
505 lines
14 KiB
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* \file preamble.C
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Andr<EFBFBD> P<EFBFBD>nitz
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
// {[(
#include <config.h>
#include "tex2lyx.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "lyxtextclass.h"
#include "lyxlex.h"
#include "support/filetools.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
using std::istringstream;
using std::ostream;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using lyx::support::libFileSearch;
// special columntypes
extern std::map<char, int> special_columns;
std::map<string, vector<string> > used_packages;
namespace {
const char * const known_languages[] = { "austrian", "babel", "bahasa",
"basque", "breton", "british", "bulgarian", "catalan", "croatian", "czech",
"danish", "dutch", "english", "esperanto", "estonian", "finnish",
"francais", "french", "frenchb", "frenchle", "frenchpro",
"galician", "german", "germanb", "greek", "hebcal", "hebfont",
"hebrew", "hebrew_newcode", "hebrew_oldcode", "hebrew_p", "hyphen",
"icelandic", "irish", "italian", "latin", "lgrcmr", "lgrcmro", "lgrcmss",
"lgrcmtt", "lgrenc", "lgrlcmss", "lgrlcmtt", "lheclas", "lhecmr",
"lhecmss", "lhecmtt", "lhecrml", "lheenc", "lhefr", "lheredis", "lheshold",
"lheshscr", "lheshstk", "lsorbian", "magyar", "naustrian", "ngermanb",
"ngerman", "norsk", "polish", "portuges", "rlbabel", "romanian",
"russianb", "samin", "scottish", "serbian", "slovak", "slovene", "spanish",
"swedish", "turkish", "ukraineb", "usorbian", "welsh", 0};
const char * const known_french_languages[] = {"french", "frenchb", "francais",
"frenchle", "frenchpro", 0};
char const * const known_fontsizes[] = { "10pt", "11pt", "12pt", 0 };
// some ugly stuff
ostringstream h_preamble;
string h_textclass = "article";
string h_options = string();
string h_language = "english";
string h_inputencoding = "latin1";
string h_fontscheme = "default";
string h_graphics = "default";
string h_paperfontsize = "default";
string h_spacing = "single";
string h_papersize = "default";
string h_use_geometry = "false";
string h_use_amsmath = "0";
string h_cite_engine = "basic";
string h_use_bibtopic = "false";
string h_paperorientation = "portrait";
string h_secnumdepth = "3";
string h_tocdepth = "3";
string h_paragraph_separation = "indent";
string h_defskip = "medskip";
string h_quotes_language = "english";
string h_papercolumns = "1";
string h_papersides = string();
string h_paperpagestyle = "default";
string h_tracking_changes = "false";
string h_output_changes = "false";
void handle_opt(vector<string> & opts, char const * const * what, string & target)
if (opts.empty())
for ( ; *what; ++what) {
vector<string>::iterator it = find(opts.begin(), opts.end(), *what);
if (it != opts.end()) {
//cerr << "### found option '" << *what << "'\n";
target = *what;
* Split a package options string (keyval format) into a vector.
* Example input:
* authorformat=smallcaps,
* commabeforerest,
* titleformat=colonsep,
* bibformat={tabular,ibidem,numbered}
vector<string> split_options(string const & input)
vector<string> options;
string option;
Parser p(input);
while (p.good()) {
Token const & t = p.get_token();
if (t.asInput() == ",") {
} else if (t.asInput() == "=") {
option += '=';
if (p.next_token().asInput() == "{")
option += '{' + p.getArg('{', '}') + '}';
} else if ( != catSpace)
option += t.asInput();
if (!option.empty())
return options;
* Add package \p name with options \p options to used_packages.
* Remove options from \p options that we don't want to output.
void add_package(string const & name, vector<string> & options)
// every package inherits the global options
if (used_packages.find(name) == used_packages.end())
used_packages[name] = split_options(h_options);
vector<string> & v = used_packages[name];
v.insert(v.end(), options.begin(), options.end());
if (name == "jurabib") {
// Don't output the order argument (see the cite command
// handling code in text.C).
