Fix SIGSEGV when introducing a new shortcut (#9869)

removeShortcut() restores default settings, therefore was used incorrectly. I
introduce deactivateShortcuts() which only removes assignments.

Clean up a bit the lack of view / model distinction (getting rid of the crashing
code at the same time).

Repair inconsistency of the selection in the "modify" case. (regression at

Make the test for existing bindings a bit more robust. (Not perfect yet.)

Focus on the item that has just been added/modified. (cosmetic)
This commit is contained in:
Guillaume Munch 2016-02-22 00:36:33 +00:00
parent 3c2d3caf27
commit 20a9c7a381
2 changed files with 50 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -3001,6 +3001,40 @@ void PrefShortcuts::removeShortcut()
void PrefShortcuts::deactivateShortcuts(QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> const & items)
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) {
if (!items[i])
string shortcut = fromqstr(items[i]->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toString());
string lfun = fromqstr(items[i]->text(0));
FuncRequest func = lyxaction.lookupFunc(lfun);
KeyMap::ItemType tag =
static_cast<KeyMap::ItemType>(items[i]->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toInt());
switch (tag) {
case KeyMap::System:
// for system bind, we do not touch the item
// but add an user unbind item
user_unbind_.bind(shortcut, func);
setItemType(items[i], KeyMap::UserUnbind);
case KeyMap::UserBind: {
// for user_bind, we remove this bind
QTreeWidgetItem * parent = items[i]->parent();
int itemIdx = parent->indexOfChild(items[i]);
user_bind_.unbind(shortcut, func);
void PrefShortcuts::selectBind()
QString file = form_->browsebind(internalPath(bindFileED->text()));
@ -3098,9 +3132,12 @@ void PrefShortcuts::shortcutOkPressed()
// make sure this key isn't already bound---and, if so, prompt user
FuncCode const old_action = oldBinding.action();
FuncCode const unbind = user_unbind_.getBinding(k).action();
docstring const action_string = makeCmdString(oldBinding);
if (oldBinding.action() > LFUN_NOACTION && unbind == LFUN_UNKNOWN_ACTION
// FIXME: this logic is wrong. Some bindings in the treewidget can (still)
// escape from this test.
if (old_action > LFUN_NOACTION && unbind != old_action
&& save_lfun_ != toqstr(action_string)) {
docstring const new_action_string = makeCmdString(func);
docstring const text = bformat(_("Shortcut `%1$s' is already bound to "
@ -3116,31 +3153,24 @@ void PrefShortcuts::shortcutOkPressed()
QString const sequence_text = toqstr(k.print(KeySequence::ForGui));
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> items = shortcutsTW->findItems(sequence_text,
Qt::MatchFlags(Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive), 1);
if (items.size() > 0) {
// should always happen
bool expanded = items[0]->parent()->isExpanded();
// make sure user doesn't see tree expansion if
// old binding wasn't in an expanded tree
if (!expanded)
if (!save_lfun_.isEmpty()) {
// real modification of the lfun's shortcut,
// so remove the previous one
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> to_modify = shortcutsTW->selectedItems();
if (!save_lfun_.isEmpty())
// real modification of the lfun's shortcut,
// so remove the previous one
QTreeWidgetItem * item = insertShortcutItem(func, k, KeyMap::UserBind);
if (item) {
user_bind_.bind(&k, func);
shortcutsTW->sortItems(0, Qt::AscendingOrder);
shortcutsTW->setItemExpanded(item->parent(), true);
} else {
Alert::error(_("Failed to create shortcut"),

View File

@ -457,7 +457,10 @@ public:
void updateRC(LyXRC const & rc);
void updateShortcutsTW();
void modifyShortcut();
/// remove selected binding, restore default value
void removeShortcut();
/// remove bindings, do not restore default values
void deactivateShortcuts(QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> const & items);
void setItemType(QTreeWidgetItem * item, KeyMap::ItemType tag);
QTreeWidgetItem * insertShortcutItem(FuncRequest const & lfun,