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// -*- C++ -*-
#include "math_nestinset.h"
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
/** Inset for super- and subscripts
* \author Andr<EFBFBD> P<EFBFBD>nitz
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS
class MathScriptInset : public MathNestInset {
/// create inset without scripts
/// create inset with single script
explicit MathScriptInset(bool up);
/// create inset with single script and given nucleus
MathScriptInset(MathAtom const & at, bool up);
MathInset * clone() const;
void metrics(MathMetricsInfo & mi) const;
void draw(MathPainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const;
void metricsT(TextMetricsInfo const & mi) const;
void drawT(TextPainter & pi, int x, int y) const;
/// write LaTeX and Lyx code
void write(WriteStream & os) const;
/// write normalized content
void normalize(NormalStream &) const;
/// write content as something readable by Maple
void maplize(MapleStream &) const;
/// write content as something readable by Mathematica
void mathematicize(MathematicaStream &) const;
/// write content as something resembling MathML
void mathmlize(MathMLStream &) const;
/// write content as something readable by Octave
void octavize(OctaveStream &) const;
/// move cursor left
bool idxLeft(idx_type &, pos_type &) const;
/// move cursor right
bool idxRight(idx_type &, pos_type &) const;
/// move cursor up or down
bool idxUpDown(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos, bool up, int targetx) const;
/// Target pos when we enter the inset from the left by pressing "Right"
bool idxFirst(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
/// Target pos when we enter the inset from the right by pressing "Left"
bool idxLast(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
/// can we enter this cell?
bool validCell(idx_type i) const { return script_[i]; }
/// identifies scriptinsets
MathScriptInset const * asScriptInset() const;
MathScriptInset * asScriptInset();
/// set limits
void limits(int lim) { limits_ = lim; }
/// get limits
int limits() const { return limits_; }
/// returns subscript
MathArray const & down() const;
/// returns subscript
MathArray & down();
/// returns superscript
MathArray const & up() const;
/// returns superscript
MathArray & up();
/// returns nucleus
MathArray const & nuc() const;
/// returns nucleus
MathArray & nuc();
/// do we have a superscript?
bool hasUp() const;
/// do we have a subscript?
bool hasDown() const;
/// do we have a script?
bool has(bool up) const;
/// remove script
void removeScript(bool up);
/// remove script
void removeEmptyScripts();
/// make sure a script is accessible
void ensure(bool up);
void infoize(std::ostream & os) const;
/// local dispatcher
result_type dispatch(FuncRequest const & cmd, idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos);
/// returns x offset for main part
int dxx() const;
/// returns width of nucleus if any
int nwid() const;
/// returns y offset for superscript
int dy0() const;
/// returns y offset for subscript
int dy1() const;
/// returns x offset for superscript
int dx0() const;
/// returns x offset for subscript
int dx1() const;
/// returns ascent of nucleus if any
int nasc() const;
/// returns descent of nucleus if any
int ndes() const;
/// where do we have to draw the scripts?
bool hasLimits() const;
/// possible subscript (index 0) and superscript (index 1)
bool script_[2];
/// 1 - "limits", -1 - "nolimits", 0 - "default"
int limits_;