
447 lines
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* \file insettext.C
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author J<EFBFBD>rgen Vigna
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "insettext.h"
#include "insetnewline.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "bufferparams.h"
#include "BufferView.h"
#include "CutAndPaste.h"
#include "cursor.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "dispatchresult.h"
#include "errorlist.h"
#include "funcrequest.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "intl.h"
#include "LColor.h"
#include "lyxfind.h"
#include "lyxlex.h"
#include "lyxrc.h"
#include "lyxtext.h"
#include "metricsinfo.h"
#include "output_docbook.h"
#include "output_latex.h"
#include "output_linuxdoc.h"
#include "output_plaintext.h"
#include "paragraph.h"
#include "paragraph_funcs.h"
#include "ParagraphParameters.h"
#include "rowpainter.h"
#include "lyxrow.h"
#include "sgml.h"
#include "texrow.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "frontends/Alert.h"
#include "frontends/font_metrics.h"
#include "frontends/Painter.h"
#include "support/lyxalgo.h" // lyx::count
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/current_function.hpp>
using lyx::pos_type;
using lyx::graphics::PreviewLoader;
using lyx::support::isStrUnsignedInt;
using boost::bind;
using boost::ref;
using std::endl;
using std::for_each;
using std::max;
using std::string;
using std::auto_ptr;
using std::ostream;
using std::vector;
int InsetText::border_ = 2;
InsetText::InsetText(BufferParams const & bp)
: drawFrame_(false), frame_color_(LColor::insetframe), text_(0)
if (bp.tracking_changes)
InsetText::InsetText(InsetText const & in)
: InsetOld(in), text_(in.text_.bv_owner)
text_.autoBreakRows_ = in.text_.autoBreakRows_;
drawFrame_ = in.drawFrame_;
frame_color_ = in.frame_color_;
text_.paragraphs() = in.text_.paragraphs();
: text_(0)
void InsetText::init()
for_each(paragraphs().begin(), paragraphs().end(),
bind(&Paragraph::setInsetOwner, _1, this));
void InsetText::markErased(bool erased)
ParagraphList & pars = paragraphs();
for_each(pars.begin(), pars.end(),
bind(&Paragraph::markErased, _1, erased));
void InsetText::clear()
ParagraphList & pars = paragraphs();
// This is a gross hack...
LyXLayout_ptr old_layout = pars.begin()->layout();
auto_ptr<InsetBase> InsetText::doClone() const
return auto_ptr<InsetBase>(new InsetText(*this));
void InsetText::write(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os) const
os << "Text\n";
text_.write(buf, os);
void InsetText::read(Buffer const & buf, LyXLex & lex)
#warning John, look here. Doesnt make much sense.
if (buf.params().tracking_changes)
// delete the initial paragraph
Paragraph oldpar = *paragraphs().begin();
bool res =, lex);
if (!res) {
lex.printError("Missing \\end_inset at this point. "
"Read: `$$Token'");
// sanity check
// ensure we have at least one paragraph.
if (paragraphs().empty())
void InsetText::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const
//lyxerr << "InsetText::metrics: width: " << mi.base.textwidth << endl;
mi.base.textwidth -= 2 * border_;
font_ = mi.base.font;
text_.font_ = mi.base.font;
text_.metrics(mi, dim);
dim.asc += border_;
dim.des += border_;
dim.wid += 2 * border_;
mi.base.textwidth += 2 * border_;
dim_ = dim;
void InsetText::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
// update our idea of where we are
setPosCache(pi, x, y);
text_.draw(pi, x + border_, y);
if (drawFrame_) {
int const w = text_.width() + 2 * border_;
int const a = text_.ascent() + border_;
int const h = a + text_.descent() + border_;
int const ww =>workWidth();
if (w > ww - 40) {
pi.pain.line(0, y - a, ww, y - a, frameColor());
pi.pain.line(0, y - a + h, ww, y - a + h, frameColor());
} else {
pi.pain.rectangle(x, y - a, w, h, frameColor());
void InsetText::drawSelection(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
if (backgroundColor() != LColor::background) {
// repaint the background if needed
int const w = text_.width() + 2 * border_;
int const a = text_.ascent() + border_;
int const h = a + text_.descent() + border_;
pi.pain.fillRectangle(x, y - a, w, h, backgroundColor());
text_.drawSelection(pi, x, y);
string const InsetText::editMessage() const
return _("Opened Text Inset");
void InsetText::edit(LCursor & cur, bool left)
//lyxerr << "InsetText: edit left/right" << endl;
int const pit = left ? 0 : paragraphs().size() - 1;
