DocBook: work for more subfigure cases.

EmbeddedObjects hid quite a few gems :).
This commit is contained in:
Thibaut Cuvelier 2020-09-12 00:39:23 +02:00
parent 8758000641
commit 1b818c448d
5 changed files with 1071 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
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% that links to image floats jumps
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% and a PDF-bookmark for the TOC is added
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% provides caption formatting
% provides commands to set caption
% beside tables/images
% enables calculation of values,
% increase the bottom float placement fraction
% avoids that floats are placed before their
% corresponding section starts
% speed up the longtable calculation
% used for colored tables
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% check for package colortbl
% used for colored table cells
% used to have extra space in table cells
% used for customized tables
% ---
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% ---
% insert additional vertical space of
% 1.5 mm between footnotes
% number algorithm floats within chapters
% ------------------------------------
% used to check for needed LaTeX packages
% check for package arydshln
% used for tables with dashed lines
% check for package marginnote
% used for margin notes
% check for package sidecap
% used for captions on the side
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% used for surrounded fixed objects
% check for lettrine
% check for diagbox
% Added by lyx2lyx
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\begin_layout Title
\SpecialChar LyX
's detailed Figure, Table, Floats, Notes, Boxes and External Material manual
\begin_layout Chapter
\begin_layout Section
Figure Floats
\begin_layout Standard
Normally only one image is inserted to a figure float, but sometimes you
might want to use two images with separate subcaptions.
This can be done by inserting image floats into existing image floats.
Note that only the main caption of the float is added to the List of Figures.
\begin_inset space ~
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:Two-distorted-images"
is an example of a figure float with two images set side by side.
You can also set the images one below the other.
\begin_inset space ~
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:Pink-object"
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:A-star"
are the subfigures.
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
placement document
alignment document
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset space \hfill{}
\begin_inset Float figure
placement document
alignment document
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:Pink-object"
Pink object.
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../../../lib/doc/clipart/3D-structure-distort.pdf
width 45col%
groupId distorted
\begin_inset space \hfill{}
\begin_inset Float figure
placement document
alignment document
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:A-star"
A star.
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../../../lib/doc/clipart/Star-structure.pdf
width 45col%
groupId distorted
\begin_inset space \hfill{}
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:Two-distorted-images"
Two distorted images.
Both images are in the image settings group named
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This DocBook file was created by LyX 2.4.0dev
See for more information -->
<book xml:lang="en_US" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:xi="" version="5.2">
<title>LyX's detailed Figure, Table, Floats, Notes, Boxes and External Material manual</title>
<title>Figure Floats</title>
<para>Normally only one image is inserted to a figure float, but sometimes you might want to use two images with separate subcaptions. This can be done by inserting image floats into existing image floats. Note that only the main caption of the float is added to the List of Figures. Figure&#xA0;<xref linkend="fig.Two-distorted-images" /> is an example of a figure float with two images set side by side. You can also set the images one below the other. Figure&#xA0;<xref linkend="fig.Pink-object" /> and <xref linkend="fig.A-star" /> are the subfigures.</para>
<formalgroup xml:id="fig.Two-distorted-images">
<title>Two distorted images. Both images are in the image settings group named &#8220;distorted&#8221;.</title>
<figure xml:id="fig.Pink-object">
<title>Pink object.</title>
<imagedata fileref="D:/LyX/lyx-unstable/lib/doc/clipart/3D-structure-distort.pdf" width="45%" />
<figure xml:id="fig.A-star">
<title>A star.</title>
<imagedata fileref="D:/LyX/lyx-unstable/lib/doc/clipart/Star-structure.pdf" width="45%" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
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% and a PDF-bookmark for the TOC is added
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% provides caption formatting
% provides commands to set caption
% beside tables/images
% enables calculation of values,
% increase the bottom float placement fraction
% avoids that floats are placed before their
% corresponding section starts
% speed up the longtable calculation
% used for colored tables
\definecolor{darkgreen}{cmyk}{0.5, 0, 1, 0.5}
% check for package colortbl
% used for colored table cells
% used to have extra space in table cells
% used for customized tables
% ---
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% ---
% insert additional vertical space of
% 1.5 mm between footnotes
% number algorithm floats within chapters
% ------------------------------------
% used to check for needed LaTeX packages
% check for package arydshln
% used for tables with dashed lines
% check for package marginnote
% used for margin notes
% check for package sidecap
% used for captions on the side
% check for picinpar
% used for surrounded fixed objects
% check for lettrine
% check for diagbox
% Added by lyx2lyx
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\begin_layout Title
\SpecialChar LyX
's detailed Figure, Table, Floats, Notes, Boxes and External Material manual
\begin_layout Chapter
\begin_layout Section
Floats Side by Side
\begin_layout Standard
To place floats side by side, as in Figures
\begin_inset space ~
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:Float-left"
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:Float-right"
, only
\emph on
\emph default
float is used.
