mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 13:18:28 +00:00
Revert "Improve handling of top and bottom margin"
It turns out this is not ready at all.
This reverts commit ff7cdf1b74
This commit is contained in:
@ -360,20 +360,6 @@ int BufferView::leftMargin() const
int BufferView::topMargin() const
// original value was 20px, which is 0.2in at 100dpi
return zoomedPixels(20);
int BufferView::bottomMargin() const
// original value was 20px, which is 0.2in at 100dpi
return zoomedPixels(20);
int BufferView::inPixels(Length const & len) const
Font const font = buffer().params().getFont();
@ -596,25 +582,29 @@ void BufferView::updateScrollbar()
// Look at paragraph heights on-screen
for (pit_type pit = tm.firstPit(); pit <= tm.lastPit(); ++pit) {
pair<pit_type, ParagraphMetrics const *> first = tm.first();
pair<pit_type, ParagraphMetrics const *> last = tm.last();
for (pit_type pit = first.first; pit <= last.first; ++pit) {
d->par_height_[pit] = tm.parMetrics(pit).height();
LYXERR(Debug::SCROLLING, "storing height for pit " << pit << " : "
<< d->par_height_[pit]);
bool first_visible = tm.firstPit() == 0 && tm.topPosition() >= 0;
bool last_visible = tm.lastPit() + 1 == int(parsize) && tm.bottomPosition() <= height_;
int top_pos = first.second->position() - first.second->ascent();
int bottom_pos = last.second->position() + last.second->descent();
bool first_visible = first.first == 0 && top_pos >= 0;
bool last_visible = last.first + 1 == int(parsize) && bottom_pos <= height_;
if (first_visible && last_visible) {
d->scrollbarParameters_.min = 0;
d->scrollbarParameters_.max = 0;
d->scrollbarParameters_.min = tm.topPosition();
for (size_t i = 0; i != size_t(tm.firstPit()); ++i)
d->scrollbarParameters_.min = top_pos;
for (size_t i = 0; i != size_t(first.first); ++i)
d->scrollbarParameters_.min -= d->par_height_[i];
d->scrollbarParameters_.max = tm.bottomPosition();
for (size_t i = tm.lastPit() + 1; i != parsize; ++i)
d->scrollbarParameters_.max = bottom_pos;
for (size_t i = last.first + 1; i != parsize; ++i)
d->scrollbarParameters_.max += d->par_height_[i];
// The reference is the top position so we remove one page.
@ -951,9 +941,9 @@ bool BufferView::scrollToCursor(DocIterator const & dit, bool const recenter)
bot_pit = max_pit;
if (bot_pit == tm.firstPit() - 1)
if (bot_pit == tm.first().first - 1)
else if (bot_pit == tm.lastPit() + 1)
else if (bot_pit == tm.last().first + 1)
if (tm.contains(bot_pit)) {
@ -963,7 +953,8 @@ bool BufferView::scrollToCursor(DocIterator const & dit, bool const recenter)
CursorSlice const & cs = dit.innerTextSlice();
int offset = coordOffset(dit).y_;
int ypos = pm.position() + offset;
Row const & row = pm.getRow(cs.pos(), dit.boundary());
Dimension const & row_dim =
pm.getRow(cs.pos(), dit.boundary()).dim();
int scrolled = 0;
if (recenter)
scrolled = scroll(ypos - height_/2);
@ -972,7 +963,7 @@ bool BufferView::scrollToCursor(DocIterator const & dit, bool const recenter)
// the screen height, we scroll to a heuristic value of height_ / 4.
// FIXME: This heuristic value should be replaced by a recursive search
// for a row in the inset that can be visualized completely.
else if (row.height() > height_) {
else if (row_dim.height() > height_) {
if (ypos < defaultRowHeight())
scrolled = scroll(ypos - height_ / 4);
else if (ypos > height_ - defaultRowHeight())
@ -981,14 +972,14 @@ bool BufferView::scrollToCursor(DocIterator const & dit, bool const recenter)
// If the top part of the row falls of the screen, we scroll
// up to align the top of the row with the top of the screen.
else if (ypos - row.totalAscent() < 0 && ypos < height_) {
int ynew = row.totalAscent();
else if (ypos - row_dim.ascent() < 0 && ypos < height_) {
int ynew = row_dim.ascent();
scrolled = scrollUp(ynew - ypos);
// If the bottom of the row falls of the screen, we scroll down.
