2016-09-10 22:43:57 +02:00
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2016-09-13 22:08:24 +02:00
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2016-09-10 22:43:57 +02:00
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2016-11-09 21:15:14 +01:00
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The OHM SIGN is normalized to greek letter OMEGA which requires wrapping
textgreek (or setting to Greek or loading the textalpha package) to get
the right font.
℧ ℨ
2016-09-10 22:43:57 +02:00
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2016-09-13 22:10:32 +02:00
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2016-11-09 21:15:14 +01:00
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2016-09-13 22:10:32 +02:00
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2016-09-10 22:43:57 +02:00
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2016-11-09 21:15:14 +01:00
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TODO: use
sfrac (see #5220)
2016-09-10 22:43:57 +02:00
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2016-11-09 21:15:14 +01:00
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2016-09-13 22:10:32 +02:00
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2016-09-10 22:43:57 +02:00