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synced 2024-12-22 13:18:28 +00:00
ctests: update test tagging/categorization and export test for accents on Cyrillic letters.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
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\begin_layout Standard
Accented cyrillic characters still fail if the input encoding is ASCII and
the current language not using a cyrillic script (i.e.
if the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
feature is required), both ERT
\begin_layout Quotation
Вы узн
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
аете, как использовать LyX.
\begin_layout Standard
and Combining chars
\begin_layout Quotation
Вы узна́ете, как использовать LyX.
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Flex URL
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Flex URL
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
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@ -107,7 +114,8 @@
\begin_layout Standard
Accented cyrillic characters fail if the input encoding is ASCII, both ERT
Accented cyrillic characters failed if the input encoding is ASCII, both
\begin_layout Quotation
@ -136,7 +144,8 @@ and Combining chars
\begin_layout Standard
This is due to bugs
\begin_inset Flex URL
status open
@ -158,7 +167,7 @@ http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/6463
@ -48,10 +48,7 @@ export/examples/listerrors_(pdf[245]).*
# `acmart` document class:
# poblems with the exported Postscript file (the first page does not display
# for some reason) and hence ps2pdf fails:
# (see also lyxbugs below and ignoredTests)
# issues with listsof, reported to the maintainer
# https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=mid&q=of84gj%24l6b%241%40blaine.gmane.org
# LyX gives the following terminal message:
@ -160,13 +157,9 @@ export/doc/es/Customization_pdf4_texF
# https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=mid&q=20170228190738.cgs3tl3ny2bxiegk%40steph
#9637 textgreek and textcyr depend on font-encoding, not input encoding
#6463 font encoding changes and combining accents
# this leads to failure of ru/Intro with XeTeX (pdf4_texF)
# Note that this file is not expected to work with XeTeX/LuaTeX and TeX fonts:
# https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=mid&q=0c10c03d85badf3cef7346aa5c97a7e35fc380b2.camel%40lyx.org
# problem remains for Cyrillic in a non-Cyrillic-using language
#11454 luainputenc must be loaded after textcomp
@ -178,6 +171,17 @@ export/export/latex/luainputenc-utf8_pdf5_systemF
#11455 "Unable to process argument!" with multiple 1.6.x roundtrips
#9744 allow parallel configuration of TeX and non-TeX fonts
# parallel configuration implemented ([2fc430d5aede/lyxgit] 11/09/15),
# use case for new setting value useNonTeXFonts == "automatic"
# The font package "libertine" sets up "non-TeX fonts" if Xe/LuaTeX
# is detected:
# The "acmart" document class calls "libertine" as default font:
# * With pdf5 (LuaTeX), this clashes with LyX setting up 8-bit TeX fonts
# * with pdf4 (XeTeX) this does not clash but
selects CM fonts with different metrics -> unreliableTests wrong output.
# ==============================================================
Sublabel: ert
@ -61,6 +61,15 @@ export/export/latex/cp858_pdf2
# Seminar export with LaTeX fails in latest TeXLive:
# `acmart` requires PDF-latex in TeXLive < 2018
# * Missing page number in DVI -> ignoredTests wrong output
# * First page not displayed in Postscript
# ("evince" viewer hangs and displays # "Loading...")
# * "PDF (ps2pdf)": `ps2pdf` fails as result of the problem with Postscript
#export/templates/acmart_ps # not tested by ctest autotests
Sublabel: wrong_output
@ -99,3 +108,20 @@ export/export/mixing_inTitle_layouts_(pdf|dvi).*
# (not expecting much attention because DVI is not given high priority)
# original problem fixed but run-together words in Russian
#9637 textgreek and textcyr depend on font-encoding, not input encoding
#9744 allow parallel configuration of TeX and non-TeX fonts
# parallel configuration implemented ([2fc430d5aede/lyxgit] 11/09/15),
# use case for new setting value useNonTeXFonts == "automatic"
# The font package "libertine" sets up "non-TeX fonts" if Xe/LuaTeX
# is detected:
# * With pdf5 (LuaTeX), this clashes with LyX setting up 8-bit TeX fonts
# * with pdf4 (XeTeX) this does not clash but
selects fonts with different metrics -> unreliableTests wrong output.
# The "acmart" document class calls "libertine" as default font:
Reference in New Issue
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