
384 lines
6.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

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\begin_layout Subsection*
\lang english
languages in tables and insets
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\lang english
This Greek document with English text parts demonstrates some of the problems
with language inside tables and insets.
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\lang english
Text not marked up as English will be written in Greek letters
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\lang english
unless non-TeX fonts are used
using the
\begin_inset Quotes fld
LGR transliteration
\begin_inset Quotes frd
(due to Greek letters at the place of Latin ones in the used TeX font),
\lang greek
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\lang english
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\lang english
However, this also happens for text in a table inside English parts
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unless the Language of the content is explicitely set to English
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right column
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The same problem is seen with footnote
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English text not marked up.
\begin_inset Foot
status open
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\lang english
marked up English text
and marginal notes
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English text not marked up
as well as
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greyed out text
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\lang english
Date inset and filename inset use current language.
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arg "loclong"
, Greek:
\lang greek
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\lang english
The source file is
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\lang english
In Greek text it would be output as
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\begin_inset Quotes fld
\begin_inset Info
type "buffer"
arg "name"
\begin_inset Quotes frd
\lang english
, like any Latin words and abbreviations it must be set to a different language
to appear right.
\lang english
So does a hyperlink to the
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LatexCommand href
name "LyX home"
target ""
literal "false"
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\lang english
\begin_inset Float table
placement b
alignment document
wide false
sideways false
status open
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\lang english
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
Table float with Greek caption prefix in the GUI but English in the output.
\begin_layout Plain Layout