into(p->cell(col + row * cols), FLAG_BLOCK);
// no ampersand
if (prevToken().cat() != catAlign) {
//lyxerr << "less cells read than normal in row/col: "
// << row << " " << col << "\n";
if (outmost) {
MathHullInset * m = t->asHullInset();
if (!m) {
lyxerr << "error in Parser::parse_lines() 2\n";
return false;
m->numbered(row, curr_num_);
m->label(row, curr_label_);
if (curr_skip_.size()) {
m->vskip(LyXLength(curr_skip_), row);
// no newline?
if (prevToken() != Token("\\")) {
//lyxerr << "no newline here\n";
// restore "global" variables
curr_num_ = saved_num;
curr_label_ = saved_label;
return true;
string Parser::parse_macro()
string name = "{error}";
while (nextToken().cat() == catSpace)
if (getToken().cs() != "newcommand") {
lyxerr << "\\newcommand expected\n";
return name;
if (getToken().cat() != catBegin) {
lyxerr << "'{' in \\newcommand expected (1)\n";
return name;
name = getToken().cs();
if (getToken().cat() != catEnd) {
lyxerr << "'}' expected\n";
return name;
string arg = getArg('[', ']');
int narg = arg.empty() ? 0 : atoi(arg.c_str());
if (getToken().cat() != catBegin) {
lyxerr << "'{' in \\newcommand expected (2)\n";
return name;
MathArray ar;
parse_into(ar, FLAG_BRACE_LAST);
MathMacroTable::create(name, narg, ar);
return name;
bool Parser::parse_normal(MathAtom & matrix)
while (nextToken().cat() == catSpace)
Token const & t = getToken();
if (t.cs() == "(") {
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_SIMPLE));
parse_into(matrix->cell(0), 0);
return true;
if ( == catMath) {
Token const & n = getToken();
if ( == catMath) {
// TeX's $$...$$ syntax for displayed math
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_EQUATION));
MathHullInset * p = matrix->asHullInset();
parse_into(p->cell(0), 0);
p->numbered(0, curr_num_);
p->label(0, curr_label_);
} else {
// simple $...$ stuff
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_SIMPLE));
parse_into(matrix->cell(0), 0);
return true;
if (!t.cs().size()) {
lyxerr << "start of math expected, got '" << t << "'\n";
return false;
string const & cs = t.cs();
if (cs == "[") {
curr_num_ = 0;
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_EQUATION));
MathHullInset * p = matrix->asHullInset();
parse_into(p->cell(0), 0);
p->numbered(0, curr_num_);
p->label(0, curr_label_);
return true;
if (cs != "begin") {
lyxerr << "'begin' of un-simple math expected, got '" << cs << "'\n";
return false;
string const name = getArg('{', '}');
if (name == "equation" || name == "equation*" || name == "displaymath") {
curr_num_ = (name == "equation");
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_EQUATION));
MathHullInset * p = matrix->asHullInset();
parse_into(p->cell(0), FLAG_END);
p->numbered(0, curr_num_);
p->label(0, curr_label_);
return true;
if (name == "eqnarray" || name == "eqnarray*") {
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_EQNARRAY));
return parse_lines(matrix, !stared(name), true);
if (name == "align" || name == "align*") {
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_ALIGN));
return parse_lines(matrix, !stared(name), true);
if (name == "alignat" || name == "alignat*") {
int nc = 2 * atoi(getArg('{', '}').c_str());
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_ALIGNAT, nc));
return parse_lines(matrix, !stared(name), true);
if (name == "xalignat" || name == "xalignat*") {
int nc = 2 * atoi(getArg('{', '}').c_str());
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_XALIGNAT, nc));
return parse_lines(matrix, !stared(name), true);
if (name == "xxalignat") {
int nc = 2 * atoi(getArg('{', '}').c_str());
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_XXALIGNAT, nc));
return parse_lines(matrix, !stared(name), true);
if (name == "multline" || name == "multline*") {
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_MULTLINE));
return parse_lines(matrix, !stared(name), true);
if (name == "gather" || name == "gather*") {
matrix = MathAtom(new MathHullInset(LM_OT_GATHER));
return parse_lines(matrix, !stared(name), true);
lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "1: unknown math environment: " << name << "\n";