int const pos = left ? 0 : paragraphs().back().size();
text_.setCursor(, pit, pos);
InsetBase * InsetText::editXY(LCursor & cur, int x, int y)
return text_.editXY(cur, x, y);
void InsetText::doDispatch(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd)
<< " [ cmd.action = " << cmd.action << ']' << endl;
text_.dispatch(cur, cmd);
bool InsetText::getStatus(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd,
FuncStatus & status) const
return text_.getStatus(cur, cmd, status);
int InsetText::latex(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os,
OutputParams const & runparams) const
TexRow texrow;
latexParagraphs(buf, paragraphs(), os, texrow, runparams);
return texrow.rows();
int InsetText::plaintext(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os,
OutputParams const & runparams) const
ParagraphList::const_iterator beg = paragraphs().begin();
ParagraphList::const_iterator end = paragraphs().end();
ParagraphList::const_iterator it = beg;
bool ref_printed = false;
for (; it != end; ++it)
asciiParagraph(buf, *it, os, runparams, ref_printed);
// FIXME: Give the total numbers of lines
return 1;
int InsetText::linuxdoc(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os,
OutputParams const & runparams) const
linuxdocParagraphs(buf, paragraphs(), os, runparams);
return 0;
int InsetText::docbook(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os,
OutputParams const & runparams) const
docbookParagraphs(paragraphs(), buf, os, runparams);
return 0;
void InsetText::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
for_each(paragraphs().begin(), paragraphs().end(),
bind(&Paragraph::validate, _1, ref(features)));
void InsetText::cursorPos
(CursorSlice const & sl, bool boundary, int & x, int & y) const
x = text_.cursorX(sl, boundary) + border_;
y = text_.cursorY(sl, boundary);
bool InsetText::showInsetDialog(BufferView *) const
return false;
void InsetText::markNew(bool track_changes)
ParagraphList::iterator pit = paragraphs().begin();
ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs().end();
for (; pit != end; ++pit) {
if (track_changes)
else // no-op when not tracking
void InsetText::setText(string const & data, LyXFont const & font)
Paragraph & first = paragraphs().front();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.length(); ++i)
first.insertChar(i, data[i], font);
void InsetText::setAutoBreakRows(bool flag)
if (flag == text_.autoBreakRows_)
text_.autoBreakRows_ = flag;
if (flag)
// remove previously existing newlines
ParagraphList::iterator it = paragraphs().begin();
ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs().end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
for (int i = 0; i < it->size(); ++i)
if (it->isNewline(i))
void InsetText::setDrawFrame(bool flag)
drawFrame_ = flag;
LColor_color InsetText::frameColor() const
return LColor::color(frame_color_);
void InsetText::setFrameColor(LColor_color col)
frame_color_ = col;
void InsetText::setViewCache(BufferView const * bv) const
if (bv && bv != text_.bv_owner) {
//lyxerr << "setting view cache from "
// << text_.bv_owner << " to " << bv << "\n";
text_.bv_owner = const_cast<BufferView *>(bv);
void InsetText::appendParagraphs(Buffer * buffer, ParagraphList & plist)
#warning FIXME Check if Changes stuff needs changing here. (Lgb)
// And it probably does. You have to take a look at this John. (Lgb)
#warning John, have a look here. (Lgb)
ParagraphList & pl = paragraphs();
ParagraphList::iterator pit = plist.begin();
ParagraphList::iterator ins = pl.insert(pl.end(), *pit);
mergeParagraph(buffer->params(), pl, ins - pl.begin() - 1);
for_each(pit, plist.end(),
bind(&ParagraphList::push_back, ref(pl), _1));
void InsetText::addPreview(PreviewLoader & loader) const
ParagraphList::const_iterator pit = paragraphs().begin();
ParagraphList::const_iterator pend = paragraphs().end();
for (; pit != pend; ++pit) {
InsetList::const_iterator it = pit->insetlist.begin();
InsetList::const_iterator end = pit->insetlist.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
//FIXME: instead of this hack, which only works by chance,
// cells should have their own insetcell type, which returns CELL_CODE!
bool InsetText::neverIndent() const
// this is only true for tabular cells
return !text_.isMainText() && lyxCode() == TEXT_CODE;
ParagraphList const & InsetText::paragraphs() const
return text_.paragraphs();
ParagraphList & InsetText::paragraphs()
return text_.paragraphs();