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// -*- C++ -*-
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#include <map>
#include "commandtags.h"
#include "LString.h"
#include <boost/utility.hpp>
/** This class encapsulates LyX action and user command operations.
class LyXAction : boost::noncopyable {
struct func_info {
string name;
unsigned int attrib;
string helpText;
struct pseudo_func {
kb_action action;
string arg;
typedef std::map<string, kb_action> func_map;
typedef std::map<kb_action, func_info> info_map;
typedef std::map<unsigned int, pseudo_func> pseudo_map;
typedef std::map<string, unsigned int> arg_item;
typedef std::map<kb_action, arg_item> arg_map;
enum func_attrib {
/// nothing special about this func
Noop = 0,
/// can be used in RO mode (perhaps this should change)
ReadOnly = 1, // ,
/// Can be used when there is no document open
NoBuffer = 2,
//Interactive = 2, // Is interactive (requires a GUI)
Argument = 4 // Requires argument
//MathOnly = 8, // Only math mode
//EtcEtc = ... // Or other attributes...
/** Returns an pseudoaction from a string
If you include arguments in func_name, a new psedoaction will be
created if needed. */
int LookupFunc(string const & func_name) const;
/** Returns an action tag which name is the most similar to a string.
Don't include arguments, they would be ignored. */
int getApproxFunc(string const & func) const;
/** Returns an action name the most similar to a string.
Don't include arguments, they would be ignored. */
string const getApproxFuncName(string const & func) const;
/// Returns a pseudo-action given an action and its argument.
int getPseudoAction(kb_action action, string const & arg) const;
/// Retrieves the real action and its argument.
kb_action retrieveActionArg(int i, string & arg) const;
/// Search for an existent pseudoaction, return -1 if it doesn't exist.
int searchActionArg(kb_action action, string const & arg) const;
/// Return the name associated with command
string const getActionName(int action) const;
/// Return one line help text associated with (pseudo)action
string const helpText(int action) const;
/// True if the command has `flag' set
bool funcHasFlag(kb_action action, func_attrib flag) const;
typedef func_map::const_iterator const_func_iterator;
const_func_iterator func_begin() const;
const_func_iterator func_end() const;
void init();
void newFunc(kb_action, string const & name,
string const & helpText, unsigned int attrib);
/** This is a list of all the LyXFunc names with the
coresponding action number. It is usually only used by the
minibuffer or when assigning commands to keys during init. */
func_map lyx_func_map;
/** This is a mapping from action number to an object holding
info about this action. f.ex. helptext, command name (string),
command attributes (ro) */
info_map lyx_info_map;
/** A mapping from the automatically created pseudo action number
to the real action and its argument. */
mutable pseudo_map lyx_pseudo_map;
/** A (multi) mapping from the lyx action to all the generated
pseudofuncs and the arguments the action should use. */
mutable arg_map lyx_arg_map;