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* File: math_inset.C
* Purpose: Implementation of insets for mathed
* Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra <>
* Created: January 1996
* Description:
* Dependencies: Xlib, XForms
* Copyright: 1996, 1997 Alejandro Aguilar Sierra
* Version: 0.8beta.
* You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of
* the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later.
#include <config.h>
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation "math_inset.h"
#include "math_iter.h"
#include "math_inset.h"
#include "symbol_def.h"
MathedInset::MathedInset(MathedInset * inset)
if (inset) {
name = inset->GetName();
objtype = inset->GetType();
size = inset->GetStyle();
width = inset->Width();
ascent = inset->Ascent();
descent = inset->Descent();
} else {
objtype = LM_OT_UNDEF;
size = LM_ST_TEXT;
width = ascent = descent = 0;
//name = 0;
MathFuncInset::MathFuncInset(string const & nm, short ot, short st)
: MathedInset("", ot, st)
ln = 0;
lims = (GetType() == LM_OT_FUNCLIM);
if (GetType() == LM_OT_UNDEF) {
fname = nm;
} else {
//fname = 0;
MathedInset * MathFuncInset::Clone()
return new MathFuncInset(name, GetType(), GetStyle());
MathSpaceInset::MathSpaceInset(int sp, short ot, short st)
: MathedInset("", ot, st), space(sp)
MathedInset * MathSpaceInset::Clone()
return new MathSpaceInset(space, GetType(), GetStyle());
MathParInset::MathParInset(short st, string const & nm, short ot)
: MathedInset(nm, ot, st)
array = 0;
ascent = 8;
width = 4;
descent = 0;
flag = 1;
if (objtype == LM_OT_SCRIPT)
flag |= LMPF_SCRIPT;
MathParInset::MathParInset(MathParInset * p)
: MathedInset(p)
flag = p->flag;
MathedIter it(p->GetData());
if (array) {
MathedIter it(array);
delete array;
MathedInset * MathParInset::Clone()
return new MathParInset(this);
void MathParInset::SetData(LyxArrayBase * a)
array = a;
// A standard paragraph shouldn't have any tabs nor CRs.
if (array) {
MathedIter it(array);
while (it.OK()) {
char c = it.GetChar();
if (c == LM_TC_TAB || c == LM_TC_CR)
MathSqrtInset::MathSqrtInset(short st)
: MathParInset(st, "sqrt", LM_OT_SQRT) {}
MathedInset * MathSqrtInset::Clone()
MathSqrtInset * p = new MathSqrtInset(GetStyle());
MathedIter it(array);
return p;
bool MathSqrtInset::Inside(int x, int y)
return x >= xo - hmax
&& x <= xo + width - hmax
&& y <= yo + descent
&& y >= yo - ascent;
MathDelimInset::MathDelimInset(int l, int r, short st)
: MathParInset(st, "", LM_OT_DELIM), left(l), right(r) {}
MathedInset * MathDelimInset::Clone()
MathDelimInset * p = new MathDelimInset(left, right, GetStyle());
MathedIter it(array);
return p;
MathDecorationInset::MathDecorationInset(int d, short st)
: MathParInset(st, "", LM_OT_DECO), deco(d)
upper = (deco!= LM_underline && deco!= LM_underbrace);
MathedInset * MathDecorationInset::Clone()
MathDecorationInset * p = new MathDecorationInset(deco, GetStyle());
MathedIter it(array);
return p;
MathFracInset::MathFracInset(short ot)
: MathParInset(LM_ST_TEXT, "frac", ot)
den = new MathParInset(LM_ST_TEXT); // this leaks
dh = 0;
idx = 0;
if (objtype == LM_OT_STACKREL) {
flag |= LMPF_SCRIPT;
delete den;
MathedInset * MathFracInset::Clone()
MathFracInset * p = new MathFracInset(GetType());
MathedIter itn(array);
MathedIter itd(den->GetData());
p->SetData(itn.Copy(), itd.Copy());
p->idx = idx;
p->dh = dh;
return p;
bool MathFracInset::setArgumentIdx(int i)
if (i == 0 || i == 1) {
idx = i;
return true;
} else
return false;
void MathFracInset::SetStyle(short st)
dh = 0;
den->SetStyle((size == LM_ST_DISPLAY) ?
: size);
void MathFracInset::SetData(LyxArrayBase * n, LyxArrayBase * d)
void MathFracInset::SetData(LyxArrayBase * d)
if (idx == 0)
else {
void MathFracInset::GetXY(int & x, int & y) const
if (idx == 0)
MathParInset::GetXY(x, y);
den->GetXY(x, y);
LyxArrayBase * MathFracInset::GetData()
if (idx == 0)
return array;
return den->GetData();
bool MathFracInset::Inside(int x, int y)
int xx = xo - (width - w0) / 2;
return x >= xx && x <= xx + width && y <= yo + descent && y >= yo - ascent;
void MathFracInset::SetFocus(int /*x*/, int y)
// lyxerr << "y " << y << " " << yo << " " << den->yo << " ";
idx = (y > yo) ? 1: 0;
MathMatrixInset::MathMatrixInset(int m, int n, short st)
: MathParInset(st, "array", LM_OT_MATRIX), nc(m),
v_align(0), h_align(nc, 'c')
ws = new int[nc];
nr = 0;
row = 0;
flag = 15;
if (n > 0) {
row = new MathedRowSt(nc+1);
MathedXIter it(this);
for (int j = 1; j < n; ++j) it.addRow();
nr = n;
if (nr == 1 && nc > 1) {
for (int j = 0; j < nc - 1; ++j)
it.Insert('T', LM_TC_TAB);
} else if (n < 0) {
row = new MathedRowSt(nc + 1);
nr = 1;
MathMatrixInset::MathMatrixInset(MathMatrixInset * mt)
: MathParInset(mt->GetStyle(), mt->GetName(), mt->GetType()),
nc(mt->nc), v_align(mt->v_align), h_align(mt->h_align)
nr = 0;
ws = new int[nc];
MathedIter it;
array = it.Copy();
if (mt->row != 0) {
MathedRowSt * r, * ro= 0, * mrow = mt->row;
//mrow = mt->row; // This must be redundant...
