tex2lyx: support for btUnit (multibib)

This commit is contained in:
Juergen Spitzmueller 2018-08-21 17:18:04 +02:00
parent f44a55c367
commit 0ae68ae828
3 changed files with 26 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ public:
void citeEngine(std::string const & e) { h_cite_engine = e; }
void multibib(std::string const & s) { h_multibib = s; }
bool titleLayoutFound() const { return title_layout_found; }
void titleLayoutFound(bool found) { title_layout_found = found; }

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@ -36,16 +36,12 @@ Format LaTeX feature LyX feature
443 unicode-math.sty InsetMath*
453 automatic stmaryrd loading \use_package stmaryrd
457 automatic stackrel loading \use_package stackrel
526 Plural and capitalized refstyles InsetRef
533 Multibib support
\begin{btUnit}...\end{btUnit} \multibib {none|part|chapter|section|subsection}
(if a part, chapter, section etc.
follows the \begin...)
546 Landscape support
\begin{landscape}...\end{landscape} \begin_inset Flex Landscape
with longtable content: <features rotate ="90"...>
555 V column type (varwidth package) Automatically detected with newlines, paragraph breaks and environment content in cells of rows
563 InsetArgument listpreamble:<nr> All content between \begin{env} and first \item of a list
526 Plural and capitalized refstyles InsetRef
546 Landscape support
\begin{landscape}...\end{landscape} \begin_inset Flex Landscape (see #11259)
with longtable content: <features rotate ="90"...>
555 V column type (varwidth package) Automatically detected with newlines, paragraph breaks and environment content in cells of rows
563 InsetArgument listpreamble:<nr> All content between \begin{env} and first \item of a list

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@ -1923,6 +1923,24 @@ void parse_environment(Parser & p, ostream & os, bool outer,
else if (name == "btUnit") {
string const nt = p.next_next_token().cs();
if (nt == "part")
else if (nt == "chapter")
else if (nt == "section")
else if (nt == "subsection")
else {
parse_unknown_environment(p, name, os, FLAG_END, outer,
else if (name == "framed" || name == "shaded") {
eat_whitespace(p, os, parent_context, false);
parse_outer_box(p, os, FLAG_END, outer, parent_context, name, "");