mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 13:18:28 +00:00
XML: move higher-level tag-opening and closing functions to xml namespace.
This commit is contained in:
@ -167,116 +167,6 @@ string fontToAttribute(xml::FontTypes type) {
// Convenience functions to open and close tags. First, very low-level ones to ensure a consistent new-line behaviour.
// Block style:
// Content before
// <blocktag>
// Contents of the block.
// </blocktag>
// Content after
// Paragraph style:
// Content before
// <paratag>Contents of the paragraph.</paratag>
// Content after
// Inline style:
// Content before<inlinetag>Contents of the paragraph.</inlinetag>Content after
void openInlineTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & attr)
xs << xml::StartTag(tag, attr);
void closeInlineTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag)
xs << xml::EndTag(tag);
void openParTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & attr)
if (!xs.isLastTagCR())
xs << xml::CR();
xs << xml::StartTag(tag, attr);
void closeParTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag)
xs << xml::EndTag(tag);
xs << xml::CR();
void openBlockTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & attr)
if (!xs.isLastTagCR())
xs << xml::CR();
xs << xml::StartTag(tag, attr);
xs << xml::CR();
void closeBlockTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag)
if (!xs.isLastTagCR())
xs << xml::CR();
xs << xml::EndTag(tag);
xs << xml::CR();
void openTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & attr, const std::string & tagtype)
if (tag.empty() || tag == "NONE") // Common check to be performed elsewhere, if it was not here.
if (tag == "para" || tagtype == "paragraph") // Special case for <para>: always considered as a paragraph.
openParTag(xs, tag, attr);
else if (tagtype == "block")
openBlockTag(xs, tag, attr);
else if (tagtype == "inline")
openInlineTag(xs, tag, attr);
xs.writeError("Unrecognised tag type '" + tagtype + "' for '" + tag + " " + attr + "'");
void closeTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & tagtype)
if (tag.empty() || tag == "NONE")
if (tag == "para" || tagtype == "paragraph") // Special case for <para>: always considered as a paragraph.
closeParTag(xs, tag);
else if (tagtype == "block")
closeBlockTag(xs, tag);
else if (tagtype == "inline")
closeInlineTag(xs, tag);
xs.writeError("Unrecognised tag type '" + tagtype + "' for '" + tag + "'");
void compTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & attr, const std::string & tagtype)
if (tag.empty() || tag == "NONE")
// Special case for <para>: always considered as a paragraph.
if (tag == "para" || tagtype == "paragraph" || tagtype == "block") {
if (!xs.isLastTagCR())
xs << xml::CR();
xs << xml::CompTag(tag, attr);
xs << xml::CR();
} else if (tagtype == "inline") {
xs << xml::CompTag(tag, attr);
} else {
xs.writeError("Unrecognised tag type '" + tagtype + "' for '" + tag + "'");
// Higher-level convenience functions.
void openParTag(XMLStream & xs, const Paragraph * par, const Paragraph * prevpar)
@ -305,7 +195,7 @@ void openParTag(XMLStream & xs, const Paragraph * par, const Paragraph * prevpar
// Main logic.
if (openWrapper)
openTag(xs, lay.docbookwrappertag(), lay.docbookwrapperattr(), lay.docbookwrappertagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, lay.docbookwrappertag(), lay.docbookwrapperattr(), lay.docbookwrappertagtype());
const string & tag = lay.docbooktag();
if (tag != "NONE") {
@ -313,13 +203,13 @@ void openParTag(XMLStream & xs, const Paragraph * par, const Paragraph * prevpar
if (!xs.isTagOpen(xmltag, 1)) { // Don't nest a paragraph directly in a paragraph.
// TODO: required or not?
