
406 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* This file is part of
* ======================================================
* LyX, The Document Processor
* Copyright 1995-2001 The LyX Team.
* ====================================================== */
#include <config.h>
#include "CutAndPaste.h"
#include "BufferView.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "paragraph.h"
#include "insets/inseterror.h"
#include "lyx_gui_misc.h"
#include "lyxcursor.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
using std::pair;
using lyx::pos_type;
using lyx::layout_type;
using lyx::textclass_type;
extern BufferView * current_view;
// J<>rgen, note that this means that you cannot currently have a list
// of selections cut/copied. So IMHO later we should have a
// list/vector/deque that we could store
// struct selection_item {
// Paragraph * buf;
// LyXTextClassList::size_type textclass;
// };
// in and some method of choosing beween them (based on the first few chars
// in the selection probably.) This would be a nice feature and quite
// easy to implement. (Lgb)
// Sure but I just cleaned up this code for now with the same functionality
// as before. I also want to add a XClipboard function so that we can copy
// text from LyX to some other X-application in the form of ASCII or in the
// form of LaTeX (or Docbook depending on the document-class!). Think how nice
// it could be to select a math-inset do a "Copy to X-Clipboard as LaTeX" and
// then do a middle mouse button click in the application you want and have
// the whole formula there in LaTeX-Code. (Jug)
namespace {
Paragraph * buf = 0;
textclass_type textclass = 0;
// for now here this should be in another Cut&Paste Class!
// J<>rgen, I moved this out of CutAndPaste since it does not operate on any
// member of the CutAndPaste class and in addition it was private.
// Perhaps it even should take a parameter? (Lgb)
void DeleteBuffer()
if (!buf)
Paragraph * tmppar;
while (buf) {
tmppar = buf;
buf = buf->next();
delete tmppar;
buf = 0;
} // namespace anon
bool CutAndPaste::cutSelection(Paragraph * startpar, Paragraph ** endpar,
int start, int & end, char tc, bool doclear,
bool realcut)
if (!startpar || (start > startpar->size()))
return false;
if (realcut)
textclass = tc;
if (!(*endpar) || startpar == (*endpar)) {
// only within one paragraph
if (realcut)
buf = new Paragraph;
pos_type i = start;
if (end > startpar->size())
end = startpar->size();
for (; i < end; ++i) {
if (realcut)
if (realcut)
end = start - 1;
} else {
// more than one paragraph
*endpar = (*endpar)->next();
end = 0;
// store the selection
if (realcut) {
buf = startpar->next();
} else {
// cut the selection
// the cut selection should begin with standard layout
if (realcut)
// paste the paragraphs again, if possible
if (doclear)
if (startpar->hasSameLayout(startpar->next()) ||
!startpar->next()->size()) {
(*endpar) = startpar; // this because endpar gets deleted here!
// this paragraph's are of noone's owner!
Paragraph * p = buf;
while (p) {
p = p->next();
return true;
bool CutAndPaste::copySelection(Paragraph * startpar, Paragraph * endpar,
int start, int end, char tc)
if (!startpar || (start > startpar->size()))
return false;
textclass = tc;
if (!endpar || startpar == endpar) {
// only within one paragraph
buf = new Paragraph;
pos_type i = start;
if (end > startpar->size())
end = startpar->size();
for (; i < end; ++i) {
startpar->copyIntoMinibuffer(*current_view->buffer(), i);
} else {
// copy more than one paragraph
// clone the paragraphs within the selection
Paragraph * tmppar = startpar;
buf = new Paragraph(*tmppar, false);
Paragraph * tmppar2 = buf;
while (tmppar != endpar
&& tmppar->next()) {
tmppar = tmppar->next();
tmppar2->next(new Paragraph(*tmppar, false));
tmppar2 = tmppar2->next();
// the buf paragraph is too big
pos_type tmpi2 = start;
for (; tmpi2; --tmpi2)
// now tmppar 2 is too big, delete all after end
tmpi2 = end;
while (tmppar2->size() > tmpi2) {
tmppar2->erase(tmppar2->size() - 1);
// this paragraph's are of noone's owner!