lyxerr << "1: unknown math environment: " << name << "\n";
return false;
void Parser::parse_into(MathArray & array, unsigned flags, MathTextCodes code)
bool panic = false;
int limits = 0;
while (good()) {
Token const & t = getToken();
//lyxerr << "t: " << t << " flags: " << flags << "'\n";
//lyxerr << "\n";
if (flags & FLAG_ITEM) {
flags &= ~FLAG_ITEM;
if ( == catBegin) {
// skip the brace and collect everything to the next matching
// closing brace
} else {
// handle only this single token, leave the loop if done
flags |= FLAG_LEAVE;
if (flags & FLAG_BLOCK) {
if ( == catAlign || t.cs() == "\\")
if (t.cs() == "end") {
getArg('{', '}');
// cat codes
if ( == catMath)
else if ( == catLetter)
add(array, t.character(), code);
else if ( == catSpace && code == LM_TC_TEXTRM)
add(array, t.character(), code);
else if ( == catParameter) {
Token const & n = getToken();
array.push_back(MathAtom(new MathMacroArgument(n.character() - '0')));
else if ( == catBegin) {
MathArray ar;
parse_into(ar, FLAG_BRACE_LAST);
#warning this might be wrong in general!
// ignore braces around simple items
if (ar.size() == 1 || (ar.size() == 2 && ar.back()->asScriptInset())) {
} else {
array.push_back(MathAtom(new MathBraceInset));
else if ( == catEnd) {
if (flags & FLAG_BRACE_LAST)
//lyxerr << "found '}' unexpectedly, array: '" << array << "'\n";
lyxerr << "found '}' unexpectedly\n";
add(array, '}', LM_TC_TEX);
else if ( == catAlign) {
//lyxerr << "found tab unexpectedly, array: '" << array << "'\n";
lyxerr << "found tab unexpectedly\n";
add(array, '&', LM_TC_TEX);
else if ( == catSuper || == catSub) {
bool up = ( == catSuper);
MathScriptInset * p = 0;
if (array.size())
p = array.back()->asScriptInset();
if (!p || p->has(up)) {
array.push_back(MathAtom(new MathScriptInset(up)));
p = array.back()->asScriptInset();
parse_into(p->cell(up), FLAG_ITEM);
limits = 0;
else if (t.character() == ']' && (flags & FLAG_BRACK_END))
else if ( == catOther)
add(array, t.character(), code);
// control sequences
else if (t.cs() == "protect")
// ignore \\protect, will be re-added during output
else if (t.cs() == "end")
else if (t.cs() == ")")
else if (t.cs() == "]")
else if (t.cs() == "\\") {
curr_skip_ = getArg('[', ']');
//lyxerr << "found newline unexpectedly, array: '" << array << "'\n";
lyxerr << "found newline unexpectedly\n";
else if (t.cs() == "limits")
limits = 1;
else if (t.cs() == "nolimits")
limits = -1;
else if (t.cs() == "nonumber")
curr_num_ = false;
else if (t.cs() == "number")
curr_num_ = true;
else if (t.cs() == "sqrt") {
char c = getChar();
if (c == '[') {
array.push_back(MathAtom(new MathRootInset));
parse_into(array.back()->cell(0), FLAG_BRACK_END);
parse_into(array.back()->cell(1), FLAG_ITEM);
} else {
array.push_back(MathAtom(new MathSqrtInset));
parse_into(array.back()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM);
else if (t.cs() == "left") {
string l = getToken().asString();
MathArray ar;
parse_into(ar, FLAG_RIGHT);
string r = getToken().asString();
MathAtom dl(new MathDelimInset(l, r));
dl->cell(0) = ar;
else if (t.cs() == "right") {
if (!(flags & FLAG_RIGHT)) {
//lyxerr << "got so far: '" << array << "'\n";
error("Unmatched right delimiter");
case LM_TK_STY:
lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "LM_TK_STY not implemented\n";
//MathArray tmp = array;
//MathSizeInset * p = new MathSizeInset(MathStyles(lval_->id));
//parse_into(p->cell(0), FLAG_BRACE_FONT);
else if (t.cs() == "begin") {
string const name = getArg('{', '}');
if (name == "array") {
string const valign = getArg('[', ']') + 'c';
string const halign = getArg('{', '}');
MathAtom(new MathArrayInset(halign.size(), 1, valign[0], halign)));
parse_lines(array.back(), false, false);
} else if (name == "split") {
array.push_back(MathAtom(new MathSplitInset(1)));
parse_lines(array.back(), false, false);
} else if (name == "cases") {
array.push_back(MathAtom(new MathCasesInset));
parse_lines(array.back(), false, false);
} else
lyxerr << "unknow math inset begin '" << name << "'\n";
else if (t.cs() == "kern") {
#warning A hack...
