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* \file BiblioInfo.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Angus Leeming
* \author Herbert Voß
* \author Richard Heck
* \author Julien Rioux
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "BiblioInfo.h"
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "BufferParams.h"
#include "buffer_funcs.h"
#include "Encoding.h"
#include "InsetIterator.h"
#include "Language.h"
#include "Paragraph.h"
#include "TextClass.h"
#include "TocBackend.h"
#include "support/convert.h"
#include "support/debug.h"
#include "support/docstream.h"
#include "support/gettext.h"
#include "support/lassert.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/regex.h"
#include "support/textutils.h"
#include <set>
using namespace std;
using namespace lyx::support;
namespace lyx {
namespace {
// gets the "family name" from an author-type string
docstring familyName(docstring const & name)
if (name.empty())
return docstring();
// first we look for a comma, and take the last name to be everything
// preceding the right-most one, so that we also get the "jr" part.
docstring::size_type idx = name.rfind(',');
if (idx != docstring::npos)
return ltrim(name.substr(0, idx));
// OK, so now we want to look for the last name. We're going to
// include the "von" part. This isn't perfect.
// Split on spaces, to get various tokens.
vector<docstring> pieces = getVectorFromString(name, from_ascii(" "));
// If we only get two, assume the last one is the last name
if (pieces.size() <= 2)
return pieces.back();
// Now we look for the first token that begins with a lower case letter.
vector<docstring>::const_iterator it = pieces.begin();
vector<docstring>::const_iterator en = pieces.end();
for (; it != en; ++it) {
if ((*it).empty())
char_type const c = (*it)[0];
if (isLower(c))
if (it == en) // we never found a "von"
return pieces.back();
// reconstruct what we need to return
docstring retval;
bool first = true;
for (; it != en; ++it) {
if (!first)
retval += " ";
first = false;
retval += *it;
return retval;
// converts a string containing LaTeX commands into unicode
// for display.
docstring convertLaTeXCommands(docstring const & str)
docstring val = str;
docstring ret;
bool scanning_cmd = false;
bool scanning_math = false;
bool escaped = false; // used to catch \$, etc.
while (!val.empty()) {
char_type const ch = val[0];
// if we're scanning math, we output everything until we
// find an unescaped $, at which point we break out.
if (scanning_math) {
if (escaped)
escaped = false;
else if (ch == '\\')
escaped = true;
else if (ch == '$')
scanning_math = false;
ret += ch;
val = val.substr(1);
// if we're scanning a command name, then we just
// discard characters until we hit something that
// isn't alpha.
if (scanning_cmd) {
if (isAlphaASCII(ch)) {
val = val.substr(1);
escaped = false;
// so we're done with this command.
// now we fall through and check this character.
scanning_cmd = false;
// was the last character a \? If so, then this is something like:
// \\ or \$, so we'll just output it. That's probably not always right...
if (escaped) {
// exception: output \, as THIN SPACE
if (ch == ',')
ret += ch;
val = val.substr(1);
escaped = false;
if (ch == '$') {
ret += ch;
val = val.substr(1);
scanning_math = true;
// we just ignore braces
if (ch == '{' || ch == '}') {
val = val.substr(1);
// we're going to check things that look like commands, so if
// this doesn't, just output it.
if (ch != '\\') {
ret += ch;
val = val.substr(1);
// ok, could be a command of some sort
// let's see if it corresponds to some unicode
// unicodesymbols has things in the form: \"{u},
// whereas we may see things like: \"u. So we'll
// look for that and change it, if necessary.
// FIXME: This is a sort of mini-tex2lyx.
// Use the real tex2lyx instead!
static lyx::regex const reg("^\\\\\\W\\w");
if (lyx::regex_search(to_utf8(val), reg)) {
val.insert(3, from_ascii("}"));
val.insert(2, from_ascii("{"));
bool termination;
docstring rem;
docstring const cnvtd = Encodings::fromLaTeXCommand(val,
Encodings::TEXT_CMD, termination, rem);
if (!cnvtd.empty()) {
// it did, so we'll take that bit and proceed with what's left
ret += cnvtd;
val = rem;
// it's a command of some sort
scanning_cmd = true;
escaped = true;
val = val.substr(1);
return ret;
// Escape '<' and '>' and remove richtext markers (e.g. {!this is richtext!}) from a string.
