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// -*- C++ -*-
/* This file is part of
* ======================================================
* LyX, The Document Processor
* Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich
* Copyright 1995-1999 The LyX Team.
* ====================================================== */
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#define NEW_TEXT 1
//#define NEW_TABLE 1
#ifdef NEW_TABLE
#include <list>
#ifdef NEW_TEXT
#include <vector>
//#include <deque>
//#define __STD_STUFF 1
//#include <rope.h>
#include "definitions.h"
#include "insets/lyxinset.h"
#include "table.h"
#include "support/textutils.h"
#include "vspace.h"
#include "insets/insetbib.h"
#include "layout.h"
class BufferParams;
class LyXBuffer;
class TexRow;
struct LaTeXFeatures;
/// A LyXParagraph holds all text, attributes and insets in a text paragraph
class LyXParagraph {
/// The footnoteflag
enum footnote_flag {
/// The footnotekinds
enum footnote_kind {
ALGORITHM, // Bernhard, 970807
WIDE_FIG, // CFO-G, 971106
WIDE_TAB // CFO-G, 971106
/// this konstruktor inserts the new paragraph in a list
LyXParagraph(LyXParagraph * par);
/// the destruktors removes the new paragraph from the list
void writeFile(FILE *, BufferParams &, char, char);
void validate(LaTeXFeatures &);
int GetID(){
return id;
void SetID(int id_arg){
id = id_arg;
#ifndef NEW_TEXT
/** allocates more memory for the specified paragraph
pos is needed to specify the paragraph correctly. Remember the
closed footnotes
void Enlarge(int pos, int number);
/** make the allocated memory fit to the needed size
used to make a paragraph smaller
void FitSize();
void read();
void readSimpleWholeFile(FILE *);
LyXParagraph * TeXOnePar(string & file, TexRow & texrow,
string & foot, TexRow & foot_texrow,
int & foot_count);
LyXParagraph * TeXEnvironment(string & file, TexRow & texrow,
string & foot, TexRow & foot_texrow,
int & foot_count);
LyXParagraph * Clone();
bool HasSameLayout(LyXParagraph * par);
void MakeSameLayout(LyXParagraph * par);
/// Is it the first par with same depth and layout?
bool IsFirstInSequence() {
LyXParagraph * dhook = DepthHook(GetDepth());
return (dhook == this
|| dhook->GetLayout() != GetLayout()
|| dhook->GetDepth() != GetDepth());
#ifdef NEW_TEXT
typedef char value_type;
typedef vector<value_type> TextContainer;
//typedef deque<char> TextContainer;
//typedef rope<char> TextContainer;
typedef int size_type;
TextContainer text;
size_type size() const { return text.size(); }
int last;
int size;
char * text;
VSpace added_space_top;
VSpace added_space_bottom;
LyXTextClass::LayoutList::size_type layout;
\item no footnote, closed footnote,
\item open footnote, where footnote
\item means footnote-environment
footnote_flag footnoteflag;
/// footnote, margin, fig, tab
footnote_kind footnotekind;
//@Man: the LyX- DTP-switches
bool line_top;
bool line_bottom;
bool pagebreak_top;
bool pagebreak_bottom;
LyXAlignment align;
char depth;
bool noindent;
int counter[10];
void setCounter(int i, int v) { counter[i] = v; }
int getCounter(int i) { return counter[i]; }
void incCounter(int i) { counter[i]++; }
bool start_of_appendix;
bool appendix;
char enumdepth;
char itemdepth;
/* This is for the paragraph extra stuff */
int pextra_type;
string pextra_width;
string pextra_widthp;
int pextra_alignment;
bool pextra_hfill;
bool pextra_start_minipage;
string labelstring;
string labelwidthstring;
LyXParagraph * next;
LyXParagraph * previous;
/* table stuff -- begin*/
LyXTable * table;
/* table stuff -- end*/
InsetBibKey * bibkey; // ale970302
/** these function are able to hide closed footnotes
LyXParagraph * Next();
LyXParagraph * Previous();
/** these function are able to hide open and closed footnotes
LyXParagraph * NextAfterFootnote();
LyXParagraph * PreviousBeforeFootnote();
LyXParagraph * LastPhysicalPar();
LyXParagraph * FirstPhysicalPar();
#ifdef NEW_TEXT
/// returns the physical paragraph
LyXParagraph * ParFromPos(size_type pos);
/// returns the position in the physical par
int PositionInParFromPos(size_type pos);
/// returns the physical paragraph
LyXParagraph * ParFromPos(int pos);
/// returns the position in the physical par
int PositionInParFromPos(int pos);
/// for the environments
LyXParagraph * DepthHook(int depth);
int BeginningOfMainBody();
string GetLabestring();
/// the next two functions are for the manual labels
string GetLabelWidthString();
void SetLabelWidthString(string const & s);
LyXTextClass::LayoutList::size_type GetLayout();
char GetAlign();
char GetDepth();
void SetLayout(LyXTextClass::LayoutList::size_type new_layout);
void SetOnlyLayout(LyXTextClass::LayoutList::size_type new_layout);
int GetFirstCounter(int i);
#ifdef NEW_TEXT
size_type Last();
void Erase(size_type pos);
/** the flag determines wether the layout should be copied
void BreakParagraph(size_type pos, int flag);
void BreakParagraphConservative(size_type pos);
/** Get unistantiated font setting. Returns the difference
between the characters font and the layoutfont.
