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* \file GuiDelimiter.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author John Levon
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "GuiDelimiter.h"
#include "GuiApplication.h"
#include "GuiFontLoader.h"
#include "GuiView.h"
#include "qt_helpers.h"
#include "FontEnums.h"
#include "FontInfo.h"
#include "FuncRequest.h"
#include "support/debug.h"
#include "support/docstring.h"
#include "support/gettext.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QListWidgetItem>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
namespace lyx {
namespace frontend {
namespace {
static char const * latex_delimiters[] = {
"(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]",
"lceil", "rceil", "lfloor", "rfloor", "langle", "rangle",
"llbracket", "rrbracket",
"uparrow", "updownarrow", "Uparrow", "Updownarrow", "downarrow", "Downarrow",
"|", "Vert", "/", "backslash", ""
static int const nr_latex_delimiters =
sizeof(latex_delimiters) / sizeof(char const *);
static string const bigleft[] = {"", "bigl", "Bigl", "biggl", "Biggl"};
static string const bigright[] = {"", "bigr", "Bigr", "biggr", "Biggr"};
static char const * const biggui[] = {
N_("big[[delimiter size]]"),
N_("Big[[delimiter size]]"),
N_("bigg[[delimiter size]]"),
N_("Bigg[[delimiter size]]"),
// FIXME: It might be better to fix the big delim LFUN to not require
// additional '\' prefix.
static docstring fix_name(string const & str, bool big)
if (str.empty())
return from_ascii(".");
if (!big || str == "(" || str == ")" || str == "[" || str == "]"
|| str == "|" || str == "/")
return from_ascii(str);
return "\\" + from_ascii(str);
struct MathSymbol {
MathSymbol(char_type uc = '?', unsigned char fc = 0,
FontFamily ff = SYMBOL_FAMILY)
: unicode(uc), fontcode(fc), fontfamily(ff)
char_type unicode;
unsigned char fontcode;
FontFamily fontfamily;
/// TeX-name / Math-symbol map.
static map<std::string, MathSymbol> math_symbols_;
/// Math-symbol / TeX-name map.
/// This one is for fast search, it contains the same data as
/// \c math_symbols_.
static map<char_type, string> tex_names_;
void initMathSymbols()
// FIXME: Ideally, those unicode codepoints would be defined
// in "lib/symbols". Unfortunately, some of those are already
// defined with non-unicode ids for use within mathed.
// FIXME 2: We should fill-in this map with the parsed "symbols"
// file done in MathFactory.cpp.
math_symbols_["("] = MathSymbol('(', 40, CMR_FAMILY);
math_symbols_[")"] = MathSymbol(')', 41, CMR_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["{"] = MathSymbol('{', 102, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["}"] = MathSymbol('}', 103, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["["] = MathSymbol('[', 91, CMR_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["]"] = MathSymbol(']', 93, CMR_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["|"] = MathSymbol('|', 106, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["/"] = MathSymbol('/', 47, CMR_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["backslash"] = MathSymbol('\\', 110, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["lceil"] = MathSymbol(0x2308, 100, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["rceil"] = MathSymbol(0x2309, 101, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["lfloor"] = MathSymbol(0x230A, 98, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["rfloor"] = MathSymbol(0x230B, 99, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["langle"] = MathSymbol(0x2329, 104, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["rangle"] = MathSymbol(0x232A, 105, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["llbracket"] = MathSymbol(0x27e6, 74, STMARY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["rrbracket"] = MathSymbol(0x27e7, 75, STMARY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["uparrow"] = MathSymbol(0x2191, 34, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["Uparrow"] = MathSymbol(0x21D1, 42, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["updownarrow"] = MathSymbol(0x2195, 108, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["Updownarrow"] = MathSymbol(0x21D5, 109, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["downarrow"] = MathSymbol(0x2193, 35, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["Downarrow"] = MathSymbol(0x21D3, 43, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["downdownarrows"] = MathSymbol(0x21CA, 184, MSA_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["downharpoonleft"] = MathSymbol(0x21C3, 188, MSA_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["downharpoonright"] = MathSymbol(0x21C2, 186, MSA_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["vert"] = MathSymbol(0x007C, 106, CMSY_FAMILY);
math_symbols_["Vert"] = MathSymbol(0x2016, 107, CMSY_FAMILY);
map<string, MathSymbol>::const_iterator it = math_symbols_.begin();
map<string, MathSymbol>::const_iterator end = math_symbols_.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
tex_names_[it->second.unicode] = it->first;
/// \return the math unicode symbol associated to a TeX name.