docstring processRichtext(docstring const & str, bool richtext)
docstring val = str;
docstring ret;
bool scanning_rich = false;
while (!val.empty()) {
char_type const ch = val[0];
if (ch == '{' && val.size() > 1 && val[1] == '!') {
// beginning of rich text
scanning_rich = true;
val = val.substr(2);
if (scanning_rich && ch == '!' && val.size() > 1 && val[1] == '}') {
// end of rich text
scanning_rich = false;
val = val.substr(2);
if (richtext) {
if (scanning_rich)
ret += ch;
else {
// we need to escape '<' and '>'
if (ch == '<')
ret += "&lt;";
else if (ch == '>')
ret += "&gt;";
ret += ch;
} else if (!scanning_rich /* && !richtext */)
ret += ch;
// else the character is discarded, which will happen only if
// richtext == false and we are scanning rich text
val = val.substr(1);
return ret;
} // anon namespace
// BibTeXInfo
BibTeXInfo::BibTeXInfo(docstring const & key, docstring const & type)
: is_bibtex_(true), bib_key_(key), entry_type_(type), info_(),
docstring const BibTeXInfo::getAbbreviatedAuthor(bool jurabib_style, string lang) const
if (!is_bibtex_) {
docstring const opt = label();
if (opt.empty())
return docstring();
docstring authors;
docstring const remainder = trim(split(opt, authors, '('));
if (remainder.empty())
// in this case, we didn't find a "(",
// so we don't have author (year)
return docstring();
return authors;
docstring author = convertLaTeXCommands(operator[]("author"));
if (author.empty()) {
author = convertLaTeXCommands(operator[]("editor"));
if (author.empty())
return author;
// FIXME Move this to a separate routine that can
// be called from elsewhere.
// OK, we've got some names. Let's format them.
// Try to split the author list on " and "
vector<docstring> const authors =
getVectorFromString(author, from_ascii(" and "));
if (jurabib_style && (authors.size() == 2 || authors.size() == 3)) {
docstring shortauthor = familyName(authors[0])
+ "/" + familyName(authors[1]);
if (authors.size() == 3)
shortauthor += "/" + familyName(authors[2]);
return shortauthor;
if (authors.size() == 2)
return bformat(translateIfPossible(from_ascii("%1$s and %2$s"), lang),
familyName(authors[0]), familyName(authors[1]));
if (authors.size() > 2)
return bformat(translateIfPossible(from_ascii("%1$s et al."), lang),
return familyName(authors[0]);
docstring const BibTeXInfo::getYear() const
if (is_bibtex_)
return operator[]("year");
docstring const opt = label();
if (opt.empty())
return docstring();
docstring authors;
docstring tmp = split(opt, authors, '(');
if (tmp.empty())
// we don't have author (year)
return docstring();
docstring year;
tmp = split(tmp, year, ')');
return year;
docstring const BibTeXInfo::getXRef() const
if (!is_bibtex_)
return docstring();
return operator[]("crossref");
namespace {
string parseOptions(string const & format, string & optkey,
string & ifpart, string & elsepart);
// Calls parseOptions to deal with an embedded option, such as:
// {%number%[[, no.~%number%]]}
// which must appear at the start of format. ifelsepart gets the
// whole of the option, and we return what's left after the option.
// we return format if there is an error.
string parseEmbeddedOption(string const & format, string & ifelsepart)
LASSERT(format[0] == '{' && format[1] == '%', return format);
string optkey;
string ifpart;
string elsepart;
string const rest = parseOptions(format, optkey, ifpart, elsepart);
if (format == rest) { // parse error
LYXERR0("ERROR! Couldn't parse `" << format <<"'.");
return format;
LASSERT(rest.size() <= format.size(), /* */);
ifelsepart = format.substr(0, format.size() - rest.size());
return rest;
// Gets a "clause" from a format string, where the clause is
// delimited by '[[' and ']]'. Returns what is left after the
// clause is removed, and returns format if there is an error.
string getClause(string const & format, string & clause)
string fmt = format;
// remove '[['
fmt = fmt.substr(2);
// we'll remove characters from the front of fmt as we
// deal with them
while (!fmt.empty()) {
if (fmt[0] == ']' && fmt.size() > 1 && fmt[1] == ']') {
// that's the end
fmt = fmt.substr(2);
// check for an embedded option
if (fmt[0] == '{' && fmt.size() > 1 && fmt[1] == '%') {
string part;
string const rest = parseEmbeddedOption(fmt, part);
if (fmt == rest) {
LYXERR0("ERROR! Couldn't parse embedded option in `" << format <<"'.");
return format;
clause += part;
fmt = rest;
} else { // it's just a normal character
clause += fmt[0];
fmt = fmt.substr(1);
return fmt;
// parse an options string, which must appear at the start of the
// format parameter. puts the parsed bits in optkey, ifpart, and
// elsepart and returns what's left after the option is removed.
