2003-08-22 10:37:26 +00:00
# -*- text -*-
2007-01-06 13:42:15 +00:00
# file stdtoolbars.inc
2003-08-22 10:37:26 +00:00
# This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
# Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
# author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
# author John Levon
# Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
2005-05-22 23:01:21 +00:00
# The interface is designed (partially) following the KDE Human Interface
# Guidelines (http://usability.kde.org/hig/)
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
# Casing rules "The tooltip":
# Capitalize the first letter of the first word, and any other words normally
# capitalized in sentences, such as application names.
# Casing Rules for the "GUI Name":
# Capitalize all words in the element, with the following exceptions:
# * Articles: a, an, the.
# * Conjunctions: and, but, for, not, so, yet ...
# * Prepositions of three or fewer letters: at, for, by, in, to ...
# (http://library.gnome.org/devel/hig-book/stable/design-text-labels.html.en)
2003-04-15 02:30:53 +00:00
# A Toolbar starts like :
2004-04-21 00:19:27 +00:00
# Toolbar "name" "GUI Name"
2003-04-15 02:30:53 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
# Only seven commands are allowed inside the Toolbar and End
2003-10-13 09:50:10 +00:00
# directives:
2003-04-15 02:30:53 +00:00
# Item "The tooltip" "<action> [<parameter>]" adds an icon to the toolbar performing
# "<action> <parameter>"
# Examples:
# Item "Small font" "font-size small"
# Item Emphasized set-emph
# Layouts adds the layouts combo-box to the toolbar
# Separator adds some spacing to the toolbar
# Minibuffer adds the command buffer (Qt only, only one may exist)
2007-05-06 07:26:51 +00:00
# TableInsert "The tooltip" adds a special widget for quick insertion of tables
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
# PopupMenu "name" "The tooltip"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
# ... inserts a button with a popup menu derived from Toolbar "name"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
# IconPalette "name" "The tooltip"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
# ... inserts a button with a popup iconpalette derived from Toolbar "name"
2007-04-10 20:57:59 +00:00
# The icons are found in the lib/images/ direcory under the name
2007-08-30 20:09:12 +00:00
# action.png or action_parameter.png, except for math-insert, which
# is e.g. lib/image/math/sum.png. Note that some characters are
2003-04-15 02:30:53 +00:00
# replaced (e.g. ')' -> rbracket).
# All other lyx commands will get a "unknown" icon.
# This is the default toolbar:
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
2003-04-15 02:30:53 +00:00
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Toolbar "standard" "Standard"
Item "New document" "buffer-new"
Item "Open document" "file-open"
Item "Save document" "buffer-write"
Item "Print document" "dialog-show print"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Item "Check spelling" "dialog-show spellchecker"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Item "Undo" "undo"
Item "Redo" "redo"
Item "Cut" "cut"
Item "Copy" "copy"
Item "Paste" "paste"
Item "Find and replace" "dialog-show findreplace"
2009-09-22 21:39:48 +00:00
Item "Find and replace (advanced)" "dialog-toggle findreplaceadv"
2009-02-13 15:11:52 +00:00
Item "Navigate back" "bookmark-goto 0"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Item "Toggle emphasis" "font-emph"
Item "Toggle noun" "font-noun"
2008-06-11 08:35:15 +00:00
Item "Apply last" "textstyle-apply"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Item "Insert math" "math-mode"
Item "Insert graphics" "dialog-show-new-inset graphics"
2007-05-06 07:26:51 +00:00
TableInsert "Insert table"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
Item "Toggle outline" "dialog-toggle toc"
Item "Toggle math toolbar" "toolbar-toggle math"
Item "Toggle table toolbar" "toolbar-toggle table"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Toolbar "extra" "Extra"
Item "Default" "layout"
Item "Numbered list" "layout Enumerate"
Item "Itemized list" "layout Itemize"
Item "List" "layout List"
Item "Description" "layout Description"
Item "Increase depth" "depth-increment"
Item "Decrease depth" "depth-decrement"
Item "Insert figure float" "float-insert figure"
Item "Insert table float" "float-insert table"
Item "Insert label" "label-insert"
Item "Insert cross-reference" "dialog-show-new-inset ref"
Item "Insert citation" "dialog-show-new-inset citation"
Item "Insert index entry" "index-insert"
2007-04-29 22:21:00 +00:00
Item "Insert nomenclature entry" "nomencl-insert"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Item "Insert footnote" "footnote-insert"
Item "Insert margin note" "marginalnote-insert"
Item "Insert note" "note-insert"
2008-01-15 21:49:14 +00:00
Item "Insert box" "box-insert Frameless"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
Item "Insert hyperlink" "href-insert"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Item "Insert TeX code" "ert-insert"
2007-11-01 16:33:19 +00:00
Item "Insert math macro" "math-macro newmacroname newcommand"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Item "Include file" "dialog-show-new-inset include"