while (mrow) {
r = new MathedRowSt(nc + 1);
//if (mrow->label)
if (!ro)
row = r;
mrow = mrow->getNext();
ro = r;
} else
row = 0;
flag = mt->flag;
delete[] ws;
MathedRowSt * r = row;
while (r) {
MathedRowSt * q = r->getNext();
delete r;
r = q;
MathedInset * MathMatrixInset::Clone()
return new MathMatrixInset(this);
void MathMatrixInset::SetAlign(char vv, string const & hh)
v_align = vv;
h_align = hh.substr(0, nc); // usr just h_align = hh; perhaps
// Check the number of tabs and crs
void MathMatrixInset::SetData(LyxArrayBase * a)
if (!a) return;
MathedIter it(a);
int nn = nc - 1;
nr = 1;
// count tabs per row
while (it.OK()) {
if (it.IsTab()) {
if (nn < 0) {
} else {
// it.Next();
if (it.IsCR()) {
while (nn > 0) {
it.Insert(' ', LM_TC_TAB);
nn = nc - 1;
// Automatically inserts tabs around bops
// DISABLED because it's very easy to insert tabs
array = a;
void MathMatrixInset::draw(Painter & pain, int x, int baseline)
MathParInset::draw(pain, x, baseline);
void MathMatrixInset::Metrics()
int i, hl, h = 0;
MathedRowSt * cprow= 0;
if (!row) {
// lyxerr << " MIDA ";
MathedXIter it(this);
row = it.adjustVerticalSt();
// Clean the arrays
MathedRowSt * cxrow = row;
while (cxrow) {
for (i = 0; i <= nc; ++i) cxrow->setTab(i, 0);
cxrow = cxrow->getNext();
// Basic metrics
if (nc <= 1 && !row->getNext()) {
// Vertical positions of each row
cxrow = row;
while (cxrow) {
for (i = 0; i < nc; ++i) {
if (cxrow == row || ws[i] < cxrow->getTab(i))
ws[i] = cxrow->getTab(i);
if (cxrow->getNext() == 0 && ws[i] == 0) ws[i] = df_width;
cxrow->setBaseline((cxrow == row) ?
cxrow->ascent() :
cxrow->ascent() + cprow->descent()
+ MATH_ROWSEP + cprow->getBaseline());
h += cxrow->ascent() + cxrow->descent() + MATH_ROWSEP;
cprow = cxrow;
cxrow = cxrow->getNext();
hl = Descent();
// Compute vertical align
switch (v_align) {
case 't': ascent = row->getBaseline(); break;
case 'b': ascent = h - hl; break;
default: ascent = (row->getNext()) ? h / 2: h - hl; break;
descent = h - ascent + 2;
// Adjust local tabs
cxrow = row;
width = MATH_COLSEP;
while (cxrow) {
int rg = MATH_COLSEP, ww, lf = 0; //, * w = cxrow->w;
for (i = 0; i < nc; ++i) {
bool isvoid = false;
if (cxrow->getTab(i) <= 0) {
cxrow->setTab(i, df_width);
isvoid = true;
switch (h_align[i]) {
case 'l': lf = 0; break;
case 'c': lf = (ws[i] - cxrow->getTab(i))/2;
case 'r': lf = ws[i] - cxrow->getTab(i); break;
ww = (isvoid) ? lf: lf + cxrow->getTab(i);
cxrow->setTab(i, lf + rg);
rg = ws[i] - ww + MATH_COLSEP;
if (cxrow == row) width += ws[i] + MATH_COLSEP;
cxrow->setBaseline(cxrow->getBaseline() - ascent);
cxrow = cxrow->getNext();
MathAccentInset::MathAccentInset(byte cx, MathedTextCodes f, int cd, short st)
: MathedInset("", LM_OT_ACCENT, st), c(cx), fn(f), code(cd)
inset = 0;
MathAccentInset::MathAccentInset(MathedInset *ins, int cd, short st)
: MathedInset("", LM_OT_ACCENT, st),
c(0), fn(LM_TC_MIN), code(cd), inset(ins) {}
delete inset;
MathedInset * MathAccentInset::Clone()
MathAccentInset * p;
if (inset)
p = new MathAccentInset(inset->Clone(), code, GetStyle());
p = new MathAccentInset(c, fn, code, GetStyle());
return p;
MathBigopInset::MathBigopInset(string const & nam, int id, short st)
: MathedInset(nam, LM_OT_BIGOP, st), sym(id)
lims = -1;
MathedInset * MathBigopInset::Clone()
return new MathBigopInset(name, sym, GetStyle());
MathDotsInset::MathDotsInset(string const & nam, int id, short st)
: MathedInset(nam, LM_OT_DOTS, st), code(id) {}
MathedInset * MathDotsInset::Clone()
return new MathDotsInset(name, code, GetStyle());