This is what is stored in the fonttable
LyXFont GetFontSettings(size_type pos);
/** Get fully instantiated font. If pos == -1, use the layout
font attached to this paragraph.
If pos == -2, use the label font of the layout attached here.
In all cases, the font is instantiated, i.e. does not have any
attributes with values LyXFont::INHERIT, LyXFont::IGNORE or
LyXFont getFont(size_type pos);
char GetChar(size_type pos);
void SetFont(size_type pos, LyXFont const & font);
string GetWord(size_type &);
/// Returns the height of the highest font in range
LyXFont::FONT_SIZE HighestFontInRange(size_type startpos, size_type endpos) const;
void InsertChar(size_type pos, char c);
void InsertInset(size_type pos, Inset * inset);
Inset * GetInset(size_type pos);
Inset * ReturnNextInsetPointer(size_type & pos);
void OpenFootnote(size_type pos);
void CloseFootnote(size_type pos);
/// important for cut and paste
void CopyIntoMinibuffer(size_type pos);
void CutIntoMinibuffer(size_type pos);
void InsertFromMinibuffer(size_type pos);
bool IsHfill(size_type pos) {
return IsHfillChar(GetChar(pos));
bool IsInset(size_type pos) {
return IsInsetChar(GetChar(pos));
bool IsFloat(size_type pos) {
return IsFloatChar(GetChar(pos));
bool IsNewline(size_type pos) {
bool tmp = false;
if (pos >= 0)
tmp= IsNewlineChar(GetChar(pos));
return tmp;
bool IsSeparator(size_type pos) {
return IsSeparatorChar(GetChar(pos));
bool IsLineSeparator(size_type pos) {
return IsLineSeparatorChar(GetChar(pos));
bool IsKomma(size_type pos){
return IsKommaChar(GetChar(pos));
/// Used by the spellchecker
bool IsLetter(size_type pos);
bool IsWord(size_type pos ) {
return IsWordChar( GetChar(pos) ) ;
int Last();
void Erase(int pos);
/** the flag determines wether the layout should be copied
void BreakParagraph(int pos, int flag);
void BreakParagraphConservative(int pos);
/** Get unistantiated font setting. Returns the difference
between the characters font and the layoutfont.
This is what is stored in the fonttable
LyXFont GetFontSettings(int pos);
/** Get fully instantiated font. If pos == -1, use the layout
font attached to this paragraph.
If pos == -2, use the label font of the layout attached here.
In all cases, the font is instantiated, i.e. does not have any
attributes with values LyXFont::INHERIT, LyXFont::IGNORE or
LyXFont getFont(int pos);
char GetChar(int pos);
void SetFont(int pos, LyXFont const & font);
string GetWord(int &);
/// Returns the height of the highest font in range
LyXFont::FONT_SIZE HighestFontInRange(int startpos, int endpos) const;
void InsertChar(int pos, char c);
void InsertInset(int pos, Inset * inset);
Inset * GetInset(int pos);
Inset * ReturnNextInsetPointer(int & pos);
void OpenFootnote(int pos);
void CloseFootnote(int pos);
/// important for cut and paste
void CopyIntoMinibuffer(int pos);
void CutIntoMinibuffer(int pos);
void InsertFromMinibuffer(int pos);
bool IsHfill(int pos) {
return IsHfillChar(GetChar(pos));
bool IsInset(int pos) {
return IsInsetChar(GetChar(pos));
bool IsFloat(int pos) {
return IsFloatChar(GetChar(pos));
bool IsNewline(int pos) {
bool tmp = false;
if (pos >= 0)
tmp= IsNewlineChar(GetChar(pos));
return tmp;
bool IsSeparator(int pos) {
return IsSeparatorChar(GetChar(pos));
bool IsLineSeparator(int pos) {
return IsLineSeparatorChar(GetChar(pos));
bool IsKomma(int pos){
return IsKommaChar(GetChar(pos));
/// Used by the spellchecker
bool IsLetter(int pos);
bool IsWord( int pos ) {
return IsWordChar( GetChar(pos) ) ;
/** This one resets all layout and dtp switches but not the font
of the single characters
void Clear();
/** paste this paragraph with the next one
be carefull, this doesent make any check at all
void PasteParagraph();
/// used to remove the error messages
int AutoDeleteInsets();
/// returns -1 if inset not found
int GetPositionOfInset(Inset * inset);
/// ok and now some footnote functions
void OpenFootnotes();
void CloseFootnotes();
LyXParagraph * FirstSelfrowPar();