In it two minipage boxes are inserted.
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
placement document
alignment document
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Box Frameless
position "b"
hor_pos "c"
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inner_pos "t"
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use_makebox 0
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height "1in"
height_special "totalheight"
thickness "0.4pt"
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shadowsize "4pt"
framecolor "black"
backgroundcolor "none"
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../../../lib/doc/clipart/2D-intensity-plot.pdf
width 100col%
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:Float-left"
Float on the left side.
\begin_inset space \hfill{}
\begin_inset Box Frameless
position "b"
hor_pos "c"
has_inner_box 1
inner_pos "t"
use_parbox 0
use_makebox 0
width "45col%"
special "none"
height "1in"
height_special "totalheight"
thickness "0.4pt"
separation "3pt"
shadowsize "4pt"
framecolor "black"
backgroundcolor "none"
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../../../lib/doc/clipart/Star-structure.pdf
width 100col%
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:Float-right"
Float on the right side.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This DocBook file was created by LyX 2.4.0dev
See for more information -->
<book xml:lang="en_US" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:xi="" version="5.2">
<title>LyX's detailed Figure, Table, Floats, Notes, Boxes and External Material manual</title>
<title>Floats Side by Side</title>
<para>To place floats side by side, as in Figures&#xA0;<xref linkend="fig.Float-left" /> and <xref linkend="fig.Float-right" />, only <emphasis>one</emphasis> float is used. In it two minipage boxes are inserted. </para>
<title>No caption</title>
<figure xml:id="fig.Float-left">
<title>Float on the left side.</title>
<imagedata fileref="D:/LyX/lyx-unstable/lib/doc/clipart/2D-intensity-plot.pdf" width="100%" />
<figure xml:id="fig.Float-right">
<title>Float on the right side.</title>
<imagedata fileref="D:/LyX/lyx-unstable/lib/doc/clipart/Star-structure.pdf" width="100%" />

View File

@ -566,6 +566,66 @@ const InsetCaption* findCaptionInParagraph(const Paragraph &par)
/// Takes an unstructured subfigure container (typically, an InsetBox) and find the elements within:
/// actual content (image or table), maybe a caption, maybe a label.
std::tuple<InsetCode, const Inset *, const InsetCaption *, const InsetLabel *> docbookParseHopelessSubfigure(const InsetText * subfigure)
InsetCode type = NO_CODE;
const Inset * content = nullptr;
const InsetCaption * caption = nullptr;
const InsetLabel * label = nullptr;
for (const auto & it : subfigure->paragraphs()) {
for (pos_type posIn = 0; posIn < it.size(); ++posIn) {
const Inset * inset = it.getInset(posIn);
if (inset) {
switch (inset->lyxCode()) {
if (!content) {
content = inset;
type = inset->lyxCode();
if (!caption) {
caption = dynamic_cast<const InsetCaption *>(inset);
// A label often hides in a caption. Make a simplified version of the main loop.
if (!label) {
for (const auto &cit : caption->paragraphs()) {
for (pos_type cposIn = 0; cposIn < cit.size(); ++cposIn) {
const Inset *cinset = cit.getInset(posIn);
if (cinset && cinset->lyxCode() == LABEL_CODE) {
label = dynamic_cast<const InsetLabel *>(cinset);
if (label)
if (!label)
label = dynamic_cast<const InsetLabel *>(inset);
if (content && caption && label)
return std::make_tuple(type, content, caption, label);
void docbookSubfigures(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams, const InsetCaption * caption,
const InsetLabel * label, std::vector<const InsetCollapsible *> & subfigures)
@ -595,22 +655,27 @@ void docbookSubfigures(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams, const Ins
// Deal with each subfigure individually. This should also deal with their caption and their label.
// This should be a recursive call to InsetFloat.
