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synced 2024-12-22 05:16:21 +00:00
Fix handling of Thai tis620-0 input encoding.
The Thai tis620-0 input encoding is supported via the inputenc "plug in" (data) file tis620.def from https://ctan.org/pkg/babel-thai. We can handle it like the other contributed input encodings, e.g., Greek (ISO 8859-7) and the several Cyrillic encodings from http://www.ctan.org/pkg/latex-cyrillic. Under TeXLive 2018, the input encoding defaults to utf8, if there is no call to inputenc. The added test file fails without the patch but compiles fine, if the file "tis620.def" is present in the TEXPATH.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
#LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see https://www.lyx.org/
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\begin_layout Standard
The packages
\begin_inset Flex URL
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Flex URL
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
provide a definition file for the Thai input encoding tis620.
\begin_layout Standard
Textcomp supports the Thai currency symbol ฿ (
\begin_layout Standard
All other Thai characters require fonts in the local LTH encoding or Xe/LuaTeX
with Unicode fonts.
@ -166,6 +166,11 @@ End
Encoding pt154 pt154 "Cyrillic (pt 154)" PT154 fixed inputenc
# from https://ctan.org/pkg/babel-thai
Encoding tis620-0 tis620 "Thai (TIS 620-0)" TIS620-0 fixed inputenc
# encodings used by CJK.sty
# The following encodings that are supported by the CJK package are not
@ -231,15 +236,9 @@ End
Encoding utf8-platex utf8 "Japanese (pLaTeX) (UTF8)" UTF-8 variable japanese
# This one needs hardcoded support, since the inputenc package does not know
# tis620-0, and thailatex sets up babel directly to use tis620-0, so the
# LaTeX name is never output to .tex files (but needed for the hardcoded
# tis620-0 support).
Encoding tis620-0 tis620-0 "Thai (TIS 620-0)" TIS620-0 fixed none
# A plain utf8 encoding that does not use the inputenc package.
# Such an encoding is required for XeTeX.
# A plain utf8 encoding that does not use the inputenc package
# nor the LyX-added conversions in lib/unicodesymbols.
# Such an encoding is required for XeTeX and LuaTeX.
Encoding utf8-plain utf8-plain "Unicode (XeTeX) (utf8)" UTF-8 variable none
@ -1621,6 +1621,9 @@ pair<bool, int> switchEncoding(odocstream & os, BufferParams const & bparams,
// This does of course only work in special cases (e.g. switch from
// tis620-0 to latin1, but the text in latin1 contains ASCII only),
// but it is the best we can do
// 2019-01-08 Possibly no longer required since tis620-0 is supported
// by inputenc (but check special encodings "utf8-plain" and "default").
if (oldEnc.package() == Encoding::none
|| newEnc.package() == Encoding::none)
return make_pair(false, 0);
Reference in New Issue
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