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* \file MathParser.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author André Pönitz
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
If someone desperately needs partial "structures" (such as a few
cells of an array inset or similar) (s)he could uses the
following hack as starting point to write some macros:
#include <config.h>
#include "MathParser.h"
#include "InsetMathArray.h"
#include "InsetMathBig.h"
#include "InsetMathBrace.h"
#include "InsetMathCancelto.h"
#include "InsetMathChar.h"
#include "InsetMathColor.h"
#include "InsetMathComment.h"
#include "InsetMathDelim.h"
#include "InsetMathEnsureMath.h"
#include "InsetMathEnv.h"
#include "InsetMathFrac.h"
#include "InsetMathKern.h"
#include "MathMacro.h"
#include "InsetMathPar.h"
#include "InsetMathRef.h"
#include "InsetMathRoot.h"
#include "InsetMathScript.h"
#include "InsetMathSideset.h"
#include "InsetMathSpace.h"
#include "InsetMathSplit.h"
#include "InsetMathSqrt.h"
#include "InsetMathStackrel.h"
#include "InsetMathString.h"
#include "InsetMathTabular.h"
#include "MathMacroTemplate.h"
#include "MathExtern.h"
#include "MathFactory.h"
#include "MathMacroArgument.h"
#include "MathSupport.h"
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "BufferParams.h"
#include "Encoding.h"
#include "Lexer.h"
#include "support/convert.h"
#include "support/debug.h"
#include "support/docstream.h"
#include "support/unique_ptr.h"
#include <sstream>
//#define FILEDEBUG
using namespace std;
namespace lyx {
namespace {
InsetMath::mode_type asMode(InsetMath::mode_type oldmode, docstring const & str)
//lyxerr << "handling mode: '" << str << "'" << endl;
if (str == "mathmode")
return InsetMath::MATH_MODE;
if (str == "textmode" || str == "forcetext")
return InsetMath::TEXT_MODE;
return oldmode;
bool stared(docstring const & s)
size_t const n = s.size();
return n && s[n - 1] == '*';
docstring const repl(docstring const & oldstr, char_type const c,
docstring const & macro, bool textmode = false)
docstring newstr;
size_t i;
size_t j;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < oldstr.size(); ++i) {
if (c == oldstr[i]) {
newstr.append(oldstr, j, i - j);
j = i + 1;
if (macro.size() > 2 && j < oldstr.size())
newstr += (textmode && oldstr[j] == ' ' ? '\\' : ' ');
// Any substitution?
if (j == 0)
return oldstr;
newstr.append(oldstr, j, i - j);
return newstr;
docstring escapeSpecialChars(docstring const & str, bool textmode)
docstring const backslash = textmode ? from_ascii("\\textbackslash")
: from_ascii("\\backslash");
docstring const caret = textmode ? from_ascii("\\textasciicircum")
: from_ascii("\\mathcircumflex");
docstring const tilde = textmode ? from_ascii("\\textasciitilde")
: from_ascii("\\sim");
return repl(repl(repl(repl(repl(repl(repl(repl(repl(repl(str,
'\\', backslash, textmode),
'^', caret, textmode),
'~', tilde, textmode),
'_', from_ascii("\\_")),
'$', from_ascii("\\$")),
'#', from_ascii("\\#")),
'&', from_ascii("\\&")),
'%', from_ascii("\\%")),
'{', from_ascii("\\{")),
'}', from_ascii("\\}"));
* Add the row \p cellrow to \p grid.
* \returns wether the row could be added. Adding a row can fail for
* environments like "equation" that have a fixed number of rows.
bool addRow(InsetMathGrid & grid, InsetMathGrid::row_type & cellrow,
docstring const & vskip, bool allow_newpage_ = true)
if (cellrow == grid.nrows()) {
//lyxerr << "adding row " << cellrow << endl;
grid.addRow(cellrow - 1);
if (cellrow == grid.nrows()) {
// We can't add a row to this grid, so let's
// append the content of this cell to the previous
// one.
// This does not happen in well formed .lyx files,
// but LyX versions 1.3.x and older could create
// such files and tex2lyx can still do that.
lyxerr << "ignoring extra row";
if (!vskip.empty())
lyxerr << " with extra space " << to_utf8(vskip);
if (!allow_newpage_)
lyxerr << " with no page break allowed";
lyxerr << '.' << endl;
return false;
grid.vcrskip(Length(to_utf8(vskip)), cellrow - 1);
grid.rowinfo(cellrow - 1).allow_newpage_ = allow_newpage_;
return true;
* Add the column \p cellcol to \p grid.
* \returns wether the column could be added. Adding a column can fail for
* environments like "eqnarray" that have a fixed number of columns.
bool addCol(InsetMathGrid & grid, InsetMathGrid::col_type & cellcol)
if (cellcol == grid.ncols()) {
//lyxerr << "adding column " << cellcol << endl;
if (cellcol == grid.ncols()) {
// We can't add a column to this grid, so let's
// append the content of this cell to the previous
// one.
// This does not happen in well formed .lyx files,
// but LyX versions 1.3.x and older could create
// such files and tex2lyx can still do that.
lyxerr << "ignoring extra column." << endl;
return false;
return true;
* Check whether the last row is empty and remove it if yes.
* Otherwise the following code
* \verbatim
1 & 2 \\ \hline
3 & 4 \\ \hline
* \endverbatim
* will result in a grid with 3 rows (+ the dummy row that is always present),
* because the last '\\' opens a new row.
* Do never delete a row that contains a multicolumn, even if all cells empty,
* since the multicolumn information would get lost otherwise.
