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# \DeclareLyXCiteEngine[natbib.sty]{Natbib (BibTeX)}
# DescriptionBegin
# Natbib supports a range of both author-year and numerical styles mainly
2017-01-01 08:36:13 +01:00
# aimed at the Humanities. It features automatic sorting and merging of
# numerical citations, annotations, capitalization of the `van' part of
# author names, shortened and full author lists, and more.
# DescriptionEnd
# Author: Julien Rioux <>
Format 69
Requires natbib
2017-01-04 13:30:50 +01:00
# The framework (biblatex|bibtex)
CiteFramework bibtex
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# Cite style variants (default|authoryear|natbib)
# We provide both authoryear and numerical citations
CiteEngineType authoryear|numerical
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# Default style files for either engine type
DefaultBiblio authoryear:plainnat|numerical:plainnat
# Maximum number of names before "et al." chimes in
MaxCiteNames 2
2017-01-04 13:30:50 +01:00
# The syntax of the cite command definitions below is:
# LyXName|alias*<!_stardesc!_stardesctooltip>[][]=latexcmd
# * LyXName: The LyX name as output in the LyX file. For
# portability reasons, we try to use the same
# name for same-formatted commands in the
# different engines (thus many names stem from
# natbib).
# * Alias: A (comma-separated) list of commands that fall
# back to the given LyX name in the current engine.
# This is a bit like "ObsoletedBy" in the layouts.
# * latexcmd: The actual LaTeX command that is output.
# Alias and latexcmd are optional. If no latexcmd is given, the
# LyXName will be output to LaTeX.
# Note further:
# * The LyXName "keyonly" has a special meaning: only the citation key,
# without any latex command, is output.
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# * Capitalization indicates that the command also has a capitalized
# form (\Latexcmd vs. \latexcmd). These usually enforce upcasing of
# name prefixes (von Goethe => Von Goethe).
# * Brackets [] indicate the number of optional arguments (0, 1, 2).
# * The star * indicates there is a starred version of the command
# (\latexcmd* vs. \latexcmd). By default, the starred version means:
# Expand the author list even if the maxnames setting would cause
# BibTeX/Biber to shorten it with "et al.".
# If the star has a different meaning for a command, it can be
# specified in angle brackets: <!_stardesc!_stardesctooltip>.
# Maximal two translatable macro keywords, marked by the prefix '!_',
# can be given. The first points to the string that replaces the
# "Full aut&hor list" checkbox label in the Citation dialog, the
# second one an optional tooltip for this checkbox. Note that these
# two macros have to be defined in the CiteFormat section (see below),
# dropping the '!' from the prefix (see below), e.g.:
# _stardesc Starred command label
# _stardesctooltip Tooltip for the starred command checkbox.
# CITE COMMAND DEFINITIONS for either engine type
CiteEngine authoryear
CiteEngine numerical
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# The following defines how the commands are represented in the GUI
# (inset button and citation dialog) as well as in XHTML, docbook and
# plain text output.
# There are common definitions (default) and specific definitions for
# either cite engine type (which overwrite existing defaults.
# Input standard format definitions for the bibliography
CiteFormat default
2017-01-04 13:30:50 +01:00
# 1. Translatable bits (need to be marked by _ prefix, if translated to the GUI language,
# or B_, if translated to the buffer language)
# Note that preceding and trailing spaces matter.
2017-01-04 13:30:50 +01:00
_notcited not cited
_addtobib Add to bibliography only.
_keyonly Key only.
_key Key
# The following are handled by BiblioInfo
B_etal et al.
B_namesep , [[separate author names in citation, except for last name]]
B_lastnamesep , and [[separate name of last author in citation]]
B_pairnamesep and [[separate two authors in citation]]
2017-01-04 13:30:50 +01:00
# 2. Macros re-used in the style definitions
# A link that lets us jump to the bibliography entry in LyXHTML
# %clean:key% will be substituted by the cite key to give a unique id
!startlink {!<a href='#LyXCite-%clean:key%'>!}
!endlink {!</a>!}
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# "Author et al." or "??"
!abbrvciteauthor {%abbrvciteauthor%[[%abbrvciteauthor%]][[??]]}
# "Author, ..." or "??"
!fullciteauthor {%fullciteauthor%[[%fullciteauthor%]][[??]]}
# Handle starred command: abbr. or full author list
!makeauthor {%ifstar%[[%!fullciteauthor%]][[%!abbrvciteauthor%]]}
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# "prenote "
!textbefore {%textbefore%[[%textbefore% ]]}
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# ", postnote"
!textafter {%textafter%[[, %textafter%]]}
# Add a year if it exists (else "??") and possibly a modifier (as in 2017a)
!year {%year%[[%year%]][[??]]}{%modifier%[[%modifier%]]}
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# "...; Author..."
!nextauthor {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink%%!nextauthor%]]}
# Handle starred command: abbr. or full author list
!makenextauthor {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!makeauthor%%!endlink%%!makenextauthor%]]}
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# "..., CiteKey..."
