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//<2F>-*- C++ -*-
/* ======================================================================= *\
File : kbmap.h, kbmap.h,v 1.3 1996/12/10 04:35:57 larsbj Exp
Author : chb, 30.Oct.1995
Docu : see kbmap.C
Purpose: class definitions for XKeyEvent keymap handling
\* ==================================================================== */
#ifndef KBMAP_H
#define KBMAP_H
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "LString.h"
#define NO_HASH 1
#define KB_PREALLOC 16
#ifndef NO_HASH
#define KB_HASHSIZE 128 // yes, yes - I know. 128 is not exactly prime :-)
// ... but we are dealing with ASCII chars mostly.
class kb_keymap;
class kb_sequence;
struct kb_key {
/// Keysym
unsigned int code;
/// Modifier masks
unsigned int mod;
/// Keymap for prefix keys
kb_keymap * table;
/// Action for !prefix keys
int action;
/// Defines key maps and actions for key sequences
class kb_keymap {
kb_keymap() {
size = 0;
table = 0;
/// Bind a key-sequence to an action
/** Returns 0 on success. Otherwise, position in string where
error occured. */
int bind(char const * seq, int action);
void print(string & buf) const;
/// Look up a key in the keymap
int lookup(KeySym key, unsigned mod, kb_sequence * seq);
/// Given an action, find all keybindings.
string findbinding(int action) const;
/// Define a new key sequence
int defkey(kb_sequence * seq, int action, int idx = 0);
/// Size of the table (<0: hashtab)
int size;
/// Holds the defined keys
/** Both kinds of tables ends with NoSymbol */
#ifndef NO_HASH
/// Table for linear array
kb_key * table;
#ifndef NO_HASH
/// Hash table holding key lists
kb_key ** htable;
/// Holds a key sequence and the current and standard keymaps
class kb_sequence {
kb_sequence() {
stdmap = curmap = 0;
sequence = staticseq;
modifiers = staticmod;
length = 0;
if (sequence != staticseq) {
delete sequence;
delete modifiers;
/// Add a key to the key sequence and look it up in the curmap
/** Add a key to the key sequence and look it up in the curmap
if the latter is defined. */
int addkey(KeySym key, unsigned mod, unsigned nmod = 0);
int print(string & buf, bool when_defined = false) const;
int printOptions(string & buf) const;
/// Make length negative to mark the sequence as deleted
void delseq();
char getiso();
KeySym getsym();
void reset();
int parse(char const * s);
/// Keymap to use if a new sequence is starting
kb_keymap * stdmap;
/// Keymap to use for the next key
kb_keymap * curmap;
/// Array holding the current key sequence
/** If sequence[length-1] < 0xff it can be used as ISO8859 char */
unsigned int * sequence;
unsigned int * modifiers;
/// Current length of key sequence
int length;
/// Static array preallocated for sequence
unsigned int staticseq[KB_PREALLOC];
unsigned int staticmod[KB_PREALLOC];
/// Physically allocated storage size
int size;