2000-09-26 13:54:57 +00:00
// File modified by fdfix.sh for use by lyx (with xforms > 0.88) and gettext
1999-09-27 18:44:28 +00:00
# include <config.h>
# include "lyx_gui_misc.h"
# include "gettext.h"
/* Form definition file generated with fdesign. */
2000-06-12 11:27:15 +00:00
# include <cstdlib>
1999-09-27 18:44:28 +00:00
# include "sp_form.h"
FD_form_spell_options * create_form_form_spell_options ( void )
FL_OBJECT * obj ;
FD_form_spell_options * fdui = ( FD_form_spell_options * ) fl_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( FD_form_spell_options ) ) ;
fdui - > form_spell_options = fl_bgn_form ( FL_NO_BOX , 340 , 400 ) ;
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
obj = fl_add_box ( FL_UP_BOX , 0 , 0 , 340 , 400 , " " ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , 0 ) ;
obj = fl_add_frame ( FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME , 10 , 20 , 320 , 110 , " " ) ;
fl_set_object_color ( obj , FL_COL1 , FL_COL1 ) ;
obj = fl_add_frame ( FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME , 10 , 150 , 320 , 200 , " " ) ;
fl_set_object_color ( obj , FL_COL1 , FL_COL1 ) ;
1999-09-27 18:44:28 +00:00
fdui - > lang_buts = fl_bgn_group ( ) ;
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
fdui - > buflang = obj = fl_add_checkbutton ( FL_RADIO_BUTTON , 10 , 30 , 320 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Use language of document|#D " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Use language of document|#D " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > altlang = obj = fl_add_checkbutton ( FL_RADIO_BUTTON , 10 , 60 , 320 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Use alternate language:|#U " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Use alternate language:|#U " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
1999-09-27 18:44:28 +00:00
fl_end_group ( ) ;
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
fdui - > altlang_input = obj = fl_add_input ( FL_NORMAL_INPUT , 40 , 90 , 240 , 30 , " " ) ;
2000-12-12 15:25:27 +00:00
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
fdui - > compounds = obj = fl_add_checkbutton ( FL_PUSH_BUTTON , 10 , 160 , 320 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Treat run-together words as legal|#T " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Treat run-together words as legal|#T " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > inpenc = obj = fl_add_checkbutton ( FL_PUSH_BUTTON , 10 , 190 , 320 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Input Encoding switch to ispell|#I " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Input Encoding switch to ispell|#I " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > ok = obj = fl_add_button ( FL_RETURN_BUTTON , 10 , 360 , 100 , 30 , _ ( " OK " ) ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
1999-09-27 18:44:28 +00:00
fl_set_object_gravity ( obj , FL_SouthEast , FL_SouthEast ) ;
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
fl_set_object_callback ( obj , SpellOptionsOKCB , 0 ) ;
obj = fl_add_button ( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON , 230 , 360 , 100 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Cancel|^[ " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Cancel|^[ " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
1999-09-27 18:44:28 +00:00
fl_set_object_gravity ( obj , FL_SouthEast , FL_SouthEast ) ;
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
fl_set_object_callback ( obj , SpellOptionsCancelCB , 0 ) ;
fdui - > perdict = obj = fl_add_checkbutton ( FL_PUSH_BUTTON , 10 , 220 , 320 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Use alternate personal dictionary:|#P " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Use alternate personal dictionary:|#P " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > esc_chars = obj = fl_add_checkbutton ( FL_PUSH_BUTTON , 10 , 280 , 320 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Extra special chars allowed in words:|#E " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Extra special chars allowed in words:|#E " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > perdict_input = obj = fl_add_input ( FL_NORMAL_INPUT , 40 , 250 , 240 , 30 , " " ) ;
2000-12-12 15:25:27 +00:00
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
fdui - > esc_chars_input = obj = fl_add_input ( FL_NORMAL_INPUT , 40 , 310 , 240 , 30 , " " ) ;
2000-12-12 15:25:27 +00:00
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
obj = fl_add_text ( FL_NORMAL_TEXT , 20 , 10 , 90 , 20 , _ ( " Dictionary " ) ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fl_set_object_lalign ( obj , FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ) ;
fl_set_object_lstyle ( obj , FL_BOLD_STYLE ) ;
obj = fl_add_text ( FL_NORMAL_TEXT , 30 , 140 , 70 , 20 , _ ( " Options " ) ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fl_set_object_lalign ( obj , FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ) ;
fl_set_object_lstyle ( obj , FL_BOLD_STYLE ) ;