// An item in subfigure should either be an InsetBox containing an InsetFloat or directly an InsetFloat.
for (const InsetCollapsible *subfigure: subfigures) {
// If there is no InsetFloat in the paragraphs, output a warning.
bool foundInsetFloat = false;
// An item in subfigure should either be an InsetBox containing an InsetFloat, or an InsetBox directly containing
// an image or a table, or directly an InsetFloat.
for (const InsetCollapsible * subfigure: subfigures) {
if (subfigure == nullptr)
// The collapsible may already be a float (InsetFloat).
if (subfigure && dynamic_cast<const InsetFloat *>(subfigure))
foundInsetFloat = true;
if (dynamic_cast<const InsetFloat *>(subfigure)) {
subfigure->docbook(xs, runparams);
// Subfigures are in boxes.
if (!foundInsetFloat) {
// Subfigures are in boxes, then in InsetFloat.
bool foundInsetFloat = false;
for (const auto &it : subfigure->paragraphs()) {
for (pos_type posIn = 0; posIn < it.size(); ++posIn) {
const Inset *inset = it.getInset(posIn);
if (inset && dynamic_cast<const InsetFloat *>(inset)) {
if (inset && inset->lyxCode() == FLOAT_CODE) {
foundInsetFloat = true;
inset->docbook(xs, runparams);
@ -618,15 +683,79 @@ void docbookSubfigures(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams, const Ins
if (foundInsetFloat)
if (foundInsetFloat)
if (!foundInsetFloat)
xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "Error: no float found in the box. "
"To use subfigures in DocBook, elements must be wrapped in a float "
"inset and have a title/caption.";
// Subfigures are in boxes, then directly an image or a table. In that case, generate the whole content of the
// InsetBox, but not the box container.
// Impose some model on the subfigure: at most a caption, at most a label, exactly one figure or one table.
InsetCode stype = NO_CODE;
const Inset * scontent = nullptr;
const InsetCaption * scaption = nullptr;
const InsetLabel * slabel = nullptr;
std::tie(stype, scontent, scaption, slabel) = docbookParseHopelessSubfigure(subfigure);
// If there is something, generate it. This is very much like docbookNoSubfigures, but many things
// must be coded differently because there is no float.
// TODO: some code is identical to Floating, like Floating::docbookTag or Floating::docbookCaption. How to reuse that code?
if (scontent) {
// Floating::docbookCaption()
string docbook_caption = "caption"; // This is already correct for tables.
if (stype == GRAPHICS_CODE)
docbook_caption = "title";
// Floating::docbookTag() with hasTitle = true, as we are in formalgroup.
string stag = "float";
if (stype == GRAPHICS_CODE)
stag = "figure";
else if (stype == TABULAR_CODE)
stag = "table";
// Ensure there is no label output, it is supposed to be handled as xml:id.
if (slabel)
// Ensure the float does not output its caption, as it is handled here (DocBook mandates a specific place for
// captions, they cannot appear at the end of the float, albeit LyX is happy with that).
OutputParams rpNoTitle = runparams;
rpNoTitle.docbook_in_float = true;
if (stype == TABULAR_CODE)
rpNoTitle.docbook_in_table = true;
// Organisation: <float> <title if any/> <contents without title/> </float>.
docstring sattr = docstring();
if (slabel)
sattr += "xml:id=\"" + xml::cleanID(slabel->screenLabel()) + "\"";
// No layout way of adding attributes, unlike the normal code path.
xs << xml::StartTag(stag, sattr);
xs << xml::CR();
xs << xml::StartTag(docbook_caption);
if (scaption)
scaption->getCaptionAsDocBook(xs, rpNoLabel);
else // Mandatory in formalgroup.
xs << "No caption detected";
xs << xml::EndTag(docbook_caption);
xs << xml::CR();
scontent->docbook(xs, rpNoTitle);
xs << xml::EndTag(stag);
xs << xml::CR();
// This subfigure could be generated.
// If there is no InsetFloat in the inset, output a warning.
xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "Error: no float found in the box. "
"To use subfigures in DocBook, elements must be wrapped in a float "
"inset and have a title/caption.";
// TODO: could also output a table, that would ensure that the document is correct and *displays* correctly (but without the right semantics), instead of just an error.
// Finally, recurse.
// Recurse to generate as much content as possible (avoid any loss).
subfigure->docbook(xs, runparams);