tmppar = buf;
while (tmppar) {
tmppar = tmppar->next();
return true;
bool CutAndPaste::pasteSelection(Paragraph ** par, Paragraph ** endpar,
int & pos, char tc)
if (!checkPastePossible(*par))
return false;
if (pos > (*par)->size())
pos = (*par)->size();
// Paragraph * tmpbuf;
Paragraph * tmppar = *par;
int tmppos = pos;
// There are two cases: cutbuffer only one paragraph or many
if (!buf->next()) {
// only within a paragraph
Paragraph * tmpbuf = new Paragraph(*buf, false);
// Some provisions should be done here for checking
// if we are inserting at the beginning of a
// paragraph. If there are a space at the beginning
// of the text to insert and we are inserting at
// the beginning of the paragraph the space should
// be removed.
while (buf->size()) {
// This is an attempt to fix the
// "never insert a space at the
// beginning of a paragraph" problem.
if (!tmppos && buf->isLineSeparator(0)) {
} else {
buf->cutIntoMinibuffer(current_view->buffer()->params, 0);
if (tmppar->insertFromMinibuffer(tmppos))
delete buf;
buf = tmpbuf;
*endpar = tmppar->next();
pos = tmppos;
} else {
// many paragraphs
// make a copy of the simple cut_buffer
Paragraph * tmpbuf = buf;
Paragraph * simple_cut_clone = new Paragraph(*tmpbuf, false);
Paragraph * tmpbuf2 = simple_cut_clone;
while (tmpbuf->next()) {
tmpbuf = tmpbuf->next();
tmpbuf2->next(new Paragraph(*tmpbuf, false));
tmpbuf2 = tmpbuf2->next();
// now remove all out of the buffer which is NOT allowed in the
// new environment and set also another font if that is required
tmpbuf = buf;
while(tmpbuf) {
for(pos_type i = 0; i < tmpbuf->size(); ++i) {
if (tmpbuf->getChar(i) == Paragraph::META_INSET) {
if (!(*par)->insetAllowed(tmpbuf->getInset(i)->lyxCode()))
} else {
LyXFont f1 = tmpbuf->getFont(current_view->buffer()->params,i);
LyXFont f2 = f1;
if (!(*par)->checkInsertChar(f1)) {
} else if (f1 != f2) {
tmpbuf->setFont(i, f1);
tmpbuf = tmpbuf->next();
// make sure there is no class difference
SwitchLayoutsBetweenClasses(textclass, tc, buf);
// make the buf exactly the same layout than
// the cursor paragraph
// find the end of the buffer
Paragraph * lastbuffer = buf;
while (lastbuffer->next())
lastbuffer = lastbuffer->next();
bool paste_the_end = false;
// open the paragraph for inserting the buf
// if necessary
if (((*par)->size() > pos) || !(*par)->next()) {
paste_the_end = true;
// set the end for redoing later
*endpar = (*par)->next()->next();
// paste it!
if ((*par)->next() == lastbuffer)
lastbuffer = *par;
// store the new cursor position
*par = lastbuffer;
pos = lastbuffer->size();
// maybe some pasting
if (lastbuffer->next() && paste_the_end) {
if (lastbuffer->next()->hasSameLayout(lastbuffer)) {
} else if (!lastbuffer->next()->size()) {
} else if (!lastbuffer->size()) {
} else
// restore the simple cut buffer
buf = simple_cut_clone;
return true;
int CutAndPaste::nrOfParagraphs()
if (!buf)
return 0;
int n = 1;
Paragraph * tmppar = buf;
while (tmppar->next()) {
tmppar = tmppar->next();
return n;
int CutAndPaste::SwitchLayoutsBetweenClasses(textclass_type c1,
textclass_type c2, Paragraph * par)
int ret = 0;
if (!par || c1 == c2)
return ret;
while (par) {
string const name = textclasslist.NameOfLayout(c1, par->layout);
int lay = 0;
pair<bool, layout_type> pp =
textclasslist.NumberOfLayout(c2, name);
if (pp.first) {
lay = pp.second;
} else { // layout not found
// use default layout "Standard" (0)
lay = 0;
par->layout = lay;
if (name != textclasslist.NameOfLayout(c2, par->layout)) {
string const s = _("Layout had to be changed from\n")
+ name + _(" to ")
+ textclasslist.NameOfLayout(c2, par->layout)
+ _("\nbecause of class conversion from\n")
+ textclasslist.NameOfClass(c1) + _(" to ")
+ textclasslist.NameOfClass(c2);
InsetError * new_inset = new InsetError(s);
par->insertInset(0, new_inset);
par = par->next();
return ret;
bool CutAndPaste::checkPastePossible(Paragraph *)
if (!buf) return false;
return true;