// if there's an error, it returns format itself.
string parseOptions(string const & format, string & optkey,
string & ifpart, string & elsepart)
LASSERT(format[0] == '{' && format[1] == '%', return format);
// strip '{%'
string fmt = format.substr(2);
size_t pos = fmt.find('%'); // end of key
if (pos == string::npos) {
LYXERR0("Error parsing `" << format <<"'. Can't find end of key.");
return format;
optkey = fmt.substr(0,pos);
fmt = fmt.substr(pos + 1);
// [[format]] should be next
if (fmt[0] != '[' || fmt[1] != '[') {
LYXERR0("Error parsing `" << format <<"'. Can't find '[[' after key.");
return format;
string curfmt = fmt;
fmt = getClause(curfmt, ifpart);
if (fmt == curfmt) {
LYXERR0("Error parsing `" << format <<"'. Couldn't get if clause.");
return format;
if (fmt[0] == '}') // we're done, no else clause
return fmt.substr(1);
// else part should follow
if (fmt[0] != '[' || fmt[1] != '[') {
LYXERR0("Error parsing `" << format <<"'. Can't find else clause.");
return format;
curfmt = fmt;
fmt = getClause(curfmt, elsepart);
// we should be done
if (fmt == curfmt || fmt[0] != '}') {
LYXERR0("Error parsing `" << format <<"'. Can't find end of option.");
return format;
return fmt.substr(1);
} // anon namespace
docstring BibTeXInfo::expandFormat(string const & format,
BibTeXInfo const * const xref, int & counter, Buffer const & buf,
docstring before, docstring after, docstring dialog, bool next) const
// incorrect use of macros could put us in an infinite loop
static int max_passes = 5000;
docstring ret; // return value
string key;
string lang = buf.params().language->code();
bool scanning_key = false;
bool scanning_rich = false;
CiteEngineType const engine_type = buf.params().citeEngineType();
string fmt = format;
// we'll remove characters from the front of fmt as we
// deal with them
while (!fmt.empty()) {
if (counter++ > max_passes) {
LYXERR0("Recursion limit reached while parsing `"
<< format << "'.");
return _("ERROR!");
char_type thischar = fmt[0];
if (thischar == '%') {
// beginning or end of key
if (scanning_key) {
// end of key
scanning_key = false;
// so we replace the key with its value, which may be empty
if (key[0] == '!') {
// macro
// FIXME: instead of passing the buf, just past the macros
// FIXME: and the language code
string const val =
buf.params().documentClass().getCiteMacro(engine_type, key);
fmt = val + fmt.substr(1);
} else if (key[0] == '_') {
// a translatable bit
string const val =
buf.params().documentClass().getCiteMacro(engine_type, key);
docstring const trans =
translateIfPossible(from_utf8(val), lang);
ret += trans;
} else {
docstring const val =
getValueForKey(key, before, after, dialog, xref, lang);
ret += from_ascii("{!<span class=\"bib-" + key + "\">!}");
ret += val;
ret += from_ascii("{!</span>!}");
} else {
// beginning of key
scanning_key = true;
else if (thischar == '{') {
// beginning of option?
if (scanning_key) {
LYXERR0("ERROR: Found `{' when scanning key in `" << format << "'.");
return _("ERROR!");
if (fmt.size() > 1) {
if (fmt[1] == '%') {
// it is the beginning of an optional format
string optkey;
string ifpart;
string elsepart;
string const newfmt =
parseOptions(fmt, optkey, ifpart, elsepart);
if (newfmt == fmt) // parse error
return _("ERROR!");
fmt = newfmt;
docstring const val =
getValueForKey(optkey, before, after, dialog, xref, lang);
if (optkey == "next" && next)
ret += from_utf8(ifpart); // without expansion
else if (!val.empty())
ret += expandFormat(ifpart, xref, counter, buf,
before, after, dialog, next);
else if (!elsepart.empty())
ret += expandFormat(elsepart, xref, counter, buf,
before, after, dialog, next);
// fmt will have been shortened for us already
if (fmt[1] == '!') {
// beginning of rich text
scanning_rich = true;
fmt = fmt.substr(2);
ret += from_ascii("{!");
// we are here if '{' was not followed by % or !.
