From 0d50b62f73ec3fa1c33b3bc59dd180de14511f64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John R Hudson Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2022 09:19:48 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Move Slides (SliTeX) section in Additional.lyx to Chapter 3 Document classes --- lib/doc/Additional.lyx | 4166 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 2083 insertions(+), 2083 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/doc/Additional.lyx b/lib/doc/Additional.lyx index 01e5f5ab5e..f836af0c6c 100644 --- a/lib/doc/Additional.lyx +++ b/lib/doc/Additional.lyx @@ -8940,6 +8940,2089 @@ foils class. \end_layout +\begin_layout Subsection +Slides [aka +\noun on +Sli\SpecialChar TeX + +\noun default +] +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "sec:slitex" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +by +\noun on +John Weiss +\noun default + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +Introduction +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This section describes how to use \SpecialChar LyX + to make slides for overhead projectors. + There are two document classes that can do this: the default slides class + and the +\family sans +Foil\SpecialChar TeX + +\family default + slides class. + This section documents the former. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +I'm going to say this again, nice and clear, so that there's no misunderstanding +: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset VSpace bigskip +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\align center + +\size large +This section documents the class +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family sans +slides (default) +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + +\emph on +only. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset VSpace bigskip +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +If you're looking for the documentation for +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family sans +slides (Foil\SpecialChar TeX +) +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +, check out section +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "sec:foiltex" + +\end_inset + +. + The +\family sans +foils +\family default + class [ +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family sans +slides (Foil\SpecialChar TeX +) +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +] is actually somewhat better than the default +\family sans +slides +\family default + class, +\begin_inset Foot +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\SpecialChar ldots +or so I've been told repeatedly by its advocates. + Having never used it, I have no idea if this claim is true or not. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + which this section documents. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This class is the \SpecialChar LaTeX2e + improvement of the old +\noun on +Sli\SpecialChar TeX + +\noun default + package. + Every \SpecialChar LaTeX2e + distribution includes this class [which I'll just refer to as +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family sans +slides +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + from now on], so you're bound to have it. + As I noted earlier, there are other classes, such as +\family sans +foils +\family default +, which also produce slides for overhead projectors and do a better job + at it. + However, there are some things which +\family sans +slides +\family default + can do which the others can't, such as generate overlays. + Read on to learn more! +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +Getting Started +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "sec:slidesetup" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Obviously, to use this document class, you need to select +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family sans +slides (default) +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + from the class list in the +\family sans +Document\SpecialChar menuseparator +Settings +\family default + dialog. + There are some other special things you should know about this class: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Don't bother changing the options +\family sans +Sides and Columns +\family default +. + They're not supported by the +\family sans +slides +\family default + class, anyways. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The option +\family sans +Page +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +style +\family default + behaves a bit differently for this class. + The possible choices and what they do are as follows: +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Description + +\family sans +plain +\family default + The final output contains page numbers in the lower right corner. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Description + +\family sans +headings +\family default + Like +\family sans +plain +\family default +, but also prints out any time markers you've put in. + This is the default. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Description + +\family sans +empty +\family default + The final output contains no page numbers, time markers, or alignment markers. +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +The +\family sans +slides +\family default + class has an extra option: +\family typewriter +clock +\family default +. + To use it, put +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +clock +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + in the extra class options. +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Using this options allows you to add time markers to +\family sans +Note +\family default +s. + See section +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "sec:slideNote" + +\end_inset + + for more details. +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +You can also use the template file +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +slides.lyx +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + to automatically set up a document to use the +\family sans +slides +\family default + class [using +\family sans +File\SpecialChar menuseparator +New +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +from +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Template +\family default + to open your new document]. + The template file also contains some examples of the special paragraph + environments used by this class. + I'll describe those next. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +Paragraph Environments +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Paragraph +Supported Environments +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The first thing you'll notice when you start up a new +\family sans +slides +\family default + document is the font size and type: it's the equivalent of the size +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family sans +Largest +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + in the +\family sans +Sans +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Serif +\family default + font. + This is also what's used in the output. + Think of this as a +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +visual cue +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + to remind you that this is a slide. + Your final slides will use a larger font; ergo, you'll have less space. + Of course, the larger default screen font isn't WYSIWYG, only a reminder. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The next thing that becomes obvious is the changes to the paragraph environment + pull-down box [at the far-left end of the toolbar]. + Most of the paragraph environments you're used to seeing are missing. + There are also five new ones. + That's because the +\family sans +slides +\family default + class itself only supports certain paragraph environments: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +Standard +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +Itemize +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +Enumerate +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +Description +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +List +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +Quotation +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +Quote +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +Verse +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +Caption +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +\SpecialChar LyX +-Code +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +All of the other standard environments, including the section-heading environmen +ts, aren't used in the +\family sans +slides +\family default + class. