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#include "math_diminset.h"
/** Abstract base class for all math objects that contain nested items.
This is basically everything that is not a single character or a
single symbol.
class LaTeXFeatures;
class MathNestInset : public MathDimInset {
/// nestinsets have a fixed size to start with
explicit MathNestInset(idx_type ncells);
/// the size is usuall some sort of convex hull of the cells
void metrics(MathMetricsInfo const & mi) const;
/// add space for markers
void metricsMarkers(int frame = 1) const;
/// add space for markers
void metricsMarkers2(int frame = 1) const;
/// draw background if locked
void draw(MathPainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const;
/// draw selection background
void drawSelection(MathPainterInfo & pi,
idx_type idx1, pos_type pos1, idx_type idx2, pos_type pos2) const;
void drawMarkers(MathPainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const;
/// draw four angular markers
void drawMarkers2(MathPainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const;
/// appends itself with macro arguments substituted
void substitute(MathMacro const & macro);
/// identifies NestInsets
MathNestInset * asNestInset() { return this; }
/// identifies NestInsets
MathNestInset const * asNestInset() const { return this; }
/// get cursor position
void getPos(idx_type idx, pos_type pos, int & x, int & y) const;
/// order of movement through the cells when pressing the left key
bool idxLeft(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
/// order of movement through the cells when pressing the right key
bool idxRight(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
/// move one physical cell up
bool idxNext(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
/// move one physical cell down
bool idxPrev(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
/// target pos when we enter the inset from the left by pressing "Right"
bool idxFirst(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
/// target pos when we enter the inset from the right by pressing "Left"
bool idxLast(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
/// where should we go if we press home?
bool idxHome(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
/// where should we go if we press end?
bool idxEnd(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
/// number of cells currently governed by us
idx_type nargs() const;
/// access to the lock
bool lock() const;
/// access to the lock
void lock(bool);
/// get notification when the cursor leaves this inset
void notifyCursorLeaves(idx_type);
/// direct access to the cell
MathArray & cell(idx_type);
/// direct access to the cell
MathArray const & cell(idx_type) const;
/// can we move into this cell (see macroarg.h)
bool isActive() const;
/// request "external features"
void validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const;
/// match in all cells
bool match(MathAtom const &) const;
/// replace in all cells
void replace(ReplaceData &);
/// do we contain a given pattern?
bool contains(MathArray const &) const;
/// glue everything to a single cell
MathArray glue() const;
/// debug helper
void dump() const;
/// is the cursor currently somewhere within this inset?
virtual bool editing() const;
/// writes \\, name(), and args in braces and '\\lyxlock' if necessary
void write(WriteStream & os) const;
/// writes [, name(), and args in []
void normalize(NormalStream & os) const;
/// local dispatcher
result_type dispatch(FuncRequest const & cmd, idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos);
/// we store the cells in a vector
typedef std::vector<MathArray> cells_type;
/// thusly:
cells_type cells_;
/// if the inset is locked, it can't be entered with the cursor
bool lock_;