MathSymbol const & mathSymbol(string tex_name)
map<string, MathSymbol>::const_iterator it =
static MathSymbol const unknown_symbol;
if (it == math_symbols_.end())
return unknown_symbol;
return it->second;
/// \return the TeX name associated to a math unicode symbol.
string const & texName(char_type math_symbol)
map<char_type, string>::const_iterator it =
static string const empty_string;
if (it == tex_names_.end())
return empty_string;
return it->second;
void setDelimiterName(QListWidgetItem * lwi, string const & name)
lwi->setData(Qt::UserRole, toqstr(name));
string getDelimiterName(QListWidgetItem const * lwi)
return fromqstr(lwi->data(Qt::UserRole).toString());
Bulk cleanup/fix incorrect annotation at the end of namespaces. This commit does a bulk fix of incorrect annotations (comments) at the end of namespaces. The commit was generated by initially running clang-format, and then from the diff of the result extracting the hunks corresponding to fixes of namespace comments. The changes being applied and all the results have been manually reviewed. The source code successfully builds on macOS. Further details on the steps below, in case they're of interest to someone else in the future. 1. Checkout a fresh and up to date version of src/ git pull && git checkout -- src && git status src 2. Ensure there's a suitable .clang-format in place, i.e. with options to fix the comment at the end of namespaces, including: FixNamespaceComments: true SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1 and that clang-format is >= 5.0.0, by doing e.g.: clang-format -dump-config | grep Comments: clang-format --version 3. Apply clang-format to the source: clang-format -i $(find src -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.h") 4. Create and filter out hunks related to fixing the namespace git diff -U0 src > tmp.patch grepdiff '^} // namespace' --output-matching=hunk tmp.patch > fix_namespace.patch 5. Filter out hunks corresponding to simple fixes into to a separate patch: pcregrep -M -e '^diff[^\n]+\nindex[^\n]+\n--- [^\n]+\n\+\+\+ [^\n]+\n' \ -e '^@@ -[0-9]+ \+[0-9]+ @@[^\n]*\n-\}[^\n]*\n\+\}[^\n]*\n' \ fix_namespace.patch > fix_namespace_simple.patch 6. Manually review the simple patch and then apply it, after first restoring the source. git checkout -- src patch -p1 < fix_namespace_simple.path 7. Manually review the (simple) changes and then stage the changes git diff src git add src 8. Again apply clang-format and filter out hunks related to any remaining fixes to the namespace, this time filter with more context. There will be fewer hunks as all the simple cases have already been handled: clang-format -i $(find src -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.h") git diff src > tmp.patch grepdiff '^} // namespace' --output-matching=hunk tmp.patch > fix_namespace2.patch 9. Manually review/edit the resulting patch file to remove hunks for files which need to be dealt with manually, noting the file names and line numbers. Then restore files to as before applying clang-format and apply the patch: git checkout src patch -p1 < fix_namespace2.patch 10. Manually fix the files noted in the previous step. Stage files, review changes and commit.
2017-07-23 13:11:54 +02:00
} // namespace
GuiDelimiter::GuiDelimiter(GuiView & lv)
: GuiDialog(lv, "mathdelimiter", qt_("Math Delimiter"))
connect(closePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()));
FontInfo lyxfont;
QFontMetrics fm(frontend::getFont(lyxfont));
QSize item_size(fm.maxWidth(), fm.height() + 8);
leftLW->setMinimumWidth(5 * item_size.width());
rightLW->setMinimumWidth(5 * item_size.width());
typedef map<char_type, QListWidgetItem *> ListItems;
ListItems list_items;
// The last element is the empty one.
int const end = nr_latex_delimiters - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
string const delim = latex_delimiters[i];
MathSymbol const & ms = mathSymbol(delim);
QString symbol(ms.fontcode?
QChar(ms.fontcode) : toqstr(docstring(1, ms.unicode)));
QListWidgetItem * lwi = new QListWidgetItem(symbol);
QFont font = frontend::getFont(lyxfont);
setDelimiterName(lwi, delim);
switch (ms.fontfamily) {
// Hack to work around the broken metrics of these fonts
// FIXME: Better fix the fonts or use fonts that are not broken
lwi->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter);
list_items[ms.unicode] = lwi;
for (int i = 0; i != leftLW->count(); ++i) {
MathSymbol const & ms = mathSymbol(getDelimiterName(leftLW->item(i)));
// The last element is the empty one.