Item "Text style" "dialog-show character"
Item "Paragraph settings" "layout-paragraph"
Item "Thesaurus" "thesaurus-entry"
Toolbar "table" "Table"
Item "Add row" "tabular-feature append-row"
Item "Add column" "tabular-feature append-column"
Item "Delete row" "tabular-feature delete-row"
Item "Delete column" "tabular-feature delete-column"
Item "Set top line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-top"
Item "Set bottom line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-bottom"
Item "Set left line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-left"
Item "Set right line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-right"
2008-03-20 08:45:40 +00:00
Item "Set border lines" "tabular-feature set-border-lines"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Item "Set all lines" "tabular-feature set-all-lines"
Item "Unset all lines" "tabular-feature unset-all-lines"
2009-01-25 17:04:57 +00:00
Item "Align left" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-align-left;tabular-feature align-left"
Item "Align center" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-align-center;tabular-feature align-center"
Item "Align right" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-align-right;tabular-feature align-right"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
2009-01-25 17:04:57 +00:00
Item "Align top" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-valign-top;tabular-feature valign-top"
Item "Align middle" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-valign-middle;tabular-feature valign-middle"
Item "Align bottom" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-valign-bottom;tabular-feature valign-bottom"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
2007-05-12 20:59:21 +00:00
Item "Rotate cell" "tabular-feature toggle-rotate-cell"
Item "Rotate table" "tabular-feature toggle-rotate-tabular"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Item "Set multi-column" "tabular-feature multicolumn"
Toolbar "math" "Math"
Item "Set display mode" "math-display"
Item "Subscript" "math-subscript"
Item "Superscript" "math-superscript"
Item "Insert square root" "math-insert \sqrt"
Item "Insert root" "math-insert \root"
Item "Insert standard fraction" "math-insert \frac"
Item "Insert sum" "math-insert \sum"
Item "Insert integral" "math-insert \int"
Item "Insert product" "math-insert \prod"
Item "Insert ( )" "math-delim ( )"
Item "Insert [ ]" "math-delim [ ]"
Item "Insert { }" "math-delim { }"
Item "Insert delimiters" "dialog-show mathdelimiter"
Item "Insert matrix" "dialog-show mathmatrix"
Item "Insert cases environment" "math-insert \cases"
Item "Add row" "tabular-feature append-row"
Item "Add column" "tabular-feature append-column"
Item "Delete row" "tabular-feature delete-row"
Item "Delete column" "tabular-feature delete-column"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
Item "Toggle math panels" "toolbar-toggle math_panels"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
2007-11-01 16:33:19 +00:00
2007-12-23 00:47:37 +00:00
Toolbar "mathmacrotemplate" "Math Macros"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
Item "Remove last argument" "math-macro-remove-param"
Item "Append argument" "math-macro-add-param"
Item "Make first non-optional into optional argument" "math-macro-make-optional"
Item "Make last optional into non-optional argument"
2007-11-01 16:33:19 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
Item "Remove optional argument" "math-macro-remove-optional-param"
Item "Insert optional argument" "math-macro-add-optional-param"
2007-11-01 16:33:19 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
Item "Remove last argument spitting out to the right" "math-macro-remove-greedy-param"
Item "Append argument eating from the right" "math-macro-append-greedy-param"
Item "Append optional argument eating from the right" "math-macro-add-greedy-optional-param"
2007-11-01 16:33:19 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Toolbar "minibuffer" "Command Buffer"
2008-01-10 08:54:23 +00:00
Toolbar "review" "Review[[Toolbar]]"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Item "Track changes" "changes-track"
Item "Show changes in output" "changes-output"
Item "Next change" "change-next"
2008-07-10 22:43:02 +00:00
Item "Accept change inside selection" "change-accept"
Item "Reject change inside selection" "change-reject"
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Item "Merge changes" "changes-merge"
Item "Accept all changes" "all-changes-accept"
Item "Reject all changes" "all-changes-reject"
Item "Insert note" "note-insert"
Item "Next note" "note-next"
Toolbar "view/update" "View/Update"
2009-04-07 05:01:08 +00:00
Item "View" "buffer-view"
Item "Update" "buffer-update"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
Item "View master document" "master-buffer-view"
Item "Update master document" "master-buffer-update"
2009-04-07 05:01:08 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
StickyPopupMenu "view-others" "View other formats"
StickyPopupMenu "update-others" "Update other formats"
2009-04-07 05:01:08 +00:00
Toolbar "view-others" "View Other Formats"
2009-05-02 08:43:22 +00:00
2009-04-07 05:01:08 +00:00
Toolbar "update-others" "Update Other Formats"