// TODO: avoid creating a ParTag object just for this query...
openTag(xs, lay.docbooktag(), lay.docbookattr(), lay.docbooktagtype());
openTag(xs, lay.docbookinnertag(), lay.docbookinnerattr(), lay.docbookinnertagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, lay.docbooktag(), lay.docbookattr(), lay.docbooktagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, lay.docbookinnertag(), lay.docbookinnerattr(), lay.docbookinnertagtype());
openTag(xs, lay.docbookitemtag(), lay.docbookitemattr(), lay.docbookitemtagtype());
openTag(xs, lay.docbookiteminnertag(), lay.docbookiteminnerattr(), lay.docbookiteminnertagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, lay.docbookitemtag(), lay.docbookitemattr(), lay.docbookitemtagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, lay.docbookiteminnertag(), lay.docbookiteminnerattr(), lay.docbookiteminnertagtype());
@ -343,12 +233,12 @@ void closeParTag(XMLStream & xs, Paragraph const * par, Paragraph const * nextpa
// Main logic.
closeTag(xs, lay.docbookiteminnertag(), lay.docbookiteminnertagtype());
closeTag(xs, lay.docbookitemtag(), lay.docbookitemtagtype());
closeTag(xs, lay.docbookinnertag(), lay.docbookinnertagtype());
closeTag(xs, lay.docbooktag(), lay.docbooktagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, lay.docbookiteminnertag(), lay.docbookiteminnertagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, lay.docbookitemtag(), lay.docbookitemtagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, lay.docbookinnertag(), lay.docbookinnertagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, lay.docbooktag(), lay.docbooktagtype());
if (closeWrapper)
closeTag(xs, lay.docbookwrappertag(), lay.docbookwrappertagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, lay.docbookwrappertag(), lay.docbookwrappertagtype());
@ -568,9 +458,10 @@ void makeEnvironment(Text const &text,
if (mimicListing) {
auto p = pars.begin();
while (p != pars.end()) {
openTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnerattr(), par->layout().docbookiteminnertagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnerattr(),
xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << *p;
closeTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnertagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnertagtype());
// Insert a new line after each "paragraph" (i.e. line in the listing), except for the last one.
@ -580,9 +471,10 @@ void makeEnvironment(Text const &text,
} else {
for (auto const & p : pars) {
openTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnerattr(), par->layout().docbookiteminnertagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnerattr(),
xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << p;
closeTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnertagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnertagtype());
} else {
@ -641,8 +533,8 @@ ParagraphList::const_iterator makeListEnvironment(Text const &text,
// Output the opening tag for this environment.
Layout const & envstyle = par->layout();
openTag(xs, envstyle.docbookwrappertag(), envstyle.docbookwrapperattr(), envstyle.docbookwrappertagtype());
openTag(xs, envstyle.docbooktag(), envstyle.docbookattr(), envstyle.docbooktagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, envstyle.docbookwrappertag(), envstyle.docbookwrapperattr(), envstyle.docbookwrappertagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, envstyle.docbooktag(), envstyle.docbookattr(), envstyle.docbooktagtype());
// Handle the content of the list environment, item by item.
while (par != envend) {
@ -654,7 +546,8 @@ ParagraphList::const_iterator makeListEnvironment(Text const &text,
// Open the item wrapper.
Layout const & style = par->layout();
openTag(xs, style.docbookitemwrappertag(), style.docbookitemwrapperattr(), style.docbookitemwrappertagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, style.docbookitemwrappertag(), style.docbookitemwrapperattr(),
// Generate the label, if need be. If it is taken from the text, sep != 0 and corresponds to the first
// character after the label.
@ -662,38 +555,40 @@ ParagraphList::const_iterator makeListEnvironment(Text const &text,
if (style.labeltype != LABEL_NO_LABEL && style.docbookitemlabeltag() != "NONE") {
if (style.labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL) {
// Only variablelist gets here (or similar items defined as an extension in the layout).
openTag(xs, style.docbookitemlabeltag(), style.docbookitemlabelattr(), style.docbookitemlabeltagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, style.docbookitemlabeltag(), style.docbookitemlabelattr(),
sep = 1 + par->firstWordDocBook(xs, runparams);
closeTag(xs, style.docbookitemlabeltag(), style.docbookitemlabeltagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, style.docbookitemlabeltag(), style.docbookitemlabeltagtype());
} else {
// Usual cases: maybe there is something specified at the layout level. Highly unlikely, though.