else if (ypos + row.totalDescent() > height_ && ypos > 0) {
int ynew = height_ - row.totalDescent();
else if (ypos + row_dim.descent() > height_ && ypos > 0) {
int ynew = height_ - row_dim.descent();
scrolled = scrollDown(ypos - ynew);
@ -1006,14 +997,15 @@ bool BufferView::scrollToCursor(DocIterator const & dit, bool const recenter)
d->anchor_pit_ = bot_pit;
CursorSlice const & cs = dit.innerTextSlice();
Row const & row = pm.getRow(cs.pos(), dit.boundary());
Dimension const & row_dim =
pm.getRow(cs.pos(), dit.boundary()).dim();
if (recenter)
d->anchor_ypos_ = height_/2;
else if (d->anchor_pit_ == 0)
d->anchor_ypos_ = offset + pm.ascent();
else if (d->anchor_pit_ == max_pit)
d->anchor_ypos_ = height_ - offset - row.totalDescent();
d->anchor_ypos_ = height_ - offset - row_dim.descent();
else if (offset > height_)
d->anchor_ypos_ = height_ - offset - defaultRowHeight();
@ -2449,10 +2441,11 @@ int BufferView::scrollDown(int offset)
TextMetrics & tm = d->text_metrics_[text];
int const ymax = height_ + offset;
while (true) {
int bottom_pos = tm.bottomPosition();
pair<pit_type, ParagraphMetrics const *> last = tm.last();
int bottom_pos = last.second->position() + last.second->descent();
if (lyxrc.scroll_below_document)
bottom_pos += height_ - minVisiblePart();
if (tm.lastPit() + 1 == int(text->paragraphs().size())) {
if (last.first + 1 == int(text->paragraphs().size())) {
if (bottom_pos <= height_)
return 0;
offset = min(offset, bottom_pos - height_);
@ -2473,8 +2466,9 @@ int BufferView::scrollUp(int offset)
TextMetrics & tm = d->text_metrics_[text];
int ymin = - offset;
while (true) {
int const top_pos = tm.topPosition();
if (tm.firstPit() == 0) {
pair<pit_type, ParagraphMetrics const *> first = tm.first();
int top_pos = first.second->position() - first.second->ascent();
if (first.first == 0) {
if (top_pos >= 0)
return 0;
offset = min(offset, - top_pos);
@ -2989,7 +2983,7 @@ Point BufferView::coordOffset(DocIterator const & dit) const
ParagraphMetrics const & pm = tm.parMetrics(sl.pit());
y -= pm.rows()[0].totalAscent();
y -= pm.rows()[0].ascent();
#if 1
// FIXME: document this mess
size_t rend;
@ -3006,7 +3000,7 @@ Point BufferView::coordOffset(DocIterator const & dit) const
for (size_t rit = 0; rit != rend; ++rit)
y += pm.rows()[rit].height();
y += pm.rows()[rend].totalAscent();
y += pm.rows()[rend].ascent();
TextMetrics const & bottom_tm = textMetrics(dit.bottom().text());
@ -3195,7 +3189,7 @@ void BufferView::draw(frontend::Painter & pain, bool paint_caret)
: "\t\t*** START DRAWING ***"));
Text & text = buffer_.text();
TextMetrics const & tm = d->text_metrics_[&text];
int const y = tm.parMetrics(tm.firstPit()).position();
int const y = tm.first().second->position();
PainterInfo pi(this, pain);
// Check whether the row where the cursor lives needs to be scrolled.