* Note that this is only needed for inner-hull grid types, such as array
* or aligned, but not for outer-hull grid types, such as eqnarray or align.
void delEmptyLastRow(InsetMathGrid & grid)
InsetMathGrid::row_type const row = grid.nrows() - 1;
for (InsetMathGrid::col_type col = 0; col < grid.ncols(); ++col) {
InsetMathGrid::idx_type const idx = grid.index(row, col);
if (!grid.cell(idx).empty() ||
grid.cellinfo(idx).multi_ != InsetMathGrid::CELL_NORMAL)
// Copy the row information of the empty row (which would contain the
// last hline in the example above) to the dummy row and delete the
// empty row.
grid.rowinfo(row + 1) = grid.rowinfo(row);
* Tell whether the environment name corresponds to an inner-hull grid type.
bool innerHull(docstring const & name)
// For [bB]matrix, [vV]matrix, and pmatrix we can check the suffix only
return name == "array" || name == "cases" || name == "aligned"
|| name == "alignedat" || name == "gathered" || name == "split"
|| name == "subarray" || name == "tabular" || name == "matrix"
|| name == "smallmatrix" || name.substr(1) == "matrix";
// These are TeX's catcodes
enum CatCode {
catEscape, // 0 backslash
catBegin, // 1 {
catEnd, // 2 }
catMath, // 3 $
catAlign, // 4 &
catNewline, // 5 ^^M
catParameter, // 6 #
catSuper, // 7 ^
catSub, // 8 _
catIgnore, // 9
catSpace, // 10 space
catLetter, // 11 a-zA-Z
catOther, // 12 none of the above
catActive, // 13 ~
catComment, // 14 %
catInvalid // 15 <delete>
CatCode theCatcode[128];
inline CatCode catcode(char_type c)
/* The only characters that are not catOther lie in the pure ASCII
* range. Therefore theCatcode has only 128 entries.
* TeX itself deals with 8bit characters, so if needed this table
* could be enlarged to 256 entries.
* Any larger value does not make sense, since the fact that we use
* unicode internally does not change Knuth's TeX engine.
* Apart from that a table for the full 21bit UCS4 range would waste
* too much memory. */
if (c >= 128)
return catOther;
return theCatcode[c];
enum {
FLAG_ALIGN = 1 << 0, // next & or \\ ends the parsing process
FLAG_BRACE_LAST = 1 << 1, // next closing brace ends the parsing
FLAG_RIGHT = 1 << 2, // next \\right ends the parsing process
FLAG_END = 1 << 3, // next \\end ends the parsing process
FLAG_BRACK_LAST = 1 << 4, // next closing bracket ends the parsing
FLAG_TEXTMODE = 1 << 5, // we are in a box
FLAG_ITEM = 1 << 6, // read a (possibly braced) token
FLAG_LEAVE = 1 << 7, // leave the loop at the end
FLAG_SIMPLE = 1 << 8, // next $ leaves the loop
FLAG_EQUATION = 1 << 9, // next \] leaves the loop
FLAG_SIMPLE2 = 1 << 10, // next \) leaves the loop
FLAG_OPTION = 1 << 11, // read [...] style option
FLAG_BRACED = 1 << 12 // read {...} style argument
// Helper class for parsing
class Token {
Token() : cs_(), char_(0), cat_(catIgnore) {}
Token(char_type c, CatCode cat) : cs_(), char_(c), cat_(cat) {}
explicit Token(docstring const & cs) : cs_(cs), char_(0), cat_(catIgnore) {}
docstring const & cs() const { return cs_; }
CatCode cat() const { return cat_; }
char_type character() const { return char_; }
docstring asString() const { return !cs_.empty() ? cs_ : docstring(1, char_); }
docstring asInput() const { return !cs_.empty() ? '\\' + cs_ : docstring(1, char_); }
docstring cs_;
char_type char_;
CatCode cat_;
ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, Token const & t)
if (!t.cs().empty()) {
docstring const & cs = t.cs();
// FIXME: For some strange reason, the stream operator instanciate
// a new Token before outputting the contents of t.cs().
// Because of this the line
// os << '\\' << cs;
// below becomes recursive.
// In order to avoid that we return early:
if (cs == "\\")
return os;
os << '\\' << to_utf8(cs);
else if ( == catLetter)
os << t.character();
os << '[' << t.character() << ',' << << ']';
return os;
class Parser {
typedef InsetMath::mode_type mode_type;
typedef Parse::flags parse_mode;
Parser(Lexer & lex, parse_mode mode, Buffer * buf);
/// Only use this for reading from .lyx file format, for the reason
/// see Parser::tokenize(istream &).
Parser(istream & is, parse_mode mode, Buffer * buf);
Parser(docstring const & str, parse_mode mode, Buffer * buf);
bool parse(MathAtom & at);
bool parse(MathData & array, unsigned flags, mode_type mode);
bool parse1(InsetMathGrid & grid, unsigned flags, mode_type mode,
bool numbered);
MathData parse(unsigned flags, mode_type mode);
int lineno() const { return lineno_; }
void putback();
/// store current position
void pushPosition();
/// restore previous position
void popPosition();
/// forget last saved position
void dropPosition();
void parse2(MathAtom & at, unsigned flags, mode_type mode, bool numbered);
/// get arg delimited by 'left' and 'right'
docstring getArg(char_type left, char_type right);
char_type getChar();
void error(string const & msg);
void error(docstring const & msg) { error(to_utf8(msg)); }
/// dump contents to screen
void dump() const;
/// Only use this for reading from .lyx file format (see
/// implementation for reason)
void tokenize(istream & is);
void tokenize(docstring const & s);
void skipSpaceTokens(idocstream & is, char_type c);
void push_back(Token const & t);
void pop_back();
Token const & prevToken() const;
Token const & nextToken() const;
Token const & getToken();
/// skips spaces if any
void skipSpaces();
void lex(docstring const & s);
bool good() const;
docstring parse_verbatim_item();
docstring parse_verbatim_option();
int lineno_;
vector<Token> tokens_;
unsigned pos_;
std::vector<unsigned> positions_;
/// Stack of active environments
vector<docstring> environments_;
parse_mode mode_;
bool success_;
Buffer * buffer_;
Parser::Parser(Lexer & lexer, parse_mode mode, Buffer * buf)
: lineno_(lexer.lineNumber()), pos_(0), mode_(mode), success_(true),
Parser::Parser(istream & is, parse_mode mode, Buffer * buf)
: lineno_(0), pos_(0), mode_(mode), success_(true), buffer_(buf)
Parser::Parser(docstring const & str, parse_mode mode, Buffer * buf)
: lineno_(0), pos_(0), mode_(mode), success_(true), buffer_(buf)
void Parser::push_back(Token const & t)
void Parser::pop_back()
Token const & Parser::prevToken() const
static const Token dummy;
return pos_ > 0 ? tokens_[pos_ - 1] : dummy;
Token const & Parser::nextToken() const
static const Token dummy;
return good() ? tokens_[pos_] : dummy;
Token const & Parser::getToken()
static const Token dummy;
//lyxerr << "looking at token " << tokens_[pos_] << " pos: " << pos_ << endl;
return good() ? tokens_[pos_++] : dummy;
void Parser::skipSpaces()
while (nextToken().cat() == catSpace || nextToken().cat() == catNewline)
void Parser::putback()
void Parser::pushPosition()