2009-05-02 08:43:22 +00:00
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
2007-01-21 00:05:33 +00:00
2009-05-02 08:43:22 +00:00
# The following three toolbars are disabled because of missing icons.
# Toolbar "import/export" "Import/Export"
# Item "Import" "buffer-import"
# Item "Export" "buffer-export"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
# StickyPopupMenu "import-others" "Import other formats"
# StickyPopupMenu "export-others" "Export other formats"
2009-05-02 08:43:22 +00:00
# End
# Toolbar "import-others" "Import Other Formats"
# ImportFormats
# End
# Toolbar "export-others" "Export Other Formats"
# ExportFormats
# End
2008-07-29 17:40:26 +00:00
Toolbar "vcs" "Version Control"
Item "Register" "vc-register"
Item "Check-out for edit" "vc-check-out"
Item "Check-in changes" "vc-check-in"
2008-07-29 17:54:38 +00:00
Item "View revision log" "dialog-show vclog"
2008-07-29 17:40:26 +00:00
Item "Revert changes" "vc-revert"
2009-06-25 14:48:11 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
Item "Use SVN file locking property" "vc-locking-toggle"
2008-07-29 17:40:26 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "math_panels" "Math Panels"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
PopupMenu "space" "Math spacings"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
PopupMenu "style" "Styles"
PopupMenu "frac-square" "Fractions"
PopupMenu "font" "Fonts"
PopupMenu "functions" "Functions"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
IconPalette "latex_deco" "Frame decorations"
IconPalette "latex_varsz" "Big operators"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
IconPalette "latex_misc" "Miscellaneous"
IconPalette "latex_greek" "Greek"
IconPalette "latex_arrow" "Arrows"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
IconPalette "latex_ams_arrows" "AMS arrows"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
IconPalette "latex_bop" "Operators"
IconPalette "latex_brel" "Relations"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
IconPalette "latex_ams_rel" "AMS relations"
IconPalette "latex_ams_nrel" "AMS negative relations"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
IconPalette "latex_dots" "Dots"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
IconPalette "latex_ams_ops" "AMS operators"
IconPalette "latex_ams_misc" "AMS miscellaneous"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "functions" "Functions"
Item "arccos" "math-insert \arccos"
Item "arcsin" "math-insert \arcsin"
Item "arctan" "math-insert \arctan"
Item "arg" "math-insert \arg"
Item "bmod" "math-insert \bmod"
Item "cos" "math-insert \cos"
Item "cosh" "math-insert \cosh"
Item "cot" "math-insert \cot"
Item "coth" "math-insert \coth"
Item "csc" "math-insert \csc"
Item "deg" "math-insert \deg"
Item "det" "math-insert \det"
Item "dim" "math-insert \dim"
Item "exp" "math-insert \exp"
Item "gcd" "math-insert \gcd"
Item "hom" "math-insert \hom"
Item "inf" "math-insert \inf"
Item "ker" "math-insert \ker"
Item "lg" "math-insert \lg"
Item "lim" "math-insert \lim"
Item "liminf" "math-insert \liminf"
Item "limsup" "math-insert \limsup"
Item "ln" "math-insert \ln"
Item "log" "math-insert \log"
Item "max" "math-insert \max"
Item "min" "math-insert \min"
Item "sec" "math-insert \sec"
Item "sin" "math-insert \sin"
Item "sinh" "math-insert \sinh"
Item "sup" "math-insert \sup"
Item "tan" "math-insert \tan"
Item "tanh" "math-insert \tanh"
Item "Pr" "math-insert \Pr"
2007-05-01 09:57:45 +00:00
Toolbar "space" "Spacings"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Item "Thin space \\," "math-insert \,"
Item "Medium space \\:" "math-insert \:"
Item "Thick space \\;" "math-insert \;"
Item "Quadratin space \\quad" "math-insert \quad"
Item "Double quadratin space \\qquad" "math-insert \qquad"
Item "Negative space \\!" "math-insert \!"
2007-11-05 19:28:37 +00:00
Item "Placeholder \\phantom" "math-insert \phantom"
Item "Horizontal placeholder \\hphantom" "math-insert \hphantom"
Item "Vertical placeholder \\vphantom" "math-insert \vphantom"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "sqrt-square" "Roots"
Item "Square root \\sqrt" "math-insert \sqrt"
Item "Other root \\root" "math-insert \root"
Toolbar "style" "Styles"
2008-06-14 18:38:14 +00:00
Item "Display style \\displaystyle" "math-size \displaystyle"
Item "Normal text style \\textstyle" "math-size \textstyle"
Item "Script (small) style \\scriptstyle" "math-size \scriptstyle"