vector<string>::iterator end =
remove(options.begin(), options.end(), "natbiborder");
end = remove(options.begin(), end, "jurabiborder");
options.erase(end, options.end());
void handle_package(string const & name, string const & opts)
vector<string> options = split_options(opts);
add_package(name, options);
//cerr << "handle_package: '" << name << "'\n";
if (name == "ae")
h_fontscheme = "ae";
else if (name == "aecompl")
h_fontscheme = "ae";
else if (name == "amsmath")
h_use_amsmath = "1";
else if (name == "amssymb")
h_use_amsmath = "1";
else if (name == "babel")
; // ignore this
else if (name == "fontenc")
; // ignore this
else if (name == "inputenc") {
h_inputencoding = opts;
} else if (name == "makeidx")
; // ignore this
else if (name == "verbatim")
; // ignore this
else if (name == "graphicx")
; // ignore this
else if (is_known(name, known_languages)) {
if (is_known(name, known_french_languages)) {
h_language = "french";
h_quotes_language = "french";
} else {
h_language = name;
h_quotes_language = name;
} else if (name == "natbib") {
h_cite_engine = "natbib_authoryear";
vector<string>::iterator it =
find(options.begin(), options.end(), "authoryear");
if (it != options.end())
else {
it = find(options.begin(), options.end(), "numbers");
if (it != options.end()) {
h_cite_engine = "natbib_numerical";
} else if (name == "jurabib") {
h_cite_engine = "jurabib";
} else if (options.empty())
h_preamble << "\\usepackage{" << name << "}\n";
else {
h_preamble << "\\usepackage[" << opts << "]{" << name << "}\n";
// We need to do something with the options...
if (!options.empty())
cerr << "Ignoring options '" << join(options, ",")
<< "' of package " << name << '.' << endl;
void end_preamble(ostream & os, LyXTextClass const & /*textclass*/)
os << "#LyX file created by tex2lyx 0.1.2\n"
<< "\\lyxformat 245\n"
<< "\\begin_document\n"
<< "\\begin_header\n"
<< "\\textclass " << h_textclass << "\n"
<< "\\begin_preamble\n" << h_preamble.str() << "\n\\end_preamble\n";
if (!h_options.empty())
os << "\\options " << h_options << "\n";
os << "\\language " << h_language << "\n"
<< "\\inputencoding " << h_inputencoding << "\n"
<< "\\fontscheme " << h_fontscheme << "\n"
<< "\\graphics " << h_graphics << "\n"
<< "\\paperfontsize " << h_paperfontsize << "\n"
<< "\\spacing " << h_spacing << "\n"
<< "\\papersize " << h_papersize << "\n"
<< "\\use_geometry " << h_use_geometry << "\n"
<< "\\use_amsmath " << h_use_amsmath << "\n"
<< "\\cite_engine " << h_cite_engine << "\n"
<< "\\use_bibtopic " << h_use_bibtopic << "\n"
<< "\\paperorientation " << h_paperorientation << "\n"
<< "\\secnumdepth " << h_secnumdepth << "\n"
<< "\\tocdepth " << h_tocdepth << "\n"
<< "\\paragraph_separation " << h_paragraph_separation << "\n"
<< "\\defskip " << h_defskip << "\n"
<< "\\quotes_language " << h_quotes_language << "\n"
<< "\\papercolumns " << h_papercolumns << "\n"
<< "\\papersides " << h_papersides << "\n"
<< "\\paperpagestyle " << h_paperpagestyle << "\n"
<< "\\tracking_changes " << h_tracking_changes << "\n"
<< "\\output_changes " << h_output_changes << "\n"
<< "\\end_header\n\n"
<< "\\begin_body\n";
// clear preamble for subdocuments
} // anonymous namespace
LyXTextClass const parse_preamble(Parser & p, ostream & os, string const & forceclass)
// initialize fixed types
special_columns['D'] = 3;
bool is_full_document = false;
// determine whether this is a full document or a fragment for inclusion
while (p.good()) {
Token const & t = p.get_token();
if ( == catEscape && t.cs() == "documentclass") {
is_full_document = true;
while (is_full_document && p.good()) {
Token const & t = p.get_token();
cerr << "t: " << t << "\n";
// cat codes
if ( == catLetter || == catSuper || == catSub || == catOther || == catMath || == catActive || == catBegin || == catEnd || == catAlign || == catParameter)
h_preamble << t.character();
else if ( == catSpace || == catNewline)
h_preamble << t.asInput();
else if ( == catComment)
h_preamble << t.asInput();
else if (t.cs() == "pagestyle")
h_paperpagestyle = p.verbatim_item();
else if (t.cs() == "makeatletter") {
p.setCatCode('@', catLetter);
h_preamble << "\\makeatletter";
else if (t.cs() == "makeatother") {
p.setCatCode('@', catOther);
h_preamble << "\\makeatother";
else if (t.cs() == "newcommand" || t.cs() == "renewcommand"
