
112 lines
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#! /bin/sh
# NOTE: This is NOT the same as in ${top_srcdir}/forms
# It is a modified version to suit use for gui-indep.
if [ "$1" = "$2" ]; then
echo "Input and Output file can not be the same."
exit 1
if [ -f $2 ]; then
echo "Output file already exists, overwrite?"
if [ "$REPLY" != "y" ]; then
exit 0
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
echo "Input file does not exist, can not continue"
exit 1
# If there is a patch for the inputfile patch the input file with it.
if [ -f "$1.patch" ]; then
echo "Patching $1 with $1.patch"
patch -s $1 < "$1.patch"
echo "// File modified by for use by lyx (with xforms >= 0.88) and gettext" > $2
echo "#include <config.h>" >> $2
echo "#include \"lyx_gui_misc.h\"" >> $2
echo "#include \"gettext.h\"" >> $2
echo >> $2
# The commands to sed does this:
# -e 's/#include \"forms\.h\"/#include FORMS_H_LOCATION/'
# Replace "forms.h" by FORMS_H_LOCATION in #include directives. This
# macro is defined in config.h and is either <forms.h> or
# <X11/forms.h>.
# -e "/#include \"form_.*\"/a\\
# #include \"$classname.h\" "
# For all lines containing "#include "form_*"", append a line
# containing the header file of the parent class
# -e '/fl_/ s/".[^|]*"/_(&)/'
# For all lines containing "fl_" and a string _not_ containing |,
# replace the string with _(string)
# -e '/shortcut/ s/".*[|].*"/scex(_(&))/'
# For all lines containing "shortcut" and a string containing |, replace
# the string with scex(_(string))
# -e '/fl_add/ s/".*[|].*"/idex(_(&))/'
# For all lines containing "fl_add" and a string containing |, replace
# the string with idex(_(string))
# -e '/fl_add/ s/idex("\(.*\)").*$/&\
# fl_set_button_shortcut(obj,"\1",1);/'
# For all lines containing "fl_add" and a string containing |, add the
# shortcut command after the end of this line
# -e 's/\(\(FD_[^ ]*\) \*fdui =\).*sizeof(\*fdui))/\1 new \2/'
# We use new/delete not malloc/free so change to suit.
# -e "s/\(FD_f\([^ _]*\)_\([^ ]*\)\) \*create_form_form[^ ]*/\1 * $classname::build_\3()/"
# Fixup the name of the create_form... function to have a signature matching
# that of the method it will become.
# -e 's/\(fdui->form[^ ]*\)\(.*bgn_form.*\)/\1\2\
# \1->u_vdata = this;/' \
# We need to store a pointer to the dialog in u_vdata so that the callbacks
# will work.
# -e 's/,\([^ ]\)/, \1/g'
# Someone got busy and put spaces in after commas but didn't allow for the
# autogeneration of the files so their pretty formatting got lost. Not anymore.
classname=`basename $1 .c | cut -c6-`
firstchar=`echo $classname | cut -c1 | tr a-z A-Z`
rest=`echo $classname | cut -c2-`
export classname
cat $1 | sed \
-e 's/#include \"forms\.h\"/#include FORMS_H_LOCATION/' \
-e "/#include \"form_.*\"/a\\
#include \"$classname.h\" " \
-e '/fl_/ s/".[^|]*"/_(&)/' \
-e '/shortcut/ s/".*[|].*"/scex(_(&))/' \
-e '/fl_add/ s/".*[|].*"/idex(_(&))/' \
-e '/fl_add/ s/idex(\(.*\)").*$/&\
fl_set_button_shortcut(obj,scex(\1")),1);/' \
-e 's/\(\(FD_[^ ]*\) \*fdui =\).*sizeof(\*fdui))/\1 new \2/' \
-e "s/\(FD_f\([^ _]*\)_\([^ ]*\)\) \*create_form_form[^ ]*/\1 * $classname::build_\3()/" \
-e 's/\(fdui->form[^ ]*\)\(.*bgn_form.*\)/\1\2\
\1->u_vdata = this;/' \
-e 's/,\([^ ]\)/, \1/g' >> $2