Item "Scriptscript (smaller) style \\scriptscriptstyle" "math-size \scriptscriptstyle"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "frac-square" "Fractions"
Item "Standard \\frac" "math-insert \frac"
2007-11-04 19:09:24 +00:00
Item "Nice fraction (3/4) \\nicefrac" "math-insert \nicefrac"
2007-09-18 15:04:58 +00:00
Item "Unit (km) \\unit" "math-insert \unitone"
2007-10-01 12:43:40 +00:00
Item "Unit (864 m) \\unit" "math-insert \unittwo"
2007-11-04 19:09:24 +00:00
Item "Unit fraction (km/h) \\unitfrac" "math-insert \unitfrac"
Item "Unit fraction (20 km/h) \\unitfrac" "math-insert \unitfracthree"
2009-04-05 19:52:53 +00:00
Item "Text fraction \\tfrac" "math-insert \tfrac"
Item "Display fraction \\dfrac" "math-insert \dfrac"
Item "Continued fraction \\cfrac" "math-insert \cfrac"
2009-04-06 23:58:42 +00:00
Item "Continued fraction (left) \\cfrac" "math-insert \cfracleft"
Item "Continued fraction (right) \\cfrac" "math-insert \cfracright"
2007-11-05 19:28:37 +00:00
Item "Binomial \\binom" "math-insert \binom"
Item "Text binomial \\tbinom" "math-insert \tbinom"
Item "Display binomial \\dbinom" "math-insert \dbinom"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "font" "Fonts"
Item "Roman \\mathrm" "math-insert \mathrm"
Item "Bold \\mathbf" "math-insert \mathbf"
Item "Bold symbol \\boldsymbol" "math-insert \boldsymbol"
Item "Sans serif \\mathsf" "math-insert \mathsf"
Item "Italic \\mathit" "math-insert \mathit"
Item "Typewriter \\mathtt" "math-insert \mathtt"
Item "Blackboard \\mathbb" "math-insert \mathbb"
Item "Fraktur \\mathfrak" "math-insert \mathfrak"
Item "Calligraphic \\mathcal" "math-insert \mathcal"
Item "Normal text mode \\textrm" "math-insert \textrm"
Toolbar "latex_dots" "Dots"
Item "ldots" "math-insert \ldots"
Item "cdots" "math-insert \cdots"
Item "vdots" "math-insert \vdots"
Item "ddots" "math-insert \ddots"
2009-06-18 20:04:27 +00:00
# Do not show it as long as it does not load mathdots automatically
# Item "iddots" "math-insert \iddots"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_deco" "Frame Decorations"
2007-04-25 09:06:32 +00:00
Item "hat" "math-insert \hat"
Item "tilde" "math-insert \tilde"
Item "bar" "math-insert \bar"
Item "grave" "math-insert \grave"
Item "dot" "math-insert \dot"
Item "check" "math-insert \check"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Item "widehat" "math-insert \widehat"
Item "widetilde" "math-insert \widetilde"
2007-04-25 09:06:32 +00:00
Item "vec" "math-insert \vec"
Item "acute" "math-insert \acute"
Item "ddot" "math-insert \ddot"
2009-06-18 20:04:27 +00:00
Item "dddot" "math-insert \dddot"
Item "ddddot" "math-insert \ddddot"
2007-04-25 09:06:32 +00:00
Item "breve" "math-insert \breve"
Item "overline" "math-insert \overline"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Item "overbrace" "math-insert \overbrace"
Item "overleftarrow" "math-insert \overleftarrow"
Item "overrightarrow" "math-insert \overrightarrow"
2007-04-25 09:06:32 +00:00
Item "overleftrightarrow" "math-insert \overleftrightarrow"
Item "overset" "math-insert \overset"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Item "underline" "math-insert \underline"
2007-04-25 09:06:32 +00:00
Item "underbrace" "math-insert \underbrace"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Item "underleftarrow" "math-insert \underleftarrow"
Item "underrightarrow" "math-insert \underrightarrow"
Item "underleftrightarrow" "math-insert \underleftrightarrow"
Item "underset" "math-insert \underset"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_arrow" "Arrows"
Item "leftarrow" "math-insert \leftarrow"
Item "rightarrow" "math-insert \rightarrow"
Item "downarrow" "math-insert \downarrow"
Item "uparrow" "math-insert \uparrow"
Item "updownarrow" "math-insert \updownarrow"
Item "leftrightarrow" "math-insert \leftrightarrow"
Item "Leftarrow" "math-insert \Leftarrow"
Item "Rightarrow" "math-insert \Rightarrow"
Item "Downarrow" "math-insert \Downarrow"
Item "Uparrow" "math-insert \Uparrow"
Item "Updownarrow" "math-insert \Updownarrow"
Item "Leftrightarrow" "math-insert \Leftrightarrow"
Item "Longleftrightarrow" "math-insert \Longleftrightarrow"
Item "Longleftarrow" "math-insert \Longleftarrow"
Item "Longrightarrow" "math-insert \Longrightarrow"
Item "longleftrightarrow" "math-insert \longleftrightarrow"
Item "longleftarrow" "math-insert \longleftarrow"
Item "longrightarrow" "math-insert \longrightarrow"
Item "leftharpoondown" "math-insert \leftharpoondown"
Item "rightharpoondown" "math-insert \rightharpoondown"
Item "mapsto" "math-insert \mapsto"
Item "longmapsto" "math-insert \longmapsto"