QListWidgetItem * lwi = new QListWidgetItem(qt_("(None)"));
QListWidgetItem * rwi = new QListWidgetItem(qt_("(None)"));
for (int i = 0; *biggui[i]; ++i)
// synchronise the scroll bars
char_type GuiDelimiter::doMatch(char_type const symbol)
string const & str = texName(symbol);
string match;
if (str == "(") match = ")";
else if (str == ")") match = "(";
else if (str == "[") match = "]";
else if (str == "]") match = "[";
else if (str == "{") match = "}";
else if (str == "}") match = "{";
else if (str == "l") match = "r";
else if (str == "rceil") match = "lceil";
else if (str == "lceil") match = "rceil";
else if (str == "rfloor") match = "lfloor";
else if (str == "lfloor") match = "rfloor";
else if (str == "rangle") match = "langle";
else if (str == "langle") match = "rangle";
else if (str == "llbracket") match = "rrbracket";
else if (str == "rrbracket") match = "llbracket";
else if (str == "backslash") match = "/";
else if (str == "/") match = "backslash";
else return symbol;
return mathSymbol(match).unicode;
void GuiDelimiter::updateTeXCode(int size)
bool const bigsize = size != 0;
docstring left_str = fix_name(getDelimiterName(leftLW->currentItem()),
docstring right_str = fix_name(getDelimiterName(rightLW->currentItem()),
if (!bigsize)
tex_code_ = left_str + ' ' + right_str;
else {
tex_code_ = from_ascii(bigleft[size]) + ' '
+ left_str + ' '
+ from_ascii(bigright[size]) + ' '
+ right_str;
// Generate TeX-code for GUI display.
// FIXME: Instead of reconstructing the TeX code it would be nice to
// FIXME: retrieve the LateX code directly from mathed.
// In all cases, we want the '\' prefix if needed, so we pass 'true'
// to fix_name.
left_str = fix_name(getDelimiterName(leftLW->currentItem()),
right_str = fix_name(getDelimiterName(rightLW->currentItem()),
docstring code_str;
if (!bigsize)
code_str = "\\left" + left_str + " \\right" + right_str;
else {
// There should be nothing in the TeX-code when the delimiter is "None".
if (left_str != ".")
code_str = "\\" + from_ascii(bigleft[size]) + left_str + ' ';
if (right_str != ".")
code_str += "\\" + from_ascii(bigright[size]) + right_str;
texCodeL->setText(qt_("TeX Code: ") + toqstr(code_str));
// Enable the Swap button with non-matched pairs
bool const allow_swap =
!= mathSymbol(getDelimiterName(rightLW->currentItem())).unicode);
void GuiDelimiter::on_insertPB_clicked()
if (sizeCO->currentIndex() == 0)
dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_MATH_DELIM, tex_code_));
else {
docstring command = '"' + tex_code_ + '"';
command = support::subst(command, from_ascii(" "), from_ascii("\" \""));
dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_MATH_BIGDELIM, command));
void GuiDelimiter::on_sizeCO_activated(int index)
void GuiDelimiter::on_leftLW_itemActivated(QListWidgetItem *)
// do not auto-apply if !matchCB->isChecked()
if (!matchCB->isChecked())
void GuiDelimiter::on_rightLW_itemActivated(QListWidgetItem *)
// do not auto-apply if !matchCB->isChecked()
if (!matchCB->isChecked())
void GuiDelimiter::on_leftLW_currentRowChanged(int item)
if (matchCB->isChecked())
void GuiDelimiter::on_rightLW_currentRowChanged(int item)
if (matchCB->isChecked())
void GuiDelimiter::on_matchCB_stateChanged(int state)
// Synchronise the vertical scroll bars when checked
QScrollBar * ls = leftLW->verticalScrollBar();
QScrollBar * rs = rightLW->verticalScrollBar();
if (state == Qt::Checked) {
connect(ls, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), rs, SLOT(setValue(int)),
connect(rs, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), ls, SLOT(setValue(int)),
} else {
void GuiDelimiter::on_swapPB_clicked()
// Get current math symbol for each side.
MathSymbol const & lms =
MathSymbol const & rms =
// Swap and match.
char_type const lc = doMatch(rms.unicode);
char_type const rc = doMatch(lms.unicode);
// Convert back to QString to locate them in the widget.
MathSymbol const & nlms = mathSymbol(texName(lc));
MathSymbol const & nrms = mathSymbol(texName(rc));
QString lqs(nlms.fontcode ?
QChar(nlms.fontcode) : toqstr(docstring(1, nlms.unicode)));
QString rqs(nrms.fontcode ?
QChar(nrms.fontcode) : toqstr(docstring(1, nrms.unicode)));
// Handle unencoded "symbol" of "(None)".
if (lqs == "?")
lqs = qt_("(None)");
if(rqs == "?")
rqs = qt_("(None)");
// Locate matching QListWidgetItem.
QList<QListWidgetItem *> lwi = leftLW->findItems(lqs, Qt::MatchExactly);
QList<QListWidgetItem *> rwi = rightLW->findItems(rqs, Qt::MatchExactly);
// Select.
Dialog * createGuiDelimiter(GuiView & lv) { return new GuiDelimiter(lv); }
} // namespace frontend
} // namespace lyx
#include "moc_GuiDelimiter.cpp"