docstring const lbl = par->params().labelString();
if (!lbl.empty()) {
openTag(xs, style.docbookitemlabeltag(), style.docbookitemlabelattr(), style.docbookitemlabeltagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, style.docbookitemlabeltag(), style.docbookitemlabelattr(),
xs << lbl;
closeTag(xs, style.docbookitemlabeltag(), style.docbookitemlabeltagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, style.docbookitemlabeltag(), style.docbookitemlabeltagtype());
// Open the item (after the wrapper and the label).
openTag(xs, style.docbookitemtag(), style.docbookitemattr(), style.docbookitemtagtype());
xml::openTag(xs, style.docbookitemtag(), style.docbookitemattr(), style.docbookitemtagtype());
// Generate the content of the item.
if (sep < par->size()) {
auto pars = par->simpleDocBookOnePar(buf, runparams,
text.outerFont(std::distance(text.paragraphs().begin(), par)), sep);
for (auto &p : pars) {
openTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnerattr(),
xml::openTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnerattr(),
xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << p;
closeTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnertagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnertagtype());
} else {
// DocBook doesn't like emptiness.
compTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnerattr(),
xml::compTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnerattr(),
// If the next item is deeper, it must go entirely within this item (do it recursively).
@ -706,13 +601,13 @@ ParagraphList::const_iterator makeListEnvironment(Text const &text,
// a list, and another paragraph; or an item with two types of list (itemise then enumerate, for instance).
// Close the item.
closeTag(xs, style.docbookitemtag(), style.docbookitemtagtype());
closeTag(xs, style.docbookitemwrappertag(), style.docbookitemwrappertagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, style.docbookitemtag(), style.docbookitemtagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, style.docbookitemwrappertag(), style.docbookitemwrappertagtype());
// Close this environment in exactly the same way as it was opened.
closeTag(xs, envstyle.docbooktag(), envstyle.docbooktagtype());
closeTag(xs, envstyle.docbookwrappertag(), envstyle.docbookwrappertagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, envstyle.docbooktag(), envstyle.docbooktagtype());
xml::closeTag(xs, envstyle.docbookwrappertag(), envstyle.docbookwrappertagtype());
return envend;
@ -725,7 +620,6 @@ void makeCommand(
OutputParams const & runparams,
ParagraphList::const_iterator const & par)
// Useful variables.
// Unlike XHTML, no need for labels, as they are handled by DocBook tags.
auto const begin = text.paragraphs().begin();
@ -753,4 +753,146 @@ void xml::closeTag(odocstream & os, Paragraph const & par)
void openInlineTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const docstring & attr)
xs << xml::StartTag(tag, attr);
void closeInlineTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag)
xs << xml::EndTag(tag);
void openParTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const docstring & attr)
if (!xs.isLastTagCR())
xs << xml::CR();
xs << xml::StartTag(tag, attr);
void closeParTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag)
xs << xml::EndTag(tag);
xs << xml::CR();
void openBlockTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const docstring & attr)
if (!xs.isLastTagCR())
xs << xml::CR();
xs << xml::StartTag(tag, attr);
xs << xml::CR();
void closeBlockTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag)
if (!xs.isLastTagCR())
xs << xml::CR();
xs << xml::EndTag(tag);
xs << xml::CR();
void xml::openTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const docstring & attr, const std::string & tagtype)
if (tag.empty() || tag == "NONE") // Common check to be performed elsewhere, if it was not here.
if (tag == "para" || tagtype == "paragraph") // Special case for <para>: always considered as a paragraph.
openParTag(xs, tag, attr);
else if (tagtype == "block")
openBlockTag(xs, tag, attr);
else if (tagtype == "inline")
openInlineTag(xs, tag, attr);
else if (tagtype == "none")
xs << xml::StartTag(tag, attr);
xs.writeError("Unrecognised tag type '" + tagtype + "' for '" + to_utf8(tag) + " " + to_utf8(attr) + "'");
void xml::openTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & attr, const std::string & tagtype)
xml::openTag(xs, from_utf8(tag), from_utf8(attr), tagtype);
void xml::openTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const std::string & attr, const std::string & tagtype)
xml::openTag(xs, tag, from_utf8(attr), tagtype);
void xml::openTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const docstring & attr, const std::string & tagtype)
xml::openTag(xs, from_utf8(tag), attr, tagtype);
void xml::closeTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const std::string & tagtype)
if (tag.empty() || tag == "NONE")
if (tag == "para" || tagtype == "paragraph") // Special case for <para>: always considered as a paragraph.