string s;
while (1) {
Token const & t = getToken();
if (!good()) {
s += t.character();
if (isValidLength(s))
array.push_back(MathAtom(new MathKernInset(s)));
else if (t.cs() == "label") {
curr_label_ = getArg('{', '}');
else if (t.cs() == "choose" || t.cs() == "over" || t.cs() == "atop") {
MathAtom p = createMathInset(t.cs());
parse_into(p->cell(1), flags, code);
// Disabled
else if (t.cs() == "mbox") {
// slurp in the argument of mbox
MathBoxInset * p = array.back()->asBoxInset();
else if (t.cs().size()) {
latexkeys const * l = in_word_set(t.cs());
if (l) {
if (l->token == LM_TK_FONT) {
//lyxerr << "starting font\n";
//CatCode catSpaceSave = theCatcode[' '];
//if (l->id == LM_TC_TEXTRM) {
// // temporarily change catcode
// theCatcode[' '] = catLetter;
MathArray ar;
parse_into(ar, FLAG_ITEM, static_cast<MathTextCodes>(l->id));
// undo catcode changes
////theCatcode[' '] = catSpaceSave;
//lyxerr << "ending font\n";
else if (l->token == LM_TK_OLDFONT) {
code = static_cast<MathTextCodes>(l->id);
else {
MathAtom p = createMathInset(t.cs());
for (MathInset::idx_type i = 0; i < p->nargs(); ++i)
parse_into(p->cell(i), FLAG_ITEM);
else {
MathAtom p = createMathInset(t.cs());
for (MathInset::idx_type i = 0; i < p->nargs(); ++i)
parse_into(p->cell(i), FLAG_ITEM);
if (flags & FLAG_LEAVE) {
flags &= ~FLAG_LEAVE;
if (panic) {
lyxerr << " Math Panic, expect problems!\n";
// Search for the end command.
Token t;
do {
t = getToken();
} while (good() && t.cs() != "end");
} // anonymous namespace
void mathed_parse_cell(MathArray & ar, string const & str)
istringstream is(str.c_str());
mathed_parse_cell(ar, is);
void mathed_parse_cell(MathArray & ar, istream & is)
Parser(is).parse_into(ar, 0);
string mathed_parse_macro(string const & str)
istringstream is(str.c_str());
Parser parser(is);
return parser.parse_macro();
string mathed_parse_macro(istream & is)
Parser parser(is);
return parser.parse_macro();
string mathed_parse_macro(LyXLex & lex)
Parser parser(lex);
return parser.parse_macro();
bool mathed_parse_normal(MathAtom & t, string const & str)
istringstream is(str.c_str());
Parser parser(is);
return parser.parse_normal(t);
bool mathed_parse_normal(MathAtom & t, istream & is)
Parser parser(is);
return parser.parse_normal(t);
bool mathed_parse_normal(MathAtom & t, LyXLex & lex)
Parser parser(lex);
return parser.parse_normal(t);