// So it's just a character.
ret += thischar;
else if (scanning_rich && thischar == '!'
&& fmt.size() > 1 && fmt[1] == '}') {
// end of rich text
scanning_rich = false;
fmt = fmt.substr(2);
ret += from_ascii("!}");
else if (scanning_key)
key += char(thischar);
ret += thischar;
fmt = fmt.substr(1);
} // for loop
if (scanning_key) {
LYXERR0("Never found end of key in `" << format << "'!");
return _("ERROR!");
if (scanning_rich) {
LYXERR0("Never found end of rich text in `" << format << "'!");
return _("ERROR!");
return ret;
docstring const & BibTeXInfo::getInfo(BibTeXInfo const * const xref,
Buffer const & buf, bool richtext) const
if (!info_.empty())
return info_;
if (!is_bibtex_) {
BibTeXInfo::const_iterator it = find(from_ascii("ref"));
info_ = it->second;
return info_;
CiteEngineType const engine_type = buf.params().citeEngineType();
DocumentClass const & dc = buf.params().documentClass();
string const & format = dc.getCiteFormat(engine_type, to_utf8(entry_type_));
int counter = 0;
info_ = expandFormat(format, xref, counter, buf,
docstring(), docstring(), docstring(), false);
if (!info_.empty())
info_ = convertLaTeXCommands(info_);
return info_;
docstring const BibTeXInfo::getLabel(BibTeXInfo const * const xref,
Buffer const & buf, string const & format, bool richtext,
docstring before, docstring after, docstring dialog, bool next) const
2012-05-11 13:13:07 +00:00
docstring loclabel;
if (!is_bibtex_) {
BibTeXInfo::const_iterator it = find(from_ascii("ref"));
label_ = it->second;
return label_;
int counter = 0;
loclabel = expandFormat(format, xref, counter, buf,
before, after, dialog, next);
if (!loclabel.empty() && !next) {
loclabel = processRichtext(loclabel, richtext);
2012-05-11 13:13:07 +00:00
loclabel = convertLaTeXCommands(loclabel);
2012-05-11 13:13:07 +00:00
return loclabel;
docstring const & BibTeXInfo::operator[](docstring const & field) const
BibTeXInfo::const_iterator it = find(field);
if (it != end())
return it->second;
static docstring const empty_value = docstring();
return empty_value;
docstring const & BibTeXInfo::operator[](string const & field) const
return operator[](from_ascii(field));
docstring BibTeXInfo::getValueForKey(string const & key,
docstring const & before, docstring const & after, docstring const & dialog,
BibTeXInfo const * const xref, string lang) const
docstring ret = operator[](key);
if (ret.empty() && xref)
ret = (*xref)[key];
if (!ret.empty())
return ret;
// some special keys
// FIXME: dialog, textbefore and textafter have nothing to do with this
if (key == "dialog")
return dialog;
else if (key == "entrytype")
return entry_type_;
else if (key == "key")
return bib_key_;
else if (key == "label")
return label_;
else if (key == "abbrvauthor")
// Special key to provide abbreviated author names.
return getAbbreviatedAuthor(false, lang);
else if (key == "shortauthor")
// When shortauthor is not defined, jurabib automatically
// provides jurabib-style abbreviated author names. We do
// this as well.
return getAbbreviatedAuthor(true, lang);
else if (key == "shorttitle") {
// When shorttitle is not defined, jurabib uses for `article'
// and `periodical' entries the form `journal volume [year]'
// and for other types of entries it uses the `title' field.