closeParTag(xs, tag);
else if (tagtype == "block")
closeBlockTag(xs, tag);
else if (tagtype == "inline")
closeInlineTag(xs, tag);
else if (tagtype == "none")
xs << xml::EndTag(tag);
xs.writeError("Unrecognised tag type '" + tagtype + "' for '" + to_utf8(tag) + "'");
void xml::closeTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & tagtype)
xml::closeTag(xs, from_utf8(tag), tagtype);
void xml::compTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const docstring & attr, const std::string & tagtype)
if (tag.empty() || tag == from_ascii("NONE"))
// Special case for <para>: always considered as a paragraph.
if (tag == from_ascii("para") || tagtype == "paragraph" || tagtype == "block") {
if (!xs.isLastTagCR())
xs << xml::CR();
xs << xml::CompTag(tag, attr);
xs << xml::CR();
} else if (tagtype == "inline") {
xs << xml::CompTag(tag, attr);
} else {
xs.writeError("Unrecognised tag type '" + tagtype + "' for '" + to_utf8(tag) + "'");
void xml::compTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & attr, const std::string & tagtype)
xml::compTag(xs, from_utf8(tag), from_utf8(attr), tagtype);
void xml::compTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const std::string & attr, const std::string & tagtype)
xml::compTag(xs, tag, from_utf8(attr), tagtype);
void xml::compTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const docstring & attr, const std::string & tagtype)
xml::compTag(xs, from_utf8(tag), attr, tagtype);
} // namespace lyx
@ -255,11 +255,20 @@ struct CompTag
explicit CompTag(std::string const & tag)
: tag_(from_utf8(tag)), tagtype_("none") {}
explicit CompTag(docstring const & tag)
: tag_(tag), tagtype_("none") {}
explicit CompTag(std::string const & tag, std::string const & attr, std::string const & tagtype = "none")
: tag_(from_utf8(tag)), attr_(from_utf8(attr)), tagtype_(tagtype) {}
explicit CompTag(std::string const & tag, docstring const & attr, std::string const & tagtype = "none")
: tag_(from_utf8(tag)), attr_(attr), tagtype_(tagtype) {}
explicit CompTag(docstring const & tag, std::string const & attr, std::string const & tagtype = "none")
: tag_(tag), attr_(from_utf8(attr)), tagtype_(tagtype) {}
explicit CompTag(docstring const & tag, docstring const & attr, std::string const & tagtype = "none")
: tag_(tag), attr_(attr), tagtype_(tagtype) {}
/// <tag_ attr_ />
docstring writeTag() const;
@ -375,6 +384,41 @@ void closeTag(odocstream & os, std::string const & name);
/// Close tag
void closeTag(odocstream & os, Paragraph const & par);
// Convenience functions to open and close tags. First, very low-level ones to ensure a consistent new-line behaviour.
// Block style:
// Content before
// <blocktag>
// Contents of the block.
// </blocktag>
// Content after
// Paragraph style:
// Content before
// <paratag>Contents of the paragraph.</paratag>
// Content after
// Inline style:
// Content before<inlinetag>Contents of the paragraph.</inlinetag>Content after
void openTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const docstring & attr, const std::string & tagtype);
void openTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & attr, const std::string & tagtype);
void openTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const std::string & attr, const std::string & tagtype);
void openTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const docstring & attr, const std::string & tagtype);
void closeTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const std::string & tagtype);
void closeTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & tagtype);
void compTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const docstring & attr, const std::string & tagtype);
void compTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const std::string & attr, const std::string & tagtype);
void compTag(XMLStream & xs, const docstring & tag, const std::string & attr, const std::string & tagtype);
void compTag(XMLStream & xs, const std::string & tag, const docstring & attr, const std::string & tagtype);
} // namespace xml
} // namespace lyx
Reference in New Issue
Block a user