@ -3250,7 +3244,8 @@ void BufferView::draw(frontend::Painter & pain, bool paint_caret)
tm.draw(pi, 0, y);
// and possibly grey out below
int const y2 = tm.bottomPosition();
pair<pit_type, ParagraphMetrics const *> lastpm = tm.last();
int const y2 = lastpm.second->position() + lastpm.second->descent();
if (y2 < height_) {
Color color = buffer().isInternal()
@ -3266,7 +3261,9 @@ void BufferView::draw(frontend::Painter & pain, bool paint_caret)
// Normalize anchor for next time
for (pit_type pit = tm.firstPit(); pit <= tm.lastPit(); ++pit) {
pair<pit_type, ParagraphMetrics const *> firstpm = tm.first();
pair<pit_type, ParagraphMetrics const *> lastpm = tm.last();
for (pit_type pit = firstpm.first; pit <= lastpm.first; ++pit) {
ParagraphMetrics const & pm = tm.parMetrics(pit);
if (pm.position() + pm.descent() > 0) {
if (d->anchor_pit_ != pit
@ -104,12 +104,9 @@ public:
/// right margin
int rightMargin() const;
/// left margin
int leftMargin() const;
/// top margin
int topMargin() const;
/// bottom margin
int bottomMargin() const;
/// return the on-screen size of this length
@ -161,7 +161,6 @@ pos_type Row::Element::right_pos() const
: separator(0), label_hfill(0), left_margin(0), right_margin(0),
top_padding(0), bottom_padding(0),
sel_beg(-1), sel_end(-1),
begin_margin_sel(false), end_margin_sel(false),
@ -209,10 +209,6 @@ public:
int ascent() const { return dim_.asc; }
int descent() const { return dim_.des; }
int totalAscent() const { return ascent() + top_padding; }
int totalDescent() const { return dim_.des + bottom_padding; }
/// The offset of the left-most cursor position on the row
int left_x() const;
@ -307,10 +303,6 @@ public:
int left_margin;
/// the right margin of the row
int right_margin;
/// possible padding above the row
int top_padding;
/// possible padding below the row
int bottom_padding;
mutable pos_type sel_beg;
@ -127,15 +127,18 @@ bool TextMetrics::contains(pit_type pit) const
pit_type TextMetrics::firstPit() const
pair<pit_type, ParagraphMetrics const *> TextMetrics::first() const
return par_metrics_.begin()->first;
ParMetricsCache::const_iterator it = par_metrics_.begin();
return make_pair(it->first, &it->second);
pit_type TextMetrics::lastPit() const
pair<pit_type, ParagraphMetrics const *> TextMetrics::last() const
return par_metrics_.rbegin()->first;
ParMetricsCache::const_reverse_iterator it = par_metrics_.rbegin();
return make_pair(it->first, &it->second);
@ -281,20 +284,6 @@ int TextMetrics::rightMargin(pit_type const pit) const
int TextMetrics::topPosition() const
ParagraphMetrics const & firstpm = par_metrics_.begin()->second;
return firstpm.position() - firstpm.ascent();
int TextMetrics::bottomPosition() const
ParagraphMetrics const & lastpm = par_metrics_.rbegin()->second;
return lastpm.position() + lastpm.descent();
void TextMetrics::applyOuterFont(Font & font) const
FontInfo lf(font_.fontInfo());
@ -572,14 +561,21 @@ bool TextMetrics::redoParagraph(pit_type const pit, bool const align_rows)
// specially tailored for the main text.
// Top and bottom margin of the document (only at top-level)
if (text_->isMainText()) {
// original value was 20px, which is 0.2in at 100dpi
int const margin = bv_->zoomedPixels(20);
if (pit == 0) {
pm.rows().front().top_padding += bv_->topMargin();
pm.dim().asc += bv_->topMargin();
pm.rows().front().dim().asc += margin;
/* coverity thinks that we should update pm.dim().asc
* below, but all the rows heights are actually counted as
* part of the paragraph metric descent see loop above).
// coverity[copy_paste_error]
pm.dim().des += margin;
ParagraphList const & pars = text_->paragraphs();
if (pit + 1 == pit_type(pars.size())) {
pm.rows().back().bottom_padding += bv_->bottomMargin();
pm.dim().des += bv_->bottomMargin();
pm.rows().back().dim().des += margin;
pm.dim().des += margin;
@ -45,10 +45,9 @@ public:
bool contains(pit_type pit) const;
pit_type firstPit() const;
std::pair<pit_type, ParagraphMetrics const *> first() const;
pit_type lastPit() const;
std::pair<pit_type, ParagraphMetrics const *> last() const;
/// is this row the last in the text?
bool isLastRow(Row const & row) const;
/// is this row the first in the text?
@ -124,14 +123,8 @@ public:
int rightMargin(ParagraphMetrics const & pm) const;
int rightMargin(pit_type const pit) const;
/// position of the top of the first paragraph.
int topPosition() const;
/// position of the bottom of the last paragraph.
int bottomPosition() const;
void draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const;
@ -1046,8 +1046,9 @@ void GuiWorkArea::generateSyntheticMouseEvent()
if (tm.empty())
pit_type const pit = up ? tm.firstPit() : tm.lastPit();
ParagraphMetrics const & pm = tm.parMetrics(pit);
pair<pit_type, const ParagraphMetrics *> pp = up ? tm.first() : tm.last();
ParagraphMetrics const & pm = *pp.second;
pit_type const pit = pp.first;
if (pm.rows().empty())
@ -4384,7 +4384,7 @@ void InsetTabular::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const
// with LYX_VALIGN_BOTTOM the descent is relative to the last par
// = descent of text in last par + bottomOffset:
int const lastpardes = tm.parMetrics(tm.lastPit()).descent()
int const lastpardes = tm.last().second->descent()
+ bottomOffset(mi.base.bv);
int offset = 0;
switch (tabular.getVAlignment(cell)) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user