|| t.cs() == "providecommand") {
bool star = false;
if (p.next_token().character() == '*') {
star = true;
string const name = p.verbatim_item();
string const opt1 = p.getOpt();
string const opt2 = p.getFullOpt();
string const body = p.verbatim_item();
// only non-lyxspecific stuff
if ( name != "\\noun"
&& name != "\\tabularnewline"
&& name != "\\LyX"
&& name != "\\lyxline"
&& name != "\\lyxaddress"
&& name != "\\lyxrightaddress"
&& name != "\\lyxdot"
&& name != "\\boldsymbol"
&& name != "\\lyxarrow") {
ostringstream ss;
ss << '\\' << t.cs();
if (star)
ss << '*';
ss << '{' << name << '}' << opt1 << opt2
<< '{' << body << "}";
h_preamble << ss.str();
// Add the command to the known commands
add_known_command(name, opt1, !opt2.empty());
ostream & out = in_preamble ? h_preamble : os;
out << "\\" << t.cs() << "{" << name << "}"
<< opts << "{" << body << "}";
else if (t.cs() == "documentclass") {
vector<string> opts;
split(p.getArg('[', ']'), opts, ',');
handle_opt(opts, known_languages, h_language);
if (is_known(h_language, known_french_languages))
h_language = "french";
handle_opt(opts, known_fontsizes, h_paperfontsize);
// delete "pt" at the end
string::size_type i = h_paperfontsize.find("pt");
if (i != string::npos)
h_quotes_language = h_language;
h_options = join(opts, ",");
h_textclass = p.getArg('{', '}');
else if (t.cs() == "usepackage") {
string const options = p.getArg('[', ']');
string const name = p.getArg('{', '}');
if (options.empty() && name.find(',')) {
vector<string> vecnames;
split(name, vecnames, ',');
vector<string>::const_iterator it = vecnames.begin();
vector<string>::const_iterator end = vecnames.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
handle_package(trim(*it), string());
} else {
handle_package(name, options);
else if (t.cs() == "newenvironment") {
string const name = p.getArg('{', '}');
ostringstream ss;
ss << "\\newenvironment{" << name << "}";
ss << p.getOpt();
ss << p.getOpt();
ss << '{' << p.verbatim_item() << '}';
ss << '{' << p.verbatim_item() << '}';
if (name != "lyxcode" && name != "lyxlist" &&
name != "lyxrightadress" && name != "lyxaddress")
h_preamble << ss.str();
else if (t.cs() == "def") {
string name = p.get_token().cs();
while (p.next_token().cat() != catBegin)
name += p.get_token().asString();
h_preamble << "\\def\\" << name << '{'
<< p.verbatim_item() << "}";
else if (t.cs() == "newcolumntype") {
string const name = p.getArg('{', '}');
int nargs = 0;
string opts = p.getOpt();
if (!opts.empty()) {
istringstream is(string(opts, 1));
//cerr << "opt: " << is.str() << "\n";
is >> nargs;
special_columns[name[0]] = nargs;
h_preamble << "\\newcolumntype{" << name << "}";
if (nargs)
h_preamble << "[" << nargs << "]";
h_preamble << "{" << p.verbatim_item() << "}";
else if (t.cs() == "setcounter") {
string const name = p.getArg('{', '}');
string const content = p.getArg('{', '}');
if (name == "secnumdepth")
h_secnumdepth = content;
else if (name == "tocdepth")
h_tocdepth = content;
h_preamble << "\\setcounter{" << name << "}{" << content << "}";
else if (t.cs() == "setlength") {
string const name = p.verbatim_item();
string const content = p.verbatim_item();
// Is this correct?
if (name == "parskip")
h_paragraph_separation = "skip";
else if (name == "parindent")
h_paragraph_separation = "skip";
h_preamble << "\\setlength{" << name << "}{" << content << "}";
else if (t.cs() == "begin") {
string const name = p.getArg('{', '}');
if (name == "document")
h_preamble << "\\begin{" << name << "}";
else if (t.cs() == "jurabibsetup") {
vector<string> jurabibsetup =
split_options(p.getArg('{', '}'));
// add jurabibsetup to the jurabib package options
add_package("jurabib", jurabibsetup);
if (!jurabibsetup.empty()) {
h_preamble << "\\jurabibsetup{"
<< join(jurabibsetup, ",") << '}';
else if (!t.cs().empty())
h_preamble << '\\' << t.cs();
// Force textclass if the user wanted it
if (!forceclass.empty()) {
h_textclass = forceclass;
string layoutfilename = libFileSearch("layouts", h_textclass, "layout");
if (layoutfilename.empty()) {
cerr << "Error: Could not find layout file for textclass \"" << h_textclass << "\"." << endl;
LyXTextClass textclass;;
if (h_papersides.empty()) {
ostringstream ss;
ss << textclass.sides();
h_papersides = ss.str();
end_preamble(os, textclass);
return textclass;
// }])