void Parser::popPosition()
pos_ = positions_.back();
void Parser::dropPosition()
bool Parser::good() const
return pos_ < tokens_.size();
char_type Parser::getChar()
if (!good()) {
error("The input stream is not well...");
return 0;
return tokens_[pos_++].character();
docstring Parser::getArg(char_type left, char_type right)
docstring result;
if (!good())
return result;
char_type c = getChar();
if (c != left)
while ((c = getChar()) != right && good())
result += c;
return result;
void Parser::skipSpaceTokens(idocstream & is, char_type c)
// skip trailing spaces
while (catcode(c) == catSpace || catcode(c) == catNewline)
if (!is.get(c))
//lyxerr << "putting back: " << c << endl;
void Parser::tokenize(istream & is)
// eat everything up to the next \end_inset or end of stream
// and store it in s for further tokenization
string s;
char c;
while (is.get(c)) {
s += c;
if (s.size() >= 10 && s.substr(s.size() - 10) == "\\end_inset") {
s = s.substr(0, s.size() - 10);
// Remove the space after \end_inset
if (is.get(c) && c != ' ')
// tokenize buffer
void Parser::tokenize(docstring const & buffer)
idocstringstream is(mode_ & Parse::VERBATIM
? escapeSpecialChars(buffer, mode_ & Parse::TEXTMODE)
: buffer, ios::in | ios::binary);
char_type c;
while (is.get(c)) {
//lyxerr << "reading c: " << c << endl;
switch (catcode(c)) {
case catNewline: {
if (catcode(c) == catNewline)
; //push_back(Token("par"));
else {
push_back(Token('\n', catNewline));
case catComment: {
while (is.get(c) && catcode(c) != catNewline)
case catEscape: {
if (!is) {
error("unexpected end of input");
} else {
if (c == '\n')
c = ' ';
docstring s(1, c);
if (catcode(c) == catLetter) {
// collect letters
while (is.get(c) && catcode(c) == catLetter)
s += c;
skipSpaceTokens(is, c);
case catSuper:
case catSub: {
push_back(Token(c, catcode(c)));
skipSpaceTokens(is, c);
case catIgnore: {
if (!(mode_ & Parse::QUIET))
lyxerr << "ignoring a char: " << int(c) << endl;
push_back(Token(c, catcode(c)));
void Parser::dump() const
lyxerr << "\nTokens: ";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < tokens_.size(); ++i) {
if (i == pos_)
lyxerr << " <#> ";
lyxerr << tokens_[i];
lyxerr << " pos: " << pos_ << endl;
void Parser::error(string const & msg)
success_ = false;
if (!(mode_ & Parse::QUIET)) {
lyxerr << "Line ~" << lineno_ << ": Math parse error: "
<< msg << endl;
bool Parser::parse(MathAtom & at)
MathData ar(buffer_);
parse(ar, false, InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE);
if (ar.size() != 1 || ar.front()->getType() == hullNone) {
if (!(mode_ & Parse::QUIET))
lyxerr << "unusual contents found: " << ar << endl;
at = MathAtom(new InsetMathPar(buffer_, ar));
//if (at->nargs() > 0)
// at.nucleus()->cell(0) = ar;
// lyxerr << "unusual contents found: " << ar << endl;
success_ = false;
} else
at = ar[0];
return success_;
docstring Parser::parse_verbatim_option()
docstring res;
if (nextToken().character() == '[') {
Token t = getToken();
for (Token t = getToken(); t.character() != ']' && good(); t = getToken()) {
if ( == catBegin) {
res += '{' + parse_verbatim_item() + '}';
} else
res += t.asInput();
return res;
docstring Parser::parse_verbatim_item()
docstring res;
if (nextToken().cat() == catBegin) {
Token t = getToken();
for (Token t = getToken(); != catEnd && good(); t = getToken()) {
if ( == catBegin) {
res += '{' + parse_verbatim_item() + '}';
res += t.asInput();
return res;
MathData Parser::parse(unsigned flags, mode_type mode)
MathData ar(buffer_);
parse(ar, flags, mode);
return ar;
bool Parser::parse(MathData & array, unsigned flags, mode_type mode)
InsetMathGrid grid(buffer_, 1, 1);
parse1(grid, flags, mode, false);
array = grid.cell(0);
return success_;
void Parser::parse2(MathAtom & at, const unsigned flags, const mode_type mode,
const bool numbered)
parse1(*(at.nucleus()->asGridInset()), flags, mode, numbered);
bool Parser::parse1(InsetMathGrid & grid, unsigned flags,
const mode_type mode, const bool numbered)
int limits = 0;
InsetMathGrid::row_type cellrow = 0;
InsetMathGrid::col_type cellcol = 0;
MathData * cell = &grid.cell(grid.index(cellrow, cellcol));
Buffer * buf = buffer_;
if (grid.asHullInset())
grid.asHullInset()->numbered(cellrow, numbered);
//lyxerr << " flags: " << flags << endl;
//lyxerr << " mode: " << mode << endl;
//lyxerr << "grid: " << grid << endl;
while (good()) {
Token const & t = getToken();
lyxerr << "t: " << t << " flags: " << flags << endl;
lyxerr << "mode: " << mode << endl;
lyxerr << endl;
if (flags & FLAG_ITEM) {
if ( == catBegin) {
// skip the brace and collect everything to the next matching
// closing brace
parse1(grid, FLAG_BRACE_LAST, mode, numbered);
return success_;
// handle only this single token, leave the loop if done
flags = FLAG_LEAVE;
if (flags & FLAG_BRACED) {
if ( == catSpace)
if ( != catBegin) {
error("opening brace expected");
return success_;
// skip the brace and collect everything to the next matching
// closing brace
if (flags & FLAG_OPTION) {
if ( == catOther && t.character() == '[') {
MathData ar;
parse(ar, FLAG_BRACK_LAST, mode);
} else {
// no option found, put back token and we are done
return success_;
// cat codes
if ( == catMath) {
if (mode != InsetMath::MATH_MODE) {
// we are inside some text mode thingy, so opening new math is allowed
Token const & n = getToken();
if ( == catMath) {
// TeX's $$...$$ syntax for displayed math
if (mode == InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullEquation)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_SIMPLE, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, false);
getToken(); // skip the second '$' token
} else {
// This is not an outer hull and display math is
// not allowed inside text mode environments.
error("bad math environment $$");
} else {
// simple $...$ stuff
if (mode == InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullSimple)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_SIMPLE, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, false);
} else {
// Don't create nested math hulls (bug #5392)
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathEnsureMath(buf)));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_SIMPLE, InsetMath::MATH_MODE);
else if (flags & FLAG_SIMPLE) {
// this is the end of the formula
return success_;
else {
Token const & n = getToken();
if ( == catMath) {
error("something strange in the parser");
} else {
// This is inline math ($...$), but the parser thinks we are
// already in math mode and latex would issue an error, unless we
// are inside a text mode user macro. We have no way to tell, so
// let's play safe by using \ensuremath, as it will work in any case.
