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synced 2025-01-18 21:45:24 +00:00
322 lines
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322 lines
8.2 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from subprocess import call, check_call
from random import randrange
import getpass
outfilename = "/tmp/cache-bisect." + getpass.getuser() + ".log"
outfile = open(outfilename, 'w')
#print >> outfile, 'BBBISECT_BEGIN'
#print >> outfile, 'BBBISECT_BEGIN'
#print >> outfile, 'BBBISECT_BEGIN'
#print >> outfile, 'BBBISECT_BEGIN'
#print >> outfile, 'BBBISECT_BEGIN'
source_dir = '/mnt/big/xp/src/lyx-1.6.x-bisect' # must NOT end in a slash
cache_dir = source_dir + '.cache/' # must end in a slash
source_dir = '/mnt/big/xp/src/lyx-1.6.x-bisect2' # must NOT end in a slash
#make_cmd = 'autoconf && ./configure && cd src && echo __________ `pwd` && sleep 9 && make'
make_cmd = 'rm -rf autom4te.cache && autoconf && ./configure && cd src && make'
reverse_search = True
reverse_search = False
must_make = True # If we fail to make the file, we could this a "bad" rather than "canot test"
must_make = False
# ToDo:
# replace .tmp with .partial_copy and .not_yet_made
def set_revision(new_v, tmp_d):
#check_call(['svn', 'up', '-r' + new_v, '--force'], cwd=tmp_d)
os.system ('cd "'+tmp_d+'" && yes tf | svn up -r'+new_v+'--force')
def cmp_version(x, y):
return cmp(int(x), int(y))
def get_cached_versions():
vers = [f for f in os.listdir(cache_dir) if not f.count('.')]
return vers
def version_in_range(v, lo, hi):
if cmp_version(v, lo) < 0:
return False
elif cmp_version(v, hi) > 0:
return False
return True
def killall_p (s):
# Unlike killall, this searchs within command parameters, as well as the
# command name
#os.system("kPID=`ps a | grep '"+s+"' | grep -v grep | sed 's/^ *//g'| sed 's/ .*$//'`
os.system("(kPID=`ps a | grep '"+s+
"' | grep -v grep | sed 's/^ *//g'| sed 's/ .*$//'`\n\
echo kPID $kPID "+s+"\n\
echo kill $kPID\n\
kill $kPID\n\
sleep 0.1\n\
echo kill -9 $kPID\n\
kill -9 $kPID) 2> /dev/null")
def clean_up ():
def filter_versions(vers, lo, hi):
return [v for v in vers if cmp]
def ver2dir(v):
return cache_dir + v
def make_ver(new_v, old_v=None, alt_v=None):
print 'MAKING', new_v, old_v, alt_v
new_d = ver2dir(new_v)
if old_v is None:
old_d = source_dir
old_d = ver2dir(old_v)
fail_d = new_d + '.fail'
tmp_d = new_d + '.tmp'
if os.path.exists(cache_dir + fail_d):
return 1
if os.path.exists(new_d):
return 0
if not os.path.exists(tmp_d):
if not os.path.exists(old_d):
old_d = old_d + '.tmp'
call(['rm', '-rf', tmp_d + '.cp'])
call(['cp', '-rvu', old_d, tmp_d + '.cp'])
check_call(['mv', tmp_d + '.cp', tmp_d])
set_revision(new_v, tmp_d)
call('pwd && sleep 5 && echo ' + make_cmd, cwd=tmp_d, shell=True)
result = call(make_cmd, cwd=tmp_d, shell=True)
if result == 0:
print 'Make successful'
check_call(['mv', tmp_d, new_d])
return result
def change_after(cmd, v):
result = run_cmd(cmd, v)
ca = result_after(result)
print >> outfile, 'BISECT_change_after', v, ca
print 'BISECT_change_after', v, ca
return ca
def change_before(cmd, v):
result = run_cmd(cmd, v)
cb = result_before(result)
print >> outfile, 'BISECT_change_before', v, cb
print 'BISECT_change_before', v, cb
return cb
def result_after(i):
if reverse_search:
return result_bad(i)
return result_good(i)
def result_before(i):
if reverse_search:
return result_good(i)
return result_bad(i)
def result_good(i):
return i == 0
def result_bad(i):
return not result_ugly(i) and not result_good(i)
def result_ugly(i):
return i == 125 # Like git, we treat 125 as "We cannot test this version"
def run_cmd(cmd, v):
#result = call('pwd ; echo SS ' + cmd, shell=True, cwd=ver2dir(v))
print "CMD", cmd
print "V2D", ver2dir(v)
#result = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, cwd=ver2dir(v))
result = call(cmd, cwd=ver2dir(v))
print cmd, result
return result
def do_bisect(cmd, vers, build):
lo = 0
hi = len(vers) - 1
m = (lo + hi) / 2
print lo, hi, m
print vers[lo], vers[hi], vers[m]
print vers
print >> outfile, 'VERS', final_vers
while len(vers) > 2:
print 'i', lo, hi, m, cmd
print 'v', vers[lo], vers[hi], vers[m], cmd
print vers
print '#ugly = Nonese'
if build or must_make:
ugly = False
result = make_ver(vers[m], vers[lo], vers[hi])
print 'AMKE RESULT', result
if not must_make:
if result > 0 and not must_make:
ugly = True # Not good, or bad, just ugly.
