2017-05-27 19:53:32 +02:00
# crash on source preview of Arabic description environment
CO: bug-10636.ctrl
Lang sk_SK.utf8
TestBegin -dbg key,insets,workarea,latex ../bug-10636.lyx > bug-10636.loga.txt 2>&1
KK: \C\[End]
CP: Key [action=buffer-end][Ctrl+End]
KK: \Az\[Down]\[Down]\[Down]\[Return]
CP: LyX needs the following commands when LaTeXing:
KK: \[Up]\[Up]
CP: Key (queried) [action=up][Up]
CP: TextMetrics::editXY(cur
CP: Key (queried) [action=up][Up]
CP: TextMetrics::editXY(cur
Cr: SIGSEGV signal caught
2017-05-29 13:53:39 +02:00
2017-05-27 19:53:32 +02:00
Assert searchPatterns.pl base=bug-10636