Item "nwarrow" "math-insert \nwarrow"
Item "nearrow" "math-insert \nearrow"
Item "leftharpoonup" "math-insert \leftharpoonup"
Item "rightharpoonup" "math-insert \rightharpoonup"
Item "hookleftarrow" "math-insert \hookleftarrow"
Item "hookrightarrow" "math-insert \hookrightarrow"
Item "swarrow" "math-insert \swarrow"
Item "searrow" "math-insert \searrow"
Item "rightleftharpoons" "math-insert \rightleftharpoons"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_bop" "Operators"
Item "pm" "math-insert \pm"
Item "cap" "math-insert \cap"
Item "diamond" "math-insert \diamond"
Item "oplus" "math-insert \oplus"
Item "mp" "math-insert \mp"
Item "cup" "math-insert \cup"
Item "bigtriangleup" "math-insert \bigtriangleup"
Item "ominus" "math-insert \ominus"
Item "times" "math-insert \times"
Item "uplus" "math-insert \uplus"
Item "bigtriangledown" "math-insert \bigtriangledown"
Item "otimes" "math-insert \otimes"
Item "div" "math-insert \div"
Item "sqcap" "math-insert \sqcap"
Item "triangleright" "math-insert \triangleright"
Item "oslash" "math-insert \oslash"
Item "cdot" "math-insert \cdot"
Item "sqcup" "math-insert \sqcup"
Item "triangleleft" "math-insert \triangleleft"
Item "odot" "math-insert \odot"
Item "star" "math-insert \star"
Item "vee" "math-insert \vee"
Item "amalg" "math-insert \amalg"
Item "bigcirc" "math-insert \bigcirc"
Item "setminus" "math-insert \setminus"
Item "wedge" "math-insert \wedge"
Item "dagger" "math-insert \dagger"
Item "circ" "math-insert \circ"
Item "bullet" "math-insert \bullet"
Item "wr" "math-insert \wr"
Item "ddagger" "math-insert \ddagger"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_brel" "Relations"
Item "leq" "math-insert \leq"
Item "geq" "math-insert \geq"
Item "equiv" "math-insert \equiv"
Item "models" "math-insert \models"
Item "prec" "math-insert \prec"
Item "succ" "math-insert \succ"
Item "sim" "math-insert \sim"
Item "perp" "math-insert \perp"
Item "preceq" "math-insert \preceq"
Item "succeq" "math-insert \succeq"
Item "simeq" "math-insert \simeq"
Item "mid" "math-insert \mid"
Item "ll" "math-insert \ll"
Item "gg" "math-insert \gg"
Item "asymp" "math-insert \asymp"
Item "parallel" "math-insert \parallel"
Item "subset" "math-insert \subset"
Item "supset" "math-insert \supset"
Item "approx" "math-insert \approx"
Item "smile" "math-insert \smile"
Item "subseteq" "math-insert \subseteq"
Item "supseteq" "math-insert \supseteq"
Item "cong" "math-insert \cong"
Item "frown" "math-insert \frown"
Item "sqsubseteq" "math-insert \sqsubseteq"
Item "sqsupseteq" "math-insert \sqsupseteq"
Item "doteq" "math-insert \doteq"
Item "neq" "math-insert \neq"
Item "in" "math-insert \in"
Item "ni" "math-insert \ni"
Item "propto" "math-insert \propto"
Item "notin" "math-insert \notin"
Item "vdash" "math-insert \vdash"
Item "dashv" "math-insert \dashv"
Item "bowtie" "math-insert \bowtie"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_greek" "Greek"
Item "alpha" "math-insert \alpha"
Item "beta" "math-insert \beta"
Item "gamma" "math-insert \gamma"
Item "delta" "math-insert \delta"
Item "epsilon" "math-insert \epsilon"
Item "varepsilon" "math-insert \varepsilon"
Item "zeta" "math-insert \zeta"
Item "eta" "math-insert \eta"
Item "theta" "math-insert \theta"
Item "vartheta" "math-insert \vartheta"
Item "iota" "math-insert \iota"
Item "kappa" "math-insert \kappa"
Item "lambda" "math-insert \lambda"
Item "mu" "math-insert \mu"
Item "nu" "math-insert \nu"
Item "xi" "math-insert \xi"
Item "pi" "math-insert \pi"
Item "varpi" "math-insert \varpi"
Item "rho" "math-insert \rho"
2007-06-07 12:45:11 +00:00
Item "varrho" "math-insert \varrho"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Item "sigma" "math-insert \sigma"
Item "varsigma" "math-insert \varsigma"
Item "tau" "math-insert \tau"
Item "upsilon" "math-insert \upsilon"
Item "phi" "math-insert \phi"
Item "varphi" "math-insert \varphi"
Item "chi" "math-insert \chi"
Item "psi" "math-insert \psi"
Item "omega" "math-insert \omega"
Item "Gamma" "math-insert \Gamma"
Item "Delta" "math-insert \Delta"
Item "Theta" "math-insert \Theta"
Item "Lambda" "math-insert \Lambda"
Item "Xi" "math-insert \Xi"
Item "Pi" "math-insert \Pi"
Item "Sigma" "math-insert \Sigma"
Item "Upsilon" "math-insert \Upsilon"
Item "Phi" "math-insert \Phi"
Item "Psi" "math-insert \Psi"
Item "Omega" "math-insert \Omega"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_misc" "Miscellaneous"
Item "nabla" "math-insert \nabla"
Item "partial" "math-insert \partial"
Item "infty" "math-insert \infty"