result = run_cmd(cmd, vers[m])
if not ugly:
if result > 127:
ugly = result_ugly(result)
if ugly:
print vers[m] + ' is UGLY'
del vers[m]
hi = len(vers) - 1
m = randrange(0, len(vers))
if result_after(result):
print vers[m] + ' is AFTER'
del vers[lo:m]
print vers[m] + ' is BEFORE'
del vers[m + 1:hi + 1]
hi = len(vers) - 1
m = (lo + hi) / 2
print 'VERS REMAINING:', vers
return vers
def check_bisect(cmd, vers):
lo = 0
hi = len(vers) - 1
l = vers[lo]
h = vers[hi]
if make_ver(l):
return False
if make_ver(h):
return False
if change_before(cmd, l):
print 'Cannot bisect, change before ' + l\
+ ' or regression test invalid'
return False
if change_after(cmd, h):
print 'Cannot bisect, change after ' + h\
+ ' or regression test invalid'
return False
return True
def do_check_bisect(cmd, vers, build):
print vers
if check_bisect(cmd, vers):
return do_bisect(cmd, vers, build)
def open_and_readlines(fname):
f = open(fname, 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
for i in range(0, len(lines)):
lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip('\n')
return lines
def get_versions_between(l, h):
vers = [f for f in open_and_readlines('all_versions')
if version_in_range(f, l, h)]
return vers
def get_cached_versions_between(l, h):
vers = [f for f in get_cached_versions() if version_in_range(f, l, h)]
print 'BTWN', l, h, vers
return vers
def two_level_bisect(cmd, LO, HI):
if make_ver(LO):
return False
if make_ver(HI):
return False
vers = get_cached_versions_between(LO, HI)
print 'CACHED_VERSIONS', vers
vers = do_check_bisect(cmd, vers, False)
print 'Closest Cached Versions', vers
if vers is None:
if len(vers) != 2:
vers = get_versions_between(vers[0], vers[1])
print 'BETWEEN VERSIONS', vers
vers = do_check_bisect(cmd, vers, True)
def multisect(cmd, vers):
i = 1
while i < len(vers):
print >> outfile, 'MULTISECT', vers[i]
print 'MULTISECT', vers[i]
if not ( make_ver(vers[i], vers[i-1])==0 and change_after(cmd, vers[i]) ) :
i = i + 1
return two_level_bisect(cmd, vers[i], vers[0])
print >> outfile, 'BISECT_BEGIN'
#final_vers = multisect('$TEST_COMMAND', ['30614', '27418', '23000'])
cmd = os.sys.argv
del cmd[0]
VERS = os.environ.get('MULTISECT_VERS')
if VERS is None:
VERS = ['30614', '27418', '23000']
VERS = VERS.split()
final_vers = multisect(cmd, VERS)
#final_vers = two_level_bisect('true', "21107","23000")
#final_vers = do_bisect('true', get_versions_between("21107","23000"),True)
print >> outfile, 'BISECT_FINAL', final_vers
print 'BISECT_FINAL', final_vers
os.system('echo BISECT_BEGIN >> /tmp/adsfadsf.log')
os.system('echo BISECT_FINAL >> /tmp/adsfadsf.log')