!nextkey {%next%[[%!sep% %key%%!nextkey%]]}
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# "..., Year..."
!nextyear {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%]]}
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# (identical in authoryear and numerical)
# "(cf. Year; NextYear, p. xx)" [Authoryear] / "(cf. Year, NextYear, p. xx)" [Numerical]
citeyearpar %!open%%!textbefore%%!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%%!textafter%%!close%
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# "Add to bibliography only." (dialog) / "[ID] (not cited)" (button)
nocite {%dialog%[[%_addtobib%]][[%key%%!nextkey% (%_notcited%)]]}
# Output only the key
keyonly {%dialog%[[%_keyonly%]][[%_key%: %key%%!nextkey%]]}
CiteFormat authoryear
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!open (
!sep ;
!close )
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# "Author et al. (cf. Year..."
!makecitet %!startlink%%!makeauthor%%!endlink% %!open%%!textbefore%%!year%%!nextcitet%
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# "Author et al. cf. Year..." [sic!]
!makecitealt %!startlink%%!makeauthor% %!textbefore%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextcitealt%
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# "Author et al., Year..."
!makecitealp %!startlink%%!makeauthor%, %!year%%!endlink%%!nextcitealp%
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# "...); Nextauthor (Year..."
!nextcitet {%next%[[%!close%%!sep% %!startlink%%!makeauthor%%!endlink% %!open%%!year%%!nextcitet%]]}
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# "...; NextAuthor et al. Year..."
!nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!makecitealt%]]}
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# "...; NextAuthor et al., Year..."
!nextcitealp {%next%[[%!sep% %!makecitealp%]]}
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# (additions and modifications to default)
# "Author (cf. Year); NextAuthor (Year, p. xx)"
citet %!makecitet%%!textafter%%!close%
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# "(cf. Author et al., Year; NextAuthor et al., Year, p. xx)"
citep %!open%%!textbefore%%!makecitealp%%!textafter%%!close%
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# "cf. Author et al., Year; NextAuthor et al., Year, p. xx"
citealp %!textbefore%%!makecitealp%%!textafter%
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# "Author cf. Year; NextAuthor Year, p. xx" [sic!]
citealt %!makecitealt%%!textafter%
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# "Author; NextAuthor, p. xx"
citeauthor %!startlink%%!makeauthor%%!endlink%%!makenextauthor%%!textafter%
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# "Year; NextYear, p. xx"
citeyear %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%%!textafter%
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# Fallback style: "Author (cf. Year); NextAuthor (Year, p. xx)"
cite %!makecitet%%!textafter%%!close%
CiteFormat numerical
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!open [
!sep ,
!close ]
2017-01-04 13:30:50 +01:00
# "Author [cf. ID..."
!makecitet %!makeauthor% %!open%%!textbefore%{%dialog%[[#ID]][[%!startlink%{%numericallabel%[[%numericallabel%]][[#%key%]]}%!endlink%]]}%!nextcitet%
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# "Author cf. ID..."
!makecitealt %!makeauthor% %!textbefore%{%dialog%[[#ID]][[%!startlink%{%numericallabel%[[%numericallabel%]][[#%key%]]}%!endlink%]]}%!nextcitealt%
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# "ID..."
!hashkey {%dialog%[[#ID]][[%!startlink%{%numericallabel%[[%numericallabel%]][[#%key%]]}%!endlink%%!nexthashkey%]]}
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# "...], NextAuthor [ID..."
!nextcitet {%next%[[%!close%%!sep% %!makeauthor% %!open%%!textbefore%{%dialog%[[#ID]][[%!startlink%{%numericallabel%[[%numericallabel%]][[#%key%]]}%!endlink%]]}%!nextcitet%]]}
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# "..., NextAuthor ID..."
!nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!makeauthor% {%dialog%[[#ID]][[%!startlink%{%numericallabel%[[%numericallabel%]][[#%key%]]}%!endlink%]]}%!nextcitealt%]]}
# FIXME: What is this?
!nexthashid {%next%[[%!sep% #ID%!nexthashid%]]}
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# "..., NextID..."
!nexthashkey {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%{%numericallabel%[[%numericallabel%]][[#%key%]]}%!endlink%%!nexthashkey%]]}
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# (additions and modifications to default)
# "[cf. ID, NextID, p. xx]"
citep %!open%%!textbefore%%!hashkey%%!textafter%%!close%
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# "Author [cf. ID], Nextauthor [NextID, p. xx]"
citet %!makecitet%%!textafter%%!close%
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# "cf. ID, NextID, p. xx"
citealp %!textbefore%%!hashkey%%!textafter%
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# "Author cf. ID, NextAuthor ID, p. xx"
citealt %!makecitealt%%!textafter%
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# "Author, NextAuthor"
citeauthor %!startlink%%!makeauthor%%!endlink%%!makenextauthor%
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# "Year, NextYear"
citeyear %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%
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# Fallback style: "[cf. ID, NextID, p. xx]"
cite %!open%%!textbefore%%!hashkey%%!textafter%%!close%