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +On the other hand, you'll notice the following new environments: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +Slide +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +Overlay +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +Note +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +InvisibleText +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family sans +VisibleText +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +These five are kind of quirky, due to a +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +feature +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + in \SpecialChar LyX +. + You see, \SpecialChar LyX + doesn't permit you to nest any other paragraph environment into + an empty environment. + Now, that's fine and dandy, but it means that you wouldn't be able to start + a slide with anything except plain text. + To deal with this, I've performed a little +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +\SpecialChar LaTeX + magic. +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Paragraph +Quirks of the New Environments +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "sec:slideQuirk" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +All five of the new paragraph environments are somewhat quirky due to inherent + limitiations in the current version of \SpecialChar LyX +. + As I just mentioned, \SpecialChar LyX + forbids environments that begin with another environment. + To get around this, the +\family sans +Slide +\family default + environment isn't a paragraph environment as described in the +\emph on +User's Guide +\emph default +. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +You should consider +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +, and +\family sans +Note +\family default + to be +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +pseudo-environments. +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + They look like a section heading or a +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family sans +Caption +\family default +, +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + but really begin a [and, if necessary, end the previous] paragraph environment. + Likewise, treat +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default + and +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default + as +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +pseudo-commands. +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + These two perform some action. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +A common feature of all five environments, +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +, +\family sans +Note +\family default +, +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default + and +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default +, is a rather long-ish label. + The text following this label — ordinarily the contents of the paragraph + environment — is utterly irrelevant for +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +, +\family sans +Note +\family default +, +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default + and +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default +. + \SpecialChar LyX + completely ignores it. + In fact, you can leave these five environments completely empty. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +While you don't +\emph on +have +\emph default + to put any text after the rather long-ish label, you might want to. + This could be a short description of the contents of the +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, for example. + In that case, enter your descriptive comment and hit +\family sans +Return +\family default + as you normally would. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +If, on the other hand, you don't want to enter any descriptive text, you'll + hit another \SpecialChar LyX + quirk. + \SpecialChar LyX +, like nature, abhors a vacuum, and will not let you start a new paragraph + environment until you put something in the old one. + So, do this: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Start entering the text that will +\emph on +follow +\emph default + the new +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +, +\family sans +Note +\family default +, +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default + or +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default +. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Now move to the beginning of that paragraph. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Next, hit +\family sans +Return +\family default +. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Finally, change this new, empty paragraph to a +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +, +\family sans +Note +\family default +, +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default + or +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default +. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Some future version of \SpecialChar LyX + will, hopefully, resolve this quirkiness\SpecialChar ldots + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +Making a Presentation with +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + and +\family sans +Note +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Paragraph +Using the +\family sans +Slide +\family default + Environment +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +If you're expecting this section to teach you how to actually make a presentatio +n, you'll be sorely disappointed. + Naturally, I'll describe all of the ways the +\family sans +slides +\family default + class can assist you in preparing the materials for a presentation. + Filling in the contents, however, is up to you. + [Then again, that +\emph on +is +\emph default + the \SpecialChar LyX + philosophy.] +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Choosing the +\family sans +Slide +\family default + environment [in the manner described in section +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "sec:slideQuirk" + +\end_inset + +] tells \SpecialChar LyX + to begin a new slide [duh]. + The label for this environment/ +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +pseudo-command +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + is an +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +ASCII line, +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + in cool blue, followed by the label, +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +NewSlide: +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +. + Any text or paragraph environments that follow this one go on the new slide. + It's that simple. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Slides are probably the only time you'll need to forcibly end pages in \SpecialChar LyX + + (this can be specified in the +\family sans +Paragraph Layout +\family default + dialog). + In fact, you'll want to, once you finish entering the contents of one slide. + If you've entered more text than can physically fit on a slide, the extra + overflows onto a new slide. + I don't recommend doing this, however, since the overflow slide won't have + any page number on it. + Furthermore, it may interfere with any +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + you've made to accompany the oversized +\family sans +Slide +\family default +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + and +\family sans +Note +\family default + environments work the same way as the +\family sans +Slide +\family default + environment. + They both create an +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +ASCII line +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + followed by a label [ +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +NewOverlay: +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + and +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +NewNote: +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +, respectively]. + The color is a stunning magenta instead of blue, and the +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +ASCII line +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + will look different, in style and in length. + The label fonts of all three also differ from one another. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +As with a +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, if the contents of a +\family sans +Note +\family default + or +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + exceed the physical size of a slide or sheet of paper, the extra will overflow + onto a new sheet. + Again, you should avoid this. + It defeats the whole purpose of +\family sans +Note +\family default +s and +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +s. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Paragraph +Using +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + with +\family sans +Slide +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The idea behind an +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + is a slide that sits atop another slide. + Perhaps you wish to discuss a figure on the main +\family sans +Slide +\family default + before displaying the text associated with it. + One way to accomplish this is tape a flap of dark paper over the part of + the +\family sans +Slide +\family default + you want to display later. + This method fails, however, if you wish to overlap one graph with another, + for example. + You would then have to fumble while speaking to align the two separate, + overlapping +\family sans +Slide +\family default +s to align the two graphs. + The use of an +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + environment in both cases makes life much easier. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Each +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + receives the page number of its +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +parent +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, appended by +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +-a +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +. +\begin_inset Foot +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Presumably, mutliple +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +s would have +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +-a +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +, +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +-b +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +, +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +-c +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +, etc. +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +appended to the page number of the parent +\family sans +Slide +\family default +. + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Clearly, you want the contents of both the +\family sans +Slide +\family default + and the +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + to each fit on a single physical slide! You should probably consider an + +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + as +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +part of +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + a +\family sans +Slide +\family default +. + Indeed, the \SpecialChar LyX + +\family sans +slides +\family default + class provides a visual cue for this: the label at the start of an +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + is shorter than that at the start of a +\family sans +Slide +\family default +. + Lastly, when you generate printable output, you'll find alignment markers + in all four corners of both the +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + page and its parent +\family sans +Slide +\family default +. + These will assist you in lining up the two physical slides. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The major problem in overlaying two slides is aligning the contents of the + two transparencies. + How much space should you leave for that graph on the second slide? Worse + still, what if you want a graph and a sentence on second slide, but there + is text on the main transparency that goes in between them? You could try + and insert vertical space of the right size. + The better way is to use +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default + and +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +As their names imply, +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default + and +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default + are two command-like paragraph environments that make all subsequent text + invisible and visible, respectively. + Note from section +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "sec:slideQuirk" + +\end_inset + + that you don't place anything +\emph on +into +\emph default + these two environments, however. + When you create an +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default +, it inserts a centered, sky-blue label into the page reading +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +. + For paragraphs following this label, the parts of the +\family sans +Slide +\family default + [or +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +; it doesn't matter which] where they would be contain instead blank space. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +For +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default +, the corresponding centered label is +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + in blazing green. + Paragraphs following this label behave normally. + Note that the beginning of a new +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +, or +\family sans +Note +\family default + automatically shuts off an +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default +. + It's therefore not necessary to use +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default + at the end of a +\family sans +Slide +\family default +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +By now, it should be obvious how to create overlay transparencies using + the proper combination of +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default + and +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default + on a +\family sans +Slide +\family default + and +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Enumerate +Create a +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, including everything that will appear on it, whether on the main slide + or on the +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Enumerate +Before each figure or paragraph that will appear only on the +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +, insert an +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default + environment. + If necessary, insert a +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default + environment after the +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +-only text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Enumerate +Start an +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + immediately following the +\family sans +Slide +\family default +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Enumerate +Copy the contents of this +\family sans +Slide +\family default + into the +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Enumerate +Within the +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +, change all of the +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default + lines to +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default + and vice-versa. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +That's it. + You've just made an +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +There's one problem with the way I've designed the \SpecialChar LyX + +\family sans +slides +\family default + class: you can't make text in the middle of a paragraph invisible, nor + make text in the middle of an invisible paragraph visible again. + To accomplish this feat, you'll need to use some inlined \SpecialChar LaTeX + codes. +\begin_inset Foot +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The commands of interest are: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family typewriter +{ +\backslash +invisible \SpecialChar ldots + } +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\family typewriter +{ +\backslash +visible \SpecialChar ldots + } +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\SpecialChar ldots +and need to be marked as \SpecialChar TeX +. + The text whose +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +visibility +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + you wish to change goes in between the brackets [and after the +\family typewriter + +\backslash +invisible +\family default + or +\family typewriter + +\backslash +visible +\family default + command]. + If you don't know how to mark text as \SpecialChar TeX +, see the appropriate section of + the +\emph on +User's Guide +\emph default +. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Paragraph +Using +\family sans +Note +\family default + with +\family sans +Slide +\family default + +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "sec:slideNote" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Like an +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +, a +\family sans +Note +\family default + is associated with a +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +parent +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + +\family sans +Slide +\family default +. + Here, too, the \SpecialChar LyX + +\family sans +slides +\family default + class provides visual cues. + The label for a +\family sans +Note +\family default + is shorter than that of a +\family sans +Slide +\family default + [yet longer than that of an +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +] and, like the label of an +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + is shockingly magenta. + Additionally, the printed +\family sans +Note +\family default + has the page number of its +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +parent +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, appended by +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +- +\family default +1 +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +, +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +- +\family default +2 +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +, +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +- +\family default +3 +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +, etc. + You can have multiple +\family sans +Note +\family default +s associated with a single +\family sans +Slide +\family default +, and, as with +\family sans +Slide +\family default + and +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +, you'll probably want to break up long +\family sans +Note +\family default +s so that they fit on a single sheet of paper. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The purpose of a +\family sans +Note +\family default + is obvious: it contains anything additional you might want to say about + a +\family sans +Slide +\family default +. + It could also be used as a sheet of reminders for a particular +\family sans +Slide +\family default +. + In the case of the latter, you might want to make use of time markers. + Currently, the \SpecialChar LyX + +\family sans +slides +\family default + class has no +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + +native +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + support for time markers, a +\noun on +Sli\SpecialChar TeX + +\noun default + feature. + So, you'll have to resort to using the \SpecialChar LaTeX + codes. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +To use time markers, you'll need to specify the extra class option +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +clock +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + [see section +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "sec:slidesetup" + +\end_inset + +]. + This option turns on timing marks, which will appear in the lower-left-hand + corner of every +\family sans +Note +\family default + you generate. + To set what appears in the time marker, you use the \SpecialChar LaTeX + commands +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter + +\backslash +settime{} +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + and +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter + +\backslash +addtime{} +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +. + The arguments of both commands are time measured in seconds. + +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter + +\backslash +settime{} +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + sets the time marker to a given time. + +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter + +\backslash +addtime{} +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + increments the time marker by the specified amount. + Using time markers and +\family sans +Note +\family default +s in this fashion, you can remind yourself how much time to spend on a particula +r +\family sans +Slide +\family default +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +There's one last feature to describe. + Clearly, you'd like to print out all of your +\family sans +Slide +\family default +s and +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +s on transparencies while printing all of your +\family sans +Note +\family default +s on plain paper. + However, a +\family sans +Note +\family default + +\emph on +must +\emph default + follow the +\family sans +Slide +\family default + with which it is associated. + What's a person to do? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Luckily, there are two \SpecialChar LaTeX + commands that allow you to select what to print + out. + Both must be placed into the preamble of your document. + The command +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter + +\backslash +onlyslides{ +\backslash +slides} +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + will cause the output to contain only the +\family sans +Slide +\family default +s and +\family sans +Overlay +\family default +s. + Correspondingly, the command +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter + +\backslash +onlynotes{ +\backslash +notes} +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + prevents the output of anything but +\family sans +Note +\family default +s. + I'd advise placing both commands in the preamble and initially comment + both out. + You can then preview your entire presentation as you write. + When you're done writing, you can then uncomment one of the two to select + what you want to print. + I like to uncomment +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter + +\backslash +onlyslides{ +\backslash +slides} +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + , print to a file with +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +-slides +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + in its name, comment it back out, then uncomment +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter + +\backslash +onlynotes{ +\backslash +notes} +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + and print to a +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +* +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + file. + I can then send either file to a printer, loading transparencies or plain + paper as appropriate. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +You can also provide other arguments to the +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter + +\backslash +onlyslides{} +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + and +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter + +\backslash +onlynotes{} +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + commands. + See a good \SpecialChar LaTeX + book for details. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +The +\family sans +slides +\family default + Class Template File +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +I have also provided a template file, +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +slides.lyx +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + +, with the +\family sans +slides +\family default + class. + To use it, begin your new presentation with +\family sans +File\SpecialChar menuseparator +New +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +from +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Template +\family default +. + Your new \SpecialChar LyX + presentation file will contain an example +\family sans +Slide +\family default + – +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + – +\family sans +Note +\family default + triplet. + The +\family sans +Slide +\family default + and +\family sans +Overlay +\family default + additionally contain an example of the use of +\family sans +InvisibleText +\family default + and +\family sans +VisibleText +\family default +. + Lastly, the preamble will contain: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout LyX-Code +% Uncomment to print out only slides and overlays +\end_layout + +\begin_layout LyX-Code +% +\end_layout + +\begin_layout LyX-Code +% +\backslash +onlyslides{ +\backslash +slides} +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout LyX-Code +% Uncomment to print out only notes +\end_layout + +\begin_layout LyX-Code +% +\end_layout + +\begin_layout LyX-Code +% +\backslash +onlynotes{ +\backslash +notes} +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +One final thing: I created this class to support the \SpecialChar LaTeX2e + +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\noun on +Sli\SpecialChar TeX + +\noun default + emulation +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + class, one of the built-in \SpecialChar LaTeX2e + classes. + Neither I nor the rest of the \SpecialChar LyX + Team endorse or oppose the use of this built-in + slide class. + It's here if you want it or need it. + There exist other \SpecialChar LaTeX2e + classes for creating presentations, such as the +\family sans +Foils +\family default + class [see section +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "sec:foiltex" + +\end_inset + +] or the +\begin_inset Quotes eld +\end_inset + + +\family typewriter +seminar +\family default + +\begin_inset Quotes erd +\end_inset + + package [present on some \SpecialChar TeX + distributions]. + The latter is not yet supported under \SpecialChar LyX +. +\begin_inset Foot +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Perhaps you can take on the task\SpecialChar ldots + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + I know nothing about these other classes. + Try them out to see what sort of alternative they provide. +\end_layout + \begin_layout Section \change_inserted 564990737 1670439661 @@ -18306,2089 +20389,6 @@ ejour2 . \end_layout -\begin_layout Section -Slides [aka -\noun on -Sli\SpecialChar TeX - -\noun default -] -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:slitex" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -by -\noun on -John Weiss -\noun default - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Introduction -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This section describes how to use \SpecialChar LyX - to make slides for overhead projectors. - There are two document classes that can do this: the default slides class - and the -\family sans -Foil\SpecialChar TeX - -\family default - slides class. - This section documents the former. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -I'm going to say this again, nice and clear, so that there's no misunderstanding -: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset VSpace bigskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\align center - -\size large -This section documents the class -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family sans -slides (default) -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - -\emph on -only. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset VSpace bigskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -If you're looking for the documentation for -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family sans -slides (Foil\SpecialChar TeX -) -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -, check out section -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand ref -reference "sec:foiltex" - -\end_inset - -. - The -\family sans -foils -\family default - class [ -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family sans -slides (Foil\SpecialChar TeX -) -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -] is actually somewhat better than the default -\family sans -slides -\family default - class, -\begin_inset Foot -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\SpecialChar ldots -or so I've been told repeatedly by its advocates. - Having never used it, I have no idea if this claim is true or not. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - which this section documents. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This class is the \SpecialChar LaTeX2e - improvement of the old -\noun on -Sli\SpecialChar TeX - -\noun default - package. - Every \SpecialChar LaTeX2e - distribution includes this class [which I'll just refer to as -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family sans -slides -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - from now on], so you're bound to have it. - As I noted earlier, there are other classes, such as -\family sans -foils -\family default -, which also produce slides for overhead projectors and do a better job - at it. - However, there are some things which -\family sans -slides -\family default - can do which the others can't, such as generate overlays. - Read on to learn more! -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Getting Started -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:slidesetup" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Obviously, to use this document class, you need to select -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family sans -slides (default) -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - from the class list in the -\family sans -Document\SpecialChar menuseparator -Settings -\family default - dialog. - There are some other special things you should know about this class: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Don't bother changing the options -\family sans -Sides and Columns -\family default -. - They're not supported by the -\family sans -slides -\family default - class, anyways. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -The option -\family sans -Page -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -style -\family default - behaves a bit differently for this class. - The possible choices and what they do are as follows: -\end_layout - -\begin_deeper -\begin_layout Description - -\family sans -plain -\family default - The final output contains page numbers in the lower right corner. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Description - -\family sans -headings -\family default - Like -\family sans -plain -\family default -, but also prints out any time markers you've put in. - This is the default. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Description - -\family sans -empty -\family default - The final output contains no page numbers, time markers, or alignment markers. -\end_layout - -\end_deeper -\begin_layout Itemize -The -\family sans -slides -\family default - class has an extra option: -\family typewriter -clock -\family default -. - To use it, put -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter -clock -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - in the extra class options. -\end_layout - -\begin_deeper -\begin_layout Standard -Using this options allows you to add time markers to -\family sans -Note -\family default -s. - See section -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand ref -reference "sec:slideNote" - -\end_inset - - for more details. -\end_layout - -\end_deeper -\begin_layout Standard -You can also use the template file -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter -slides.lyx -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - to automatically set up a document to use the -\family sans -slides -\family default - class [using -\family sans -File\SpecialChar menuseparator -New -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -from -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Template -\family default - to open your new document]. - The template file also contains some examples of the special paragraph - environments used by this class. - I'll describe those next. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Paragraph Environments -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection -Supported Environments -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The first thing you'll notice when you start up a new -\family sans -slides -\family default - document is the font size and type: it's the equivalent of the size -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family sans -Largest -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - in the -\family sans -Sans -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Serif -\family default - font. - This is also what's used in the output. - Think of this as a -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -visual cue -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - to remind you that this is a slide. - Your final slides will use a larger font; ergo, you'll have less space. - Of course, the larger default screen font isn't WYSIWYG, only a reminder. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The next thing that becomes obvious is the changes to the paragraph environment - pull-down box [at the far-left end of the toolbar]. - Most of the paragraph environments you're used to seeing are missing. - There are also five new ones. - That's because the -\family sans -slides -\family default - class itself only supports certain paragraph environments: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -Standard -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -Itemize -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -Enumerate -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -Description -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -List -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -Quotation -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -Quote -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -Verse -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -Caption -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -\SpecialChar LyX --Code -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -All of the other standard environments, including the section-heading environmen -ts, aren't used in the -\family sans -slides -\family default - class. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -On the other hand, you'll notice the following new environments: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -Slide -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -Overlay -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -Note -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -InvisibleText -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family sans -VisibleText -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -These five are kind of quirky, due to a -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -feature -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - in \SpecialChar LyX -. - You see, \SpecialChar LyX - doesn't permit you to nest any other paragraph environment into - an empty environment. - Now, that's fine and dandy, but it means that you wouldn't be able to start - a slide with anything except plain text. - To deal with this, I've performed a little -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -\SpecialChar LaTeX - magic. -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection -Quirks of the New Environments -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:slideQuirk" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -All five of the new paragraph environments are somewhat quirky due to inherent - limitiations in the current version of \SpecialChar LyX -. - As I just mentioned, \SpecialChar LyX - forbids environments that begin with another environment. - To get around this, the -\family sans -Slide -\family default - environment isn't a paragraph environment as described in the -\emph on -User's Guide -\emph default -. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -You should consider -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -, and -\family sans -Note -\family default - to be -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -pseudo-environments. -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - They look like a section heading or a -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family sans -Caption -\family default -, -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - but really begin a [and, if necessary, end the previous] paragraph environment. - Likewise, treat -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default - and -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default - as -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -pseudo-commands. -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - These two perform some action. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -A common feature of all five environments, -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -, -\family sans -Note -\family default -, -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default - and -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default -, is a rather long-ish label. - The text following this label — ordinarily the contents of the paragraph - environment — is utterly irrelevant for -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -, -\family sans -Note -\family default -, -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default - and -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default -. - \SpecialChar LyX - completely ignores it. - In fact, you can leave these five environments completely empty. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -While you don't -\emph on -have -\emph default - to put any text after the rather long-ish label, you might want to. - This could be a short description of the contents of the -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, for example. - In that case, enter your descriptive comment and hit -\family sans -Return -\family default - as you normally would. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -If, on the other hand, you don't want to enter any descriptive text, you'll - hit another \SpecialChar LyX - quirk. - \SpecialChar LyX -, like nature, abhors a vacuum, and will not let you start a new paragraph - environment until you put something in the old one. - So, do this: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Start entering the text that will -\emph on -follow -\emph default - the new -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -, -\family sans -Note -\family default -, -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default - or -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default -. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Now move to the beginning of that paragraph. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Next, hit -\family sans -Return -\family default -. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Finally, change this new, empty paragraph to a -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -, -\family sans -Note -\family default -, -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default - or -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default -. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Some future version of \SpecialChar LyX - will, hopefully, resolve this quirkiness\SpecialChar ldots - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Making a Presentation with -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - and -\family sans -Note -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection -Using the -\family sans -Slide -\family default - Environment -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -If you're expecting this section to teach you how to actually make a presentatio -n, you'll be sorely disappointed. - Naturally, I'll describe all of the ways the -\family sans -slides -\family default - class can assist you in preparing the materials for a presentation. - Filling in the contents, however, is up to you. - [Then again, that -\emph on -is -\emph default - the \SpecialChar LyX - philosophy.] -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Choosing the -\family sans -Slide -\family default - environment [in the manner described in section -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand ref -reference "sec:slideQuirk" - -\end_inset - -] tells \SpecialChar LyX - to begin a new slide [duh]. - The label for this environment/ -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -pseudo-command -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - is an -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -ASCII line, -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - in cool blue, followed by the label, -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -NewSlide: -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -. - Any text or paragraph environments that follow this one go on the new slide. - It's that simple. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Slides are probably the only time you'll need to forcibly end pages in \SpecialChar LyX - - (this can be specified in the -\family sans -Paragraph Layout -\family default - dialog). - In fact, you'll want to, once you finish entering the contents of one slide. - If you've entered more text than can physically fit on a slide, the extra - overflows onto a new slide. - I don't recommend doing this, however, since the overflow slide won't have - any page number on it. - Furthermore, it may interfere with any -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - you've made to accompany the oversized -\family sans -Slide -\family default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - and -\family sans -Note -\family default - environments work the same way as the -\family sans -Slide -\family default - environment. - They both create an -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -ASCII line -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - followed by a label [ -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -NewOverlay: -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - and -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -NewNote: -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -, respectively]. - The color is a stunning magenta instead of blue, and the -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -ASCII line -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - will look different, in style and in length. - The label fonts of all three also differ from one another. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -As with a -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, if the contents of a -\family sans -Note -\family default - or -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - exceed the physical size of a slide or sheet of paper, the extra will overflow - onto a new sheet. - Again, you should avoid this. - It defeats the whole purpose of -\family sans -Note -\family default -s and -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -s. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection -Using -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - with -\family sans -Slide -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The idea behind an -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - is a slide that sits atop another slide. - Perhaps you wish to discuss a figure on the main -\family sans -Slide -\family default - before displaying the text associated with it. - One way to accomplish this is tape a flap of dark paper over the part of - the -\family sans -Slide -\family default - you want to display later. - This method fails, however, if you wish to overlap one graph with another, - for example. - You would then have to fumble while speaking to align the two separate, - overlapping -\family sans -Slide -\family default -s to align the two graphs. - The use of an -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - environment in both cases makes life much easier. