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synced 2024-11-25 02:49:46 +00:00
DocBook: fix an issue where parts of list in abstract were duplicated.
Excerpt from export/latex/lyxbugs-resolved/9633-languagenesting_enumerate_and_lyxcode.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
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\begin_layout Title
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Möglichkeiten für fortgeschrittene Benutzer
\begin_layout Enumerate
Das Layout für eine flexible Einfügung wird definiert.
In diesem Fall muss
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status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
in der Form
\lang english
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\begin_inset Flex Code
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
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\lang ngerman
sein, wobei
\lang english
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status collapsed
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\lang ngerman
ein beliebiger gültiger Bezeichner sein kann, der in keiner anderen existierend
en Einfügung benutzt wird.
Der Bezeichner darf Leerzeichen enthalten, dann muss aber der komplette
Typ in Anführungszeichen gesetzt werden.
Beachten Sie, dass die Definition einer flexiblen Einfügung
\emph on
\emph default
\begin_inset Flex Code
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
-Eintrag enthalten muss, der festlegt welcher Einfügungstyp definiert wird.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\lang english
The layout for user specific branch is being defined.
In this case,
\begin_inset Flex Code
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
must be of the form
\lang ngerman
\begin_inset Quotes gld
\begin_inset Flex Code
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Quotes grd
\lang english
\begin_inset Flex Code
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
may be be any valid identifier of branch defined in user's document.
The identifier may include spaces, but in that case the whole thing must
be wrapped in quotes.
The main purpose of this feature is to allow \SpecialChar LaTeX
wrapping around specific
branches as user needs.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\lang english
The layout of a user (or class) specific caption is being defined.
In this case,
\begin_inset Flex Code
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
must be of the form
\lang ngerman
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status collapsed
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\lang english
\begin_inset Flex Code
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
specifies the name of the caption as it appears in the menu.
Have a look at the standard caption (
\begin_inset Flex Code
status collapsed
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\lang english
), the specific captions of the KOMA-Script classes (
\begin_inset Flex Code
status collapsed
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status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
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) oder das Modul
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status collapsed
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\lang english
) for applications.
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Flex Code
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
-Definition kann folgende Einträge enthalten:
\begin_layout Subsection
\lang english
Paragraph styles
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
The sort of XHTML \SpecialChar LyX
outputs for a paragraph depends upon whether we are dealing
with a normal paragraph, a command, or an environment, where this is itself
determined by the contents of the corresponding
\begin_inset Flex Code
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
\SpecialChar LaTeX
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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See http://www.lyx.org/ for more information -->
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<title>LyX-Anpassung:<emphasis role='size_largest'>Möglichkeiten für fortgeschrittene Benutzer</emphasis></title>
<para>Das Layout für eine flexible Einfügung wird definiert. In diesem Fall muss <code><Typ></code> in der Form „<code>Flex:<Name></code>“ sein, wobei <code>Name</code> ein beliebiger gültiger Bezeichner sein kann, der in keiner anderen existierenden Einfügung benutzt wird. Der Bezeichner darf Leerzeichen enthalten, dann muss aber der komplette Typ in Anführungszeichen gesetzt werden. Beachten Sie, dass die Definition einer flexiblen Einfügung <emphasis>auch</emphasis> einen <code>LyXType</code>-Eintrag enthalten muss, der festlegt welcher Einfügungstyp definiert wird.</para>
<para>The layout for user specific branch is being defined. In this case, <code><Typ></code> must be of the form „<code>Branch:<Name></code>“, where <code>name</code> may be be any valid identifier of branch defined in user's document. The identifier may include spaces, but in that case the whole thing must be wrapped in quotes. The main purpose of this feature is to allow LaTeX wrapping around specific branches as user needs.</para>
<para>The layout of a user (or class) specific caption is being defined. In this case, <code><Typ></code> must be of the form „<code>Caption:<Name></code>“, where <code>name</code> specifies the name of the caption as it appears in the menu. Have a look at the standard caption (<code>Caption:Standard</code>), the specific captions of the KOMA-Script classes (<code>Caption:Above</code>, <code>Caption:Below</code>) oder das Modul <emphasis role='sans'>Multilingual Captions</emphasis> (<code>Caption:Bicaption</code>) for applications.</para>
<para>Die <code>InsetLayout</code>-Definition kann folgende Einträge enthalten:</para>
<title>Paragraph styles</title>
<para>The sort of XHTML LyX outputs for a paragraph depends upon whether we are dealing with a normal paragraph, a command, or an environment, where this is itself determined by the contents of the corresponding <code>LaTeXType</code> tag. </para>
@ -909,10 +909,27 @@ void outputDocBookInfo(
docstring abstract;
if (hasAbstract) {
// Generate the abstract XML into a string before further checks.
// Usually, makeAny only generates one paragraph at a time. However, for the specific case of lists, it might
// generate more than one paragraph, as indicated in the return value.
odocstringstream os2;
XMLStream xs2(os2);
for (auto const & p : info.abstract)
makeAny(text, buf, xs2, runparams, paragraphs.iterator_at(p));
set<pit_type> doneParas;
for (auto const & p : info.abstract) {
if (doneParas.find(p) == doneParas.end()) {
auto oldPar = paragraphs.iterator_at(p);
auto newPar = makeAny(text, buf, xs2, runparams, oldPar);
// Insert the indices of all the paragraphs that were just generated (typically, one).
// **Make the hypothesis that, when an abstract has a list, all its items are consecutive.**
pit_type id = p;
while (oldPar != newPar) {
// Actually output the abstract if there is something to do. Don't count line feeds or spaces in this,
// even though they must be properly output if there is some abstract.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user