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathEnsureMath(buf)));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_SIMPLE, InsetMath::MATH_MODE);
else if ( == catLetter)
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathChar(t.character())));
else if ( == catSpace && mode != InsetMath::MATH_MODE) {
if (cell->empty() || cell->back()->getChar() != ' ')
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathChar(t.character())));
else if ( == catNewline && mode != InsetMath::MATH_MODE) {
if (cell->empty() || cell->back()->getChar() != ' ')
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathChar(' ')));
else if ( == catParameter) {
Token const & n = getToken();
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new MathMacroArgument(n.character()-'0')));
else if ( == catActive)
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathSpace(string(1, t.character()), "")));
else if ( == catBegin) {
MathData ar;
parse(ar, FLAG_BRACE_LAST, mode);
// do not create a BraceInset if they were written by LyX
// this helps to keep the annoyance of "a choose b" to a minimum
if (ar.size() == 1 && ar[0]->extraBraces())
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathBrace(ar)));
else if ( == catEnd) {
if (flags & FLAG_BRACE_LAST)
return success_;
error("found '}' unexpectedly");
//LASSERT(false, /**/);
//add(cell, '}', LM_TC_TEX);
else if ( == catAlign) {
//lyxerr << " column now " << (cellcol + 1)
// << " max: " << grid.ncols() << endl;
if (flags & FLAG_ALIGN)
return success_;
if (addCol(grid, cellcol))
cell = &grid.cell(grid.index(cellrow, cellcol));
else if ( == catSuper || == catSub) {
bool up = ( == catSuper);
// we need no new script inset if the last thing was a scriptinset,
// which has that script already not the same script already
if (cell->empty())
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathScript(buf, up)));
else if (cell->back()->asScriptInset() &&
else if (cell->back()->asScriptInset())
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathScript(buf, up)));
cell->back() = MathAtom(new InsetMathScript(buf, cell->back(), up));
InsetMathScript * p = cell->back().nucleus()->asScriptInset();
// special handling of {}-bases
// Here we could remove the brace inset for things
// like {a'}^2 and add the braces back in
// InsetMathScript::write().
// We do not do it, since it is not possible to detect
// reliably whether the braces are needed because the
// nucleus contains more than one symbol, or whether
// they are needed for unknown commands like \xx{a}_0
// or \yy{a}{b}_0. This was done in revision 14819
// in an unreliable way. See this thread
// for more details.
// However, we remove empty braces because they look
// ugly on screen and we are sure that they were added
// by the write() method (and will be re-added on save).
if (p->nuc().size() == 1 &&
p->nuc().back()->asBraceInset() &&
parse(p->cell(p->idxOfScript(up)), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
if (limits) {
limits = 0;
else if (t.character() == ']' && (flags & FLAG_BRACK_LAST)) {
//lyxerr << "finished reading option" << endl;
return success_;
else if ( == catOther) {
char_type c = t.character();
if (isAsciiOrMathAlpha(c)
|| mode_ & Parse::VERBATIM
|| !(mode_ & Parse::USETEXT)
|| mode == InsetMath::TEXT_MODE) {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathChar(c)));
} else {
MathAtom at = createInsetMath("text", buf);
at.nucleus()->cell(0).push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathChar(c)));
while (nextToken().cat() == catOther
&& !isAsciiOrMathAlpha(nextToken().character())) {
c = getToken().character();
at.nucleus()->cell(0).push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathChar(c)));
else if ( == catComment) {
docstring s;
while (good()) {
Token const & t = getToken();
if ( == catNewline)
s += t.asInput();
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathComment(buf, s)));
// control sequences
else if (t.cs() == "lyxlock") {
if (!cell->empty())
else if ((t.cs() == "global" && nextToken().cs() == "def") ||
t.cs() == "def") {
if (t.cs() == "global")
// get name
docstring name = getToken().cs();
// read parameters
int nargs = 0;
docstring pars;
while (good() && nextToken().cat() != catBegin) {
pars += getToken().cs();
nargs /= 2;
// read definition
MathData def;
parse(def, FLAG_ITEM, InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE);
// is a version for display attached?
MathData display;
if (nextToken().cat() == catBegin)
parse(display, FLAG_ITEM, InsetMath::MATH_MODE);
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new MathMacroTemplate(buf,
name, nargs, 0, MacroTypeDef,
vector<MathData>(), def, display)));
if (buf && (mode_ & Parse::TRACKMACRO))
else if (t.cs() == "newcommand" ||
t.cs() == "renewcommand" ||
t.cs() == "newlyxcommand") {
// get name
if (getToken().cat() != catBegin) {
error("'{' in \\newcommand expected (1) ");
return success_;
docstring name = getToken().cs();
if (getToken().cat() != catEnd) {
error("'}' in \\newcommand expected");
return success_;
// get arity
docstring const arg = getArg('[', ']');
int nargs = 0;
if (!arg.empty())
nargs = convert<int>(arg);
// optional argument given?
int optionals = 0;
vector<MathData> optionalValues;
while (nextToken().character() == '[') {
parse(optionalValues[optionals], FLAG_BRACK_LAST, mode);
MathData def;
parse(def, FLAG_ITEM, InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE);
// is a version for display attached?