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Each -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - receives the page number of its -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -parent -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, appended by -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter --a -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -. -\begin_inset Foot -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Presumably, mutliple -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -s would have -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter --a -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -, -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter --b -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -, -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter --c -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -, etc. -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -appended to the page number of the parent -\family sans -Slide -\family default -. - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Clearly, you want the contents of both the -\family sans -Slide -\family default - and the -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - to each fit on a single physical slide! You should probably consider an - -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - as -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -part of -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - a -\family sans -Slide -\family default -. - Indeed, the \SpecialChar LyX - -\family sans -slides -\family default - class provides a visual cue for this: the label at the start of an -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - is shorter than that at the start of a -\family sans -Slide -\family default -. - Lastly, when you generate printable output, you'll find alignment markers - in all four corners of both the -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - page and its parent -\family sans -Slide -\family default -. - These will assist you in lining up the two physical slides. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The major problem in overlaying two slides is aligning the contents of the - two transparencies. - How much space should you leave for that graph on the second slide? Worse - still, what if you want a graph and a sentence on second slide, but there - is text on the main transparency that goes in between them? You could try - and insert vertical space of the right size. - The better way is to use -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default - and -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -As their names imply, -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default - and -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default - are two command-like paragraph environments that make all subsequent text - invisible and visible, respectively. - Note from section -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand ref -reference "sec:slideQuirk" - -\end_inset - - that you don't place anything -\emph on -into -\emph default - these two environments, however. - When you create an -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default -, it inserts a centered, sky-blue label into the page reading -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -. - For paragraphs following this label, the parts of the -\family sans -Slide -\family default - [or -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -; it doesn't matter which] where they would be contain instead blank space. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -For -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default -, the corresponding centered label is -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - in blazing green. - Paragraphs following this label behave normally. - Note that the beginning of a new -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -, or -\family sans -Note -\family default - automatically shuts off an -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default -. - It's therefore not necessary to use -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default - at the end of a -\family sans -Slide -\family default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -By now, it should be obvious how to create overlay transparencies using - the proper combination of -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default - and -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default - on a -\family sans -Slide -\family default - and -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Enumerate -Create a -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, including everything that will appear on it, whether on the main slide - or on the -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Enumerate -Before each figure or paragraph that will appear only on the -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -, insert an -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default - environment. - If necessary, insert a -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default - environment after the -\family sans -Overlay -\family default --only text. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Enumerate -Start an -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - immediately following the -\family sans -Slide -\family default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Enumerate -Copy the contents of this -\family sans -Slide -\family default - into the -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Enumerate -Within the -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -, change all of the -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default - lines to -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default - and vice-versa. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -That's it. - You've just made an -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -There's one problem with the way I've designed the \SpecialChar LyX - -\family sans -slides -\family default - class: you can't make text in the middle of a paragraph invisible, nor - make text in the middle of an invisible paragraph visible again. - To accomplish this feat, you'll need to use some inlined \SpecialChar LaTeX - codes. -\begin_inset Foot -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The commands of interest are: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family typewriter -{ -\backslash -invisible \SpecialChar ldots - } -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\family typewriter -{ -\backslash -visible \SpecialChar ldots - } -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\SpecialChar ldots -and need to be marked as \SpecialChar TeX -. - The text whose -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -visibility -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - you wish to change goes in between the brackets [and after the -\family typewriter - -\backslash -invisible -\family default - or -\family typewriter - -\backslash -visible -\family default - command]. - If you don't know how to mark text as \SpecialChar TeX -, see the appropriate section of - the -\emph on -User's Guide -\emph default -. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection -Using -\family sans -Note -\family default - with -\family sans -Slide -\family default - -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:slideNote" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Like an -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -, a -\family sans -Note -\family default - is associated with a -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -parent -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - -\family sans -Slide -\family default -. - Here, too, the \SpecialChar LyX - -\family sans -slides -\family default - class provides visual cues. - The label for a -\family sans -Note -\family default - is shorter than that of a -\family sans -Slide -\family default - [yet longer than that of an -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -] and, like the label of an -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - is shockingly magenta. - Additionally, the printed -\family sans -Note -\family default - has the page number of its -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -parent -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, appended by -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter -- -\family default -1 -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -, -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter -- -\family default -2 -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -, -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter -- -\family default -3 -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -, etc. - You can have multiple -\family sans -Note -\family default -s associated with a single -\family sans -Slide -\family default -, and, as with -\family sans -Slide -\family default - and -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -, you'll probably want to break up long -\family sans -Note -\family default -s so that they fit on a single sheet of paper. