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// -*- C++ -*-
* \file Parser.h
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author André Pönitz
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#ifndef PARSER_H
#define PARSER_H
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "support/docstream.h"
namespace lyx {
mode_type asMode(mode_type oldmode, std::string const & str);
// These are TeX's catcodes
enum CatCode {
catEscape, // 0 backslash
catBegin, // 1 {
catEnd, // 2 }
catMath, // 3 $
catAlign, // 4 &
catNewline, // 5 ^^M
catParameter, // 6 #
catSuper, // 7 ^
catSub, // 8 _
catIgnore, // 9
catSpace, // 10 space
catLetter, // 11 a-zA-Z
catOther, // 12 none of the above
catActive, // 13 ~
catComment, // 14 %
catInvalid // 15 <delete>
enum {
FLAG_BRACE_LAST = 1 << 1, // last closing brace ends the parsing
FLAG_RIGHT = 1 << 2, // next \\right ends the parsing process
FLAG_END = 1 << 3, // next \\end ends the parsing process
FLAG_BRACK_LAST = 1 << 4, // next closing bracket ends the parsing
FLAG_TEXTMODE = 1 << 5, // we are in a box
FLAG_ITEM = 1 << 6, // read a (possibly braced token)
FLAG_LEAVE = 1 << 7, // leave the loop at the end
FLAG_SIMPLE = 1 << 8, // next $ leaves the loop
FLAG_EQUATION = 1 << 9, // next \] leaves the loop
FLAG_SIMPLE2 = 1 << 10, // next \) leaves the loop
FLAG_OPTION = 1 << 11, // read [...] style option
FLAG_BRACED = 1 << 12, // read {...} style argument
FLAG_CELL = 1 << 13, // read table cell
FLAG_TABBING = 1 << 14 // We are inside a tabbing environment
// Helper class for parsing
class Token {
Token() : cs_(), cat_(catIgnore) {}
Token(docstring const & cs, CatCode cat) : cs_(to_utf8(cs)), cat_(cat) {}
/// Returns the token as string
std::string const & cs() const { return cs_; }
/// Returns the catcode of the token
CatCode cat() const { return cat_; }
/** Get the character of tokens that were constructed from a single
* character input or a two character input and cat_ == catEscape.
* FIXME: The intended usage is not clear. The Token class in
* ../mathed/MathParser.cpp (which is the anchestor of this
* class) uses a separate char member for this method. I
* believe that the intended usage is to not cover tokens with
* catEscape, e.g. \code
* return (cs_.empty() || cat_ == catEscape) ? 0 : cs_[0];
* \endcode
* All usages of this method should be checked. gb 2011-01-05
char character() const { return cs_.empty() ? 0 : cs_[0]; }
/// Returns the token verbatim
std::string asInput() const;
/// Is the token an alphanumerical character?
bool isAlnumASCII() const;
std::string cs_;
CatCode cat_;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, Token const & t);
extern void debugToken(std::ostream & os, Token const & t, unsigned int flags);
* Actual parser class
* The parser parses every character of the inputstream into a token
* and classifies the token.
* The following transformations are done:
* - Consecutive spaces are combined into one single token with CatCode catSpace
* - Consecutive newlines are combined into one single token with CatCode catNewline
* - Comments and %\n combinations are parsed into one token with CatCode catComment
class Parser {
/// noncopyable
Parser(Parser const & p);
Parser & operator=(Parser const & p);
Parser(idocstream & is);
Parser(std::string const & s);
/// change the latex encoding of the input stream
void setEncoding(std::string const & encoding);
/// get the current latex encoding of the input stream
std::string getEncoding() const { return encoding_latex_; }
int lineno() const { return lineno_; }
void putback();
/// store current position
void pushPosition();
/// restore previous position
void popPosition();
/// dump contents to screen
void dump() const;
/// Does an optional argument follow after the current token?
bool hasOpt();
typedef std::pair<bool, std::string> Arg;
* Get an argument enclosed by \p left and \p right.
* \returns wether an argument was found in \p Arg.first and the
* argument in \p Arg.second. \see getArg().
Arg getFullArg(char left, char right);
* Get an argument enclosed by \p left and \p right.
* \returns the argument (without \p left and \p right) or the empty
* string if the next non-space token is not \p left. Use
* getFullArg() if you need to know wether there was an empty
* argument or no argument at all.
std::string getArg(char left, char right);
* Like getOpt(), but distinguishes between a missing argument ""
* and an empty argument "[]".
std::string getFullOpt(bool keepws = false);
* \returns getArg('[', ']') including the brackets or the
* empty string if there is no such argument.
* No whitespace is eaten if \p keepws is true and no optional
* argument exists. This is important if an optional argument is
* parsed that would go after a command in ERT: In this case the
* whitespace is needed to separate the ERT from the subsequent
* word. Without it, the ERT and the next word would be concatenated
* during .tex export, thus creating an invalid command.
std::string getOpt(bool keepws = false);
* \returns getFullArg('(', ')') including the parentheses or the
* empty string if there is no such argument.
std::string getFullParentheseArg();
* \returns the contents of the environment \p name.
* <tt>\begin{name}</tt> must be parsed already, <tt>\end{name}</tt>
* is parsed but not returned.
std::string const verbatimEnvironment(std::string const & name);
* The same as verbatimEnvironment(std::string const & name) but
* \begin and \end commands inside the name environment are not parsed.
* This function is designed to parse verbatim environments.
std::string const plainEnvironment(std::string const & name);
* Basically the same as plainEnvironment(std::string const & name) but
* instead of \begin and \end commands the parsing is started/stopped
* at given characters.
* This function is designed to parse verbatim commands.
std::string const plainCommand(char left, char right, std::string const & name);
* Returns the character of the current token and increments
* the token position.
char getChar();
void error(std::string const & msg);
/// Parses one token from \p is
void tokenize_one();
void push_back(Token const & t);
/// The previous token.
Token const prev_token() const;
/// The current token.
Token const curr_token() const;
/// The next token.
Token const next_token();
/// The next but one token.
Token const next_next_token();
/// Make the next token current and return that.
Token const get_token();
/// \return whether the current token starts a new paragraph
bool isParagraph();
/// skips spaces (and comments if \p skip_comments is true)
/// \return whether whitespace was skipped (not comments)
bool skip_spaces(bool skip_comments = false);
/// puts back spaces (and comments if \p skip_comments is true)
void unskip_spaces(bool skip_comments = false);
void lex(std::string const & s);
bool good();
std::string verbatim_item();
std::string verbatimOption();
/// resets the parser to initial state
void reset();
void setCatCode(char c, CatCode cat);
CatCode getCatCode(char c) const;
/// latex name of the current encoding
std::string encoding_latex_;
int lineno_;
std::vector<Token> tokens_;
unsigned pos_;
std::vector<unsigned> positions_;
idocstringstream * iss_;
idocstream & is_;
} // namespace lyx