MathData display;
if (nextToken().cat() == catBegin)
parse(display, FLAG_ITEM, InsetMath::MATH_MODE);
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new MathMacroTemplate(buf,
name, nargs, optionals, MacroTypeNewcommand,
optionalValues, def, display)));
if (buf && (mode_ & Parse::TRACKMACRO))
else if (t.cs() == "newcommandx" ||
t.cs() == "renewcommandx") {
// \newcommandx{\foo}[2][usedefault, addprefix=\global,1=default]{#1,#2}
// get name
docstring name;
if (nextToken().cat() == catBegin) {
name = getToken().cs();
if (getToken().cat() != catEnd) {
error("'}' in \\newcommandx expected");
return success_;
} else
name = getToken().cs();
// get arity
docstring const arg = getArg('[', ']');
if (arg.empty()) {
error("[num] in \\newcommandx expected");
return success_;
int nargs = convert<int>(arg);
// get options
int optionals = 0;
vector<MathData> optionalValues;
if (nextToken().character() == '[') {
// skip '['
// handle 'opt=value' options, separated by ','.
while (nextToken().character() != ']' && good()) {
if (nextToken().character() >= '1'
&& nextToken().character() <= '9') {
// optional value -> get parameter number
int n = getChar() - '0';
if (n > nargs) {
error("Arity of \\newcommandx too low "
"for given optional parameter.");
return success_;
// skip '='
if (getToken().character() != '=') {
error("'=' and optional parameter value "
"expected for \\newcommandx");
return success_;
// get value
int optNum = max(size_t(n), optionalValues.size());
optionalValues[n - 1].clear();
while (nextToken().character() != ']'
&& nextToken().character() != ',') {
MathData data;
parse(data, FLAG_ITEM, InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE);
optionalValues[n - 1].append(data);
optionals = max(n, optionals);
} else if (nextToken().cat() == catLetter) {
// we in fact ignore every non-optional
// parameter
// get option name
docstring opt;
while (nextToken().cat() == catLetter)
opt += getChar();
// value?
MathData value;
if (nextToken().character() == '=') {
while (nextToken().character() != ']'
&& nextToken().character() != ',')
parse(value, FLAG_ITEM,
} else {
error("option for \\newcommandx expected");
return success_;
// skip komma
if (nextToken().character() == ',') {
} else if (nextToken().character() != ']') {
error("Expecting ',' or ']' in options "
"of \\newcommandx");
return success_;
// skip ']'
if (!good())
return success_;
// get definition
MathData def;
parse(def, FLAG_ITEM, InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE);
// is a version for display attached?
MathData display;
if (nextToken().cat() == catBegin)
parse(display, FLAG_ITEM, InsetMath::MATH_MODE);
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new MathMacroTemplate(buf,
name, nargs, optionals, MacroTypeNewcommandx,
optionalValues, def, display)));
if (buf && (mode_ & Parse::TRACKMACRO))
else if (t.cs() == "(") {
if (mode == InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullSimple)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_SIMPLE2, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, false);
} else {
// Don't create nested math hulls (bug #5392)
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathEnsureMath(buf)));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_SIMPLE2, InsetMath::MATH_MODE);
else if (t.cs() == "[") {
if (mode != InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
error("bad math environment [");
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullEquation)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_EQUATION, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, false);
else if (t.cs() == "protect")
// ignore \\protect, will hopefully be re-added during output
else if (t.cs() == "end") {
if (flags & FLAG_END) {
// eat environment name
docstring const name = getArg('{', '}');
if (environments_.empty())
error("'found \\end{" + name +
"}' without matching '\\begin{" +
name + "}'");
else if (name != environments_.back())
error("'\\end{" + name +
"}' does not match '\\begin{" +
environments_.back() + "}'");
else {
// Delete empty last row in matrix
// like insets.
// If you abuse InsetMathGrid for
// non-matrix like structures you
// probably need to refine this test.
// Right now we only have to test for
// single line hull insets.
if (grid.nrows() > 1 && innerHull(name))
return success_;
} else
error("found 'end' unexpectedly");
else if (t.cs() == ")") {
if (flags & FLAG_SIMPLE2)
return success_;
error("found '\\)' unexpectedly");
else if (t.cs() == "]") {
if (flags & FLAG_EQUATION)
return success_;
error("found '\\]' unexpectedly");
else if (t.cs() == "\\") {
if (flags & FLAG_ALIGN)
return success_;
bool starred = false;
docstring arg;
if (nextToken().asInput() == "*") {
starred = true;
} else if (nextToken().asInput() == "[")
arg = getArg('[', ']');
else if (!good())
error("missing token after \\\\");
// skip "{}" added in front of "[" (the
// counterpart is in InsetMathGrid::eolString())
// skip spaces because formula could come from tex2lyx
bool skipBraces = false;
if (nextToken().cat() == catBegin) {
if (nextToken().cat() == catEnd) {
if (nextToken().asInput() == "[")
skipBraces = true;
if (skipBraces)
bool const added = addRow(grid, cellrow, arg, !starred);
if (added) {
cellcol = 0;
if (grid.asHullInset())
cellrow, numbered);
cell = &grid.cell(grid.index(cellrow,
else if (t.cs() == "multicolumn") {
// extract column count and insert dummy cells
MathData count;
parse(count, FLAG_ITEM, mode);
int cols = 1;
if (!extractNumber(count, cols)) {
success_ = false;
error("can't extract number of multicolumn cells");
// resize the table if necessary
size_t first = grid.index(cellrow, cellcol);
for (int i = 1; i < cols; ++i) {
if (addCol(grid, cellcol)) {
size_t const idx = grid.index(cellrow, cellcol);
grid.cellinfo(idx).multi_ =
// the first cell is the real thing, not a dummy
cell = &grid.cell(first);
grid.cellinfo(first).multi_ = InsetMathGrid::CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTICOLUMN;
// read special alignment
MathData align;
parse(align, FLAG_ITEM, mode);
grid.cellinfo(first).align_ = asString(align);
// parse the remaining contents into the "real" cell
parse(*cell, FLAG_ITEM, mode);
else if (t.cs() == "limits" || t.cs() == "nolimits") {
CatCode const cat = nextToken().cat();
if (cat == catSuper || cat == catSub)
limits = t.cs() == "limits" ? 1 : -1;
else {
MathAtom at = createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf);
// \notag is the same as \nonumber if amsmath is used
else if ((t.cs() == "nonumber" || t.cs() == "notag") &&
grid.asHullInset()->numbered(cellrow, false);
else if (t.cs() == "number" && grid.asHullInset())
grid.asHullInset()->numbered(cellrow, true);
else if (t.cs() == "hline") {
grid.rowinfo(cellrow).lines_ ++;
else if (t.cs() == "sqrt") {
MathData ar;
parse(ar, FLAG_OPTION, mode);
if (!ar.empty()) {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathRoot(buf)));
cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0) = ar;
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(1), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
} else {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathSqrt(buf)));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
else if (t.cs() == "cancelto") {
MathData ar;
parse(ar, FLAG_ITEM, mode);
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathCancelto(buf)));