if (entry_type_ == "article" || entry_type_ == "periodical")
return operator[]("journal") + " " + operator[]("volume")
+ " [" + operator[]("year") + "]";
return operator[]("title");
} else if (key == "textbefore")
return before;
else if (key == "textafter")
return after;
else if (key == "year")
return getYear();
return ret;
// BiblioInfo
namespace {
// A functor for use with sort, leading to case insensitive sorting
class compareNoCase: public binary_function<docstring, docstring, bool>
bool operator()(docstring const & s1, docstring const & s2) const {
return compare_no_case(s1, s2) < 0;
} // namespace anon
vector<docstring> const BiblioInfo::getKeys() const
vector<docstring> bibkeys;
BiblioInfo::const_iterator it = begin();
for (; it != end(); ++it)
sort(bibkeys.begin(), bibkeys.end(), compareNoCase());
return bibkeys;
vector<docstring> const BiblioInfo::getFields() const
vector<docstring> bibfields;
set<docstring>::const_iterator it = field_names_.begin();
set<docstring>::const_iterator end = field_names_.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
sort(bibfields.begin(), bibfields.end());
return bibfields;
vector<docstring> const BiblioInfo::getEntries() const
vector<docstring> bibentries;
set<docstring>::const_iterator it = entry_types_.begin();
set<docstring>::const_iterator end = entry_types_.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
sort(bibentries.begin(), bibentries.end());
return bibentries;
docstring const BiblioInfo::getAbbreviatedAuthor(docstring const & key, string lang) const
BiblioInfo::const_iterator it = find(key);
if (it == end())
return docstring();
BibTeXInfo const & data = it->second;
return data.getAbbreviatedAuthor(false, lang);
docstring const BiblioInfo::getCiteNumber(docstring const & key) const
BiblioInfo::const_iterator it = find(key);
if (it == end())
return docstring();
BibTeXInfo const & data = it->second;
return data.citeNumber();
docstring const BiblioInfo::getYear(docstring const & key, bool use_modifier, string lang) const
BiblioInfo::const_iterator it = find(key);
if (it == end())
return docstring();
BibTeXInfo const & data = it->second;
docstring year = data.getYear();
if (year.empty()) {
// let's try the crossref
docstring const xref = data.getXRef();
if (xref.empty())
// no luck
return translateIfPossible(from_ascii("No year"), lang);
BiblioInfo::const_iterator const xrefit = find(xref);
if (xrefit == end())
// no luck again
return translateIfPossible(from_ascii("No year"), lang);
BibTeXInfo const & xref_data = xrefit->second;
year = xref_data.getYear();
if (use_modifier && data.modifier() != 0)
year += data.modifier();
return year;
docstring const BiblioInfo::getInfo(docstring const & key,
Buffer const & buf, bool richtext) const
BiblioInfo::const_iterator it = find(key);
if (it == end())
return docstring(_("Bibliography entry not found!"));
BibTeXInfo const & data = it->second;
BibTeXInfo const * xrefptr = 0;
docstring const xref = data.getXRef();
if (!xref.empty()) {
BiblioInfo::const_iterator const xrefit = find(xref);
if (xrefit != end())
xrefptr = &(xrefit->second);
return data.getInfo(xrefptr, buf, richtext);
docstring const BiblioInfo::getLabel(vector<docstring> const & keys,
Buffer const & buf, string const & style, bool richtext,
docstring const & before, docstring const & after, docstring const & dialog) const
CiteEngineType const engine_type = buf.params().citeEngineType();
DocumentClass const & dc = buf.params().documentClass();
string const & format = dc.getCiteFormat(engine_type, style, "cite");
docstring ret = from_utf8(format);
vector<docstring>::const_iterator key = keys.begin();
vector<docstring>::const_iterator ken = keys.end();
for (; key != ken; ++key) {
BiblioInfo::const_iterator it = find(*key);
BibTeXInfo empty_data;
BibTeXInfo & data = empty_data;
BibTeXInfo const * xrefptr = 0;
if (it != end()) {
data = it->second;
docstring const xref = data.getXRef();
if (!xref.empty()) {
BiblioInfo::const_iterator const xrefit = find(xref);
if (xrefit != end())
xrefptr = &(xrefit->second);
ret = data.getLabel(xrefptr, buf, to_utf8(ret), richtext,
before, after, dialog, key+1 != ken);
return ret;
bool BiblioInfo::isBibtex(docstring const & key) const
BiblioInfo::const_iterator it = find(key);
if (it == end())
return false;
return it->second.isBibTeX();
vector<docstring> const BiblioInfo::getCiteStrings(
vector<docstring> const & keys, vector<CitationStyle> const & styles,
Buffer const & buf, bool richtext, docstring const & before,
docstring const & after, docstring const & dialog) const
if (empty())
return vector<docstring>();
string style;
vector<docstring> vec(styles.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i != vec.size(); ++i) {
style = styles[i].cmd;
vec[i] = getLabel(keys, buf, style, richtext, before, after, dialog);
return vec;
void BiblioInfo::mergeBiblioInfo(BiblioInfo const & info)
bimap_.insert(info.begin(), info.end());
field_names_.insert(info.field_names_.begin(), info.field_names_.end());
entry_types_.insert(info.entry_types_.begin(), info.entry_types_.end());
namespace {
// used in xhtml to sort a list of BibTeXInfo objects
bool lSorter(BibTeXInfo const * lhs, BibTeXInfo const * rhs)
docstring const lauth = lhs->getAbbreviatedAuthor();
docstring const rauth = rhs->getAbbreviatedAuthor();
docstring const lyear = lhs->getYear();
docstring const ryear = rhs->getYear();
docstring const ltitl = lhs->operator[]("title");
docstring const rtitl = rhs->operator[]("title");
return (lauth < rauth)
|| (lauth == rauth && lyear < ryear)
|| (lauth == rauth && lyear == ryear && ltitl < rtitl);
void BiblioInfo::collectCitedEntries(Buffer const & buf)
// We are going to collect all the citation keys used in the document,
// getting them from the TOC.