Item "prime" "math-insert \prime"
Item "ell" "math-insert \ell"
Item "emptyset" "math-insert \emptyset"
Item "exists" "math-insert \exists"
Item "forall" "math-insert \forall"
Item "imath" "math-insert \imath"
Item "jmath" "math-insert \jmath"
Item "Re" "math-insert \Re"
Item "Im" "math-insert \Im"
Item "aleph" "math-insert \aleph"
Item "wp" "math-insert \wp"
Item "hbar" "math-insert \hbar"
Item "angle" "math-insert \angle"
Item "top" "math-insert \top"
Item "bot" "math-insert \bot"
Item "Vert" "math-insert \Vert"
Item "neg" "math-insert \neg"
Item "flat" "math-insert \flat"
Item "natural" "math-insert \natural"
Item "sharp" "math-insert \sharp"
Item "surd" "math-insert \surd"
Item "triangle" "math-insert \triangle"
Item "diamondsuit" "math-insert \diamondsuit"
Item "heartsuit" "math-insert \heartsuit"
Item "clubsuit" "math-insert \clubsuit"
Item "spadesuit" "math-insert \spadesuit"
Item "textrm \\AA" "math-insert \textrm \AA"
Item "textrm \\O" "math-insert \textrm \O"
Item "mathcircumflex" "math-insert \mathcircumflex"
Item "_" "math-insert \_"
Item "mathrm T" "math-insert \mathrm T"
Item "mathbb N" "math-insert \mathbb N"
Item "mathbb Z" "math-insert \mathbb Z"
Item "mathbb Q" "math-insert \mathbb Q"
Item "mathbb R" "math-insert \mathbb R"
Item "mathbb C" "math-insert \mathbb C"
Item "mathbb H" "math-insert \mathbb H"
Item "mathcal F" "math-insert \mathcal F"
Item "mathcal L" "math-insert \mathcal L"
Item "mathcal H" "math-insert \mathcal H"
Item "mathcal O" "math-insert \mathcal O"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_varsz" "Big Operators"
2008-01-08 18:40:39 +00:00
Item "intop" "math-insert \intop"
2008-01-10 20:57:15 +00:00
Item "int" "math-insert \int"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
Item "iint" "math-insert \iint"
2008-01-08 18:40:39 +00:00
Item "iintop" "math-insert \iintop"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
Item "iiint" "math-insert \iiint"
2008-01-08 18:40:39 +00:00
Item "iiintop" "math-insert \iiintop"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
Item "iiiint" "math-insert \iiiint"
2008-01-08 18:40:39 +00:00
Item "iiiintop" "math-insert \iiiintop"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
Item "dotsint" "math-insert \dotsint"
2008-01-08 18:40:39 +00:00
Item "dotsintop" "math-insert \dotsintop"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
Item "oint" "math-insert \oint"
2008-01-08 18:40:39 +00:00
Item "ointop" "math-insert \ointop"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
Item "oiint" "math-insert \oiint"
2008-01-08 18:40:39 +00:00
Item "oiintop" "math-insert \oiintop"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Item "ointctrclockwiseop" "math-insert \ointctrclockwiseop"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
Item "ointctrclockwise" "math-insert \ointctrclockwise"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Item "ointclockwiseop" "math-insert \ointclockwiseop"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
Item "ointclockwise" "math-insert \ointclockwise"
Item "sqint" "math-insert \sqint"
2008-01-08 18:40:39 +00:00
Item "sqintop" "math-insert \sqintop"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
Item "sqiint" "math-insert \sqiint"
2008-01-08 18:40:39 +00:00
Item "sqiintop" "math-insert \sqiintop"
2009-02-04 19:57:02 +00:00
Item "fint" "math-insert \fint"
Item "fintop" "math-insert \fintop"
Item "landupint" "math-insert \landupint"
Item "landupintop" "math-insert \landupintop"
Item "landdownint" "math-insert \landdownint"
Item "landdownintop" "math-insert \landdownintop"
2007-05-23 22:08:07 +00:00
Item "sum" "math-insert \sum"
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Item "prod" "math-insert \prod"
Item "coprod" "math-insert \coprod"
Item "bigsqcup" "math-insert \bigsqcup"
Item "bigotimes" "math-insert \bigotimes"
Item "bigodot" "math-insert \bigodot"
Item "bigoplus" "math-insert \bigoplus"
Item "bigcap" "math-insert \bigcap"
Item "bigcup" "math-insert \bigcup"
Item "biguplus" "math-insert \biguplus"
Item "bigvee" "math-insert \bigvee"
Item "bigwedge" "math-insert \bigwedge"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_ams_misc" "AMS Miscellaneous"
Item "digamma" "math-insert \digamma"
Item "varkappa" "math-insert \varkappa"
Item "beth" "math-insert \beth"
Item "daleth" "math-insert \daleth"
Item "gimel" "math-insert \gimel"
Item "ulcorner" "math-insert \ulcorner"
Item "urcorner" "math-insert \urcorner"
Item "llcorner" "math-insert \llcorner"
Item "lrcorner" "math-insert \lrcorner"