cell->back().nucleus()->cell(1) = ar;
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
else if (t.cs() == "unit") {
// Allowed formats \unit[val]{unit}
MathData ar;
parse(ar, FLAG_OPTION, mode);
if (!ar.empty()) {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathFrac(buf, InsetMathFrac::UNIT)));
cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0) = ar;
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(1), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
} else {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathFrac(buf, InsetMathFrac::UNIT, 1)));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
else if (t.cs() == "unitfrac") {
// Here allowed formats are \unitfrac[val]{num}{denom}
MathData ar;
parse(ar, FLAG_OPTION, mode);
if (!ar.empty()) {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathFrac(buf, InsetMathFrac::UNITFRAC, 3)));
cell->back().nucleus()->cell(2) = ar;
} else {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathFrac(buf, InsetMathFrac::UNITFRAC)));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(1), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
else if (t.cs() == "cfrac") {
// allowed formats are \cfrac[pos]{num}{denom}
docstring const arg = getArg('[', ']');
//lyxerr << "got so far: '" << arg << "'" << endl;
if (arg == "l")
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathFrac(buf, InsetMathFrac::CFRACLEFT)));
else if (arg == "r")
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathFrac(buf, InsetMathFrac::CFRACRIGHT)));
else if (arg.empty() || arg == "c")
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathFrac(buf, InsetMathFrac::CFRAC)));
else {
error("found invalid optional argument");
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(1), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
else if (t.cs() == "sideset") {
// Here allowed formats are \sideset{_{bl}^{tl}}{_{br}^{tr}}{operator}
MathData ar[2];
InsetMathScript * script[2] = {0, 0};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
parse(ar[i], FLAG_ITEM, mode);
if (ar[i].size() == 1)
script[i] = ar[i][0].nucleus()->asScriptInset();
bool const hasscript[2] = {script[0] ? true : false, script[1] ? true : false};
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathSideset(buf, hasscript[0], hasscript[1])));
if (hasscript[0]) {
if (script[0]->hasDown())
cell->back().nucleus()->cell(1) = script[0]->down();
if (script[0]->hasUp())
cell->back().nucleus()->cell(2) = script[0]->up();
} else
cell->back().nucleus()->cell(1) = ar[0];
if (hasscript[1]) {
if (script[1]->hasDown())
cell->back().nucleus()->cell(2 + hasscript[0]) = script[1]->down();
if (script[1]->hasUp())
cell->back().nucleus()->cell(3 + hasscript[0]) = script[1]->up();
} else
cell->back().nucleus()->cell(2 + hasscript[0]) = ar[1];
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
else if (t.cs() == "stackrel") {
// Here allowed formats are \stackrel[subscript]{superscript}{operator}
MathData ar;
parse(ar, FLAG_OPTION, mode);
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathStackrel(buf, !ar.empty())));
if (!ar.empty())
cell->back().nucleus()->cell(2) = ar;
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(1), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
else if (t.cs() == "xrightarrow" || t.cs() == "xleftarrow") {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(1), FLAG_OPTION, mode);
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
else if (t.cs() == "xhookrightarrow" || t.cs() == "xhookleftarrow" ||
t.cs() == "xRightarrow" || t.cs() == "xLeftarrow" ||
t.cs() == "xleftrightarrow" || t.cs() == "xLeftrightarrow" ||
t.cs() == "xrightharpoondown" || t.cs() == "xrightharpoonup" ||
t.cs() == "xleftharpoondown" || t.cs() == "xleftharpoonup" ||
t.cs() == "xleftrightharpoons" || t.cs() == "xrightleftharpoons" ||
t.cs() == "xmapsto") {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(1), FLAG_OPTION, mode);
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
else if (t.cs() == "ref" || t.cs() == "eqref" || t.cs() == "prettyref"
|| t.cs() == "pageref" || t.cs() == "vpageref" || t.cs() == "vref") {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathRef(buf, t.cs())));
docstring const opt = parse_verbatim_option();
docstring const ref = parse_verbatim_item();
if (!opt.empty()) {
MathAtom(new InsetMathString(opt)));
MathAtom(new InsetMathString(ref)));
else if (t.cs() == "left") {
Token const & tl = getToken();
// \| and \Vert are equivalent, and InsetMathDelim
// can't handle \|
// FIXME: fix this in InsetMathDelim itself!
docstring const l = tl.cs() == "|" ? from_ascii("Vert") : tl.asString();
MathData ar;
parse(ar, FLAG_RIGHT, mode);
if (!good())
Token const & tr = getToken();
docstring const r = tr.cs() == "|" ? from_ascii("Vert") : tr.asString();
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathDelim(buf, l, r, ar)));
else if (t.cs() == "right") {
if (flags & FLAG_RIGHT)
return success_;
//lyxerr << "got so far: '" << cell << "'" << endl;
error("Unmatched right delimiter");
return success_;
else if (t.cs() == "begin") {
docstring const name = getArg('{', '}');
if (name.empty()) {
success_ = false;
error("found invalid environment");
return success_;
if (name == "array" || name == "subarray") {
docstring const valign = parse_verbatim_option() + 'c';
docstring const halign = parse_verbatim_item();
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathArray(buf, name,
InsetMathGrid::guessColumns(halign), 1, (char)valign[0], halign)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, mode, false);
else if (name == "tabular") {
docstring const valign = parse_verbatim_option() + 'c';
docstring const halign = parse_verbatim_item();
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathTabular(buf, name,
InsetMathGrid::guessColumns(halign), 1, (char)valign[0], halign)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, InsetMath::TEXT_MODE, false);
else if (name == "split" || name == "cases") {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(name, buf));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, mode, false);
else if (name == "alignedat") {
docstring const valign = parse_verbatim_option() + 'c';
// ignore this for a while
getArg('{', '}');
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathSplit(buf, name, (char)valign[0])));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, mode, false);
else if (name == "math") {
if (mode == InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullSimple)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, false);
} else {
// Don't create nested math hulls (bug #5392)
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathEnsureMath(buf)));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_END, InsetMath::MATH_MODE);
else if (name == "equation" || name == "equation*"
|| name == "displaymath") {
if (mode != InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
error("bad math environment " + name);
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullEquation)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, (name == "equation"));
else if (name == "eqnarray" || name == "eqnarray*") {
if (mode != InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
error("bad math environment " + name);