obj = fl_add_button ( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON , 120 , 360 , 100 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Apply|#A " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Apply|#A " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
1999-09-27 18:44:28 +00:00
fl_set_object_gravity ( obj , FL_SouthEast , FL_SouthEast ) ;
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
fl_set_object_callback ( obj , SpellOptionsApplyCB , 0 ) ;
1999-09-27 18:44:28 +00:00
fl_end_form ( ) ;
2000-09-26 13:54:57 +00:00
fdui - > form_spell_options - > fdui = fdui ;
1999-09-27 18:44:28 +00:00
return fdui ;
FD_form_spell_check * create_form_form_spell_check ( void )
FL_OBJECT * obj ;
FD_form_spell_check * fdui = ( FD_form_spell_check * ) fl_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( FD_form_spell_check ) ) ;
fdui - > form_spell_check = fl_bgn_form ( FL_NO_BOX , 540 , 280 ) ;
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
obj = fl_add_box ( FL_UP_BOX , 0 , 0 , 540 , 280 , " " ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , 0 ) ;
fdui - > text = obj = fl_add_text ( FL_NORMAL_TEXT , 80 , 10 , 220 , 30 , " " ) ;
fl_set_object_boxtype ( obj , FL_DOWN_BOX ) ;
2000-12-12 15:25:27 +00:00
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
fl_set_object_lalign ( obj , FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ) ;
fdui - > input = obj = fl_add_input ( FL_NORMAL_INPUT , 80 , 40 , 220 , 30 , _ ( " Replace " ) ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > browser = obj = fl_add_browser ( FL_SELECT_BROWSER , 80 , 70 , 220 , 150 , _ ( " Near \n Misses " ) ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fl_set_object_lalign ( obj , FL_ALIGN_LEFT ) ;
fdui - > options = obj = fl_add_button ( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON , 310 , 210 , 220 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Spellchecker Options...|#O " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Spellchecker Options...|#O " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > start = obj = fl_add_button ( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON , 310 , 10 , 220 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Start spellchecking|#S " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Start spellchecking|#S " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > insert = obj = fl_add_button ( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON , 310 , 50 , 220 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Insert in personal dictionary|#I " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Insert in personal dictionary|#I " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > ignore = obj = fl_add_button ( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON , 310 , 110 , 220 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Ignore word|#g " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Ignore word|#g " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > accept = obj = fl_add_button ( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON , 310 , 80 , 220 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Accept word in this session|#A " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Accept word in this session|#A " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > stop = obj = fl_add_button ( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON , 310 , 180 , 220 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Stop spellchecking|#T " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Stop spellchecking|#T " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > done = obj = fl_add_button ( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON , 310 , 240 , 220 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Close Spellchecker|#C^[ " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Close Spellchecker|#C^[ " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
2000-06-12 11:27:15 +00:00
// xgettext:no-c-format
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
obj = fl_add_box ( FL_NO_BOX , 10 , 250 , 50 , 20 , _ ( " 0 % " ) ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fl_set_object_lalign ( obj , FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ) ;
2000-06-12 11:27:15 +00:00
// xgettext:no-c-format
1999-11-15 12:01:38 +00:00
obj = fl_add_box ( FL_NO_BOX , 250 , 250 , 50 , 20 , _ ( " 100 % " ) ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fl_set_object_lalign ( obj , FL_ALIGN_RIGHT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ) ;
fdui - > replace = obj = fl_add_button ( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON , 310 , 140 , 220 , 30 , idex ( _ ( " Replace word|#R " ) ) ) ; fl_set_button_shortcut ( obj , scex ( _ ( " Replace word|#R " ) ) , 1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , FL_NORMAL_SIZE ) ;
fdui - > slider = obj = fl_add_slider ( FL_HOR_FILL_SLIDER , 10 , 230 , 290 , 20 , " " ) ;
fl_set_object_color ( obj , FL_BLUE , FL_COL1 ) ;
fl_set_object_lsize ( obj , 0 ) ;
fl_set_object_lalign ( obj , FL_ALIGN_LEFT ) ;
1999-09-27 18:44:28 +00:00
fl_end_form ( ) ;
2000-09-26 13:54:57 +00:00
fdui - > form_spell_check - > fdui = fdui ;
1999-09-27 18:44:28 +00:00
return fdui ;