
380 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* \file insetcite.C
* Copyright 2001 the LyX Team
* Read the file COPYING
* \author Angus Leeming,
* \author Herbert Voss, 2002-03-17
#include <config.h>
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include "insetcite.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "BufferView.h"
#include "LaTeXFeatures.h"
#include "LyXView.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "frontends/controllers/biblio.h"
#include "frontends/Dialogs.h"
#include "support/filetools.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/path.h"
#include "support/os.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/LAssert.h"
#include <map>
using std::ostream;
using std::vector;
using std::map;
namespace {
// An optimisation. We assume that until the first InsetCitation::edit is
// called, we're loding the buffer and that, therefore, we don't need to
// reload the bibkey list
std::map<Buffer const *, bool> loading_buffer;
string const getNatbibLabel(Buffer const * buffer,
string const & citeType, string const & keyList,
string const & before, string const & after,
bool numerical)
// Only reload the bibkeys if we have to...
map<Buffer const *, bool>::iterator lit = loading_buffer.find(buffer);
if (lit != loading_buffer.end())
loading_buffer[buffer] = true;
typedef std::map<Buffer const *, biblio::InfoMap> CachedMap;
static CachedMap cached_keys;
CachedMap::iterator kit = cached_keys.find(buffer);
if (!loading_buffer[buffer] || kit == cached_keys.end()) {
// build the keylist
typedef vector<std::pair<string, string> > InfoType;
InfoType bibkeys = buffer->getBibkeyList();
InfoType::const_iterator bit = bibkeys.begin();
InfoType::const_iterator bend = bibkeys.end();
biblio::InfoMap infomap;
for (; bit != bend; ++bit) {
infomap[bit->first] = bit->second;
if (infomap.empty())
return string();
cached_keys[buffer] = infomap;
biblio::InfoMap infomap = cached_keys[buffer];
// the natbib citation-styles
// CITET: author (year)
// CITEP: (author,year)
// CITEALT: author year
// CITEALP: author, year
// CITEAUTHOR: author
// CITEYEAR: year
// CITEYEARPAR: (year)
// We don't currently use the full or forceUCase fields.
// bool const forceUCase = citeType[0] == 'C';
bool const full = citeType[citeType.size()-1] == '*';
string const cite_type = full ?
lowercase(citeType.substr(0,citeType.size()-1)) :
string before_str;
if (!before.empty()) {
// In CITET and CITEALT mode, the "before" string is
// attached to the label associated with each and every key.
// In CITEP, CITEALP and CITEYEARPAR mode, it is attached
// to the front of the whole only.
// In other modes, it is not used at all.
if (cite_type == "citet" ||
cite_type == "citealt" ||
cite_type == "citep" ||
cite_type == "citealp" ||
cite_type == "citeyearpar")
before_str = before + ' ';
string after_str;
if (!after.empty()) {
// The "after" key is appended only to the end of the whole.
after_str = ", " + after;
// One day, these might be tunable (as they are in BibTeX).
char const op = '('; // opening parenthesis.
char const cp = ')'; // closing parenthesis.
char const sep = ';'; // puctuation mark separating citation entries.
string const op_str(string(1, ' ') + string(1, op));
string const cp_str(string(1, cp) + string(1, ' '));
string const sep_str(string(1, sep) + string(1, ' '));
string label;
vector<string> keys = getVectorFromString(keyList);
vector<string>::const_iterator it = keys.begin();
vector<string>::const_iterator end = keys.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
// get the bibdata corresponding to the key
string const author(biblio::getAbbreviatedAuthor(infomap, *it));
string const year(biblio::getYear(infomap, *it));
// Something isn't right. Fail safely.
if (author.empty() || year.empty())
return string();
// (authors1 (<before> year); ... ;
// authors_last (<before> year, <after>)
if (cite_type == "citet") {
string const tmp = numerical ? '#' + *it : year;
label += author + op_str + before_str + tmp +
cp + sep_str;
// author, year; author, year; ...
} else if (cite_type == "citep" ||
cite_type == "citealp") {
if (numerical) {
label += *it + sep_str;
} else {
label += author + ", " + year + sep_str;
// (authors1 <before> year;
// authors_last <before> year, <after>)
} else if (cite_type == "citealt") {
string const tmp = numerical ? '#' + *it : year;
label += author + ' ' + before_str + tmp + sep_str;
// author; author; ...
} else if (cite_type == "citeauthor") {
label += author + sep_str;
// year; year; ...