Item "hbar" "math-insert \hbar"
Item "hslash" "math-insert \hslash"
Item "vartriangle" "math-insert \vartriangle"
Item "triangledown" "math-insert \triangledown"
Item "square" "math-insert \square"
Item "lozenge" "math-insert \lozenge"
Item "circledS" "math-insert \circledS"
Item "angle" "math-insert \angle"
Item "measuredangle" "math-insert \measuredangle"
Item "nexists" "math-insert \nexists"
Item "mho" "math-insert \mho"
Item "Finv" "math-insert \Finv"
Item "Game" "math-insert \Game"
Item "Bbbk" "math-insert \Bbbk"
Item "backprime" "math-insert \backprime"
Item "varnothing" "math-insert \varnothing"
Item "blacktriangle" "math-insert \blacktriangle"
Item "blacktriangledown" "math-insert \blacktriangledown"
Item "blacksquare" "math-insert \blacksquare"
Item "blacklozenge" "math-insert \blacklozenge"
Item "bigstar" "math-insert \bigstar"
Item "sphericalangle" "math-insert \sphericalangle"
Item "complement" "math-insert \complement"
Item "eth" "math-insert \eth"
Item "diagup" "math-insert \diagup"
Item "diagdown" "math-insert \diagdown"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_ams_arrows" "AMS Arrows"
Item "dashleftarrow" "math-insert \dashleftarrow"
Item "dashrightarrow" "math-insert \dashrightarrow"
Item "leftleftarrows" "math-insert \leftleftarrows"
Item "leftrightarrows" "math-insert \leftrightarrows"
Item "rightrightarrows" "math-insert \rightrightarrows"
Item "rightleftarrows" "math-insert \rightleftarrows"
Item "Lleftarrow" "math-insert \Lleftarrow"
Item "Rrightarrow" "math-insert \Rrightarrow"
Item "twoheadleftarrow" "math-insert \twoheadleftarrow"
Item "twoheadrightarrow" "math-insert \twoheadrightarrow"
Item "leftarrowtail" "math-insert \leftarrowtail"
Item "rightarrowtail" "math-insert \rightarrowtail"
Item "looparrowleft" "math-insert \looparrowleft"
Item "looparrowright" "math-insert \looparrowright"
Item "curvearrowleft" "math-insert \curvearrowleft"
Item "curvearrowright" "math-insert \curvearrowright"
Item "circlearrowleft" "math-insert \circlearrowleft"
Item "circlearrowright" "math-insert \circlearrowright"
Item "Lsh" "math-insert \Lsh"
Item "Rsh" "math-insert \Rsh"
Item "upuparrows" "math-insert \upuparrows"
Item "downdownarrows" "math-insert \downdownarrows"
Item "upharpoonleft" "math-insert \upharpoonleft"
Item "upharpoonright" "math-insert \upharpoonright"
Item "downharpoonleft" "math-insert \downharpoonleft"
Item "downharpoonright" "math-insert \downharpoonright"
Item "leftrightharpoons" "math-insert \leftrightharpoons"
Item "rightleftharpoons" "math-insert \rightleftharpoons"
Item "rightsquigarrow" "math-insert \rightsquigarrow"
Item "leftrightsquigarrow" "math-insert \leftrightsquigarrow"
Item "nleftarrow" "math-insert \nleftarrow"
Item "nrightarrow" "math-insert \nrightarrow"
Item "nleftrightarrow" "math-insert \nleftrightarrow"
Item "nLeftarrow" "math-insert \nLeftarrow"
Item "nRightarrow" "math-insert \nRightarrow"
Item "nLeftrightarrow" "math-insert \nLeftrightarrow"
Item "multimap" "math-insert \multimap"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_ams_rel" "AMS Relations"
Item "leqq" "math-insert \leqq"
Item "geqq" "math-insert \geqq"
Item "leqslant" "math-insert \leqslant"
Item "geqslant" "math-insert \geqslant"
Item "eqslantless" "math-insert \eqslantless"
Item "eqslantgtr" "math-insert \eqslantgtr"
Item "lesssim" "math-insert \lesssim"
Item "gtrsim" "math-insert \gtrsim"
Item "lessapprox" "math-insert \lessapprox"
Item "gtrapprox" "math-insert \gtrapprox"
Item "approxeq" "math-insert \approxeq"
Item "triangleq" "math-insert \triangleq"
Item "lessdot" "math-insert \lessdot"
Item "gtrdot" "math-insert \gtrdot"
Item "lll" "math-insert \lll"
Item "ggg" "math-insert \ggg"
Item "lessgtr" "math-insert \lessgtr"
Item "gtrless" "math-insert \gtrless"
Item "lesseqgtr" "math-insert \lesseqgtr"
Item "gtreqless" "math-insert \gtreqless"
Item "lesseqqgtr" "math-insert \lesseqqgtr"
Item "gtreqqless" "math-insert \gtreqqless"
Item "eqcirc" "math-insert \eqcirc"
Item "circeq" "math-insert \circeq"
Item "thicksim" "math-insert \thicksim"
Item "thickapprox" "math-insert \thickapprox"
Item "backsim" "math-insert \backsim"
Item "backsimeq" "math-insert \backsimeq"
Item "subseteqq" "math-insert \subseteqq"
Item "supseteqq" "math-insert \supseteqq"
Item "Subset" "math-insert \Subset"
Item "Supset" "math-insert \Supset"
Item "sqsubset" "math-insert \sqsubset"
Item "sqsupset" "math-insert \sqsupset"
Item "preccurlyeq" "math-insert \preccurlyeq"
Item "succcurlyeq" "math-insert \succcurlyeq"