int ClearParagraph(){
int i = 0;
if (!IsDummy() && !table){
while (Last()
&& (IsNewline(0)
|| IsLineSeparator(0))){
return i;
/** A paragraph following a footnote is a "dummy". A paragraph
with a footnote in it is stored as three paragraphs:
First a paragraph with the text up to the footnote, then
one (or more) paragraphs with the footnote, and finally
the a paragraph with the text after the footnote. Only the
first paragraph keeps information about layoutparameters, */
bool IsDummy(){
return (footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE && previous
&& previous->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE);
/* If I set a PExtra Indent on one paragraph of a ENV_LIST-TYPE
I have to set it on each of it's elements */
void SetPExtraType(int type, char const * width, char const * widthp);
void UnsetPExtraType();
#ifdef NEW_TEXT
bool RoffContTableRows(FILE * file, size_type i,
int actcell);
void DocBookContTableRows(string & file, string & extra, int & desc_on,
size_type i,
int current_cell_number, int & column);
bool RoffContTableRows(FILE * file, int i, int actcell);
void DocBookContTableRows(string & file, string & extra, int & desc_on,
int i, int current_cell_number, int & column);
bool linuxDocConvertChar(char c, string & sgml_string);
void SimpleDocBookOneTablePar(string & file, string & extra,
int & desc_on, int depth);
/** A font entry covers a range of positions. Notice that the
entries in the list are inserted in random order.
I don't think it's worth the effort to implement a more effective
datastructure, because the number of different fonts in a paragraph
is limited. (Asger)
struct FontTable {
#ifdef NEW_TEXT
/// Start position of paragraph this font attribute covers
size_type pos;
/// Ending position of paragraph this font attribute covers
size_type pos_end;
/// Start position of paragraph this font attribute covers
int pos;
/// Ending position of paragraph this font attribute covers
int pos_end;
/** Font. Interpretation of the font values:
If a value is LyXFont::INHERIT_*, it means that the font
attribute is inherited from either the layout of this
paragraph or, in the case of nested paragraphs, from the
layout in the environment one level up until completely
The values LyXFont::IGNORE_* and LyXFont::TOGGLE are NOT
allowed in these font tables.
LyXFont font;
#ifndef NEW_TABLE
/// Pointer to next font entry
FontTable * next;
struct InsetTable {
#ifdef NEW_TEXT
size_type pos;
int pos;
Inset * inset;
#ifndef NEW_TABLE
InsetTable * next;
#ifdef NEW_TABLE
typedef list<FontTable> FontList;
typedef list<InsetTable> InsetList;
FontList fontlist;
InsetList insetlist;
FontTable * fonttable;
InsetTable * insettable;
LyXParagraph * TeXDeeper(string & file, TexRow & texrow,
string & foot, TexRow & foot_texrow,
int & foot_count);
LyXParagraph * TeXFootnote(string & file, TexRow & texrow,
string & foot, TexRow & foot_texrow,
int & foot_count);
bool SimpleTeXOnePar(string & file, TexRow & texrow);
bool SimpleTeXOneTablePar(string & file, TexRow & texrow);
#ifdef NEW_TEXT
bool TeXContTableRows(string & file, size_type i,
int current_cell_number,
int & column, TexRow & texrow);
void SimpleTeXBlanks(string & file, TexRow & texrow,
size_type const i,
int & column, LyXFont const & font,
LyXLayout const & style);
void SimpleTeXSpecialChars(string & file, TexRow & texrow,
LyXFont & font, LyXFont & running_font,
LyXFont & basefont, bool & open_font,
LyXLayout const & style,
size_type & i,
int & column, char const c);
bool TeXContTableRows(string & file, int i, int current_cell_number,
int & column, TexRow & texrow);
void SimpleTeXBlanks(string & file, TexRow & texrow,
int const i, int & column, LyXFont const & font,
LyXLayout const & style);
void SimpleTeXSpecialChars(string & file, TexRow & texrow,
LyXFont & font, LyXFont & running_font,
LyXFont & basefont, bool & open_font,
LyXLayout const & style,
int & i, int & column, char const c);
int id;
static unsigned int paragraph_id;