} else if (cite_type == "citeyear" ||
cite_type == "citeyearpar") {
label += year + sep_str;
label = strip(strip(label), sep);
if (!after_str.empty()) {
if (cite_type == "citet") {
// insert "after" before last ')'
label.insert(label.size()-1, after_str);
} else {
bool const add = !(numerical &&
(cite_type == "citeauthor" ||
cite_type == "citeyear"));
if (add)
label += after_str;
if (!before_str.empty() && (cite_type == "citep" ||
cite_type == "citealp" ||
cite_type == "citeyearpar")) {
label = before_str + label;
if (cite_type == "citep" || cite_type == "citeyearpar")
label = string(1, op) + label + string(1, cp);
return label;
string const getBasicLabel(string const & keyList, string const & after)
string keys(keyList);
string label;
if (contains(keys, ",")) {
// Final comma allows while loop to cover all keys
keys = frontStrip(split(keys, label, ',')) + ",";
while (contains(keys, ",")) {
string key;
keys = frontStrip(split(keys, key, ','));
label += ", " + key;
} else
label = keys;
if (!after.empty())
label += ", " + after;
return "[" + label + "]";
} // anon namespace
InsetCitation::InsetCitation(InsetCommandParams const & p, bool)
: InsetCommand(p)
string const InsetCitation::generateLabel(Buffer const * buffer) const
string const before = string();
string const after = getOptions();
string label;
if (buffer->params.use_natbib) {
string cmd = getCmdName();
if (cmd == "cite") {
// We may be "upgrading" from an older LyX version.
// If, however, we use "cite" because the necessary
// author/year info is not present in the biblio
// database, then getNatbibLabel will exit gracefully
// and we'll call getBasicLabel.
if (buffer->params.use_numerical_citations)
cmd = "citep";
cmd = "citet";
label = getNatbibLabel(buffer, cmd, getContents(),
before, after,
// Fallback to fail-safe
if (label.empty()) {
label = getBasicLabel(getContents(), after);
return label;
InsetCitation::Cache::Style InsetCitation::getStyle(Buffer const * buffer) const
Cache::Style style = Cache::BASIC;
if (buffer->params.use_natbib) {
if (buffer->params.use_numerical_citations) {
style = Cache::NATBIB_NUM;
} else {
style = Cache::NATBIB_AY;
return style;
string const InsetCitation::getScreenLabel(Buffer const * buffer) const
Cache::Style const style = getStyle(buffer);
if (cache.params == params() && == style)
return cache.screen_label;
// The label has changed, so we have to re-create it.
string const before = string();
string const after = getOptions();
string const glabel = generateLabel(buffer);
unsigned int const maxLabelChars = 45;
string label = glabel;
if (label.size() > maxLabelChars) {
label += "...";
} = style;
cache.params = params();
cache.generated_label = glabel;
cache.screen_label = label;
return label;
void InsetCitation::edit(BufferView * bv, int, int, unsigned int)
// A call to edit() indicates that we're no longer loading the
// buffer but doing some real work.
// Doesn't matter if there is no bv->buffer() entry in the map.
loading_buffer[bv->buffer()] = false;
void InsetCitation::edit(BufferView * bv, bool)
edit(bv, 0, 0, 0);
int InsetCitation::ascii(Buffer const * buffer, ostream & os, int) const
string label;
if (cache.params == params() && == getStyle(buffer))
label = cache.generated_label;
label = generateLabel(buffer);
os << label;
return 0;
// Have to overwrite the default InsetCommand method in order to check that
// the \cite command is valid. Eg, the user has natbib enabled, inputs some
// citations and then changes his mind, turning natbib support off. The output
// should revert to \cite[]{}
int InsetCitation::latex(Buffer const * buffer, ostream & os,
bool /*fragile*/, bool/*fs*/) const
os << "\\";
if (buffer->params.use_natbib)
os << getCmdName();
os << "cite";
string const before = string();
string const after = getOptions();
if (!before.empty() && buffer->params.use_natbib)
os << "[" << before << "][" << after << "]";
else if (!after.empty())
os << "[" << after << "]";
string::const_iterator it = getContents().begin();
string::const_iterator end = getContents().end();
// Paranoia check: make sure that there is no whitespace in here
string content;
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (*it != ' ') content += *it;
os << "{" << content << "}";
return 0;
void InsetCitation::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
if (features.bufferParams().use_natbib)