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The purpose of a -\family sans -Note -\family default - is obvious: it contains anything additional you might want to say about - a -\family sans -Slide -\family default -. - It could also be used as a sheet of reminders for a particular -\family sans -Slide -\family default -. - In the case of the latter, you might want to make use of time markers. - Currently, the \SpecialChar LyX - -\family sans -slides -\family default - class has no -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - -native -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - support for time markers, a -\noun on -Sli\SpecialChar TeX - -\noun default - feature. - So, you'll have to resort to using the \SpecialChar LaTeX - codes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -To use time markers, you'll need to specify the extra class option -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter -clock -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - [see section -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand ref -reference "sec:slidesetup" - -\end_inset - -]. - This option turns on timing marks, which will appear in the lower-left-hand - corner of every -\family sans -Note -\family default - you generate. - To set what appears in the time marker, you use the \SpecialChar LaTeX - commands -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter - -\backslash -settime{} -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - and -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter - -\backslash -addtime{} -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -. - The arguments of both commands are time measured in seconds. - -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter - -\backslash -settime{} -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - sets the time marker to a given time. - -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter - -\backslash -addtime{} -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - increments the time marker by the specified amount. - Using time markers and -\family sans -Note -\family default -s in this fashion, you can remind yourself how much time to spend on a particula -r -\family sans -Slide -\family default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -There's one last feature to describe. - Clearly, you'd like to print out all of your -\family sans -Slide -\family default -s and -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -s on transparencies while printing all of your -\family sans -Note -\family default -s on plain paper. - However, a -\family sans -Note -\family default - -\emph on -must -\emph default - follow the -\family sans -Slide -\family default - with which it is associated. - What's a person to do? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Luckily, there are two \SpecialChar LaTeX - commands that allow you to select what to print - out. - Both must be placed into the preamble of your document. - The command -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter - -\backslash -onlyslides{ -\backslash -slides} -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - will cause the output to contain only the -\family sans -Slide -\family default -s and -\family sans -Overlay -\family default -s. - Correspondingly, the command -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter - -\backslash -onlynotes{ -\backslash -notes} -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - prevents the output of anything but -\family sans -Note -\family default -s. - I'd advise placing both commands in the preamble and initially comment - both out. - You can then preview your entire presentation as you write. - When you're done writing, you can then uncomment one of the two to select - what you want to print. - I like to uncomment -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter - -\backslash -onlyslides{ -\backslash -slides} -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - , print to a file with -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter --slides -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - in its name, comment it back out, then uncomment -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter - -\backslash -onlynotes{ -\backslash -notes} -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - and print to a -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter -* -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - file. - I can then send either file to a printer, loading transparencies or plain - paper as appropriate. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -You can also provide other arguments to the -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter - -\backslash -onlyslides{} -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - and -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter - -\backslash -onlynotes{} -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - commands. - See a good \SpecialChar LaTeX - book for details. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -The -\family sans -slides -\family default - Class Template File -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -I have also provided a template file, -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter -slides.lyx -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - -, with the -\family sans -slides -\family default - class. - To use it, begin your new presentation with -\family sans -File\SpecialChar menuseparator -New -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -from -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Template -\family default -. - Your new \SpecialChar LyX - presentation file will contain an example -\family sans -Slide -\family default - – -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - – -\family sans -Note -\family default - triplet. - The -\family sans -Slide -\family default - and -\family sans -Overlay -\family default - additionally contain an example of the use of -\family sans -InvisibleText -\family default - and -\family sans -VisibleText -\family default -. - Lastly, the preamble will contain: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout LyX-Code -% Uncomment to print out only slides and overlays -\end_layout - -\begin_layout LyX-Code -% -\end_layout - -\begin_layout LyX-Code -% -\backslash -onlyslides{ -\backslash -slides} -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout LyX-Code -% Uncomment to print out only notes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout LyX-Code -% -\end_layout - -\begin_layout LyX-Code -% -\backslash -onlynotes{ -\backslash -notes} -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -One final thing: I created this class to support the \SpecialChar LaTeX2e - -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\noun on -Sli\SpecialChar TeX - -\noun default - emulation -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - class, one of the built-in \SpecialChar LaTeX2e - classes. - Neither I nor the rest of the \SpecialChar LyX - Team endorse or oppose the use of this built-in - slide class. - It's here if you want it or need it. - There exist other \SpecialChar LaTeX2e - classes for creating presentations, such as the -\family sans -Foils -\family default - class [see section -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand ref -reference "sec:foiltex" - -\end_inset - -] or the -\begin_inset Quotes eld -\end_inset - - -\family typewriter -seminar -\family default - -\begin_inset Quotes erd -\end_inset - - package [present on some \SpecialChar TeX - distributions]. - The latter is not yet supported under \SpecialChar LyX -. -\begin_inset Foot -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Perhaps you can take on the task\SpecialChar ldots - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - I know nothing about these other classes. - Try them out to see what sort of alternative they provide. -\end_layout - \begin_layout Chapter \SpecialChar LyX Features needing Extra Software