Item "curlyeqprec" "math-insert \curlyeqprec"
Item "curlyeqsucc" "math-insert \curlyeqsucc"
Item "precsim" "math-insert \precsim"
Item "succsim" "math-insert \succsim"
Item "precapprox" "math-insert \precapprox"
Item "succapprox" "math-insert \succapprox"
Item "vartriangleleft" "math-insert \vartriangleleft"
Item "vartriangleright" "math-insert \vartriangleright"
Item "trianglelefteq" "math-insert \trianglelefteq"
Item "trianglerighteq" "math-insert \trianglerighteq"
Item "bumpeq" "math-insert \bumpeq"
Item "Bumpeq" "math-insert \Bumpeq"
Item "doteqdot" "math-insert \doteqdot"
Item "risingdotseq" "math-insert \risingdotseq"
Item "fallingdotseq" "math-insert \fallingdotseq"
Item "vDash" "math-insert \vDash"
Item "Vvdash" "math-insert \Vvdash"
Item "Vdash" "math-insert \Vdash"
Item "shortmid" "math-insert \shortmid"
Item "shortparallel" "math-insert \shortparallel"
Item "smallsmile" "math-insert \smallsmile"
Item "smallfrown" "math-insert \smallfrown"
Item "blacktriangleleft" "math-insert \blacktriangleleft"
Item "blacktriangleright" "math-insert \blacktriangleright"
Item "because" "math-insert \because"
Item "therefore" "math-insert \therefore"
Item "backepsilon" "math-insert \backepsilon"
Item "varpropto" "math-insert \varpropto"
Item "between" "math-insert \between"
Item "pitchfork" "math-insert \pitchfork"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_ams_nrel" "AMS Negative Relations"
Item "nless" "math-insert \nless"
Item "ngtr" "math-insert \ngtr"
Item "nleq" "math-insert \nleq"
Item "ngeq" "math-insert \ngeq"
Item "nleqslant" "math-insert \nleqslant"
Item "ngeqslant" "math-insert \ngeqslant"
Item "nleqq" "math-insert \nleqq"
Item "ngeqq" "math-insert \ngeqq"
Item "lneq" "math-insert \lneq"
Item "gneq" "math-insert \gneq"
Item "lneqq" "math-insert \lneqq"
Item "gneqq" "math-insert \gneqq"
Item "lvertneqq" "math-insert \lvertneqq"
Item "gvertneqq" "math-insert \gvertneqq"
Item "lnsim" "math-insert \lnsim"
Item "gnsim" "math-insert \gnsim"
Item "lnapprox" "math-insert \lnapprox"
Item "gnapprox" "math-insert \gnapprox"
Item "nprec" "math-insert \nprec"
Item "nsucc" "math-insert \nsucc"
Item "npreceq" "math-insert \npreceq"
Item "nsucceq" "math-insert \nsucceq"
Item "precnsim" "math-insert \precnsim"
Item "succnsim" "math-insert \succnsim"
Item "precnapprox" "math-insert \precnapprox"
Item "succnapprox" "math-insert \succnapprox"
Item "subsetneq" "math-insert \subsetneq"
Item "supsetneq" "math-insert \supsetneq"
Item "subsetneqq" "math-insert \subsetneqq"
Item "supsetneqq" "math-insert \supsetneqq"
Item "nsubseteq" "math-insert \nsubseteq"
Item "nsupseteq" "math-insert \nsupseteq"
Item "nsupseteqq" "math-insert \nsupseteqq"
Item "nvdash" "math-insert \nvdash"
Item "nvDash" "math-insert \nvDash"
Item "nVDash" "math-insert \nVDash"
Item "varsubsetneq" "math-insert \varsubsetneq"
Item "varsupsetneq" "math-insert \varsupsetneq"
Item "varsubsetneqq" "math-insert \varsubsetneqq"
Item "varsupsetneqq" "math-insert \varsupsetneqq"
Item "ntriangleleft" "math-insert \ntriangleleft"
Item "ntriangleright" "math-insert \ntriangleright"
Item "ntrianglelefteq" "math-insert \ntrianglelefteq"
Item "ntrianglerighteq" "math-insert \ntrianglerighteq"
Item "ncong" "math-insert \ncong"
Item "nsim" "math-insert \nsim"
Item "nmid" "math-insert \nmid"
Item "nshortmid" "math-insert \nshortmid"
Item "nparallel" "math-insert \nparallel"
Item "nshortparallel" "math-insert \nshortparallel"
2009-06-29 06:19:21 +00:00
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Toolbar "latex_ams_ops" "AMS Operators"
Item "dotplus" "math-insert \dotplus"
Item "smallsetminus" "math-insert \smallsetminus"
Item "Cap" "math-insert \Cap"
Item "Cup" "math-insert \Cup"
Item "barwedge" "math-insert \barwedge"
Item "veebar" "math-insert \veebar"
Item "doublebarwedge" "math-insert \doublebarwedge"
Item "boxminus" "math-insert \boxminus"
Item "boxtimes" "math-insert \boxtimes"
Item "boxdot" "math-insert \boxdot"
Item "boxplus" "math-insert \boxplus"
Item "divideontimes" "math-insert \divideontimes"
Item "ltimes" "math-insert \ltimes"
Item "rtimes" "math-insert \rtimes"
Item "leftthreetimes" "math-insert \leftthreetimes"
Item "rightthreetimes" "math-insert \rightthreetimes"
Item "curlywedge" "math-insert \curlywedge"
Item "curlyvee" "math-insert \curlyvee"
Item "circleddash" "math-insert \circleddash"
Item "circledast" "math-insert \circledast"
Item "circledcirc" "math-insert \circledcirc"
Item "centerdot" "math-insert \centerdot"
Item "intercal" "math-insert \intercal"
2007-01-21 00:05:33 +00:00