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullEqnArray)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, !stared(name));
else if (name == "align" || name == "align*") {
if (mode == InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullAlign)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, !stared(name));
} else {
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathSplit(buf, name,
'c', !stared(name))));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, mode, !stared(name));
else if (name == "flalign" || name == "flalign*") {
if (mode != InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
error("bad math environment " + name);
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullFlAlign)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, !stared(name));
else if (name == "alignat" || name == "alignat*") {
if (mode != InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
error("bad math environment " + name);
// ignore this for a while
getArg('{', '}');
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullAlignAt)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, !stared(name));
else if (name == "xalignat" || name == "xalignat*") {
if (mode != InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
error("bad math environment " + name);
// ignore this for a while
getArg('{', '}');
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullXAlignAt)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, !stared(name));
else if (name == "xxalignat") {
if (mode != InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
error("bad math environment " + name);
// ignore this for a while
getArg('{', '}');
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullXXAlignAt)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, !stared(name));
else if (name == "multline" || name == "multline*") {
if (mode != InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
error("bad math environment " + name);
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullMultline)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, !stared(name));
else if (name == "gather" || name == "gather*") {
if (mode != InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE) {
error("bad math environment " + name);
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull(buf, hullGather)));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, InsetMath::MATH_MODE, !stared(name));
else if (latexkeys const * l = in_word_set(name)) {
if (l->inset == "matrix") {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(name, buf));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, mode, false);
} else if (l->inset == "split") {
docstring const valign = parse_verbatim_option() + 'c';
new InsetMathSplit(buf, name, (char)valign[0])));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_END, mode, false);
} else {
success_ = false;
if (!(mode_ & Parse::QUIET)) {
lyxerr << "found math environment `"
<< to_utf8(name)
<< "' in symbols file with unsupported inset `"
<< l->inset
<< "'." << endl;
// create generic environment inset
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathEnv(buf, name)));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_END, mode);
else {
success_ = false;
if (!(mode_ & Parse::QUIET)) {
lyxerr << "found unknown math environment '"
<< to_utf8(name) << "'" << endl;
// create generic environment inset
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathEnv(buf, name)));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_END, mode);
else if (t.cs() == "kern") {
// FIXME: A hack...
docstring s;
int num_tokens = 0;
while (true) {
Token const & t = getToken();
if (!good()) {
while (num_tokens--)
s += t.character();
if (isValidLength(to_utf8(s)))
if (s.empty())
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathKern));
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathKern(s)));
else if (t.cs() == "label") {
// FIXME: This is swallowed in inline formulas
docstring label = parse_verbatim_item();
MathData ar;
asArray(label, ar);
if (grid.asHullInset()) {
grid.asHullInset()->label(cellrow, label);
} else {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathBrace(ar)));
else if (t.cs() == "choose" || t.cs() == "over"
|| t.cs() == "atop" || t.cs() == "brace"
|| t.cs() == "brack") {
MathAtom at = createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf);
at.nucleus()->cell(0) = *cell;
parse(at.nucleus()->cell(1), flags, mode);
return success_;
else if (t.cs() == "color") {
docstring const color = parse_verbatim_item();
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathColor(buf, true, color)));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), flags, mode);
return success_;
else if (t.cs() == "textcolor") {
docstring const color = parse_verbatim_item();
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathColor(buf, false, color)));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, InsetMath::TEXT_MODE);
else if (t.cs() == "normalcolor") {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), flags, mode);
return success_;
else if (t.cs() == "substack") {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_ITEM, mode, false);
// Delete empty last row if present
InsetMathGrid & subgrid =
if (subgrid.nrows() > 1)
else if (t.cs() == "xymatrix") {
odocstringstream os;
while (good() && nextToken().cat() != catBegin)
os << getToken().asInput();
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs() + os.str(), buf));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_ITEM, mode, false);
// Delete empty last row if present
InsetMathGrid & subgrid =
if (subgrid.nrows() > 1)
else if (t.cs() == "Diagram") {
odocstringstream os;
while (good() && nextToken().cat() != catBegin)
os << getToken().asInput();
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs() + os.str(), buf));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_ITEM, mode, false);
else if (t.cs() == "framebox" || t.cs() == "makebox") {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_OPTION, InsetMath::TEXT_MODE);
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(1), FLAG_OPTION, InsetMath::TEXT_MODE);
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(2), FLAG_ITEM, InsetMath::TEXT_MODE);
else if (t.cs() == "tag") {
if (nextToken().character() == '*') {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs() + '*', buf));
} else
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, InsetMath::TEXT_MODE);
else if (t.cs() == "hspace") {
bool const prot = nextToken().character() == '*';
if (prot)
docstring const name = t.cs();
docstring const arg = parse_verbatim_item();
Length length;
if (prot && arg == "\\fill")
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathSpace("hspace*{\\fill}", "")));
else if (isValidLength(to_utf8(arg), &length))
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathSpace(length, prot)));
else {
// Since the Length class cannot use length variables
// we must not create an InsetMathSpace.
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new MathMacro(buf, name)));
MathData ar;
mathed_parse_cell(ar, '{' + arg + '}', mode_);
else if (t.cs() == "smash") {
if (nextToken().asInput() == "[") {
// Since the phantom inset cannot handle optional arguments
// other than b and t, we must not create an InsetMathPhantom
// if opt is different from b and t (bug 8967).