// FIXME We may want to collect these differently, in the first case,
// so that we might have them in order of appearance.
set<docstring> citekeys;
Toc const & toc = buf.tocBackend().toc("citation");
Toc::const_iterator it = toc.begin();
Toc::const_iterator const en = toc.end();
for (; it != en; ++it) {
if (it->str().empty())
vector<docstring> const keys = getVectorFromString(it->str());
citekeys.insert(keys.begin(), keys.end());
if (citekeys.empty())
// We have a set of the keys used in this document.
// We will now convert it to a list of the BibTeXInfo objects used in
// this document...
vector<BibTeXInfo const *> bi;
set<docstring>::const_iterator cit = citekeys.begin();
set<docstring>::const_iterator const cen = citekeys.end();
for (; cit != cen; ++cit) {
BiblioInfo::const_iterator const bt = find(*cit);
if (bt == end() || !bt->second.isBibTeX())
// ...and sort it.
sort(bi.begin(), bi.end(), lSorter);
// Now we can write the sorted keys
vector<BibTeXInfo const *>::const_iterator bit = bi.begin();
vector<BibTeXInfo const *>::const_iterator ben = bi.end();
for (; bit != ben; ++bit)
void BiblioInfo::makeCitationLabels(Buffer const & buf)
CiteEngineType const engine_type = buf.params().citeEngineType();
bool const numbers = (engine_type == ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL);
int keynumber = 0;
char modifier = 0;
// used to remember the last one we saw
// we'll be comparing entries to see if we need to add
// modifiers, like "1984a"
map<docstring, BibTeXInfo>::iterator last;
vector<docstring>::const_iterator it = cited_entries_.begin();
vector<docstring>::const_iterator const en = cited_entries_.end();
for (; it != en; ++it) {
map<docstring, BibTeXInfo>::iterator const biit = bimap_.find(*it);
// this shouldn't happen, but...
if (biit == bimap_.end())
// gracefully, anyway.
BibTeXInfo & entry = biit->second;
if (numbers) {
docstring const num = convert<docstring>(++keynumber);
} else {
if (it != cited_entries_.begin()
&& entry.getAbbreviatedAuthor() == last->second.getAbbreviatedAuthor()
// we access the year via getYear() so as to get it from the xref,
// if we need to do so
&& getYear(entry.key()) == getYear(last->second.key())) {
if (modifier == 0) {
// so the last one should have been 'a'
modifier = 'b';
} else if (modifier == 'z')
modifier = 'A';
} else {
modifier = 0;
// remember the last one
last = biit;
// CitationStyle
CitationStyle citationStyleFromString(string const & command)
CitationStyle cs;
if (command.empty())
return cs;
string cmd = command;
if (cmd[0] == 'C') {
cs.forceUpperCase = true;
cmd[0] = 'c';
size_t const n = cmd.size() - 1;
if (cmd[n] == '*') {
cs.fullAuthorList = true;
cmd = cmd.substr(0, n);
cs.cmd = cmd;
return cs;
string citationStyleToString(const CitationStyle & cs)
string cmd = cs.cmd;
if (cs.forceUpperCase)
cmd[0] = 'C';
if (cs.fullAuthorList)
cmd += '*';
return cmd;
} // namespace lyx