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# LaTeX fonts natively supported by LyX.
# Syntax:
# Font <name>
# GuiName "<Gui Name>"
# Family <rm|sf|tt>
# SwitchDefault <0|1>
# Package <LaTeX package to be loaded>
# Requires <LaTeX package to test for>
# AltPackages <alternative packages (comma-separated)>
# OT1Package <alternative package specifically for OT1 encoding>
# CompletePackage <alternative package for the complete family>
# OsfOption <option for oldstyle figure support>
# ScOption <option for true smallcaps support>
# OsfScOption <option for combined osf and true smallcaps support>
# ScaleOption <option for font scaling>
# EndFont
# * Adding a new font results in a FILE FORMAT CHANGE. So if a new font
# is added for the LyX distribution, the according changes need to be
# done.
# * "SwitchDefault 1" makes the font to be loaded by switching the default
# family to <name> (e.g., \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{cmr}), whereas
# Package <package> loads it via \usepackage{package}. Normally, only
# one of these options is used per font.
# * If AltPackages are defined, LyX will try to load them in the defined
# order if the main package is not available. So
# Package mathptmx
# AltPackages mathptm,times
# will try to load mathptm if mathptmx is not available and then times
# if mathptm is not available either.
# * If Requires is set, LyX will check for this. If not, it will check
# for Package and AltPackages.
# * OT1Package will load the defined package instead of the default
# package if the font encoding is OT1. This is necessary since some
# newer packages for a font do not support this encoding.
# The value "none" tells LyX not to load a package in OT1 encoding.
# * CompletePackage is a package that is loaded if the current font is
# selected as rm and both sf and tt are set to "default" (this allows
# f. ex. to load "bera" as opposed to "beraserif").
# * OsfScOption overrides any OsfOption and ScOption if both features
# are selected.
# * ScaleOption supports the placeholder $$val for the scale value.
# Roman fonts
Font cmr
GuiName "Computer Modern Roman"
Family rm
SwitchDefault 1
OsfPackage eco
Font lmodern
GuiName "Latin Modern Roman"
Family rm
Package lmodern
Font ae
GuiName "AE (Almost European)"
Family rm
Package "ae,aecompl"
OT1Package none
Requires ae
Font times
GuiName "Times Roman"
Family rm
Package mathptmx
AltPackages "mathptm,times"
Requires psnfss
Font palatino
GuiName "Palatino"
Family rm
OsfOption osf
ScOption sc
OsfScOption osf
Package mathpazo
AltPackages "mathpple,palatino"
Requires psnfss
Font charter
GuiName "Bitstream Charter"
Family rm
Package charter
Font newcent
GuiName "New Century Schoolbook"
Family rm
Package newcent
Font bookman
GuiName "Bookman"
Family rm
Package bookman
# fourier supersedes utopia.sty, but does
# not work with OT1 encoding.
Font utopia
GuiName "Utopia"
Family rm
OsfOption oldstyle
ScOption expert
Package fourier
AltPackages utopia
OT1Package utopia
Font beraserif
GuiName "Bera Serif"
Family rm
Package beraserif
CompletePackage bera
Requires bera
Font ccfonts
GuiName "Concrete Roman"
Family rm
Package ccfonts
Font chancery
GuiName "Zapf Chancery"
Family rm
Package chancery
# SansSerif fonts
Font cmss
GuiName "Computer Modern Sans"
Family sf
SwitchDefault 1
Font lmss
GuiName "Latin Modern Sans"
Family sf
SwitchDefault 1
Requires lmodern
Font helvet
GuiName "Helvetica"
Family sf
ScaleOption scaled=$$val
Package helvet
Requires psnfss
Font avant
GuiName "Avant Garde"
Family sf
Package avant
Font berasans
GuiName "Bera Sans"
Family sf
ScaleOption scaled=$$val
Package berasans
Requires bera
Font cmbr
GuiName "CM Bright"
Family sf
SwitchDefault 1
Requires cmbright
# Monospaced fonts
Font cmtt
GuiName "Computer Modern Typewriter"
Family tt
SwitchDefault 1
Font lmtt
GuiName "Latin Modern Typewriter"
Family tt
SwitchDefault 1
Requires lmodern
Font courier
GuiName "Courier"
Family tt
Package courier
Requires psnfss
Font beramono
GuiName "Bera Mono"
Family tt
ScaleOption scaled=$$val
Package beramono
Requires bera
Font luximono
GuiName "LuxiMono"
Family tt
ScaleOption scaled=$$val
Package luximono
Font cmtl
GuiName "CM Typewriter Light"
Family tt
SwitchDefault 1
Requires cmbright