docstring const opt = parse_verbatim_option();
if (opt == "t" || opt == "b") {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs() + opt, buf));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
} else {
docstring const arg = parse_verbatim_item();
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new MathMacro(buf, t.cs())));
MathData ar;
mathed_parse_cell(ar, '[' + opt + ']', mode_);
ar = MathData();
mathed_parse_cell(ar, '{' + arg + '}', mode_);
else {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
parse(cell->back().nucleus()->cell(0), FLAG_ITEM, mode);
#if 0
else if (t.cs() == "infer") {
MathData ar;
parse(ar, FLAG_OPTION, mode);
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
parse2(cell->back(), FLAG_ITEM, mode, false);
else if (t.cs() == "lyxmathsym") {
if (getToken().cat() != catBegin) {
error("'{' expected in \\" + t.cs());
return success_;
int count = 0;
docstring cmd;
CatCode cat = nextToken().cat();
while (good() && (count || cat != catEnd)) {
if (cat == catBegin)
else if (cat == catEnd)
cmd += getToken().asInput();
cat = nextToken().cat();
if (getToken().cat() != catEnd) {
error("'}' expected in \\" + t.cs());
return success_;
bool termination;
docstring rem;
do {
cmd = Encodings::fromLaTeXCommand(cmd,
Encodings::MATH_CMD | Encodings::TEXT_CMD,
termination, rem);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cmd.size(); ++i)
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathChar(cmd[i])));
if (!rem.empty()) {
char_type c = rem[0];
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathChar(c)));
cmd = rem.substr(1);
} else
} while (!cmd.empty());
else if (!t.cs().empty()) {
bool const no_mhchem =
(t.cs() == "ce" || t.cs() == "cf")
&& buf && buf->params().use_package("mhchem") ==
bool const is_user_macro = no_mhchem ||
(buf && (mode_ & Parse::TRACKMACRO
? buf->usermacros.count(t.cs()) != 0
: buf->getMacro(t.cs(), false) != 0));
latexkeys const * l = in_word_set(t.cs());
if (l && !is_user_macro) {
if (l->inset == "big") {
docstring const delim = getToken().asInput();
if (InsetMathBig::isBigInsetDelim(delim))
new InsetMathBig(t.cs(), delim)));
else {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
else if (l->inset == "font") {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
FLAG_ITEM, asMode(mode, l->extra));
else if (l->inset == "oldfont") {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
flags | FLAG_ALIGN, asMode(mode, l->extra));
if (prevToken().cat() != catAlign &&
prevToken().cs() != "\\")
return success_;
else if (l->inset == "style") {
cell->push_back(createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf));
flags | FLAG_ALIGN, mode);
if (prevToken().cat() != catAlign &&
prevToken().cs() != "\\")
return success_;
else {
MathAtom at = createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf);
for (InsetMath::idx_type i = 0; i < at->nargs(); ++i)
FLAG_ITEM, asMode(mode, l->extra));
else {
bool is_unicode_symbol = false;
if (mode == InsetMath::TEXT_MODE && !is_user_macro) {
int num_tokens = 0;
docstring cmd = prevToken().asInput();
CatCode cat = nextToken().cat();
if (cat == catBegin) {
int count = 0;
while (good() && (count || cat != catEnd)) {
cat = nextToken().cat();
cmd += getToken().asInput();
if (cat == catBegin)
else if (cat == catEnd)
bool is_combining;
bool termination;
char_type c = Encodings::fromLaTeXCommand(cmd,
Encodings::MATH_CMD | Encodings::TEXT_CMD,
is_combining, termination);
if (is_combining) {
if (cat == catLetter)
cmd += '{';
cmd += getToken().asInput();
if (cat == catLetter)
cmd += '}';
c = Encodings::fromLaTeXCommand(cmd,
Encodings::MATH_CMD | Encodings::TEXT_CMD,
is_combining, termination);
if (c) {
if (termination) {
if (nextToken().cat() == catBegin) {
if (nextToken().cat() == catEnd) {
num_tokens += 2;
} else
} else {
while (nextToken().cat() == catSpace) {
is_unicode_symbol = true;
cell->push_back(MathAtom(new InsetMathChar(c)));
} else {
while (num_tokens--)
if (!is_unicode_symbol) {
MathAtom at = is_user_macro ?
MathAtom(new MathMacro(buf, t.cs()))
: createInsetMath(t.cs(), buf);
InsetMath::mode_type m = mode;
//if (m == InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE)
//lyxerr << "default creation: m1: " << m << endl;
if (at->currentMode() != InsetMath::UNDECIDED_MODE)
m = at->currentMode();
//lyxerr << "default creation: m2: " << m << endl;
InsetMath::idx_type start = 0;
// this fails on \bigg[...\bigg]
//MathData opt;
//parse(opt, FLAG_OPTION, InsetMath::VERBATIM_MODE);
//if (!opt.empty()) {
// start = 1;
// at.nucleus()->cell(0) = opt;
for (InsetMath::idx_type i = start; i < at->nargs(); ++i) {
parse(at.nucleus()->cell(i), FLAG_ITEM, m);
if (mode == InsetMath::MATH_MODE)
if (flags & FLAG_LEAVE) {
flags &= ~FLAG_LEAVE;
return success_;
} // anonymous namespace
// FIXME This will likely need some work.
char const * latexkeys::MathMLtype() const
if (extra == "mathord")
return "mi";
return "mo";
bool mathed_parse_cell(MathData & ar, docstring const & str, Parse::flags f)
return Parser(str, f, ar.buffer()).parse(ar, 0, f & Parse::TEXTMODE ?
InsetMath::TEXT_MODE : InsetMath::MATH_MODE);
bool mathed_parse_cell(MathData & ar, istream & is, Parse::flags f)
return Parser(is, f, ar.buffer()).parse(ar, 0, f & Parse::TEXTMODE ?
InsetMath::TEXT_MODE : InsetMath::MATH_MODE);
bool mathed_parse_normal(Buffer * buf, MathAtom & t, docstring const & str,
Parse::flags f)
return Parser(str, f, buf).parse(t);
bool mathed_parse_normal(Buffer * buf, MathAtom & t, Lexer & lex,
Parse::flags f)
return Parser(lex, f, buf).parse(t);
bool mathed_parse_normal(InsetMathGrid & grid, docstring const & str,
Parse::flags f)
return Parser(str, f, &grid.buffer()).parse1(grid, 0, f & Parse::TEXTMODE ?
InsetMath::TEXT_MODE : InsetMath::MATH_MODE, false);
void initParser()
fill(theCatcode, theCatcode + 128, catOther);
fill(theCatcode + 'a', theCatcode + 'z' + 1, catLetter);
fill(theCatcode + 'A', theCatcode + 'Z' + 1, catLetter);
theCatcode[int('\\')] = catEscape;
theCatcode[int('{')] = catBegin;
theCatcode[int('}')] = catEnd;
theCatcode[int('$')] = catMath;
theCatcode[int('&')] = catAlign;
theCatcode[int('\n')] = catNewline;
theCatcode[int('#')] = catParameter;
theCatcode[int('^')] = catSuper;
theCatcode[int('_')] = catSub;
theCatcode[int(0x7f)] = catIgnore;
theCatcode[int(' ')] = catSpace;
theCatcode[int('\t')] = catSpace;
theCatcode[int('\r')] = catNewline;
theCatcode[int('~')] = catActive;
theCatcode[int('%')] = catComment;
} // namespace lyx